Showing posts with label #furbabys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #furbabys. Show all posts

Friday 13 January 2017

Chihuahua Madness What We have Been Up Too.


Hello fellow furbaby lover's, its been a busy time of year for all of us around this time, lots has been going on, so I will you fill you all in on some things that we have been up to. 
Lets start with the beginning for December when i had my Gordon the gallbladder removed from my body, that was a wonderful thing to have happen. And I can say Miss Mildred was a fantastic nurse while I was recovering from my operation. Not long after that about 4 days later we had a Chihuahua Christmas Party and it was great. 

We had about 40 people turn up with just as many cute furbabies in toe, we had a few prizes for best dressed and a gate prize too, it was so much fun and exciting to see everyone have a fun time and I always love to meet new owners and furbabies. 
Miss Mildred is now so very much more relaxed at the play days to watch her grow into this sweet active little dog is just beautiful. She can now walk around with the other furkids and play with out worrying about what I am doing. So that is a little update on how proud I am with my sweet little chihuahua Miss Mildred, we had Christmas at two houses this year so it was a very hectic day so when we finally got home we relaxed. 

We had a very quite new years, but on the 2 of January we went on a rescue mission to rehome two cute sweet chihuahuas who needed a new home we went to pick up Odie a 12 yr old boy and Ruby a 5 yr old girl who we believe were a breeding pair, I so wanted to keep them both and when I got to finally meet them I feel in love with the both of them. Little Ruby was so very small the size of a can of coke and weighed about 1.2kgs  just so adorable and so very well behaved, they both went to a very loving home next door to my auntie so I am able to check up on how they are going, thats is a truly wonderful thing, and the home that they now live in has a set of twins girls and two other young girls under the age of 12 but older then 5 so it was a perfect home for them to go into, and they are getting all of their medical problems looked into as the have not been spayed and we didn't get any information on the needles or worming that is now all happening so we are very happy about that too, so I will show some pictures of them in their new home.

This is how the furbabies sat when we were on the way to their new home. Both Odie and Ruby are just so sweet and loving and I can't wait to give you all some more updates on these to cuties. 

Miss Mildred has been swimming at her Grandma's and Poppy's this week with all her fur siblings and working on her tan. We have had a wonderful start to our year and hope you all have too. My family had a birthday party for me as i have turned 37 this month and gee its no different then before, haha 

We hope you have enjoyed our little update on what has been happening in our world, 
We would love to know what you have all been up too as well so leave it in the comments, 
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xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Sunday 28 August 2016

Chihuahua Tear Staining and How To Remove It.

Tear Staining, The Cause and Correction

 Brown or pinkish brown streaks on the cheeks of dogs is a common sight.  When tears overflow from the eyes, they run down the face creating wetness that provides the perfect environment for bacterial growth.  As bacteria replicate they cause skin irritation and produce pigment that stains the hair brown or pinkish brown.  In dark-coated dogs this colour change is of little consequence, but in white furbaby's tear staining is obvious.
There are two causes of tear staining.  The first is tear-duct blockage.  In the normal canine eye, tears leave the eye via two small openings called “puncta”. One is in the upper eyelid and the other is in the lower eyelid.  Once through the puncta, tear fluid enters the tear duct that carries it to the nose.  This occurs in people as well, that’s why your nose drips when you cry.
Unperforated puncta can be surgically opened but success depends on the rest of the tear-duct system being intact.
Many tear-stained dogs have a subtle eversion (turning out) of the lower eyelid, which compresses the puncta, preventing normal tear drainage.  Surgical correction of the eyelids can reverse tears overflowing in these cases.
The second cause is excess tear production, too much volume for normal tear ducts to handle.  Any eyelid deformity that causes chronic eye irritation (rubbing on the eye surface) such as an inverted eyelid or extra eyelashes along the edge of the eyelid or fur from the dog’s body, stimulates increased tear production.  Many of these conditions are simply flushed out by themselves and when this does not happen, can be corrected surgically.
If you’ve ever seen a dog with red or brown marks in the areas around and just under the eyes, you’ve seen a dog that is suffering from Tear staining . The staining can matte around the dog’s eyes and leave a gooey, thick mess that is hard to clean. Most people assume that the stains are caused by excessive moisture from the dog’s eyes and that they’re just a fact of life. In fact though, tear stains have many different causes, and figuring out the root of the problem could end up saving you some work and also improve your dog’s life.

 Ear Infections

Tear staining can be linked back to ear infections, so it’s important to keep your dog’s ears as clean and dry as possible. If you notice that your dog is getting a lot of ear infections which also coincide with excessive tearing, the two are probably related. Use a good cleansing product to make sure the ears are clean and your dog’s tear stains might be reduced as a result.
Dogs can experience reactions to thing just like humans, and tear staining can often be a reaction to allergens or irritants. In fact, some dogs will suffer reactions to their food which will change the pH level in your dog’s system which in turn can cause excessive tearing. If you notice that your dog’s Tear stains get worse in certain situations than it might be an environmental factor that is adding to the problem.

Blocked Tear Ducts
Some dogs are born with tear ducts that are closed which need to be surgically opened by a vet, but this isn’t the only way a duct can be blocked. At times, a dog can develop clogged tear ducts which can add to excessive tearing, and unfortunately, a trip to the vet will be needed to irrigate the ducts. Luckily, this isn’t a very common problem, but if you suspect clogged tear ducts, it should be taken care of, lest your dog suffer unnecessarily.
Red Yeast
One of the biggest causes of Tear Stains is from a dog having an excessive amount of tears. This high level of moisture can keep the hair around the face wet, which then becomes an area where bacteria can breed. One of the most common forms of this bacteria is called Red Yeast, which causes a yeast infection around the eyes and leads to the brownish-red stains that you sometimes see on dogs.
Some waters contain a high mineral content, which can cause staining on a dog’s entire face and beard. A lot of moisture can remain on the face trapped in the hairs after a dog drinks, which can be moved to eye level by the dog trying to lick his face clean. And, if the mineral content is high, it will increase the level of red-brown staining on a dog’s face. If you notice both tear stains and a discoloured beard, try switching your dog’s water to combat the problem. Red or brown Tear stains are not attractive to look at, and they can be a symptom of a larger problem. If your dog has excessive staining around they eyes and on its face, it might be worth looking into what the cause of the staining is.
Most furbaby owners of small light and white dogs take great pride in keeping their furbaby spotlessly clean. You can imagine then how frustrating it is to have to deal with those annoying tear stains below the eyes.
Tear stains can occur in any breed of dog, it’s just less obvious and therefore not as big a problem on dogs with darker coats. While the tears are initially clear, bacteria can grow on the moist hair, and that’s what’s responsible for making the stains the familiar red colour.

I’ll Cry If I Want To..

There are really only two causes of epiphora, which is the scientific word for tears spilling down the face. Firstly, it can be caused by excess tear production which doesn’t drain down the tear duct. This little duct goes from the inner eyelid to inside the nasal cavity, and carries excess tears away. That’s why when you cry, you usually get a runny nose too! The tear duct is narrow, and if there are too many tears being produced, it just can’t cope with them all, and the tears trickle down the face.
Weepy eyes often occur in dogs with allergies, infections or irritation due to dust. Some dogs have eyelashes growing in unusual places, such as inside the eyelid. These will rub on the eye and cause pain and increased tear production. A similar problem occurs in short nosed breeds such as British Bulldogs or Pugs – their short nose may result in the facial skin being pushed up towards the eyes, which can also lead to hair rubbing and irritation.
The second reason tear spillage occurs is because the tear duct is blocked, and doesn’t drain tears from the eyes. This is usually a conformation, or head shape, problem. Some breeds of dog such as the Bedlington Terrier or Lhasa Apso may be born without a tear duct opening in their eyelids, so the tears can’t drain at all. Other breeds have very prominent eyes, and this doesn’t leave much space for tears to collect and drain down the tear duct. This may happen in Chihuahuas, Pekingese and similar breeds. 
Why So Sad?
If your furbaby  has a chronic tear staining problem, it’s a good idea to have him checked by your veterinarian. You need to find out if there is an underlying medical problem. Hair rubbing on the eye is painful, and may lead to more serious conditions such as an ulcer on the cornea. Infections usually need a course of antibiotics to clear them up. Stray eyelashes and skin folds which cause hair to rub on the eyes may need corrective surgery. If your dog has any of these problems, you’ll probably notice other symptoms such as squinting, or rubbing at the eye with a paw.
If your furbaby has a blocked tear duct, sometimes flushing it can help. However, because the problem with the duct is usually related to the dog’s conformation, this doesn’t often improve the situation. 

