Showing posts with label #weightloss #diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #weightloss #diet. Show all posts

Sunday 29 May 2016

Miss Squeaks Talks Fat Overweight Furbabys.

The Chihuahua is such a small dog that even an additional pound will create an enormous totally different in the dog's look. It ought to be noted that it's terribly rare for a puppy to be considered fat. 

Puppies are supposed to have a rounded body; additional layers of fat are vital as fuel reserves. As the pup matures, he will have a sleeker, leaner look. Dogs below the age of one year old shouldn't be placed on a diet unless directed by a respected Furbaby Doctor

There are three main reasons that an adult Chihuahua can become too heavy:

1) If you feed your dog too muchMany Furbaby owners, want their dog to eat what looks to be a decent amount of food. 
The problem is that what sounds like a decent serving is really too much for this breed. With adults being only 2 lbs. (.9 kg) to 6 lbs (2.7 kg) the amount of calories that an adult Chihuahua wants per day can vary from 70 to 270.

Depending on whether or not you feed dry kibble, a wet commercial brand or home stewed meals, this may vary from 1/2 cup to 1 cup per day. Compared to what humans eat (it is suggested we tend to eat 2.5 cups of vegetables per day, not to mentions proteins and carbs).

2) Not enough exercise. it's hard to find a decent balance. Puppies shouldn't be over-exercised as this will cause issues with growth plates. Chihuahua of all ages ought to be walked 1 to 2 times per day. 

Owners with very busy schedules could find themselves stuck in a pattern of taking the dog out for toilet needs thenheading right back insideIn addition, foul weather plays a factor in how much outside activity a dog receives.

Here are some tips to make positive your Chi burns off enough calories:

It is best to make a routine that works best for both owner and dog. Twenty minutes in the morning and another twenty after dinner may work best for many households. There are dogs that are more willing to go for walks at certain times of the day. One Chihuahua might be rev'd up when he 1st wakes up; for another, a mid-day outing works better.

Prepare ahead for days that are rainy, cold or wet. This is actually one breed in which dressing up isn't a fun accessoryhowever a real technique for safeguarding a Chihuahua from biting cold and soaking rains. Being so little, this breed will have a tough time controlling body temperature; donning a sweater, coat or alternative protective gear can help a Chi tolerate being outside when the weather is less than perfect.

Make outside activity fun for each of you. Find some new walking routes to travel on. Designate the weekends to be days of exploring new areas and parks. Take on the challenge of teaching your dog a brand new game (fetch, hide n' seek) or a brand new command (hurdles, weaving around poles, etc.)

3) Permitting the dog to eat off of your plate. It may be tempting to share a little of your food together with your pet. However, table scraps aren't healthy for dogs. Many human foods are simply too high in calories, fat and sodium for a Chihuahua to safely eat on a daily basis. 

And many Fuebaby owners who feel that they only offer scraps once in while may be in denial about just how oftenthis is done. In addition, if there are four members of the family and every one are giving in to those 'puppy dog eyes', it can be enough excess to create a dog fat, even if he's receiving daily exercise.

Senior Chihuahuas:

As this breed ages, there will be a gradual decrease in metabolism. Seniors (8 years and older) will need about 5 to 10less calories per day - per pound of body weightdepending on the dimensions of the dog, this may vary from 10 to 60less calories required while maintaining activity levels.

When older, senior furbaby's are less active - either because of medical problems or an intolerance for long walks - you have got a scenario where a normally healthy dog will become heavy and fat within a comparatively short quantity of time.

Effects of Carrying Too Much Fat:

Being to fat is damaging for any breed, however the Chihuahua has a significantly troublesome time with this. Here aresome things to take note of:

A Chi could become out of breath when walking. This creates a problem as owner wants the dog to move and receive correct exercise however concerns over his ability to try and do so appear limiting.

Excess fat can place stress and strain on the body. this may most frequently have an effect on hips and knees; there may be injury to bones, joints and ligaments. In some cases, a Chihuahua might begin to have back issues.

One of the foremost common complications of fatness in canines is the onset of diabetes.

There is an enhanced risk for cardiovascular disease.

Medical Causes:

Thyroid - Weight gain in a Chihuahua are often caused by a thyroid problemJust as with humans, the thyroid controls metabolism and when it's off kelterthis could cause a dog to become fat in a very short amount of time

Other signs are: Lethargy, a dulling of the coat, cold intolerance and excessive shedding. Once diagnosed, a dog is usually prescribed a daily dose of artificial thyroid hormone.

Cushing's Disease - this is often a dog medical issue that affects the adrenalin secretory organDifferent signs beside weight gain are: increased panting, a pot-bellied abdomen, fur problems including a thinning of the coat and bald spots, weakness, blackheads developing on the skin and white scaly skin patches.

Treatment could involve the removal of adrenal tumours and medicine that works by stopping the production of cortisolwithin the adrenal glands.

Diabetes - while being fat will cause diabetes, the illness itself will cause a dog to become too fatTherefore it may be a cause or an effectwhile this illness can result in many health issues, having your Furbaby Doctor catch this early can help to regulate it. Correct exercise feeding and possibly drugs can help to control this. Leaving this untreated can result in blindness, lame limbs and eventual death.

How to Help a Chihuahua  Scale Back Body Fat

If all attainable medical causes are rules out, it'll be time to create changes to each food and activity level. Here area unit some tips to assist this toy breed step by step lose weight:

1) Switch out snacks - you are doing not essentially have to be compelled to scale back the number of food that you simply feed your Chi if a amendment is created concerning the standardsubbing raw baby carrots or apple slices (be certain to not feed any elements of the core) for factory-made treats will terribly useful.

2) Fill out meals with vegetables - Adding baby peas and string beans to the Chihuahua's main meals could be a good way to supply identical quantity of food however with fewer calories. If you're feeding a dry kibble, add some heatwater or slightly of low-salt broth to help in mixing the ingredients.

3) Increase exercise in a very slow gradual approach that a dog carrying additional fat are ready to handle. Expecting a inactive dog to suddenly walk double per day could also be phantasmagoric and may cause injury to a stressed body. Begin by adding five minutes to what routine the dog is acquainted with. Increase by five minute intervals every week

The end goal ought to be 2 walks per day, with every lasting twenty to half-hour at a moderate pace. The pace ought tobe brisk while not being overtaxing. A dog ought to be respiration well while not overly panting. In weather condition, take a break halfway through in the shade and supply fresh water.

Don't enable the cold or rain to prevent you; Shield your dog with article of clothing and find a safe route to walk on.

There are ways to assist a heavy dog move more when inside the house. Even one thing as straightforward as jogging from area to area and having your dog chase you'll be able to get him in motion.

You may additionally play a game of hide and seekwhere you train him to look for a toy that you have hidden. Most dogs fancy the engagement and interaction that games bring; 

We love playing games at home we play about three times a day and we do trick training after as I find it easier to hold Miss Mildred's attention after she has had a good play, 

Now on to some tips for the diet and feeding of your fat overweight furbaby.

What kind of food?

You don’t have to be compelled to switch to a “lite” food, however you would possibly wish to since it suggests that you won’t need to reduce quite as much on the amount you feed your dog. (Hey, if it had been simple for us to deny our dogs we wouldn’t be in this fix in the 1st place.) Regardless, he’ll be eating less, so help him feel happy by adding low-calorie, high-fiber foods to his bowl. These will include fresh steamed green beans, low-sodium canned green beans, and plain canned pumpkin. Your dog can still feel as if he’s obtaining plenty of food; he simply won’t be taking in as many calories.

How much?

A diet starts in earnest once you’ve cut back on his food by one-third to one-half. persist with this set up till he reaches a healthy weight. Be strong. In spite of those pleading looks, your dog won't starve.

Also, keep in mind that the quantity recommended on the bag or can of food is merely a place to begin. Dogs are individuals, and also the amount they have to eat depends on variety of things, including their metabolism, the sort of food they eat, their age, how much exercise they get, and what the climate’s like where they live. Therefore once he loses his excess weight, continue adjusting the quantity of food he gets till you discover an amount that may sustain a healthy weight.


Make a lot of ruckus about mealtime, by feeding your dog twice each day and sticking to identical times as much as possible. Don’t leave food sitting out the remainder of the day. Make him to take a seat politely while you prepare his food. And think about scheduling his meal so he’s eating at a similar time as the rest of the family.

As for snacks, offer him one as long as he’s earned  it–and then make feeding it a fun challenge. Attempt inserting some dry food within a Kong or puzzle toy, like a Buster Cube. Your dog will need to shake or roll the toy to get the food out. (This works provided that there aren't any other dogs or pets around to tease out the food before your overweight dog does.)

Thanks so very much for reading my blog 
on fat overweight furbabies. We hope this has helped you out with some idea on what to do with your furbaby. Let Miss Mildred and me 
Miss Squeak  know what you have done to get your little fattie to slim down as we won't some more ideas, I love doing this blog and giving you all a little look into my life with my 
Chihuahua Miss Mildred 
Hope you come back soon and check us out again!

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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx