Monday 30 May 2016

Miss Squeaks The Snoring Chihuahua Ten Reason Why.

Why does my Chihuahua Snore so loud? Snoring may be a common occurrence in Chihuahuas and has nothing to do with a collapsed trachea. It is attributed to their short muzzle and generally it's loud enough to wake the house up. It isunbelievably funny when you have guests as nobody will believe that such a tiny dog can create that much noise.

Many new Chihuahua mums and dads are astonished the first time they hear the sounds of their Chihuahua enjoying a deep, luxurious sleep. No need to panic, it’s absolutely normal and characteristic of the breed. In fact, Chihuahuas additionally make snorting and grunting noises once they are playing or simply investigating a brand new smell. This is conjointly absolutely normal

10 Potential Reasons Why Your Dog Might Be Snoring:


If your dog has one thing stuck in his nose or throat — whether or not it’s part of a pine cone or part of his favourite toy — it will block normal respiration and cause snoring.

Certain breeds are simply more vulnerable to snoring than others. Dogs with terribly short noses — pugs, bulldogs, boston terriers — are more probably to have respiratory problems at the hours of darkness. These roundheaded breeds have shorter air passages than other dogs and need to work harder to breathe in some cases. You maystill wish to see with your vet to make positive that the condition doesn’t call for medical or surgical intervention.

Dogs can have sensitivities and develop allergies to many of identical things we tend to do, including dirt, pollen, fragrance and different pets — all of which might cause airway constriction and snoring.

More than 1/2 all dogs are estimated to be overweight or fat, If you’re pup has packed on some additional pounds, extra tissue in his throat will block the airways. Or the rings in his trachea can collapse or shut once he’s asleep.

Some medicine, like painkillers, muscle relaxants and tranquilizers will relax your dog so much that the muscles within the throat relax and cause snoring.

Dental Issues. 
An abscess or any growth or mass within the mouth or sinus are often the basis reason for snoring. Untreated, An infection will spread through a pet’s body and cause far more serious issues.

Secondhand Smoke. 
Want another excuse to stop smoking? Many individuals overlook their habit as a factor in their pet’s life, Just like people, secondhand smoke can injury an animal’s respiratory system, resulting in bronchial asthma, bronchitis and snoring.

Fungal Desease. 
Snoring is the results of a fungal disease called aspergillosis. The illness is triggered by mildew, usuallypicked up on grass clippings, hay, straw or dirt. The fungus can enter through the nose’s damp lining and cause symptoms like sneezing, swelling, nasal discharge and snoring.

Dogs Will get “colds” just like  us and that can cause stuffy noses. Your pet’s mucus membranes get inflamed and irritated from an infection, fungus, trauma or other cause. That may lead to symptoms that include nasal discharge, sneezing, snoring and laboured respiration.

Sleeping Position.
 Just the way your dog likes to sleep will trigger snoring. Dogs that lay on their backs are more likely to snore than those who curl or sleep on their stomachs.

 Miss Mildred is great at snoring sometimes it's so very loud 
Other times she will make cute grunts and whizzing noises.
And then she might bark or growl when she is dreaming 
I love watching her when she sleeps she appears to be so soundly asleep its like watching a baby. I remember when she was a puppy I would think she was not breathing in her sleep and constantly check on her to make sure she was. I was like a new mother with her first baby, just like I was when I had both of my sons home from the hospital. I would check her as I did them 
I spent so much time with Miss Mildred as all new furbaby owners do! But I wouldn't let her out of my sight as we have other larger dogs and a swimming pool that is not fenced and even if it was she would have been able to get through it. 
I became a crazy furbaby mumma, Miss Mildred would and still does go with me every where, my constant companion, But gee can this tiny chihuahua snore no matter what way she sleeps she will snore sometimes so loud she will wake herself up and that is funny to watch as well because she looks at me as if to say why did you wake me up for so very cute! 

 So it has come to that part of my blog where I ask you if this has been helpful or if you have enjoyed read what goes on in and around this fun household its never a dull moment, 
So Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak would love to hear about any funny snoring stories you have! 

Thanks For Reading 
and please remember to 
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

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