Your only real option is to control the staining.
Dry Those Tears
Your first step is to keep the hair around the eyes trimmed nice and short. This helps the hair dry out quicker and slows the growth of any bacteria.
Some vets recommend using antibiotics to control the bacteria that cause the staining. This isn’t a good long term solution because you may end up with the bacteria becoming resistant to the antibiotic. 
There has been some suggestions that changing a dog’s diet can reduce tear staining. It’s not known if the change in diet has a direct effect on the staining, or whether the tear staining is secondary to a food allergy, and the dietary change reduces the symptoms of that allergy.

There are also many anecdotal cures, such as giving your dog demineralised water to drink, avoiding foods containing beet pulp, and adding buttermilk to the diet. None of these have been proven to consistently make any difference.

Chihuahuas experience problems with tear staining at the corners of the eyes. Tear stains typically manifest in the form of dark yellow or brown stains. Such stains are typically the result of some kind of eye irritation, which may be caused by long hair, ingrown eyelids or blocked tear drainage holes. If your Chihuahua shows signs of tear stains, try a home remedy to clean them. Once you have cleaned your dog's eyes, you can take a few simple steps to prevent the stains from coming back.  
 This is what I use and do, Items you will need.
Damp Cloth, Milk of Magnesia, Corn Starch Cotton Swabs Peroxide and Ophthalmic Ointment.

Check your Chihuahua's eyes to be sure there isn't anything stuck in it, causing irritation and tearing. If your furbaby's eyes are red and swollen, or if deformities are visible, take them  to see your vet immediately.

Step 2

Wipe the area around your Chihuahua's eyes gently with a damp cloth to remove any buildup of crust around the eyes and to soften the dried stains.

Step 3

Use a cotton swab dipped in warm water if your furbaby's eyes are particularly crusted and they need a bit of extra attention to clean. This is not uncommon when you haven't been maintaining the dog's eyes regularly. Avoid making contact with your Chihuahua's eyeball, and do not apply enough pressure with the swab to cause discomfort.

Step 4

Combine equal parts milk of magnesia and peroxide with enough corn starch to make a paste. Spread a small amount of the paste on the tear stains around your dog's eyes, working it into the fur.

Step 5

Let the milk of magnesia mixture dry for up to four hours, then wash it out completely and let your Chihuahua's fur dry. Apply a thin layer of opthalmic ointment to the area around your dog's eyes after washing out the milk of magnesia mixture, to prevent irritation.

Step 6

Repeat the milk of magnesia treatment every other day for one week or until the tear stains have lifted.

Step 7

Trim the fur around your dog's eyes using a pair of blunt-nose scissors. Fur growing too close to the eye is one of the most common causes of tear stains, so trimming the fur should help prevent irritation and thus future stains from forming.

Step 8

Consult your veterinarian if excessive tear stains persist. This is what I do for Miss Mildred and it does work, But like I have said if you think there might be a problem with your fur baby's eyes and tear staining take them to the furbaby doctor and have them checked over, Because they might have a tear ducts that are blocked or maybe eye lashes causing problems.


  Miss Mildred and myself Miss Squeak really hope this information has helped you understand tear stains and why they can occur and what you can do to keep them at bay the trick I use works well for Miss Mildred and her fur brother 
Sir George, I also put white vinegar in the water that they drink as it helps balance the ph level in the water and another thing I use a stainless steel water bowl as I was using a red plastic bowl and was told by Miss Mildred's Furbaby Doctor that the dye might leach out in to the water hence adding to the red stain on her face, So once again I hope my blog as helped you a little more in understanding why this happens and what you can do to prevent it from getting to bad.

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Thanks So Much For Reading My Blog
Chihuahua Tear Staining and How To Remove It.
If you have any other suggestions on how to remove the tear staining let Miss Mildred and I know in the comments below so we can share this information with other furbaby Mums and Dads, Once again Thankyou for reading and we will see you back here on our next blog, 
Sending Love, Laughter and Light to you all.

 xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Miss Squeak Talks Dog Attacks and What You Can Do To Save Your Furbaby!

Hello everyone its me Miss Squeak and I am here to talk about a recent thing that happened to me and my little furbaby
 Miss Mildred's fur brother George, Everyday I like a lot of other 
furbaby owners walk my furry little kids on this day walked Miss Mildred first a little walk about 20mins around our local area to the golf corse and back home far enough for my sweet little girl as it was a colder day so I thought it would be best, then I grabbed
Sir George and off we went now I will let you know I walk all my furbabys on harnesses as its is easier and as I have spent a lot of time training them they are very well behaved furbabys, I make them stop at each and every path that meets the road and if I stop they sit until I give the command to walk on, I am happy and so proud of my furbabys as they are very balanced and calm dogs, 
Miss Mildred is a little scared of things but she is getting better and I will talk more about her in my next blog, as she can be a little jumpy and fearful around new things, hence another reason why  I have started walking her by herself just to build her up a little more,  
But back to my adventure with George, while out on our lovely walk we got to our favourite park where he loves to have a good old smell and a little wee on the trees as I don't allow him to sniff and wee on every blade of grass, Because then our 45min walk would take 5hours haha, but as we were entering our park I noticed a parked car with two ladies in it no be deal, then a young girl about 6 playing on the swings having fun, so we continued to keep walking and then out of no where a big bridle staff came running teeth showing before I could do anything the other unrestrained dog had poor George in her mouth but as the dog was coming towards us I yelled is your dog friendly, and from the parked car came a ladies voice "No she is not Fucking friendly!!" by this time I had gotten the dog off of George when the dog started to bite me, I was holding George in my arms waiting for the owner of the unrestrained dog to come and get it, she was yelling at the child of 6 to go and get the dog, and the dog was still biting at me on my arm and legs so at this point I had done everything in my power to stop this dog from attacking me so I kicked it, I know it is and was the last thing I could do, but it did stop the dog long enough for the young girl to be able to come and get it, I asked the owner for her details just incase my furbaby was hurt and I had to take him to the vet, Now this is what made me so angry, I was doing everything in my power to keep myself and my dog safe, I had my dog on leash was wearing bright coloured clothing so people could see me had poo bags to clean up after my furbaby, and I was attacked by a unrestrained dog that had no training at all and that was not being watched. The owner and her older daughter started tell me that i should have had a bigger dog that could fight back and I was stupid for coming to the park where there dog was! Like I said before i didn't even know there was another dog at the park, and no to mention all dog should be on leash at this park and you can be fined if they aren't! I would have been happy if the owners had just said sorry, but just like their dog the started with attack when they were the ones in the wrong, it made me cry because I had to kick the other dog, I love all animals and would never ever hurt one, But in the event of this happening I had to do what I did to protect myself and my furbaby George, he had bite marks on his neck, but as he has longer fur at the moment as its winter in Western Australia not that much damage was done to him, Poor sweet little George he is the most balanced happy go lucky dog out there and if any of my dogs is to be attacked its sadly him. 

 So I thought it might be helpful to talking about what we can do to keep ourselves and our furbabys safe while out and about walking!
Walking your dog is a healthy activity for you and your dog. Going to dog parks provides a safe and enclosed area where you can let your dog run off leash and play with other dogs. Sometimes, however, a dog comes from out of nowhere and attacks your dog. Breaking up dog fights  between your own dogs at home is one thing, but trying to break up a fight when you’re away from home is something completely different. How can you protect your dog and yourself if another dog attacks your dog?
It can be hard to figure out why another dog suddenly attacks your dog. Dogs body language can be subtle, and signals from both dogs can be missed by the person holding the leash. However, whatever it was that caused the hostile reaction doesn’t really matter when two dogs are locked in battle, with you on the other end of your dog’s leash. Of course, it’s best to avoid a fight all together, but that’s not always possible and breaking up dog fights can be dangerous for dogs and people.
Dog attacks while walking your dog are not uncommon, and you have to be prepared for possible encounters. What you should do depends on who you talk to. Some dog experts recommend carrying a heavy duty walking stick to use on an attacking dog. Other experts say to drop your dog’s leash and stay out of the way. For me, neither one is a good option. It’s my job to protect my dog, and I also don’t want to hurt another dog.

My furbabys look to me as their leader, and it’s my responsibility to protect them. Dogs can come out of the blue to attack your dog and you don’t always have an opportunity to read his body language. If you do encounter a dog that is off leash while you’re out walking alone or with your dog, stay calm and keep a close eye on the dog. Be aware of what’s going on, and expect the unexpected.

Having a sturdy walking stick does have a purpose. It’s something you could use to get in between two fighting dogs. If you have a chance to prepare before the dog attacks, when he starts moving toward you, yell “No” and take a step towards him. Try to read his level of aggression by looking at his eyes (intense and focused) without staring at him, ears (laid back on his head), hair standing up on the back of his neck or along the rump and movements that are stiff. If you can get him to back off, move away slowly, but don’t turn your back on him. Try to keep your dog as calm as you can. Any show of aggression from him can prompt an attack from the other dog.
You can carry a backpack with some clothing or a small blanket inside – anything to give it bulk to use to push the other dog away, or to put in between the dogs to give you some protection from snapping teeth. A bright flashlight can be directed into the eyes of an attacking dog to temporarily blind him. Another useful thing to carry is an air horn. The loud noise could persuade the dog not to attack in the first place. If he does attack, the horn might help break up either dog’s focus during a fight, and will help call attention to other people in the area to come help.
Your best defence against another dog attacking your dog is to be alert and try to prevent an attack from happening. If that’s not possible or it happens before you’re aware there’s even another dog around, try to stay calm. A mind that’s in panic mode doesn’t function well. Think about what you would do before you have an encounter. Carry a stout walking stick and anything that might be helpful in a convenient pocket where you can quickly grab it when you need it.

How to avoid being bitten

If you  are confronted by an aggressive dog, the most important thing to remember is this: Stay calm. Don’t give in to fear or anxiety, and don’t start yelling. An aggressive dog wants you to be stressed out before it attacks, but if you remain calm and in control, it slows them down and throws them off.
Also avoid direct eye contact with an aggressive dog. Stand slightly sideways (which also makes you a narrower target) while keeping the dog in your peripheral vision. I don't have this as I am going blind and this was the first part of my vision to go!
Once you have successfully used calm assertive energy to keep that dog back, claim your own space. If you happen to be carrying anything in your hands, like a cane or an umbrella, place it out in front of yourself to appear bigger and be more in command of your space.
What this tells the dog with your body language is, “I don’t want your space, I just want this space that I am in.” Maintain your very calm and assertive state; this energy creates a barrier that automatically demands the dog’s respect by letting it know that you are not afraid.
When the dog senses that you aren’t threatening it — and are not threatened by it — it will probably lose interest and the situation will de-escalate. Unfortunately, though, this process is not always possible.
Understanding dog behaviour is one of your best weapons if another dog attacks your dog. So just so alert and be mindful that some owner are not as responsible as we are, I hope this little blog has helped you all out in some way or another, it sure has not stopped us from going on our daily walks,  George is a little be more aware of other dogs when we are out and about but in time that will pass and he will be back to himself again, 
 So from me Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Sir George we wish you and all the other furbabys out in the big wide world to be safe and careful when out walking because you never know when you might run into a unrestrained aggressive dog, 
In our next blog we are going to talk about how I have command trained Miss Mildred to stop barking at the door and to sit and stay while we cross the road while we are out walking. 
If you have any stories about you and your furbaby please let us know in the comments below, 
Thankyou very much for reading 
Miss Squeak Talks Dog
 Attacks and What You Can Do To Save Your Furbaby!
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xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Sunday 10 July 2016

Miss Squeak Talks About Furbaby Emergencies.

 Okay so this week has been pretty full on in the world of 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred, this week we had some great news in the form of being made one of the administrator of a chihuahua page on facebook. So that was very exciting and I extremely honoured to have this offered to me, And I have just started to feel better with my eyes so am able to blog again yay, All my furbabys are doing great, But they are feeling the cold so have their jumpers on to stay warm and toasty, 

But the matter we are going to chat about is to do with  Miss Mildred's furry friends little 
Miss Lilly and her fur sister Maci and the there beautiful 
Mumma Charlotte, look at the picture below just the amount of love that is shown is just amazing!

So over the last few weeks poor little Lilly was feeling not to well, Charlotte and I were talking about different ways to help Miss Lilly with her common problem that chihuahua's get Patellar Luxation,
as Lilly has been told she has the problem, so we were talking about things Charlotte could do to help the little chihuahua out, and her poor little girl Lilly when little Lilly was play with her sister, Charlotte heard the furbaby chihuahua cry in pain and the crying just wouldn't stop so clearly Charlotte and her Hubby we scared and worried about there furbaby so worried they went to the on call 24hr vet that was close to them after waiting and having Lilly examined with I believe was this below!

What is patellar Laxation?

Patellar shift is a condition in which the kneecap (patella) slides out of its traditional place, that is usually off to the side. In a very  healthy canine, there are grooves at the bottom of the femur where the kneecap gently slides in and out of as the canine walks and moves about. These cartridge grooves are necessary to make a sleek surface for the knee to maneuver back and forth. However, once the bony sides of the groove are compressed, the area too little for the kneecap to fit; therefore, it slides or luxates out of place.
Patellar luxation is mostly broken down into one amongst two different classes -- medial and lateral. A Chihuahua affected by medial patellar luxation can have their kneecap slip toward their body, whereas a Chihuahua tormented by lateral can have their kneecap slip out to the edges and far from their body. An experienced Furbaby Doctor ought to be able to 
tell what kind of patellar your Chihuahua is tormented 
by a simple examination and x-ray.

So after a night at the vets poor little Lilly was taken to her normal vet where she was examined and I believe maybe x-rayed where they found out that her hip was out of it socked so it was not the common knee lunation as they were told, this was very upsetting to 
Charlotte as they though Lilly was going to have have the knee operation only to find out she was going to have to have the hip operation, now that would have been a shock as the poor little furbaby was so druged up and she was still crying in pain  this kind of stuff breaks my heart! Below is what poor Lilly had done, 
Just thought I would share this story with you all as we all want the best for our furbabys! I am happy to tell you that Lilly is home safe and sound with her Mumma Daddy and fur sister, 
poor little poppet, Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak wish Lilly a speedy recovery, Get better soon Lilly xx


Femoral head and neck ostectomy (fho) is performed to relieve pain and restore function to a hip that cannot otherwise be surgically corrected and for which medical therapy (time, pain control) is insufficient. Problems that can be relieved by fho include hip fractures, hip dysplasia, hip dislocations, and degenerative conditions such as Legg-Calves-Perthes disease.

PROCEDURE   FHO involves cutting off the femoral head (the ball of the ball-and-socket hip) and removing it. A scar forms in the remaining space, effectively creating a false hip. This procedure allows an improved range of motion of the hip, and relieves the often-severe pain due to bone-on-bone contact.

RECOVERY   Unlike most other orthopedic surgeries, the patient is encouraged to use the operated leg as much as possible as soon as possible. This enhances the quality of the scar that forms the false joint. We use pain relieving medications and medical procedures, nutritional management, and physical rehabilitation to enhance the recovery process.

Pain relieving medications commonly include a prolonged course of antiiflammatory medicine and a short course of a pure pain reliever. Medical procedures can include cryotherapy (cold compresses) for 10 to 15 minutes per day beginning on day one after surgery and continuing for three weeks, longer if needed, and laser therapy. We provide each patient with a recommended schedule of laser therapy.

Nutritional management typically includes weight loss down to an ideal lean weight (do not underestimate the value of maintenance of an ideal lean body weight - we have found it is tremendous!) and fatty acid (fish oil) supplementation for antiinflammatory effectPhysical rehabilitation includes both passive range of motion exercises and active therapeutic exercise. Passive range of motion exercises are performed by holding the patients leg below the ankle and slowly and steadily flexing and extending the leg to the fullest extent that the patient will allow. The exercises begin on the day after surgery and continue for 15 minutes a day until the patient has returned to normal function. 

We have found that most patients who are provided with the analgesic medications and nutritional support previously described perform their own therapeutic exercise. That is, they make steadily increasing use of the operated leg as the first several weeks post-op pass by. For the occasional patient that is persistently reluctant to use their leg, we recommend: 5 to 10 minutes of walking and swimming starting on day 1 after surgery, 5 to 10 minutes of balancing, obstacles and weaving starting on day one,  5 to 10 minutes of circles and hills added in starting on day 15, and 5 to 10 minutes of stairs, jogging, and running added in starting on day 21. All therapeutic exercises are continued until the patient has reached their individual peak performance. 

Routine progress exams at two weeks and two months post-operatively are included with the surgery cost. We are glad to do a recheck exam at any other time you think your pet needs one.

COMPLICATIONS  Complications are very uncommon with FHO. Complications can include: dehiscence (opening of the surgical incision), nerve damage, infection, bleeding, and failure to significantly relieve pain and improve range of motion. 

Small furbaby's will sometimes not use their operated leg because they are very agile on three legs, presenting a different challenge. This challenge can usually be met with a combination of medication and physical therapy. 

This is Maci fur sister to Lilly. Maci just wants her sister to get better so they can play together again, But on a lighter note 
little Maci pasted her puppy classes this week we are so proud of you little girl, You have learnt some wonderful new commands like sit stay and shake all very important in having a balanced furbaby, 
So well done Charlotte for being a wonderful Mumma to your two beautiful furbaby girls, I am so glad I have been able to help you with some of your problems with Lilly and I that some of my suggestions on teething helped you with Maci, I will be doing a blog in a few days about teething as when I was doing the research I found so much interesting information that I believe will be helpful for new furbaby owners.

Miss Mildred is very happy and healthy we are going to be doing a new photo shoot soon as she is getting some new outfits in the mail, 
including  one very special knitted outfit from a lovely talented lady call Ruth and I am extremely excited about getting this as it has booties hat and coat in the most prettiest colour it is just beautify made, so thats is what we have been up to over the last week or so.
Miss Mildred and I hope you have enjoyed this blog and the information we have given, if you want to have your furbaby featured on this blog just let me know in the comments below as we  would love to hear about you furbabys, 
I also hope your day is full of happiness joy laughter love and lots of furbaby hug and licks xx 

So we hope to see you all back for a new adventure in our next blog 
We hope you liked this blog about Miss Mildred's furbaby friends 
Lilly and Maci, I really loved helping Charlotte out with all the information just so she felt like someone was with her in this horrible situation. Please remember we love 
reading your stories too.

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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx