Thursday 19 November 2015

Miss Squeaks Fun Tricks For Furbaby Chihuahua's.

Hello everyone hope all is well and your furbabys are giving you lots of love cuddles and kisses.
So i was thing lets talk about teaching our furbabys to do some sweet little tricks and a few came timing as I do train Miss Mildred to do tricks and it was very easy as the Chihuahua breed is very smart and they want to please. So after I give some more information on theChihuahua breed we will get started wth the few easy tricks I get 
Miss Mildred to do daily as our furbabys are small fragile and ever so tiny its hard to keep treat training as they can put on weight haha and I say this as Miss Mildred put weight on while i was training her but now a kiss and a cuddle makes her just as happy !

The Chihuahua is a terribly intelligent dog; as a matter of truth this breed has the biggest brain in comparison to body size out of all of the dog breeds within the world. therefore whether or not your Chihuahua may be a puppy or an older dog, you'll be able to definitely teach your dog some cute tricks. The key and secret to training your Chihuahua to perform tricks to repetition.

If you show your dog one thing over and over again; continually teaching him the same method, he can eventually learn it. This breed picks up info quite quickly; some tricks can solely take a matter of a week or 2 to find out.

When you are teaching your dog, it's best to do so during a quiet area wherever there aren't any distractions. make learning fun, act excited once he learns one thing and never scold him if he's taking time to catch on. when he will master a trick, take care to reward your Chihuahua with lots of happy words of praise.

When a Chi is first making an attempt to be told and is putting in effort, do provide a tasty treat as reward... however don't fret regarding always having to offer food as motivation. when you additionally offer praise at the same time, after a while a dog can have an automatic response... and at that point your smile, praise and therefore the attention that your Chi receives are going to be all that's required for him or her to require to stay playing. 

Some other smart tips to keep in mind is that taking time on a daily basis to work on these commands can create the simplest success... After all, sporadically having sessions once or twice per week merely will not provide the repetition that's required.

And, you need to be in an passionate mood in order for your Chihuahua to be in one! Dogs scan body language and tone as if they were ready to read our minds. If an owner is feeling positive with a decent attitude that learning is fun and a gradual process, a dog can typically mimic that perspective...And that is what's required to set a decent learning foundation. 

Cool Trick 1 - What  Hand? 

A really cute trick to show your Chihuahua will make it seem as if your dog could be a bit psychic! you must have your dog sitting in front of you. Reach to grab a handful of little treats; however take care that it's a small enough quantity in order that your hand will completely cover the food whereas creating a clenched fist.

Put your hands behind your back. Then, place each hands out toward your Chihuahua at a similar distance from him.

Say the command words of "Which hand?" using an excited voice. Your dog should be able to understand which hand holds the treats merely from the smell. A dog's ability to smell is totally amazing! once your dog put his paw on the proper hand, open your hand to reveal the treats. in this case, the treats are going to be the reward. 

Do not provide the treats till your Chihuahua puts his paw on the hand that hides them. this may teach him that merely nosing it's not enough.

Neat Trick 2 - Saying Grace

This is a good trick to show your Chihuahua, particularly when you have company over for dinner. In order  for this to work, you may want a small toddler's chair or booster seat that's placed on the ground.

You may additionally use a solid box or alternative object that is sometimes in your room or eating space. The height of the object must be so that your Chihuahua will stand and rest his or her front legs on the object.

This trick is "Saying Grace" but you must not have food out after you are training your Chihuahua to try and do this trick, because it can distract him from learning this. Have him sit in front of the item. Say the command words, "Say Grace" while you gently elevate his front paws and place them on the object.

Again, repeat the command words and gently place his face softly down upon his front paws. Your Chihuahua can currently be during a position that seems that he's expression a prayer. you must pat his head and say encouraging words to stay his face down for a number of moments.

Never hold his head if he resists. after a count of three or four, release your gentle touch and reward him with excitement, pats and hugs. 

The key to a dog learning to do this automatically once hearing the command words is to train him often. 

Doing this four to five times on a daily basis for one to two weeks ought to have your Chihuahua ready to do an amusing supper time trick.

Trick 3 - Greetings!

This trick is simple however can make your Chihuahua appear very smart! Sit your Chihuahua in front of you. Gently acquire one of his paws and gently shake it while expression the command word, "Hello". 

Act terribly happy while you're doing this and show your Chi that you simply are more than happy that he's permitting you to do this. After a while, say the command word again, however this time you may just gently touch his paw without shaking it. Act as if you expect him to require action. If he doesn't, lift the paw and repeat the hand shake.  

After a jiffy, your Chihuahua can perceive what to do after you sit before of him and say, "Hello". this is often a beautiful trick to have your dog grasp for when you introduce him or her to friends, family and other.

Super Cool Trick 4 - Sweet Kisses

This is a beautiful Chihuahua dog trick and extremely simple to show. You need to  sit your dog in front of you. Before you are doing the next step, do bear in mind that this is often temporary and very soon you will be able to eliminate this 1st part! 

Put a really little dab of wet pet food on the cheek of your face. Say the command words, "Kisses" and permit your Chihuahua to lick the treat off your face. As he's doing so, repeat the command word. 

Then, attempt to do so by merely pointing to your face and saying, "Kisses". If your Chihuahua kisses you, make certain to praise him with happy word and excited pats. After a while you should be able to merely say "Kisses" and obtain a sweet Chihuahua kiss. 

Miss Mildred loves to do all of these tricks and she is very happy to show anyone them!
I have put a lot of training into my sweet little Chihuahua and I am so happy she was so eager to learn we alway practice the shake before she is allowed her dinner so now she sits waiting for her command shake or paw so she can have her dinner. Its really cute and lots of fun too. 

 Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak 
would like to thank everyone for coming and reading our new blog 
Fun Tricks For Your Furbaby Chihuahua
And we would love to hear any trick that you do with your furbaby so let us know below in the comments and don't be shy !
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We also hope this blog has helped you to train your new furbaby. Come back soon for some new information and if there might be something you would like to know use the comments and tell us !!

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Lets Talk Chihuahua Temperament What's Good What's Bad.

Chihuahuas are comical, entertaining, and loyal little dogs, absolutely brimming with personality – often a quirky and eccentric personality unmatched by any other breed.
Other than that generalization, Chihuahuas are extremely variable. You can find individuals who are lively or placid. Bold or timid. Feisty or mellow. Confident or nervous. Stubborn or eager to please.
How a Chihuahua turns out depends mightily on the genetic temperament of the parents and grandparents. In other words, entire lines of Chihuahuas are social or delinquent, and if you bring home an individual who has hereditary genes for a bad temperament... Socialisation and coaching typically can help overcome unhealthy genes in a Chihuahua.

But socialization and coaching are still very important! If truth be told, as long as your Chihuahua has inherited genes for a normal temperament, how you raise them can determine how they turns out.

Chihuahuas don't have a very good name among the overall public. Ask a number of individuals, "Do you think that Chihuahuas are nice little dogs?" and see what percentage of them exclaim, "No! they are nasty very little things who bite!"

I have to mention that this reputation has some basis in reality. As I explained, Chihuahuas usually inherit genes for a nasty temperament.....because numerous individuals breed Chihuahuas whose temperaments are unhealthy. Additionally, many of us treat their Chihuahua sort of like a stuffed toy or doll, or as a substitute for an individual's baby. 
They tote the Chihuahua everyplace in their arms, do not teach any commands, make fun of signs of aggression, Make excuses for bad behaviour, and soothe and coo over the dog constantly.

It's no surprise such a big amount of Chihuahuas are neurotic! They are made that way by their owners. All dogs, no matter their size, should be schooled a way to walk on their own four feet, how to do what they are told, and how to get on peacefully with the world.

Now, "getting on peacefully" does not invariably mean that a Chihuahua LIKES everybody. On the contrary, many Chihuahuas are naturally suspicious toward strangers. however they'll be suspicious without letting everybody within earreach realize it, or without attending to threats. It's up to YOU to draw and enforce the line.

Similarly, while most Chihuahuas get on nice with other pets in their family, they have an inclination to lift a ruckus once they spy an odd dog. Again, you've got to place a stop to this from day one or it'll get out of hand.

Fortunately, there also exist Chihuahuas who are unapproachable, however who can eventually approach individuals in their own good time, particularly if the person isn't pushy or insistent. and a few Chihuahuas are terribly friendly right from the beginning and can head to anyone.
Chihuahuas do appear to acknowledge and like their own breed, therefore it is a nice idea to keep 2 of them. They keep one another company once you are gone, they play together, clean each other's ears (Chihuahuas are often obsessive ear-lickers!), and keep one another warm by cuddling together.

Chihuahuas love heat, oh, yes! they're going to hunt down the tiniest place within which to bask, and that they tunnel underneath blankets and towels. you've got to watch out whenever you sit down on your lounge or bed, as there can be a Chihuahua tucked underneath there!
The most troublesome issue to teach a Chihuahua? Toilet training . Chihuahuas are often terribly tough to toilet train – one of the foremost troublesome of all breeds – particularly in cold or wet weather. Think about  an inside litter box, or a doggie door that leads out to a covered potty space.

If you want a dog who...

Is small and simple to carry
Comes in a variety of sizes, coats, and colors
Is oh-so-funny and amusing in offbeat ways (hard to explain – you gotta be there!)
Is very loyal
Is a great traveler
Doesn't want a lot of exercise
LOVES heat
Lives a long time
A Chihuahua could also be right for you.

If you do not wish to contend with...
The fragility of toy breeds 
The fine line you wish to walk with toy breeds, where you need to safeguard their safety, however need them to stand on their own four feet and be well-behaved
Notorious toilet training difficulties
Suspiciousness, shrillness, and high-strung temperaments in some lines, or when babied or spoiled or not socialized enough or made to behave.
A Chihuahua might not be right for you.

 Another thing to think about is the fact this little bundle of joy and happiness the Chihuahua are the best at shedding their fur all over the place and if you love to cuddle and smuggle your furbaby you will end up having a new fashion asset and it comes in what ever you furbaby is I have found if I comb Miss Mildred then rub her with a damp cloth I am able to reduce the amount of fur that comes off of her little body I also have a jumper dress or t-shirt on her that help as well !
Here is a little more information on the issue of Shedding.
 Chihuahua shed! Because they're so small, their shedding is not usually a big issue for people, but I did want to make you aware that Chihuahuas shed! since many potential owners have been misinformed that Chihuahuas are "hypoallergenic" or "light shedding." This is not true at all. If you come to my house on any day of the week, you will leave with tan and white hairs on your clothes....Tan and White hairs that belong to my Chihuahua, Miss Mildred . Once again, Chihuahuas shed!

    Now, how much they shed depends on
            what kind of coat they have.

Chihuahuas, you see, come in four coats

  • Short coat, double. This is a short outer coat, plus a woolly undercoat for insulation. Because of the two layers, this coat sheds more than.
  • Short coat, single. With no undercoat, this coat looks and feels sleek and sheds less than a double coat.
  • Long coat, double. Long outer coat, plus wooly undercoat. This coat needs the most brushing and combing, takes more blow-drying after a bath, and sheds a good deal. Some of these dogs are so bushy they resemble Pomeranians.
  • Long coat, single. This "long" coat is typically shortish on the body, with feathering restricted to the ears, backs of the legs, stomach, hindquarters, and tail. A single longboat is much easier to groom than a double longcoat, and sheds less than a double coat of either length.

    Miss Mildred and I would like to thank you all for coming and reading our blog on,
     Chihuahua Temperaments 
    Whats Good and Whats Bad !
    Please Remember Too 
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    Below as we would love to read any funny and amusing stories about your Furbabys so don't be shy and leave a comment !
    We hope everyone is having a wonderful week and remember you can never spoil your furbaby to much just always 
    keep the training up so you have a well balanced furbaby!
    Until Our Next Blog .
    Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

  • Friday 6 November 2015

    Miss Squeak Talks Common Leg Problems in Chihuahuas

    What is the explanation for cruciate ligament injury in dogs?

    In the overwhelming majority of dogs, the bone cruciate ligament (CrCL) ruptures as a results of long-term degeneration, whereby the fibres inside the ligament weaken over time. we do not understand the precise explanation for this, however genetic factors are in all probability most vital, with certain breeds being susceptible (including Labradors, Rottweilers, Boxers, West Highland White Terriers and Newfoundlands). Supporting proof for a genetic cause was primarily obtained by assessment of family lines, plus the information that a lot of animals can rupture the CrCL in each knees, usually comparatively early in life. alternative factors like obesity, individual conformation, hormonal imbalance and certain inflammatory conditions of the joint can also play a role.

    How am i able to tell if my dog has cruciform ligament disease?

    Limping is the commonest sign of CrCL injury. this could seem suddenly during or when you exercise in some dogs, or it may be progressive and intermittent in others. Some dogs are at the same time affected in each knees, and these dogs typically find it troublesome to rise from a prone position and have a really “pottery” gait. In severe cases, dogs cannot stand up in any respect and can be mistakenly suspected of getting a spinal problem

    What is happening within an affected joint?

    Fraying of the ligament triggers a cascade of events leading to knee pain and claudication. At the earliest stage, arthritis is already present. It’s vital to simply accept this, as a result of many of us ask “when can my dog get osteoarthritis?” when actually the dog has it already. At a crisis of fraying, the CrCL loses its traditional mechanical function, and painful limping is in the midst of a mechanical disability of walking. At this point, one of the factors influencing the mechanical gameness is that the shape of the top of the leg bone (shin bone) that features a pronounced backwards slope in dogs. The consequence of this slope in dogs with an incompetent CrCL is that the leg bone will go down the slope every time weight is taken on the leg. In dogs without impairment of the CrCL, this slope can only become a drag if it's terribly steep indeed and might predispose to CrCL problemsIn some dogs, the mechanical deficiency can result in trauma to different structures inside the joint, particularly, a pair of buffer cartilages referred to as menisci. In slipping down the slope of the top of the tibia, the leg bone will crush and tear these cartilages, particularly the one on the within of the joint.

    How is cranial cruciate ligament injury diagnosed?

    Diagnosis in dogs with complete rupture of the CrCL is typically supported examination by an experienced orthopedic Furbaby Doctor, with demonstration of laxity of the joint by specific manipulations of the knee. In dogs with partial tears or early degeneration of the ligament, alternative tests could also be necessary, as well as radiography (x-rays) or imaging scans. To be of most benefit, radiographs should be of optimum quality. In most dogs, exploratory surgery or arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) is employed to verify the identification, and to research for possible cartilage tears or alternative issues.  

    How is cruciate ligament injury treated?

    Non-surgical management

    Non-surgical management is seldom suggested, except where the risks of a anesthetic agent or surgery are thought of excessive (e.g. patients with severe cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled hormonal disorders or immune conditions, etc.). The cornerstones of non-surgical treatment are weight management, physical therapy, exercise modification, and medicine (anti-inflammatory pain killers). These same techniques {are also|also are|are} vital within the short-term management of dogs who are treated surgically, though the primary surgical aim is to reduce the necessity for long-term exercise restriction and medicine. Dogs larger than 15kg have a awfully poor likelihood of turning into clinically normal with non-surgical treatment. Dogs weighing less than 15kg and cats have an improved likelihood, although improvement typically takes many months and is never complete.

    Surgical management

    Surgical treatments are classified into techniques that aim to switch the deficient ligament, and those that render the ligament redundant by cutting the leg bone and re-aligning the forces performing on the stifle joint.

    Ligament replacement techniques

    Various surgical techniques that mimic the procedures used for ligament replacement in humans are practiced for more than five centuries. Techniques using transfer of local tissues have the poorest likelihood of returning limb function to nearly normal or normal. this can be in all probability as a result of the replacement tissues don't seem to be as strong because the original ligament, and they are positioned within the same unfavourable biomechanical surroundings that caused the original|the initial} ligament to fail within the first instance.

    Prosthetic ligament replacement techniques have conjointly been used for several years. These are straightforward techniques that have the power to return several animals to just about normal function. The first disadvantages of those techniques are their unpredictability throughout the early stages of recovery and mechanical limitations in heavy and athletic dogs. Some dogs become transiently more lame before improvement happens. Others take several weeks to improve, and a proportion can have on-going knee instability and pain. Variations of this system are most ordinarily suggested for dogs with traumatic cruciate ligament injuries and in animals where several stabilizers of the knee are broken, therefore known as “multiligamenous injuries”.

    For decades, sutures of nylon with varied knotting and crimping systems are placed between a bone at the rear of the leg bone (the fabella) and a tunnel within the top of the tibia. These so-called fabello-tibial tubercle sutures have had variable reported  success rates dependent on material and technique. the foremost necessary aspect of this system is that the ligament origin on the femur and insertion on the shinbone are as iso-metric as possible, i.e. stay as far as possible the same length in flexion and extension. in point of fact this can be not possible and then the principle has been referred to as “quasi-isometry”. High success rates are reported  for the Anthrax “TightRope” technique that uses an artificial material known as Fibretape or Firewire on metallic anchors placed through bone tunnels within the femur and the shinbone.

    What are the potential issues or complications after cruciate ligament repair surgery?

    Fortunately, complication rates are low when experienced surgeons perform cruciate ligament repair surgery. the two commonest complications are infection and mechanical complications. Infection is treated using antibiotics. In some cases, surgical irrigation is necessary, and within the worst cases wherever microorganism adhere to the implants, the implants must be removed once the bones have recovered. within the overwhelming majority of animals, the implants stay in place for life and cause no issues in the slightest degree. Mechanical complications typically occur in dogs that exercise too much before the bones have recovered (which takes about six weeks). several mechanical complications are managed with rest alone, though some issues need surgical revision. A rare complication of late injury to the menisci (buffer cartilages) within the operated hinge joint can need treatment using keyhole surgery. other rare complications as well as sprains and strains round the hinge joint will usually be managed using physical therapy.

    Miss Mildred and I hope this blog has helped so furbaby mum and dads out also below is a special question from a sweet little furbaby Chihuahua from Facebook called Chickeeta we hope this helps your mummy out and I think the problem might be number 4 on the list below!

    5 Reasons Why Dog’s Paws Peel:
    1—Burns – Hot pavement and searing sand can wreak havoc on your pet’s paws.
    2—Rips— Nails, sharp rocks and even sand spurs can rip your dog’s paw pads. 
    3—Allergies—If your dog suffers from allergies, one symptom could be peeling paw pads.
    4—Footpad diseases – Hyperkeratosis is a disease affecting the tough and fibrous skin that covers the paw pads. It grows excessively causing the pads to crack so that peeling feather-like skin will appear around the edges of the paw pads.
    5—Lack of moisture – If your dog’s paw pads dry out, they can crack and peel. To remedy this, you’ll want to rub Vaseline™ or other dog approved paw balm on the pads and keep them covered with furbaby socks so they can heal.
    It’s a good idea for your vet to check out your pet’s peeling paws and make sure you address the underlying problem. If it’s a dog food allergy for instance, you’ll want to determine the cause of the allergy and eliminate it from your pet’s diet.
    As your pet’s paws heal, you’ll likely need to keep them bandaged and will need to prevent your pet from licking the hurt spots. Licking can prevent healing.

     As I said before thanks so much for reading my blogs Miss Mildred and I are trying to do my blogging as its a nice way to spend sometime having a coffee and resourcing the information then putting it into my own words that other furbaby mums and dads can relate to with out all the big and fancy words that sometime come with reading medical info so we real love doing this as it keeps the brain active and gee its like my favourite subject to cover anything dog related its my passion as everyone should have one and this is one of mine some others include taking photos of my furbabys and helping out my Monster with his music hence I am the camera lady the makeup lady the hairdresser and the last but not least the tea lady and I love it .. I wish everyone reading this happiness and joy in whatever makes you happy dream big you can succeed 
    Live Laugh Love 
    please remember we would love to hear you comment and ideas below !
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    Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

    Thursday 5 November 2015

    Miss Squeak Talks About Chihuahua Teeth

    Lets Talk About Your Furbaby Chi's Teeth

    About your Chihuahua's Teeth: 

    Because the Chihuahua breed is tiny, they even have terribly tiny mouths. This tiny mouth can cause issues with the mouth being too tiny for the teeth, that causes overcrowding. Overcrowding of teeth will cause food to be cornered between the teeth, leading to plaque and tarter buildup, as well as premature tooth-loss. Keeping the teeth clean is crucial to keeping the mouth and also the remainder of the dog healthy. Dogs that have dirty teeth are found to be at way more in danger of heart, liver and urinary organ injury from the microorganism coming into the blood.

    You can help keep the mouth clean by providing dental biscuits, dental chew toys, together with edible dental chew toys (i.e. greenies, dentabones, etc.), feeding dry food rather than semi-moist or canned goods, brushing your dog's teeth (but do not use human has fluoride...there area unit barker toothpastes on the market from your physician exploitation the on the market edible water additives for dental hygiene, as well as taking your dog to the furbaby Doctor for a dental cleanup, etc. As the Furbaby Chihuahua gets older, it's virtually inevitable that he or she will want a minimum of one dental cleanup by the furbaby Doctor, quite often more.

    I would suggest your  furbabys initial dental cleanup ought to be done once your pup is spayed or neutered (around age six months).  Another issue, though less serious and simply corrected, is retained puppy teeth. Toy breeds are additional susceptible to this drawback, and it's caused by the permanent tooth growing beside the puppy tooth, rather than the puppy tooth falling out. I sometimes suggest that if there are any preserved puppy teeth (the usual teeth to be preserved are the long canines and the tiny incisors within the front) they can be removed all while underneath the anaestesia needed to alter your pet.

    Generally, for good dental health, have your pet evaluated for dental cleanup every 24 months when fed prime quality food and treats.

    About your Chihuahuas Bite:

    Canines, just like individuals, have variable kinds of bites. the specified bite sorts within the Chihuahua breed are known as scissor bite and even bite.  There are alternative sorts known as underbite and overbite (also said as undershot and overshot).  Here we are going to in short explain the variations.

    A Scissor Bite is simply that. the highest teeth and bottom teeth match up sort of a pair of scizzors with the highest teeth being simply infont of and scizzoring with the bottom teeth. 

    An even bite is when the teeth within the mouth match up equally.

    An underbite is once the bottom teeth and jaw sit out slightly and also the bottom teeth are in front of the higher teeth. this is often the more common of the inaccurate jaw sorts in Chihuahuas and is in many lines.  The Australian and American Kennel Club currently considers the underbite a fault, not a disqualification for show purposes.

    Rarer in Chihuahuas is the overbite. Just like the underbite, the jaw typically can sit out farther and the teeth, this time on top, are going to be over the bottom teeth. 

    Over and underbites occur to variable degrees.  If you've got an issue regarding what sort of bite your companion has, ask your vet. they're going to be happy to inform you!

               And just a little more information .
    if showing dogs is your bread and butter, you know how improper teeth alignment can take a bite out of your show ring prospects. However, a malocclusion goes far beyond being a merely cosmetic ordeal. While your pup doesn't care about having a beautiful smile, overbites can cause significant problems.

    Ideal Alignments

    The way your puppy's top and bottom dental arches intersect with each other is known as "occlusion." The scissor bite, where the upper incisors neatly overlap the lower incisors and the premolars meet in a sawtooth fashion, is the most common and most desirable type of occlusion observed in medium- to long-muzzled dogs. The even or level bite is another common type of occlusion, but in this case the incisors meet edge to edge. Because this type of contact wears down the teeth's surfaces, a level bite isn't considered ideal.

    Imperfect Alignments

    Any deviation from the scissor bite is considered a malocclusion according to Veterinary Medicine. However, some exceptions to the rule exist. In certain dog breeds, flaws and imperfections seem to have their own appeal. What health standards technically consider a malocclusion, certain breed standards actually consider the norm. Certain types of malocclusions, however, aren't considered acceptable in any breed.

    Overbite Features

    Also known as parrot mouth, over shot and over jet, an overbite occurs when the upper jaw extends beyond the lower jaw. Because the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth, this type of malocclusion prevents your pup's chompers from aligning snugly as they should. Dogs with elongated muzzles such as collies, shelties, dachshunds, and Russian wolfhounds are commonly affected. Overbites are unfortunately classified as a class II malocclusion and a major genetic fault.

    Overbite Problems

    You may think the condition of your puppy's gnashers is no biggie, but depending on the severity of the malocclusion, your pup may encounter several difficulties. A minor overbite may be a purely cosmetic concern, but in severe cases, puppies may have trouble chewing and injuries may result from the lower teeth hitting the roof of the mouth. To ensure your pup's pearly whites are growing correctly, it's a good idea to have them thoroughly examined by your vet when your pup is around 2 to 3 months of age.

    The Course of EventsInterestingly, kitties and puppies are naturally born with an overshot upper jaw so they're capable of nursing. Then, once they're weaned and have started eating solid food, their mandibles go through a growth spurt, nearly reaching their adult proportions. When this growth spurt doesn't occur and the milk teeth erupt, the upper canines may protrude over the lower ones, preventing the lower jaw from developing to its proper length, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual.

    Don't Give up Hope

    If your pup's overbite is causing you sleepless nights, consider that not all is lost, since the jaw is still developing. In some breeds, such as the German shepherd, an overshot bite may spontaneously correct on its own as long as the gap between the upper and lower incisors is not greater than the head of a wooden match. Keep an eye on your pup's gnashes  as improvement may continue up until the puppy is 10 months old and his jaws stop growing.

    Considering Treatment

    In severe overbite cases, extractions and restorative treatments can help manage and prevent injury to the pup's soft oral tissues. If you're planning to breed your puppy in the future, consider that overshot bites have a genetic basis and can be passed down from generation to generation. 

     Thankyou very much for reading my Blog 
    Miss Squeak Talks About Chihuahua Teeth 
    We love hearing your ideas and comments  
    Remember to smile and hug your Furbabys

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    Once Againg Thankyou 
    Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

    Miss Squeaks Truth About Teacup Chihuahua!

    Whether you presently own a Chihuahua Furbaby or are thinking of owning one, you have most likely detected individuals refer to a number of them as "teacups" "micro" or similar names. Typically, owners and breeders might refer to their ultra-small Chihuahuas using terms like these. this may beyond any doubt be confusing giving the actual fact that the American Kennel Club and also the Australia Kennel Club solely recognises 2 varieties - the smooth and long-coat. So, what is the deal with names like teacup? Keep reading and we'll dive somewhat deeper into this subject, revealing the reality behind the teacup 

    If you previously thought a teacup Chihuahua was a particular breed, you are not alone. There is a growing idea concerning this word that confuses most of the overall public. Since the term is employed therefore oftentimes and by such a lot of individuals, it's virtually taken a life of its own, spreading like inferno. As a result, individuals wanting to add a brand new Chihuahua to their family could ask breeders or pet stores if they have any of the "teacup" breed. rather than correcting them, the breeder can go in conjunction with the charade and try to complete a purchase.

    Confusing Names Used To Describe Chihuahuas
    As a results of the poor info that is been floating around, various improper names are getting used to explain Chihuahuas. This might not appear to be an enormous issue, however it creates an moral gray area for breeders and sellers who recognize the truth regarding Chihuahuas. For example, if a possible client comes to a breeder asking them for a teacup Chihuahua, the breeder could respond by saying she has them, however just for a price bigger than the non-teacups. Basically, terms like these can be used to mark up the worth on Chihuahuas; therefore, creating it more profitable for the breeders.

    Here are a number of the foremost common unofficial names used to describe Chihuahuas:
    Toy (ALL Chihuahuas are considered a Toy breed)

    Teacup Chihuahuas - The Facts
    While we do not know who the primary person was to explain a Chihuahua as a teacup, the term picked up popularity and spread throughout the early 90s. it is vital to note, however, that no major canine association has ever used the term to explain or otherwise categorise Chihuahuas. Either one or more owners probably remarked their remarkably tiny Chihuahuas as teacups, so beginning the craze that is still occurring nowadays. once individuals hear the word teacup, they now assume it is a sure breed of Chihuahua, however sadly it's some term that several individuals use to explain them.
    The only people who have the benefit of confusing terms like teacup, toy and small are the Chihuahua breeders. Now please  don't get me wrong - there are some breeders who can illustrate to the client that teacups are simply a term and not an formally recognized breed. Others, however, can use the public's content as a tool to sell their tiny Chihuahuas at a better value. for example, somebody sees or hears about a small teacup Chihuahua through and friend, so that they scan through the newspapers in search of 1.Because teacup Chihuahuas are not an official breed, chances are high that they'll have a tough time finding one. However, they will encounter a breeder providing them for a higher value than your typical Chihuahuas. The client can probably comply with the price just because they can not find these teacup Chihuahuas elsewhere.

    The term "teacup Chihuahua" has been used such a lot that is virtually become an unofficial approach of relating tiny Chihuahuas. once a breeder or store refers to their Chihuahuas as teacups, they're either doing it to undertake and acquire more cash for them, or they're just as confused concerning the word as everybody else. In any case, it is the breeder's responsibility to label their Chihuahuas properly and not deceive their customers in any approach, form or type.

    What You Must  Understand About Owning a Teacup Chihuahua
    Because of the exaggerated demand for so-called teacup Chihuahuas in recent years, breeders and pet outlets are inspired to try and breed their Chihuahuas to be as tiny as attainable just because they will create more cash off them. the problem in doing so, however, is that little Chihuahuas are a lot of vulnerable to health issues like hypoglycaemia, diabetes, patellar displacement, cardiovascular disease, bone fractures, joint issues, etc. Does that mean you should not get a teacup Chihuahua? It's extremely a personal choice that solely you'll be able to make, However i might advise against getting one from breeders thanks to the actual fact that it encourages them to continue breeding them this size.
    If you opt to have a bizarrely tiny Chihuahua, make certain you are willing to invest some time, energy and cash into keeping them healthy. this suggests you will have to take them to the vet for normal checkups to confirm nothing is seriously wrong, furthermore as treat any current conditions they're experiencing. It's only too common for individuals to make the choice to have a little Chihuahua while not realizing simply how much additional work goes into caring for them.

    Something else that you're going to need to bear in mind of with tiny Chihuahuas is that they're more likely to suffer from fractures and broken bones than normal-sized Chihuahuas. If you mistakenly roll over on them within the bed, sit on them while they're laying on the couch (trust me, this happens) or even pick them up the incorrect way, they will experience a bone fracture. Be extraordinarily light and carefully around your new Chihuahua to stop such catastrophes from happening. additionally, you will need to keep larger pet dogs and cats faraway from your Chihuahua, as they will accidentally cause injury to your Chihuahua as well.

    Now as you may have read this and have an opinion please let me know your thoughts on the subject as I believe some people exploit  new furbaby Chihuahua owner about the size and just in general give all the honest breeders and owner of this precious breed a bad name ! Miss Mildred is a small Chihuahua but not so small she is unhealthy she is just over 2kgs and is just the best friend I could ever have she is my shadow when I shower she will sit out side the shower waiting for me to be finished ! I think its just so she can lick me haha I love my furbaby ever so much and I don't think that we would get a different breed in the future, if there is anything you might like us to cover in our next blog just let us know in the comments below. Miss Mildred and I wish to thank you all for reading of blogs and we hope wherever you may be thats your day is filled with happiness joy and licks from you furbaby.

      Some of my very spoilt little ones outfits she gets more and more each week and not to mention her toy collection haha!

    Once again thanks for stopping by 
    to read my blog, 
    Miss Squeaks Truth About Teacup Chihuahuas
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    Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred