Showing posts with label puppy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppy. Show all posts

Sunday 27 November 2016

Miss Squeaks Fun Christmas Ideas For Your Furbaby!

 Okay lets talk Christmas, and our furbabys now its my first Christmas with Miss Mildred and gee I can't wait to get her new dresses from Ebay that we ordered I know I am excited to get them she has a few coming and I have a red and white one picked out for her to wear for the big day! Its so very cute a frilly just like the pretty princess that she is aww I mustn't be the only one who is excited about Christmas even Sir George has a outfit a little green elf costume that he looks so fantastic in and yes I will post pictures of them in their Christmas digs, Because I know you will want to see them haha! But i thought of a few ideas that you might like to do with your furbabys this Christmas! And we'll  get straight to it now.

If you're  like me , you think about your dog a part of your family. Then Christmas  is simply another occasion to solidify that relationship and embrace your dogs in all of the season’s commotion. Should you not break down before Christmas Eve, here are some gifts and activities that might make this Christmas extra, exceptional for you and your dog.

1. Get your dog a stocking.

That is, if they do not have one already. If this is your dog’s 1st Christmas with you, this can be a extremely nice way to commemorate your 1st of the many Christmas holidays together and solidify his or her place in your home.

There are 2 choices for this small activity. you could run out to your local Target or Kmart Red Dot or BigW and find a cute little stocking with their initial on it. That’s fast, easy, and totally counts. Or, if you have got a while to do a small homemade project, create one! Decorating a stocking that matches your dog’s temperament is something fun to do while you and your dog are sharing time watching crummy Christmas movies over a chewy bone and some wine/punch.

2. Lend a homeless dog a hand.

If your dog is dog friendly, this feature may be for you. wherever I spend the holidays, many shelters and rescues would love nothing more than to get their dogs out of their facilities or boarding to get a much-needed night in a home. Just  a day or 2 in a nice, warm home goes a long way towards helping out  a dog who is not as lucky as your own dog. Run a rescue or work with a shelter? Contemplate making a short-run fostering program for the holidays.

3. Take fun photos.

Earlier this season, one amongst my dogs gave up the ghost. Not to  get momentarily morbid, however having a lot of photos of him has positively helped Me and my family grieve. The Holidays are the simplest time to form those recollections and capture them so you mostly have a token of happy, silly, spirited times.

In my house, we’ve invested in jingle bell collars. The collars look laughably goofy on my  furbabys and create a lot of noise, however in a photo it’s too cute for words so worthwhile.

4.Participate in a very special activity together.

December is one in all the few months where everyone probably gets a while off of work. To make up for all those busy days throughout the year when your pup waited with patience for you to get home, do something exceptional together that you just might not get to try to to the remainder of the year. We are thinking of taking our furbabys to the beach Yay they'll like it.
Less-intensive activities are even as special. It could also be  a special trip to a doggy playground, or a walk on a brand new path you don’t take each day. This is just one nice way to show your dog how much he or she means to you and may make the holidays even more special for each of you.

Once again I would like to thank you all for coming and reading all of my blogs this is truly a passion for me and I enjoy doing the blog posts its fun and gets my brain moving in and on the right path but if we ever seem to be talking about the same stuff and you get bored just leave a comment below on what you might like Miss Mildred and I to talk about! We would love to keep everyone happy and up to date with whats going on with us over here in Perth Western Australia!
So Please Remember To 
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And come back soon !
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred

Friday 12 February 2016

New Puppy Its Potty Training Time !

       ..New Puppy Its Potty Training Time..

   Okay now we have a new puppy in the 

house and well first we 
have to let her get to know her new surrounding ,
so allow your puppy to walk around and smell out 
all the new things in the environment .

House training your puppy is about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. The goal is to instill smart habits and build a warm bond along with your pet.

It usually takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be absolutely house trained, however some puppies could take up to a year. Size will be a predictor. for example, smaller breeds have smaller bladders and better metabolisms and need additional frequent journeys outside. Your puppy's previous living conditions are another predictor. you'll notice that you simply ought to facilitate your puppy to break recent habits so as to help your  puppy make new ones.

As I got my Chihuahua Mildred from a breeder she was penned with her brothers and sister in a play pen and they were allowed to toilet in the same place where they slept so we are constantly on the ball watching her and by the time you have had your puppy for around 
2 weeks you should be able to see your pup smelling the ground and well my little fur baby walks around in circles and smells the floor 
so i know that she wants to go outside to the toilet ,
But don't be fooled you must go and place your puppy in the area you want them to go don't just place the pup outside as they will want to be with you so they might want to wee and poo at the backdoor . 
My little girl still has a few little mishaps but what can you do !
All you can to is be on your toes and if an accident happens its not the pups fault they are still learning ! 

When to Begin House Training Puppy

Experts recommend that you begin house training your puppy 

when he is between 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. At that point, he 

has enough control of his bladder and bowel movements to learn

 to hold it.

If your puppy is older than 12 weeks when you bring him home 

and he’s been eliminating in a cage (and possibly eating his 

waste), house training may take longer. You will have to reshape 

the dog’s behaviour -- with encouragement and reward.

Steps for Housetraining Your Puppy

Experts recommend confining the puppy to a defined space, 

whether that means in a crate, in a room, or on a leash. As your 

puppy learns that he needs to go outside to do his business, you 

can gradually give him more freedom to roam about the house.

  • When you start to house train, follow these steps:
  • Keep the puppy on a regular feeding schedule and take away his 
  • food  between meals. 

  • Take puppy out to eliminate first thing in the morning and then 
  • once every 30 minutes to an hour. 

  • Also, always take him outside 
  • after meals or when he wakes from a nap. 

  • Make sure he goes out 
  • last thing at night and before he’s left alone. 

  • Take puppy to the same spot each time to do his business. His 
  • scent will prompt him to go. 

  • Stay with him outside, at least until he’s house trained
  • When your puppy eliminates outside, praise him or give him a
  • treat. A walk around the neighbourhood is a nice reward. 

Thnaks for Reading !

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

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Wednesday 6 January 2016

Miss Squeaks Is A Chihuahua Right For You.

Hi everyone and welcome to my latest blog today i thought we could talk about if a Chihuahua is the right breed of furbaby for you. Miss Mildred and myself Miss Squeak have been very busy over the Christmas New Year break so we haven't blogged that much and  
we are sorry about that so now lets get in to it. Remember we would also love to hear about your furry furbabys too!

Is the Chihuahua Right for Me?

Chihuahuas actually are an exquisite very little breed, however they're not the correct breed for everybody. Because they're terribly tiny, special thought must be given on the sort of home they are going too.  Chihuahuas might not be safe with different breeds of dog, like sight-hounds. As furbaby lovers it's our job to do the best research and this suggests asking lots of questions. No one wants his puppy to lead a stressed life, be hurt or abused by babies or different pets, or end up in an animal shelter or not cared for correctly. So here are some things to think about before heading out to get a Chihuahua!
 Before acquiring any breed of dog, it's vital to research that breed to make sure this can be the correct breed for you. certain breeds have common health issues, some need voluminous grooming or exercise, some have breed traits like excessive barking in conjunction with several alternative factors that will make it a pleasant breed for one person, however not the correct breed for another. never purchase a puppy impulsively before doing research; keep in mind, this is often a life long commitment. the typical lifetime of a Chihuahua is twelve to sixteen or additional years.

Children and Chihuahuas don't mix. This is often not necessarily because the Chihuahua may be aggressive towards kids, however as a result of toddlers and little kids will simply fall or drop a toy on a Chihuahua, or kick a Chi when suddenly racing across the space, or slamming a door on it. A Chihuahua will instinctively sense that a nipper or kid is comparatively speaking, uncoordinated and "out of control" and may create a danger. This is  particularly  true as kids are more uncoordinated and clumsy than adults. 

Chihuahuas don't seem to be only tiny, however the overwhelming majority of Chihuahuas have a soft-spot on top of their head, making them more at risk of injury. Even a baby which means well and loves the small dog will accidentally hurt the little breed by cuddling a Chihuahua too hard or dropping it.  Also, kids move quickly and impulsively, and may kick or tread on a Chihuahua once they come across the room. A energetic family, however well-meaning, are often very hard on a Chi.   The mother, who already has enough to do within the family, would have the worrisome task of "watching out for the Chihuahua" round the clock on a daily basis added to her responsibilities. 

For families that would like to get A little furbaby dog, we'd recommend either obtaining another little breed like a Bichon Frise, a pug or a Cavalier King Charles spaniel which may be ready to stand up to kids better, or at the very least, a bigger sized Chihuahua that is to a small degree more durable. These different pleasant breeds are also affectioned and make nice companions for the entire family.   The bonus would be that lifestyle at home would be more relaxing while the youngsters get older.

Other Pets:
Chihuahuas will get on quite well with different breeds of dogs and different pets, particularly once raised from a young age in this sort of setting, however usually, Chihuahuas mustn't be within the same family as larger breeds of dogs. A larger, robustious dog will simply hurt a Chihuahua in play, or if it suddenly needs to safeguard its food or chew toy, a snap at a Chihuahua may be serious. 

Chihuahuas are typically not good with hunting dog breeds that have a hunting dog temperament (that are food/toy protective, will challenge other dogs, etc.) Because the  Chihuahua themselves have a terrier-like temperament. therefore a hunting dog and a Chihuahua would possibly clash with their similar personalities, and this may be terribly dangerous as a Chihuahua doesn't grasp its size.

Chihuahuas are at risk of eye injuries due to their giant unprotected eyes, therefore having a cat within the house might or might not be a good plan. Laid back cats are best. A cat that's shy or excessively mischievous might scratch the Chihuahua's eyes.

Small Size Consideration:
Chihuahuas don't seem to be the correct breed for everyone because of their little size. Because they're little, they will simply get into places which may not be safe, like places with electrical cords, or beneath a fence or gate. Fences should be properly secured (we nail boards on the bottom) so the Chihuahua can't escape. As described above, they are not essentially the perfect pet to introduce to a family that has kids or different pets. Also, great care should be taken once these very little guys are outside. Birds of prey (hawks, etc.) As well as some cats and other wildlife (such as coyotes) could consider the Chihuahua as being a pleasant snack. Chihuahuas ought to never be left unattended for long periods of your time, and once they are outside, they must be properly boxed in (including with a roof if birds of prey frequent the area). I actually have heard of many instances where a bird of prey snatched a Chihuahua off the ground before the owner knew what happened.

Breed Traits:
Chihuahuas are terribly loyal, and may be terribly protective of their owner. Chihuahuas really are an enormous dog in a very little body. Some folks think about a Chihuahua shaking, and terrified of everything, but in reality, they do not grasp their size and most can challenge larger dogs. Chihuahuas love human attention, and are true lap dogs. Chihuahuas are very personable and have their own personality and temperament, a bit like us . 

Chihuahuas can be terribly intelligent, to the point of outsmarting  you or being downright stubborn. Most are motivated by toy, food, or tenderness to make training easy. Several Chis try to please.

Some Chihuahuas are barkers, whereas others don't seem to be. This trait really varies with the bloodline and therefore the individual. Chihuahuas are not the happy little ankle-biters as they used to be best-known, and their temperament has improved by leaps and bounds with the assistance of accountable breeders doing their part to boost the breed.

As mentioned above, before selecting any breed of dog, make certain to do thorough research on the breed, ask completely different breeders questions about the breed, meet friends/family that have a pet Chihuahua, etc. There are several fascinating books out there to learn more regarding Chihuahuas, and most are useful regarding explaining a way to take care of them.

I also want to address the issue with the  weather as my little Miss Mildred gets so very cold in winter and I dress her most days unless it to hot but on the days its to hot and she has to go as I say naked haha I put sunscreen on her ears nose and head as I don't wan her to get burnt just like you wouldn't like your human baby burnt. Miss Mildred has so many outfits its sometime hard to pick one for her to wear! We have dog shoes for summer and winter.  Well some people think its silly or that I am a crazy Chihuahua lady and gee if thats what they want to think let them, I don't  allow other peoples opinions to trouble me i learnt that lesson a long time ago.
So start your furbaby wearing light tops to begin with then when it comes time for the winter coat you won't be having to struggle with your little love bug! 
I hope you enjoyed the new blog and 
if you have any ideas on what you might like Miss Mildred and I to talk about don't be shy post it in the comments below we are excited to hear them.
Live Love Laugh!

 Once again thanks for reading  
Please remember to 
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and we hope to see you back soon 
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Chihuahuas and Stuff,

Okay Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak are back to have a 
little chat about her breed and a few fun facts on where the breed came from and some other fun stuff. So after my holiday away in Bali with my Monster I was greeted at the airport by my older brother Les my son Zachary and of course my sweet little 
Miss Mildred who was extremely excited to see me yay! I had a wonderful time yet I was very nervous about leaving her while we were away I had a very big cry and got on the plane I know bugga huh But a lot of people suffer with anxiety like myself  so I thought i would share a little bit more about myself as well talking about my furbabys and giving tips, tricks and helpful hints ! I hope you all don't mind? Now lets get strted !

Chihuahuas are the tiniest furbaby dogs within the world, however they’re additionally the first to forget simply how little they really are! Their personalities are sometimes a lot of larger than their little frames so is their confidence level. You’ll realize these animated pups (and their loveably giant ears and big eyes) playing with even the largest dogs. They’re from hot  and sunny Mexico and are small enough to get chilly quickly, so they like to curl up within the sunniest spot within the house. If you keep a blanket out for your Chihuahua, you’re likely to find them trying ridiculously cute curled up within it.


The Chihuahua is certainly from Mexico—the breed even shares its name with a Mexican state. It’s ancestor, the Techichi, pre-dates the Mayans and there are drawings of large-eared Chihuahua-like dogs within the Yucatan Peninsula from before 1530 A.D. Today’s Chihuahua is way smaller than his ancestors, perhaps as a result of there’s a chance they were bred with Chinese Cresteds brought across the Bering Strait to Alaska. Some assume that Christopher Columbus was answerable for bringing the first Chihuahuas to Europe. He did write a letter to the King of Spain talking about a little dog. As for hairy  Chihuahuas, they may have been bred with Papillons or Pomeranians.


Known Health Issues: The bulk of Chihuahuas are healthy dogs—like all breeds, some might have health problems. Look out for patellar lunation (an issue with the kneecaps that's hereditary and develops later in life) and heart and eye conditions.

Grooming: minimal. short-haired Chihuahuas particularly need little or no grooming. Hairy Chihuahuas ought to be brushed once or twice per week, and each varieties ought to get their nails cut, their ears checked, and their teeth brushed frequently.

Trainability: extremely trainable, since they’re so smart. You’ll realize they’re significantly quick learners once they’re having fun.

Noise Level: Chihuahuas are better-known for barking a lot—they’re super aware and communicative—but you'll be able to keep their barking under control by familiarizing them with the items they're barking at (a knock at the door, the vacuum, or staying home alone) and giving them positive reinforcement.

Apartment/House: Chis love the flat life. They are happy in little areas and don’t like  living outside or playing unattended outside within the  yard—they are too little and would possibly get attacked by a bird or a bigger animal.

Best Breed For: A warm , hot and sunny flat with only furbaby siblings! Chihuahuas are clannish and like to be around other Chihuahuas, however their little bodies are pretty fragile, therefore they’re best fitted to families without youngsters or with older kids who knowledge to be very, very gentle.


Are Chihuahuas smart watch dogs?

Actually, yes! Chihuahuas rank within the prime ten most suggested watch dog breeds. They’re distrustful of strangers and are the first to forget how little they really are.

Why is my Chihuahua shivering?

Chihuahuas are likely to shiver, not just once they’re cold, However also once they’re afraid or perhaps excited. Keep a pooch sweater handy and leave some blankets round the house for your pup to smuggle up in.

If I leave Miss Mildred alone she is very happy to find a sunny spot to sun bake in or she will find a nice clean comfy cushion to sleep on Miss Mildred has so many beds and blankets to make a nest in yet if there happens to be a free lap to nap on she will make sure she is the first furbaby to get on it ! Are your furbabys the same I am sure they would be wink wink haha ! We like to think we have the best furbabys in town but trust me we have our problems too and if you have been following my blog you would know that! 
So once again we hope you enjoyed my light hearted look in to my life and the day to day fun that Miss Mildred gets up too 

 So thankyou for reading my latest blog 
Miss Squeak Talks Chihuahuas and Stuff
Remember to like +1 share 
and comment below ! 

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Sunday 16 August 2015

Miss Squeaks Talks Miss Mildred and Facebook!

 Okay todays blog is about how people have gone to far with reporting people on Facebook ! Over the last two days i have been getting reported for animal cruelty  as the picture below is the  one that was reported first then the one after and so on this makes me sick to my tummy as i believe, it all started because of a comment I  made on a video from the famous chihuahua page of Pacho wearing shoes for the first time and gee it was cute to see hime wear his shoes for the first time! i believe dogs should wear shoes in the summer to protect their little paw pads from the hot scorching pavement and in the winter to save them from the freezing cold all in all it is the owners opinion to place shoes on their furbaby paws. Miss Mildred wears her uggboots in winter just because she doesn't like to get her feet wet and if i don't put them on her she will wee and poo in the house hence the shoes are a good fit for us, But as the silly young mouthy girl got into a stupid rant about the  picture i posted of Miss Mildred in her winter coat and uggboots and the fact that i was abusing my dog and i should get a doll and so on something that i don't get involved in and because i didn't argue with this person she went on to report over ten of pictures! Now i feel like the bad person when in fact i was the one whom was being trolled by a small minded person. Has anyone else had this problem on Facebook ?? My reply to the Facebook police was as follows,

 Dear Facebook, Whom ever reported my dogs pictures this is just stupid she was sleeping in her dress when she woke up and i took this picture i for one would never put my dog in harms way so i think you should look at the people reporting others and see what they are doing just being trolls of the internet ! i will not be taking down this picture as i think it's cute you should be looking at the small minded mixed up people that find it fun to report other peoples pictures i can understand if i was hurting my chihuahua and placing her in danger!! But if you took some time out to look at all my other pictures she sleeps like that all the time.  I thinks this is down right petty and stupid! Thanks very much
 Helene aka Miss Squeak , 

Here is a link to my blog about dogs and the do's and don'ts of owning one

So thanks for reading my rant about Facebook and why i hardly use it and choose to hangout in google+ ! Miss Mildred and i are doing much better now but we still get some pictures reported.  Hope to see you soon! And please let me know if you have had any problems like we have had?

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

 .. Miss Mildred 11mths old ..

.. Miss Mildred 6mths old ..
.. Miss Mildred 3mths old ..

Thanks very much for reading 
    Miss Squeaks Talks 
   Miss Mildred and Facebook
Please Remember to Like +1 Comment 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Bonding With Your New Furbaby

So it is me again Miss Squeak and today I would like to talk about the bond between you and your new fur baby whether its young or older dog we need to start with showing this new member of our family that we are there for her/him to love and protect them. 
This new little bundle of joy and happiness is going to test your patience and not always do the right thing but with all that aside you have chosen your new fur baby to come home with you on this new adventure hope some of these words below help you out! 

Lets get Started then! Bonding with your new Furbaby !

Whether your pet may be a puppy or an adult dog, every activity the 2 of you share builds and strengthens your bond.

- Stroking, patting and gently grooming all comfort and please your dog.

- appropriate play permits you to share your dog's natural joy in movement and games.

- Time spent in agility coaching and obedience work enhances your relationship whereas permitting your dog to achieve confidence as he successfully completes tasks and earns your approval as well as the occasional treat.

- make certain that the sessions are not any longer than the dog's attention span which they always end on an up note with the dog with success finishing a command and winning praiseDogs perceive and learn from the implications that follow their actions. By pleasing smart behaviour with praise, attention and honestly given rewards, you reinforce both the behaviour and therefore the bond between you and contribute to your dog's sense of confidence and his place within the family structure. If the dog's behaviour is unacceptable, make this clear in an exceedingly firm, negative tone of voice. Intimidation, cruelty or any attempt to hurt or damage your dog betrays his trust, damages the bond you share and may lead him to be fearful.

Dogs come back to us with a natural sense of order and a willingness to acknowledge humans as leader. In response, we want to strengthen our position by assured and consistent leadership and guidance. Understanding your dog's worldview and being a firm and consistent leader can enable him to grow to his full canine potential and allow the bond between you to continue to develop.

Establishing a bond is best and most natural with puppies. leaving their mother's authority at about eight weeks (taking puppies from their litter before 6 weeks suggests that the puppy misses a crucial  part of the "litter" experience and should forever have issue relating to other dogs), the impressionable puppy willingly comes to see his human as the leader. You reinforce this natural tendency by calm, patient, consistent attention and by permitting the puppy to adjust to new routines. The pup is anxious to trust and bond and will respond absolutely to your care.

- Give him  a safe sanctuary that's quiet and puppy-proof. I had a playpen for my fur baby Mildred and it worked just great she was able to feel safe and my other dogs were able to see and smell her too.As Mildred was so very small it was wonderful to have this place for her as she could get stepped on and in up in the vet not something what we really wanted so if you can use some place where you can leave you new pup so you can do things like the washing and cleaning where your puppy is not in the way.

- Build his confidence with unambiguous expectations and mild treatment. Young puppies are simply intimidated, therefore use caution when training.

- A firm "no" is sometimes adequate when discipline is important.

Adult Dogs
Establishing a bond with an adult dog might take to a small degree longer, particularly if he comes from a troubled past, however it is well definitely worth the effort. If possible, learn as much as you'll be able to regarding your adult dog's formative years therefore you'll be able to avoid unwittingly repeating any difficult  or horrifying experiences.

- Assert your leadership in a non-confrontational manner.

- Be clear and firm in your expectations and wait.

Hope this was helpful and gives you a little more knowledge about this issue, we all have some thing our fur baby does that might make us angry or mad but remember we are the leaders of the pack and it is up to us to help our new fur baby adjust .. Thankyou for reading !

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Miss Squeak Some Training Tips For Your New Puppy!

   Some Training Tips For Your New Puppy !

So you have your new little fur baby , do you have 
all the things your new little puppy needs for the next few weeks , training pads food a safe place for her or him to sleep a blanket and a few soft toys too play with, When I got Mildred I was so excited to get her it was like I was getting a new real baby I had everything you could imagine .
So here are Some tips and tricks I used to get me through the first few weeks I hope they help you out ! Now lets get to it .

Teach him the rules. Your dog won't know the rules when you bring him home. It's your job to show him what to do and what not to do. Is it OK to sit on the furniture? How about overturning the garbage can? Make it clear.
Teach him to sit, stay, and come when you call him, and walk on a leash without pulling. Say things like "good boy" when he does what you want him to do.

Praise good behavior. If he waits at the curb instead of running 

into the street, for example, reinforce the good behaviour with a 

quick "yes" or "good" at the exact moment he does what you want.
Set up a reward system. Reward behaviors you like. Don't reward 

behaviours you dislike. Always use immediate consequences.
Rewards can be simple, like a doggie treat or a good belly rub. Or 

they can be special, like playtime with doggie pals or a game of 

fetch. To teach him not to do something, ignore him or take away 

things he likes. For example, if he jumps up on you when he wants 

to play, show him it's not OK by turning away. When he sits down, 

shower him with attention.

Ward off biting. "Many puppies try and play with their new 

owners' hands and feet in the same way they played with their litter

 mates -- with mouthing and biting,"  You'll have to teach him it's 

not OK, so don't allow any type of biting or nibbling on people, 

even during play.But if your puppy does bite you, yelp loudly,"  If 
he continues to mouth or bite you, step away and ignore him for 30 to 60 seconds. That will teach him that biting makes playtime end, so it should stop the behaviour.

Give him appropriate things to chew on. "Remember, puppies need lots of things to chew on,"  Give him appropriate toys that he can mouth, like chew toys. Leave lots of toys around so he doesn't feel the need to play with your hands or ankles.
Playing along when he chews on a toy as it  will feel extra fun to him and reinforce proper chewing.

Teach good manners

When your pup is polite, everyone benefits. Train him to sit when guests come to the door instead of jumping up to greet them. Teaching him to sit will keep him calm when guests arrive, It may help to keep him on a leash. I have done this with my fur baby 
Miss Mildred !
Too much barking can be a nuisance. Ward it off by teaching him when it's OK to bark and when it's not. Try using a stern "no." It may also help to get rid of or minimise the cause.

Meeting Other Dogs

Introduce him to other dogs
The perfect time to have your puppy meet other dogs is when he's about 2 to 4 months old. That's the sweet spot when most dogs learn to accept animals, people, and new places and experiences more easily.
Puppy play dates and puppy classes are a good place to start. Stick to places where dogs are healthy and vaccinated. "Dog parks need to wait until all the shots are done,"
When your puppy meets another dog, it's best if they're both on a leash. That will give you and the other dog's owner better control of the situation. "Allow the two dogs time to smell each other,"This is their way of getting to know each other." Praise him when he behaves well.
Go slow.
 Don't worry if your puppy doesn't jump right in and play with other dogs. Many puppies are reserved and need time to transform from wallflower to social butterfly, Klein says.
Follow your puppy's cues. "If he doesn't want to go, don't push it," Klein says. Give him the time and space he needs to feel comfortable. "The most important thing is that every socialising experience be a pleasant one, with no scary moments."
Doing all of these things not only teaches the puppy and helps build a beautiful bond between you and you new fur baby I really hope some of my tips and tricks are of some help to you new fur baby !
Receiving your new fur baby can be the most rewarding gift in your life and its important to give your new fur baby a positive start so as it can learn to behave as you would want it too.

Thanks so much for reading 

Miss Squeaks Truth On Dogs ! 

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Wednesday 4 March 2015

Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make !

    ..Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make..

Here are a few common mistakes dog owners make without even knowing that they are doing so. I hope some of my tips help you out with your fur baby. Lets start now !

Tip 1 Letting Your Dog Walk You
A poorly trained dog will pull you over while you’re out for a stroll. according to the authority, tens of thousands of individuals end up within the ER each year attributable to pet-related falls. several of those falls occur throughout walks -- either once someone trips over a dog or is force or pushed by one. specialists say obedience coaching is the best way to certify your pooch doesn’t take you down throughout the morning walk.

Tip 2 Not neutering or Spaying Your Pet
Millions of cats and dogs live on the road or find themselves  euthanised due to unwanted litters. Still, many folks are reluctant to unsex or neuter their pets. the actual fact is, neutering and spaying could be a healthy alternative for your pet. It reduces the danger of breast cancer in females and testicular cancer in males. castrated  males also are less probably to run away from home, mark their territory, or exhibit aggressive behaviours.

Tip 3 Keeping the Food Bowl Full
With the best intentions, some individuals keep their pets' food bowls full at all times. this can be one amongst the foremost common mistakes pet owners create. the matter is that cats and dogs typically eat more than they need. If food is consistently accessible, they're going to absorb too many calories and placed on an excessive amount of weight. To avoid this, follow the suggestions on the pet food label or ask your vet for guidance.

Tip 4 Not socializing Young Pets
It's important to supply puppies with positive human interaction throughout their initial seven weeks of life. This includes handling and play that fosters trust in folks. honorable breeders can begin this interaction, and you'll be able to continue the method after you bring your pet home. To develop a powerful bond, play along with your new puppy each day.

Tip 5  Setting No Rules
Some folks expect their pets to understand right from wrong while not being told. however human rule doesn't come naturally to dogs and cats. you wish to create it clear that jumping up on folks, scratching the piece of furniture, and peeing on the carpet are unacceptable. Be consistent regarding the house rules, and reward your pets for good behaviour. If you would like guidance, consult a trainer promptly

Tip 6 Scolding Pets for "Accidents"
If you come home to find a puddle of pee on the ground, you'll have the urge to yell at your pet. however animal behavior specialists say this can do no good in the least. The transgression took place within the past, and your dog or cat will not grasp why you're yelling. a far better strategy is to praise your pets straightaway once they do their business wherever they are supposed to.

Tip 7 Providing insufficient  Attention
Just like youngsters, your pets can get bored if you do not play with them. and boredom will result in hard behaviors like chewing, digging, barking, and whining. Bored dog could resort to scratching and excessive barking Fight boredom by concealing treats for your pets to search out round the house. give toys your dog will chase. Teach dogs to play fetch, tug-of-war, or hide and go seek

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..Miss Squeaks Common Mistakes 
Dog Owners Make ..
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx