Showing posts with label #tipsand tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #tipsand tricks. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Miss Squeaks Is A Chihuahua Right For You.

Hi everyone and welcome to my latest blog today i thought we could talk about if a Chihuahua is the right breed of furbaby for you. Miss Mildred and myself Miss Squeak have been very busy over the Christmas New Year break so we haven't blogged that much and  
we are sorry about that so now lets get in to it. Remember we would also love to hear about your furry furbabys too!

Is the Chihuahua Right for Me?

Chihuahuas actually are an exquisite very little breed, however they're not the correct breed for everybody. Because they're terribly tiny, special thought must be given on the sort of home they are going too.  Chihuahuas might not be safe with different breeds of dog, like sight-hounds. As furbaby lovers it's our job to do the best research and this suggests asking lots of questions. No one wants his puppy to lead a stressed life, be hurt or abused by babies or different pets, or end up in an animal shelter or not cared for correctly. So here are some things to think about before heading out to get a Chihuahua!
 Before acquiring any breed of dog, it's vital to research that breed to make sure this can be the correct breed for you. certain breeds have common health issues, some need voluminous grooming or exercise, some have breed traits like excessive barking in conjunction with several alternative factors that will make it a pleasant breed for one person, however not the correct breed for another. never purchase a puppy impulsively before doing research; keep in mind, this is often a life long commitment. the typical lifetime of a Chihuahua is twelve to sixteen or additional years.

Children and Chihuahuas don't mix. This is often not necessarily because the Chihuahua may be aggressive towards kids, however as a result of toddlers and little kids will simply fall or drop a toy on a Chihuahua, or kick a Chi when suddenly racing across the space, or slamming a door on it. A Chihuahua will instinctively sense that a nipper or kid is comparatively speaking, uncoordinated and "out of control" and may create a danger. This is  particularly  true as kids are more uncoordinated and clumsy than adults. 

Chihuahuas don't seem to be only tiny, however the overwhelming majority of Chihuahuas have a soft-spot on top of their head, making them more at risk of injury. Even a baby which means well and loves the small dog will accidentally hurt the little breed by cuddling a Chihuahua too hard or dropping it.  Also, kids move quickly and impulsively, and may kick or tread on a Chihuahua once they come across the room. A energetic family, however well-meaning, are often very hard on a Chi.   The mother, who already has enough to do within the family, would have the worrisome task of "watching out for the Chihuahua" round the clock on a daily basis added to her responsibilities. 

For families that would like to get A little furbaby dog, we'd recommend either obtaining another little breed like a Bichon Frise, a pug or a Cavalier King Charles spaniel which may be ready to stand up to kids better, or at the very least, a bigger sized Chihuahua that is to a small degree more durable. These different pleasant breeds are also affectioned and make nice companions for the entire family.   The bonus would be that lifestyle at home would be more relaxing while the youngsters get older.

Other Pets:
Chihuahuas will get on quite well with different breeds of dogs and different pets, particularly once raised from a young age in this sort of setting, however usually, Chihuahuas mustn't be within the same family as larger breeds of dogs. A larger, robustious dog will simply hurt a Chihuahua in play, or if it suddenly needs to safeguard its food or chew toy, a snap at a Chihuahua may be serious. 

Chihuahuas are typically not good with hunting dog breeds that have a hunting dog temperament (that are food/toy protective, will challenge other dogs, etc.) Because the  Chihuahua themselves have a terrier-like temperament. therefore a hunting dog and a Chihuahua would possibly clash with their similar personalities, and this may be terribly dangerous as a Chihuahua doesn't grasp its size.

Chihuahuas are at risk of eye injuries due to their giant unprotected eyes, therefore having a cat within the house might or might not be a good plan. Laid back cats are best. A cat that's shy or excessively mischievous might scratch the Chihuahua's eyes.

Small Size Consideration:
Chihuahuas don't seem to be the correct breed for everyone because of their little size. Because they're little, they will simply get into places which may not be safe, like places with electrical cords, or beneath a fence or gate. Fences should be properly secured (we nail boards on the bottom) so the Chihuahua can't escape. As described above, they are not essentially the perfect pet to introduce to a family that has kids or different pets. Also, great care should be taken once these very little guys are outside. Birds of prey (hawks, etc.) As well as some cats and other wildlife (such as coyotes) could consider the Chihuahua as being a pleasant snack. Chihuahuas ought to never be left unattended for long periods of your time, and once they are outside, they must be properly boxed in (including with a roof if birds of prey frequent the area). I actually have heard of many instances where a bird of prey snatched a Chihuahua off the ground before the owner knew what happened.

Breed Traits:
Chihuahuas are terribly loyal, and may be terribly protective of their owner. Chihuahuas really are an enormous dog in a very little body. Some folks think about a Chihuahua shaking, and terrified of everything, but in reality, they do not grasp their size and most can challenge larger dogs. Chihuahuas love human attention, and are true lap dogs. Chihuahuas are very personable and have their own personality and temperament, a bit like us . 

Chihuahuas can be terribly intelligent, to the point of outsmarting  you or being downright stubborn. Most are motivated by toy, food, or tenderness to make training easy. Several Chis try to please.

Some Chihuahuas are barkers, whereas others don't seem to be. This trait really varies with the bloodline and therefore the individual. Chihuahuas are not the happy little ankle-biters as they used to be best-known, and their temperament has improved by leaps and bounds with the assistance of accountable breeders doing their part to boost the breed.

As mentioned above, before selecting any breed of dog, make certain to do thorough research on the breed, ask completely different breeders questions about the breed, meet friends/family that have a pet Chihuahua, etc. There are several fascinating books out there to learn more regarding Chihuahuas, and most are useful regarding explaining a way to take care of them.

I also want to address the issue with the  weather as my little Miss Mildred gets so very cold in winter and I dress her most days unless it to hot but on the days its to hot and she has to go as I say naked haha I put sunscreen on her ears nose and head as I don't wan her to get burnt just like you wouldn't like your human baby burnt. Miss Mildred has so many outfits its sometime hard to pick one for her to wear! We have dog shoes for summer and winter.  Well some people think its silly or that I am a crazy Chihuahua lady and gee if thats what they want to think let them, I don't  allow other peoples opinions to trouble me i learnt that lesson a long time ago.
So start your furbaby wearing light tops to begin with then when it comes time for the winter coat you won't be having to struggle with your little love bug! 
I hope you enjoyed the new blog and 
if you have any ideas on what you might like Miss Mildred and I to talk about don't be shy post it in the comments below we are excited to hear them.
Live Love Laugh!

 Once again thanks for reading  
Please remember to 
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and we hope to see you back soon 
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Thursday 19 November 2015

Miss Squeaks Fun Tricks For Furbaby Chihuahua's.

Hello everyone hope all is well and your furbabys are giving you lots of love cuddles and kisses.
So i was thing lets talk about teaching our furbabys to do some sweet little tricks and a few came timing as I do train Miss Mildred to do tricks and it was very easy as the Chihuahua breed is very smart and they want to please. So after I give some more information on theChihuahua breed we will get started wth the few easy tricks I get 
Miss Mildred to do daily as our furbabys are small fragile and ever so tiny its hard to keep treat training as they can put on weight haha and I say this as Miss Mildred put weight on while i was training her but now a kiss and a cuddle makes her just as happy !

The Chihuahua is a terribly intelligent dog; as a matter of truth this breed has the biggest brain in comparison to body size out of all of the dog breeds within the world. therefore whether or not your Chihuahua may be a puppy or an older dog, you'll be able to definitely teach your dog some cute tricks. The key and secret to training your Chihuahua to perform tricks to repetition.

If you show your dog one thing over and over again; continually teaching him the same method, he can eventually learn it. This breed picks up info quite quickly; some tricks can solely take a matter of a week or 2 to find out.

When you are teaching your dog, it's best to do so during a quiet area wherever there aren't any distractions. make learning fun, act excited once he learns one thing and never scold him if he's taking time to catch on. when he will master a trick, take care to reward your Chihuahua with lots of happy words of praise.

When a Chi is first making an attempt to be told and is putting in effort, do provide a tasty treat as reward... however don't fret regarding always having to offer food as motivation. when you additionally offer praise at the same time, after a while a dog can have an automatic response... and at that point your smile, praise and therefore the attention that your Chi receives are going to be all that's required for him or her to require to stay playing. 

Some other smart tips to keep in mind is that taking time on a daily basis to work on these commands can create the simplest success... After all, sporadically having sessions once or twice per week merely will not provide the repetition that's required.

And, you need to be in an passionate mood in order for your Chihuahua to be in one! Dogs scan body language and tone as if they were ready to read our minds. If an owner is feeling positive with a decent attitude that learning is fun and a gradual process, a dog can typically mimic that perspective...And that is what's required to set a decent learning foundation. 

Cool Trick 1 - What  Hand? 

A really cute trick to show your Chihuahua will make it seem as if your dog could be a bit psychic! you must have your dog sitting in front of you. Reach to grab a handful of little treats; however take care that it's a small enough quantity in order that your hand will completely cover the food whereas creating a clenched fist.

Put your hands behind your back. Then, place each hands out toward your Chihuahua at a similar distance from him.

Say the command words of "Which hand?" using an excited voice. Your dog should be able to understand which hand holds the treats merely from the smell. A dog's ability to smell is totally amazing! once your dog put his paw on the proper hand, open your hand to reveal the treats. in this case, the treats are going to be the reward. 

Do not provide the treats till your Chihuahua puts his paw on the hand that hides them. this may teach him that merely nosing it's not enough.

Neat Trick 2 - Saying Grace

This is a good trick to show your Chihuahua, particularly when you have company over for dinner. In order  for this to work, you may want a small toddler's chair or booster seat that's placed on the ground.

You may additionally use a solid box or alternative object that is sometimes in your room or eating space. The height of the object must be so that your Chihuahua will stand and rest his or her front legs on the object.

This trick is "Saying Grace" but you must not have food out after you are training your Chihuahua to try and do this trick, because it can distract him from learning this. Have him sit in front of the item. Say the command words, "Say Grace" while you gently elevate his front paws and place them on the object.

Again, repeat the command words and gently place his face softly down upon his front paws. Your Chihuahua can currently be during a position that seems that he's expression a prayer. you must pat his head and say encouraging words to stay his face down for a number of moments.

Never hold his head if he resists. after a count of three or four, release your gentle touch and reward him with excitement, pats and hugs. 

The key to a dog learning to do this automatically once hearing the command words is to train him often. 

Doing this four to five times on a daily basis for one to two weeks ought to have your Chihuahua ready to do an amusing supper time trick.

Trick 3 - Greetings!

This trick is simple however can make your Chihuahua appear very smart! Sit your Chihuahua in front of you. Gently acquire one of his paws and gently shake it while expression the command word, "Hello". 

Act terribly happy while you're doing this and show your Chi that you simply are more than happy that he's permitting you to do this. After a while, say the command word again, however this time you may just gently touch his paw without shaking it. Act as if you expect him to require action. If he doesn't, lift the paw and repeat the hand shake.  

After a jiffy, your Chihuahua can perceive what to do after you sit before of him and say, "Hello". this is often a beautiful trick to have your dog grasp for when you introduce him or her to friends, family and other.

Super Cool Trick 4 - Sweet Kisses

This is a beautiful Chihuahua dog trick and extremely simple to show. You need to  sit your dog in front of you. Before you are doing the next step, do bear in mind that this is often temporary and very soon you will be able to eliminate this 1st part! 

Put a really little dab of wet pet food on the cheek of your face. Say the command words, "Kisses" and permit your Chihuahua to lick the treat off your face. As he's doing so, repeat the command word. 

Then, attempt to do so by merely pointing to your face and saying, "Kisses". If your Chihuahua kisses you, make certain to praise him with happy word and excited pats. After a while you should be able to merely say "Kisses" and obtain a sweet Chihuahua kiss. 

Miss Mildred loves to do all of these tricks and she is very happy to show anyone them!
I have put a lot of training into my sweet little Chihuahua and I am so happy she was so eager to learn we alway practice the shake before she is allowed her dinner so now she sits waiting for her command shake or paw so she can have her dinner. Its really cute and lots of fun too. 

 Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak 
would like to thank everyone for coming and reading our new blog 
Fun Tricks For Your Furbaby Chihuahua
And we would love to hear any trick that you do with your furbaby so let us know below in the comments and don't be shy !
Remember to Like +1 Share and Comment 
We also hope this blog has helped you to train your new furbaby. Come back soon for some new information and if there might be something you would like to know use the comments and tell us !!

Monday 20 April 2015

Miss Squeak Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas.

Hello and welcome to my blog about Chihuahuas.
Today I thought why not talk about Miss Mildreds breed 
a little bit more in depth so here is what I came up with.
Anyone with a chihuahua furbaby with know you can't be out of there sight for long before they come and sniff you out. As my 
Miss Mildred just loves to be with she is my shadow and if given the chance she will even get in the shower with me i know scary huh,
 We live in Perth Western Australia  as it is very hot in the summer and even in winter time its cold but not cold enough for snow ! So Miss Mildred is about to have her first winter and yes i have everything all at the ready warm furry onies coat with ugg boots and a knitted hat as she gets cold in summer.
My little furbaby is always wanting to be on me in my bed or you know just around me where ever I am you can guess she will be there too , even in the basket of my bike , But enough about that here are a few things you might also need to know about the Chihuahua .

The chihuahua, with its apple-dome skull and enormous bright eyes, will wear a remarkably human expression at times; she or he can wish to be with you most, if not all of the time.
Warning don’t purchase a chihuahua if you don’t have the emotional assets in your heart or the time for the whole love and a spotlight of this hairy  very little pet. they're like kids.
a few generalisations is may be. chihuahuas are swish, energetic, and swift-moving canines. described typically been made as having “terrier-like” qualities; that is, the qualities of being alert, observant, and keen on interacting with their masters. they're very loyal and get hooked up to at least one or two persons.
these little and typically teacup size dogs are definitely unaware of their diminutive stature: they'll be daring with alternative dogs a lot of larger than themselves, and protecting of their masters. they're ferociously loyal to their masters and cautious of any strangers or new guests introduced into the family, that the chihuahua considers to be its personal domain. for these reasons, chihuahuas make good watch dogs (not guard dogs!).
the chihuahua wants a good deal of human contact: touching, petting, and general attention. if the chihuahua doesn't get this, she or he can use varied attention-getting tricks till you offer her/him attention. like exploitation paws to gently scratch the hand, a symbol that claims, “pet me now!” some house owners who have had alternative, a lot of freelance breeds could realize the chihuahua too needy. however, they furnish plenty of love} and affection in return for your care.
keeping more than one chihuahua will greatly ease the dog’s stress once left alone every day if the owner works. they'll contend for your attention after you get home although. though they're naturally light, loyal, and sweet-tempered, chihuahuas are ideal for single folks, the old, the disabled, and shut-ins.

chihuahuas can keep you company for hours by lying on your lap or beside your body if in bed, and treat you as if you are royalty. No one with a chihuahua in their social unit can ever be really alone. they're quite happy in residences, as long as there's enough to play with and explore.

Opinions differ on the way to bath a chihuahua. Some say that bathing too much removes the natural oils from the coat, and so dandruff can result and therefore the coat can look boring. others say that shampooing every now and then with good brands of shampoo will really enhance the shininess of the coat. chihuahuas ought to be bathed a minimum of two times a month, otherwise they develop an unpleasant smell. this is often really as a result of the skin cells that humans sloth off onto the chihuahua! therefore humans are the most contributors to it smell that may develop.

when bathing, pay attention to not get water into their ears, as an infection might develop. You may have to trim their nails a minimum of once a month too. on the smaller dogs, cat claw trimmers will be used. it’s smart to begin a nail clipping routine timely in order that your dog becomes aware of your handling its paws to not mention getting accustomed the clippers. Furbaby owners should even be aware that chihuahuas are susceptible to knee issues like luxating patellas or “weak knees.” this could occur as they grow old. if it causes issue in walking, take your dog to the vet.

Additionally, some breeders give pedigree papers that trace the parents on the far side the immediate oldsters. these papers are important if you propose to enter your new dog into exhibitions and competitions. these certificates and papers make sure that the dog could be a purebred; but, simply because a dog has papers, doesn’t mean it's any more special than a pup bought from a friend.

When shopping for a leash for your chihuahua, keep in mind that its neck is quite little and delicate compared to alternative dog’s necks. you can't (and, indeed, should not) yank your dog around by the leash. a body-harness for little dogs is suggested for a few reasons: safety and comfort. if fitted right, it'll offer your pet a secure and comfy walk, and harnesses additionally guarantee your dog cannot run into traffic or an even bigger creature.

Chihuahuas additionally like many little meals per day, instead of one huge meal. they're uptight dogs. “high-strung” defined outlined as: barks easily, doesn't adapt easily to change in surroundings, is suspicious of strangers and can growl at them, and flips in a circle and jumps around once excited (Like when you get back inside from getting the mail). Your friends might see the worst aspect of them and never believe you once you tell them that your very little furbaby is basically a delicate, sweet-natured dog.

Owners should be terribly sensitive to the actual fact that short-haired chihuahuas, and even hairy  ones, are prone to the cold it is suggested that you just dress your chihuahua in a warm dog sweater for walks. Walking your chihuahua in temperatures that are very low is powerfully discouraged, particularly when there's a wind-chill issue.
In this, as in different aspects of dog maintenance, keep your dogs’ health prime priority, not your own need. it's a characteristic of the chihuahua to choose to sleep beneath a a sheet or blanket. they're going to even get beneath pillows in order to feel comfortable. if you're raising a pup, take care to supply them with a soft towel or blanket in their sleeping space so that they will burrow beneath it. Please don’t be stunned if your chihuahua scrambles beneath your blankets in the dead of night, despite the fact that your house or lodging might not be notably cold.

Chihuahuas are quite the sun-worshipers. they like to cherish the sun for hours and are known  to dwell a spot of sun no larger than the dimensions of a half-dollar! sadly, they're not wise in this regard and can keep within the sun even once panting begins.

watching your chihuahua in hot weather to take care that they don’t suffer from heat stroke is a real chihuahua health concern. chihuahuas do shiver once they’re cold, however they additionally shiver once they are cautious, excited, unhappy, or frightened. this is often a result of having a high metabolism, and is a traditional characteristic of this breed.
Hope this has help a few furbaby owners out ! 
Miss Mildred has fallen asleep while I was typing this she is just adorable and sweet .

 Thanks For Reading Miss Squeak Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas.
Let me know anything that you might want me to write about in the comments below.
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx