Showing posts with label #cutenessoverload. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #cutenessoverload. Show all posts

Friday 24 January 2020

My Furbaby Pack

Hi Everypawdy it’s me Miss Squeak a lot has happened since I last did a blog! 
Wow we now have 3 new furbabies in our pack! Yup that makes 7 sweet little furry friends.
I know that might sound crazy to some but it works great for us! 
I pride myself in the fact that they are all very well balanced, 
They get walked every day and and have all been trained too, so that’s a bonus! 
I would say the biggest thing you can teach your furbabies is recall! 
All our furbabies can free run with confidence, as we know that if we give a command, 
they will come back with their tails wagging. We are sure to make the training sessions
fun and exciting for the dogs, to begin with I used high value treats and now 
I can just use the command or hand gestures! We have only one male in the pack and 
he (Sir George) is a shihtzu and almost ten years old, then we have Miss Mildred (Guildy Polly Pocket Princess) she is a pure pedigree smooth coat chihuahua and she will be 6 this year, 
then we have SoSo she is a chihuahua x poodle and will be 4 this year 
then we have Vinyl-Violet (Pirate Puppy) she is a chihuahua with one eye and is 3 this year, 
then with have our two litter sisters Myrtle-Mayhem (Mert the turt) and SiSi (Head with Legs)
they are chihuahua x silky terrier and will be 2 this year and couldn’t look any more different, no one would guess they are sisters, then we have the baby of the pack SuSu she is a long coat chihuahua and will be 2 this year too! I will share a few pictures of them so you can see how cute they all are! 

How many furbabies do you have in your pack? 
Our furbabies don’t all live together but are with each other every day! 

Hope you have a Pawtastic day! 
I am going to start blogging more regularly! 
Big hugs and puppy licks,
Miss Squeak 

Monday 23 October 2017

Why Do Chihuahua's Runaway?

5 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Run Away 
And Some WaysTo Prevent It <script async src="//"></script>
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Does your Chihuahua run away once you let them outside to play and use the bathroom? Some Chihuahuas instinctively sprint towards the neighbors home once the outside door is opened, leaving owners to question the effectiveness of their coaching. If this sounds familiar, look at the five commonest reasons why Chihuahuas run away -- and the way to prevent it -- listed below.
Not solely is this kind of running away behavior frustrating, however it is also quite dangerous. There are dozens of ways a 'free-roaming' Chihuahua will injure themselves by venturing from their home, a number of which include:
Hit by a car
Skirmishes with close dogs and cats
Attacked by wild animals
Getting into pesticides, antifreeze, oil or different dangerous  chemicals
Of course, there's additionally an opportunity of your Chihuahua running away from home and not returning, that is something no family desires to experience
As an owner, it is your responsibility to safeguard your Chihuahua from dangers like this. the first step in fixing this drawback is to spot why exactly your Chihuahua feels the necessity to run away.
Reason 1 Searching For A Mate
If your Chihuahua is not spayed or castrated , they will run away in search of a mate. Unfixed females in heat unleash powerful pheromones that males will smell from over a mile away! And although your Chihuahua is obedient and well trained, mother nature's 'mating magnet' can instinctively cause them to run away.
It's clearly easier to spot a female checking out a mate, as their private parts can become swollen and bleed for roughly twenty one days. Males, on the opposite hand, will run away anytime there is a female in heat around; thus, owners of male Chihuahuas ought to use additional caution when taking them outside.
However the bottom line is that all Chihuahuas -- unless otherwise stated by your vet -- ought to be fixed to cut back the possibility of them running away. By spaying or fixing your Chihuahua, they will no longer manufacture the hormones to blame for finding a mate.
Reason 2 Boredom
Another reason why Chihuahuas run away is as a result of they're bored. it is a common assumption by first-time owners that Chihuahuas don't need constant amount of outside leisure time as different breeds because of their little size. instead of taking them out on a daily basis, some homeowners leave their Chihuahuas cooped up inside for long periods of time, leading to boredom and pent-up energy.
Chihuahua affected by boredom and/or pent-up energy are more likely to run away once given the possibility. owners should understand that Chihuahuas -- like all dogs -- are complicated animals that crave mental and physical stimulation. just because they small does not imply you'll be able to leave them locked up within the house all day long.
Whether it's going for a walk, taking part in fetch or simply laying out beneath the sun (Chihuahuas LOVE sunning), take your Chihuahua outside on a daily basis to cut back the possibility of the them running away.
Reason 3 Lack of Obedience
It's downright frustrating after you call your Chihuahua to come back back only to have them get away in the opposite direction. If this seems like a well-known state of affairs, your are not alone. Lack of obedience is an all-too-common problem, making it tough for walks and leisure time outside.
When a Chihuahua doesn't view you as the 'leader of the pack,' they're going to be more willing to run away while they're outside. And to create matters worse, a disobedient Chihuahua won't come back after you call their name. you can yell till your lungs go dry only to have your Chihuahua take off down street or into the neighbor's yard.
So, how does one fix this frustrating problem? the first step is to only let your Chihuahua outside after they are connected to a collar and leash (or lead). now once you are walking and playing with your Chihuahua outside, teach them a recall command like "come here boy," or "back Mildred." offer them plenty of slack on their leash and speak the recall command when you are ready to go inside. If they obey your command, provide them plenty of warmheartedness, praise and after all a treat.
Reason 4 Mistreatment
A fourth reason why Chihuahuas run away is because they are being beaten by their owner at home. in a good world, every and each Chihuahua would receive the unconditional love and attention they deserve, but this world is way from perfect. Some owners hit, slap and otherwise physically abuse their Chihuahuas, which naturally encourages them to run away once given the possibility. you can't expect a Chihuahua to pay attention and obey their owner if they're being abused.
Note: mistreatment isn't restricted strictly to physical abuse. Neglecting your Chihuahua and their need for attention is another type of abuse which can contribute to their running away problem.
Reason 5 Seeking friendship
When they don't get it at home, Chihuahuas could run away to seek companionship from other dogs or individuals. This reason goes hand-in-hand with mistreatment, as neglecting your Chihuahua and avoiding them on for days on hand can only encourage them to get away. give your Chihuahua attention and friendship so that they want to remain at home.
Tips For Preventing Your Chihuahua From running away
Have them spayed or castrated 
Teach them a 'recall' command, such as "come here Amos!"
Use treats as a reward once your Chihuahua successfully obeys your recall command
Never punish or scold your Chihuahua for running away, as this sort of negativity will only encourage this unwanted behavior.
Walk your Chihuahua on an extended lead or retractile leash till they obey on your recall command
Show your Chihuahua tenderness and love on a day after day
Now as you can see from all the pictures, we are lucky to have some wonderful and amazing likeminded friends that have some adorable sweet chihuahua's that come and have regular playdays. 
This has helped with Miss Mildred, Vinyl-Violet and Sir George and their recall as I use a noise that they all come too. 
Miss Mildred is able to free walk as she sees myself as her leader, 
Vinyl-Violet is still learning what our pack walk is all about so when we are in a area,  where they are unable to get to the road or run off into the bush (normally in the middle of the oval) I allow  Vinyl-Violet and Sir George the freedom of free walking yet they are still attached to leads, and they do come back when called so things are going great, and before long they too well be able to be trusted like their sister, Do you allow your furbabies to free walk? 
Let us know what you like to do when you walk your Chihuahua's and other furbabies. And thanks so much for reading! 
See You All Soon! 
Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Vinyl-Violet 

Sunday 27 November 2016

Miss Squeaks Fun Christmas Ideas For Your Furbaby!

 Okay lets talk Christmas, and our furbabys now its my first Christmas with Miss Mildred and gee I can't wait to get her new dresses from Ebay that we ordered I know I am excited to get them she has a few coming and I have a red and white one picked out for her to wear for the big day! Its so very cute a frilly just like the pretty princess that she is aww I mustn't be the only one who is excited about Christmas even Sir George has a outfit a little green elf costume that he looks so fantastic in and yes I will post pictures of them in their Christmas digs, Because I know you will want to see them haha! But i thought of a few ideas that you might like to do with your furbabys this Christmas! And we'll  get straight to it now.

If you're  like me , you think about your dog a part of your family. Then Christmas  is simply another occasion to solidify that relationship and embrace your dogs in all of the season’s commotion. Should you not break down before Christmas Eve, here are some gifts and activities that might make this Christmas extra, exceptional for you and your dog.

1. Get your dog a stocking.

That is, if they do not have one already. If this is your dog’s 1st Christmas with you, this can be a extremely nice way to commemorate your 1st of the many Christmas holidays together and solidify his or her place in your home.

There are 2 choices for this small activity. you could run out to your local Target or Kmart Red Dot or BigW and find a cute little stocking with their initial on it. That’s fast, easy, and totally counts. Or, if you have got a while to do a small homemade project, create one! Decorating a stocking that matches your dog’s temperament is something fun to do while you and your dog are sharing time watching crummy Christmas movies over a chewy bone and some wine/punch.

2. Lend a homeless dog a hand.

If your dog is dog friendly, this feature may be for you. wherever I spend the holidays, many shelters and rescues would love nothing more than to get their dogs out of their facilities or boarding to get a much-needed night in a home. Just  a day or 2 in a nice, warm home goes a long way towards helping out  a dog who is not as lucky as your own dog. Run a rescue or work with a shelter? Contemplate making a short-run fostering program for the holidays.

3. Take fun photos.

Earlier this season, one amongst my dogs gave up the ghost. Not to  get momentarily morbid, however having a lot of photos of him has positively helped Me and my family grieve. The Holidays are the simplest time to form those recollections and capture them so you mostly have a token of happy, silly, spirited times.

In my house, we’ve invested in jingle bell collars. The collars look laughably goofy on my  furbabys and create a lot of noise, however in a photo it’s too cute for words so worthwhile.

4.Participate in a very special activity together.

December is one in all the few months where everyone probably gets a while off of work. To make up for all those busy days throughout the year when your pup waited with patience for you to get home, do something exceptional together that you just might not get to try to to the remainder of the year. We are thinking of taking our furbabys to the beach Yay they'll like it.
Less-intensive activities are even as special. It could also be  a special trip to a doggy playground, or a walk on a brand new path you don’t take each day. This is just one nice way to show your dog how much he or she means to you and may make the holidays even more special for each of you.

Once again I would like to thank you all for coming and reading all of my blogs this is truly a passion for me and I enjoy doing the blog posts its fun and gets my brain moving in and on the right path but if we ever seem to be talking about the same stuff and you get bored just leave a comment below on what you might like Miss Mildred and I to talk about! We would love to keep everyone happy and up to date with whats going on with us over here in Perth Western Australia!
So Please Remember To 
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And come back soon !
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred

Monday 20 June 2016

Miss Squeak Talks Furbaby Chihuahua's and Water.

Okay furbaby lovers today I wanted to talk about the water and what we can do to help your little furbaby learn to love the water. Here are some things I have done with my chihuahua Miss Mildred

Now for the water tips, What I did with Miss Mildred was to make bath time a very fun and enjoyable time I even gave her chicken her favourite when she was calm and in the water it also worked with the hairdryer haha as she bloody hates that thing.

As we have a swimming pool outside we started her in the pool when it was her first summer only about a month after we got her and she was a little unsure of the pool as she was oh so tiny but we have other dogs five of them at all love the water and they will run and jump into the water and as we would include Miss Mildred to try and do the same with lots of excitement and enthusiasm! 

We ended up getting her a floating bed that she could sit on and just float around the water and when she would want to get into the water we would give her a treat! Now this went on everyday throughout the summer now she enjoys swimming if you call it swimming hahahaWith the spa outside she loves that as its small and warm and she can stand in the water with her little feet on the seat and she loves it! If we are in the spa having a romantic cuddle and a glass of w

With the spa outside she loves that as its small and warm and she can stand in the water with her little feet on the seat and she loves it! If we are in the spa having a romantic cuddle and a glass of wine 
Miss Mildred will bark and scratch at the side until we allow her to get in! 

 Now for some more tips and tricks to help you with your
 Furbaby and the water, Lets get started! 

The overwhelming majority of dogs can learn to like swimming. Some can take longer than others, and some would possibly never come to like it, but for most it'll become a favourite activity and is well worth the time spent introducing

First of all, there are some things to avoid:

Do not take your dog to the water—the 1st few times—unless you're able to get wet. i'm astounded what numberindividuals I see on the beach attempting to urge their dogs to swim while the furbaby owners are sporting shoes and are running away from every wave. You dog looks to you for leadership, and if you act like water is something to be avoided, they will too! 

Therefore make sure that, before you get anywhere close to the water, you have got removed your shoes, rolled up your pants, placed on a swimming costume, or no matter else you wish to do so that they willsee you happily and enthusiastically coming into the water.
Do not force your dog—do not pull, push, drag, shove, or trick your dog into the water.

Try to avoid the accidental entry. do not start out on a slippery dock, or a steep edge, or in a location where the surface of the water appears solid and your dog will attempt to run onto it and sink…

A few times before you head out to swim, take your dog to shallow water to play. Warm, fun, shallow, wherever you'll be able to each run and play fetch and usually have a good time within the water.Next, produce an optimum scenario for swimming:

Pick a warm day. I know you will be excited, however dashing and making an attempt to get them to get pleasure from going into the water when they are cold and uncomfortable can backfire

Select an excellent location:
Select water with no current or waves.
Pick moderately warm water.
Look for an area with a gradual slope into the water so they never have to be compelled to step off a precipice—they simply walk forward and notice themselves swimming.

Easy egress: a dog that feels trapped in a pool or alternative body of water is at risk of panic and not wish to get back within the water.
In a excellent world, you find a pool that is narrow, so that they do not have to circle to exit, and may simply swim a couple of feet across. However these are hard to search out, therefore if they need to turn it's not the end of the world.

Take along a water crazy dog, or a couple of water crazy dogs. Seeing different dogs run and jump into the water will help your dog see that it's fun and not horrifying.

Have treats, floating kibble, and some favourite toys in your pockets.When you first arrive, head all the way down to the water, enter quickly, and begin playing within the shallows. Go out some feet past where your dog can still stand, and lure him with whatever he finds most attractive. Ideally you would like him to swim just a stroke or two, get rewarded, then swim back to land so he understand he can. Try this a couple of times, then begin bit by bitincreasing the gap. And really, that's it—once they're swimming well you just begin gradually increasing the gap and you're off to the races. You may wish to carefully introduce them to current and waves and however essentially once they can swim these are all straightforward if you make them fun and go slowly.

Some dogs swim too vertically—instead of kicking with their rear legs and moving forward, they struggle to swim up and out of the water and their front feet come out of the water and splash and they get nowhere. 

The key to helping these dogs is to inspire them forward—throw a ball or a treat so are focused on that and are pushing to get to the reward, and they can accidentally begin moving forward, and can teach themselves that onward motion works better than vertical…

 If necessary, you can support their rear slightly and facilitate them to manoeuvre forward.
It is possible that with some dogs, even once doing everything above, they're going to simply not take that last step. If this is often the case, depending on your dog’s attitude, it may be time to help them in to the water! Remember to take it slowly and always reward your little furbaby with lots of love and excitement.
You might even want to invest in a life vest for your furry friend as this can help with keep their head above water.

  Thanks so very much for reading my blog 
Miss Squeak Talks Furbaby Chihuahua's and Water
if you enjoy my blog don't forget to sing up to my page so you won't miss out on future blogs form me 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

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Once Again Thanks For Reading 
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Saturday 28 May 2016

Miss Squeak Talks About Miss Mildred The Chihuahua and All Her Outfits!

 So today I thought I would talk about Miss Mildred and the amount of outfits she has, Is it just me or are there others that dress their furbabys up? As you all might know Miss Mildred is a chihuahua and she is 2yrs old in September and she is my little shadow, best friend and my favourite way to waste time, She makes me laugh and giggle everyday she looks after me when I am not well. She is truly my protecter nurse and the class clown,
Miss Mildred is just so amazing.

 I have dressed her since she was a puppy. We got Miss Mildred in November 2014 and she was 4mths old and so very tiny like many chihuahua she was so fragile and I just wanted to protect her. 
In the picture above she was in her very  first dress and it was Summer here in Perth Western Australia so little sun dresses were just perfect for getting Miss Mildred used to wearing dresses,
I also wanted her to be ready to wear coats for winter because she is so small and fragile I didn't want her to be cold, 
My little girl wears some sort of clothing everyday and when she is naked after her bath she will go and stand in the wardrobe and bark at her clothes so I think she enjoys wearing them as much as I enjoy dressing her.

I have so many outfits with matching shoes and collars and her clothes hang up on cute little pink hangers and she is starting to have more then me and that might be starting to become a problem!  I love looking for new cute jackets,  jumpers, shirts and  dresses along with collars and necklaces we need a whole room just for her stuff not to mention the leads and harness. 
Below is a snap shot of some of the things she has gee whizz. 
I think she is just a little spoilt!

 Today Miss Mildred has on the animal print mink coat with satin red lining just so fancy and she looks so cute.
Its very cold at the moment and I don't want Miss Mildred to be cold she I get her dressed each morning in something that will keep her warm and toasty and because she doesn't like walking on the cold or we  floor she get her shoes put on for outside and it is not mean or cruel to do so as if she has no shoes on my little princess will wee on the floor so shoes it is. Do any of you dress or  put shoes on your furbabys? I can't be the only one can I ?? 
I would love to hear about what you do to keep your furbabys warm and toasty!

  So as I said before today was just a quick little blog about the things I do to keep my little Chihuahua happy and comfy.
I would like to thank  everyone that comes and has a little  read or a look at my pictures of Miss Mildred, I really enjoy doing this and your feed back is just lovely !!

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We hope to see you all back again!
See you soon.

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Thursday 5 May 2016

Miss Mildred Furbaby Friend Sleeps Over

 Hello everyone today I would like to talk about 
Miss Mildred and her furbaby friend sleepover.
So just the other weekend we had the pleasure of looking after the handsome and adorable longhaired chihuahua Benji. What a fun time we all had , Oh did I forget to tell you that 
Miss Mildred really has not made friends with other dog that are not in her pack so this was a very interesting time in our household. 
Miss Mildred and Benji first got to see and interact with each other at a chihuahua playdate and Miss Mildred only warmed up to him while her furbrother George just loved running around with all his new furry friends. Little Miss Mildred was so very shy and timid. I would have never thought that she would be like that as she is the boss of all the other dogs in our pack of 6 furbabys so gee it was strange to she her like this but we stayed with her and she just was so interested with little cute Benji,

Now look at him just so very cute, and he is loving cuddly and so so sweet. The big day arrived and baby Benji was dropped off for the weekend now as things progressed Miss Mildred would run away from the 8mth old furbaby Benji   All he wanted to do was play with her so for the first 3 hours it was like a game of tag in the house I had three dogs running around chasing each other! Bugga me it was crazy and funny at the same time. Whenever the little cuddle bug Benji would come and sit with me on my lap 
Miss Mildred would growl show her teeth and she just was not happy with someone else getting cuddles from her mumma! Then it was bed time and as we have a great games room that is where the three furbabies were tucked in for the night it was with a heavy heart I left them to settle down.
I also thought by leaving them alone together they would sort out the doggie stuff!

And to my amazement hooray!! The Furbabys were now friends and we had three more days to play together so now the two chihuahuas were fast fury friends. At this time Sir George thought he would start to not like the new puppy and when the two furbaby chihuahuas started playing  (play fighting) with growling and barking George  thought they were hurting each other and he would come over to try and sort it out hence, He would try to stand over little baby Benji. 
Miss Mildred is a very vocal chihuahua so even though she wasn't being hurt it was distressing of him to hear it, yet its the same sound she makes when playing with him so gee. It was so much fun to have little Benji for the weekend and 
Miss Mildred got to make a new friend.
I can't wait to look after him again. So have any of you had a similar experience with a new furbaby coming into your home? Please let us know as we would love to hear about it! 

So thanks for reading about Miss Mildred and her furbaby sleep over. I love letting you all know about what Miss Mildred is getting up to and what new information we have found that could help you furbaby mum and dads out, My question is do you like the information blogs or the Miss Mildred update blogs? Let us know in the comments below!! 

Remember to Like Share +1 and Comment 

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Miss Squeaks Is A Chihuahua Right For You.

Hi everyone and welcome to my latest blog today i thought we could talk about if a Chihuahua is the right breed of furbaby for you. Miss Mildred and myself Miss Squeak have been very busy over the Christmas New Year break so we haven't blogged that much and  
we are sorry about that so now lets get in to it. Remember we would also love to hear about your furry furbabys too!

Is the Chihuahua Right for Me?

Chihuahuas actually are an exquisite very little breed, however they're not the correct breed for everybody. Because they're terribly tiny, special thought must be given on the sort of home they are going too.  Chihuahuas might not be safe with different breeds of dog, like sight-hounds. As furbaby lovers it's our job to do the best research and this suggests asking lots of questions. No one wants his puppy to lead a stressed life, be hurt or abused by babies or different pets, or end up in an animal shelter or not cared for correctly. So here are some things to think about before heading out to get a Chihuahua!
 Before acquiring any breed of dog, it's vital to research that breed to make sure this can be the correct breed for you. certain breeds have common health issues, some need voluminous grooming or exercise, some have breed traits like excessive barking in conjunction with several alternative factors that will make it a pleasant breed for one person, however not the correct breed for another. never purchase a puppy impulsively before doing research; keep in mind, this is often a life long commitment. the typical lifetime of a Chihuahua is twelve to sixteen or additional years.

Children and Chihuahuas don't mix. This is often not necessarily because the Chihuahua may be aggressive towards kids, however as a result of toddlers and little kids will simply fall or drop a toy on a Chihuahua, or kick a Chi when suddenly racing across the space, or slamming a door on it. A Chihuahua will instinctively sense that a nipper or kid is comparatively speaking, uncoordinated and "out of control" and may create a danger. This is  particularly  true as kids are more uncoordinated and clumsy than adults. 

Chihuahuas don't seem to be only tiny, however the overwhelming majority of Chihuahuas have a soft-spot on top of their head, making them more at risk of injury. Even a baby which means well and loves the small dog will accidentally hurt the little breed by cuddling a Chihuahua too hard or dropping it.  Also, kids move quickly and impulsively, and may kick or tread on a Chihuahua once they come across the room. A energetic family, however well-meaning, are often very hard on a Chi.   The mother, who already has enough to do within the family, would have the worrisome task of "watching out for the Chihuahua" round the clock on a daily basis added to her responsibilities. 

For families that would like to get A little furbaby dog, we'd recommend either obtaining another little breed like a Bichon Frise, a pug or a Cavalier King Charles spaniel which may be ready to stand up to kids better, or at the very least, a bigger sized Chihuahua that is to a small degree more durable. These different pleasant breeds are also affectioned and make nice companions for the entire family.   The bonus would be that lifestyle at home would be more relaxing while the youngsters get older.

Other Pets:
Chihuahuas will get on quite well with different breeds of dogs and different pets, particularly once raised from a young age in this sort of setting, however usually, Chihuahuas mustn't be within the same family as larger breeds of dogs. A larger, robustious dog will simply hurt a Chihuahua in play, or if it suddenly needs to safeguard its food or chew toy, a snap at a Chihuahua may be serious. 

Chihuahuas are typically not good with hunting dog breeds that have a hunting dog temperament (that are food/toy protective, will challenge other dogs, etc.) Because the  Chihuahua themselves have a terrier-like temperament. therefore a hunting dog and a Chihuahua would possibly clash with their similar personalities, and this may be terribly dangerous as a Chihuahua doesn't grasp its size.

Chihuahuas are at risk of eye injuries due to their giant unprotected eyes, therefore having a cat within the house might or might not be a good plan. Laid back cats are best. A cat that's shy or excessively mischievous might scratch the Chihuahua's eyes.

Small Size Consideration:
Chihuahuas don't seem to be the correct breed for everyone because of their little size. Because they're little, they will simply get into places which may not be safe, like places with electrical cords, or beneath a fence or gate. Fences should be properly secured (we nail boards on the bottom) so the Chihuahua can't escape. As described above, they are not essentially the perfect pet to introduce to a family that has kids or different pets. Also, great care should be taken once these very little guys are outside. Birds of prey (hawks, etc.) As well as some cats and other wildlife (such as coyotes) could consider the Chihuahua as being a pleasant snack. Chihuahuas ought to never be left unattended for long periods of your time, and once they are outside, they must be properly boxed in (including with a roof if birds of prey frequent the area). I actually have heard of many instances where a bird of prey snatched a Chihuahua off the ground before the owner knew what happened.

Breed Traits:
Chihuahuas are terribly loyal, and may be terribly protective of their owner. Chihuahuas really are an enormous dog in a very little body. Some folks think about a Chihuahua shaking, and terrified of everything, but in reality, they do not grasp their size and most can challenge larger dogs. Chihuahuas love human attention, and are true lap dogs. Chihuahuas are very personable and have their own personality and temperament, a bit like us . 

Chihuahuas can be terribly intelligent, to the point of outsmarting  you or being downright stubborn. Most are motivated by toy, food, or tenderness to make training easy. Several Chis try to please.

Some Chihuahuas are barkers, whereas others don't seem to be. This trait really varies with the bloodline and therefore the individual. Chihuahuas are not the happy little ankle-biters as they used to be best-known, and their temperament has improved by leaps and bounds with the assistance of accountable breeders doing their part to boost the breed.

As mentioned above, before selecting any breed of dog, make certain to do thorough research on the breed, ask completely different breeders questions about the breed, meet friends/family that have a pet Chihuahua, etc. There are several fascinating books out there to learn more regarding Chihuahuas, and most are useful regarding explaining a way to take care of them.

I also want to address the issue with the  weather as my little Miss Mildred gets so very cold in winter and I dress her most days unless it to hot but on the days its to hot and she has to go as I say naked haha I put sunscreen on her ears nose and head as I don't wan her to get burnt just like you wouldn't like your human baby burnt. Miss Mildred has so many outfits its sometime hard to pick one for her to wear! We have dog shoes for summer and winter.  Well some people think its silly or that I am a crazy Chihuahua lady and gee if thats what they want to think let them, I don't  allow other peoples opinions to trouble me i learnt that lesson a long time ago.
So start your furbaby wearing light tops to begin with then when it comes time for the winter coat you won't be having to struggle with your little love bug! 
I hope you enjoyed the new blog and 
if you have any ideas on what you might like Miss Mildred and I to talk about don't be shy post it in the comments below we are excited to hear them.
Live Love Laugh!

 Once again thanks for reading  
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and we hope to see you back soon 
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Miss Squeak Lets Talk About Miss Mildred My Furbaby Chihuahua.

 Okay so today I thought we might talk about
my little furbaby Chihuahua Miss Mildred ,
many people still think she is a puppy as she is so very small and little just what I wanted.
I love everything about her from her huge ears too her big brown eyes her sweet little toes and her lovely personality she has to be my best friend and she gives so much affection to my whole family but I am her human and she knows that when we watch tv or are just siting around talking Miss Mildred is there if not on my lap.
I was told to get a male as they are my likely to be lapdogs hmmm nope my little one is never far from us!

I was really scared when we first got her as I had never had a Chihuahua before and she was ever so small and fragile. So when we got her home we had every thing ready for her a special play pen so when we went to bed she would have a safe place to sleep and so we wouldn't walk in wee and poo when we woke up. Miss Mildred was down stairs in the play pen and it worked great for keeping her safe and out of the way when I was cleaning and cooking the kitchen. Then after about 2 weeks she learnt how to get out and in the middle of the night she would be at our bedroom door crying very loudly to be let in. 
We and I mean me would pick her up and take her down stairs to the toilet then place her back into her bed and get back to bed myself.
Then a few hours later the crying would start again bugga bugga bumbum so at this time after about 2 weeks of this it was like gee just put her into bed wit us and she would go straight  to sleep hmmm and the little innocent girl got her way we allowed her to sleep with us until she was around 9mths old  then we started to train her to sleep with her fur brother Sir George and it was hard to do so every time she out of her bed and started scratching at the side of the bed and growling she was told "no bed" and put back into her bed. Still to this day Miss Mildred starts the night in her bed then somehow every morning she is in the bed between my Monster and I cheeky little Chihuahua. But so cute  and lovely at the same time.

The most scariest thing that has happened while having Miss Mildred is when she got stung by a bee wow I was so terrified that I was shaking, I will post the picture below her little face was so swollen and I thought she might stop breathing!
I was one the phone to the vet straight away and removed the stinger from her chin then gave her some medicine and put ice on her face! She didn't like that at all. So thats the most scariest time in her life.

Miss Mildred brings so much love and happiness into our life and I don't know what I would do with out her here to look out for me, When I am sick, As I have an eye problem that can sometimes leave me in bed in a dark room with no light and I had one of these episodes just recently and my little Miss Mildred was on my bed or on my lap the whole time and even went off her food as well what a sweet  little chihuahua I have she is just a true blessing to our life and she is everything I ever wanted in a furbaby she is loyal caring loveable sweet and is always happy is see me when ever I get home even if we have only been 10 minutes its unconditional love Miss Mildred doesn't care if I have makeup on or if I have brushed my hair she is just happy to see me. 
How lucky am I. So far we haven't had any problems with her at all she has been desexed had all her needles and is so very cheap to feed there are so many pluses to having a Chihuahua 
As we have many other dogs in our pack 
Miss Mildred is the only one I don't need to 
clip every 6 weeks and I am grateful for that. 
I am able to clip her nails we ease as I started playing with her toes,  feet and paw pads as soon as I got her and I rub her feet when she sits with me as well and its worked out a positive thing to do as she wears shoes in the summer to protect her feet from the hot ground. 

I would go as far as saying she loves to get dressed up in the morning as we get her out of her pyjamas into her day dress she will sit near her dresses and just wait to get dressed just to cute for words. I was easy to train her to shake hands sit, speak, stop, come and fetch. All thing that everyone should teach their furbabys just so you know your furbaby will be safe while out and about. The way I went about training 
Miss Mildred was treat training and I did this 4 times daily and over a month she was able to do mostly all the things I mentioned above. 
Now Miss Mildred will do them without treats. I get her to sit and give me a high five every night before I feed her dinner, and like magic she is sitting waiting for me with her paw up!
So that is a little look in to the life of my 
furbaby Chihuahua Miss Mildred.  

 I Would like to thank everyone for coming and reading my blogs its a fun thing to do and it keeps me busy I have a passion for my furbabys and just thought  other people might like to read about what is going on with us. So if you have any ideas for a blog just let me know in the comments below and I would love to get some new ideas and to hear your stories about your furbabys and what you do with them.

So once again thanks for reading my blog
Miss Squeak Lets Talk About Miss Mildred 
My Furbaby Chihuahua.
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx