Showing posts with label Owners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Owners. Show all posts

Monday 23 October 2017

Why Do Chihuahua's Runaway?

5 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Run Away 
And Some WaysTo Prevent It <script async src="//"></script>
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Does your Chihuahua run away once you let them outside to play and use the bathroom? Some Chihuahuas instinctively sprint towards the neighbors home once the outside door is opened, leaving owners to question the effectiveness of their coaching. If this sounds familiar, look at the five commonest reasons why Chihuahuas run away -- and the way to prevent it -- listed below.
Not solely is this kind of running away behavior frustrating, however it is also quite dangerous. There are dozens of ways a 'free-roaming' Chihuahua will injure themselves by venturing from their home, a number of which include:
Hit by a car
Skirmishes with close dogs and cats
Attacked by wild animals
Getting into pesticides, antifreeze, oil or different dangerous  chemicals
Of course, there's additionally an opportunity of your Chihuahua running away from home and not returning, that is something no family desires to experience
As an owner, it is your responsibility to safeguard your Chihuahua from dangers like this. the first step in fixing this drawback is to spot why exactly your Chihuahua feels the necessity to run away.
Reason 1 Searching For A Mate
If your Chihuahua is not spayed or castrated , they will run away in search of a mate. Unfixed females in heat unleash powerful pheromones that males will smell from over a mile away! And although your Chihuahua is obedient and well trained, mother nature's 'mating magnet' can instinctively cause them to run away.
It's clearly easier to spot a female checking out a mate, as their private parts can become swollen and bleed for roughly twenty one days. Males, on the opposite hand, will run away anytime there is a female in heat around; thus, owners of male Chihuahuas ought to use additional caution when taking them outside.
However the bottom line is that all Chihuahuas -- unless otherwise stated by your vet -- ought to be fixed to cut back the possibility of them running away. By spaying or fixing your Chihuahua, they will no longer manufacture the hormones to blame for finding a mate.
Reason 2 Boredom
Another reason why Chihuahuas run away is as a result of they're bored. it is a common assumption by first-time owners that Chihuahuas don't need constant amount of outside leisure time as different breeds because of their little size. instead of taking them out on a daily basis, some homeowners leave their Chihuahuas cooped up inside for long periods of time, leading to boredom and pent-up energy.
Chihuahua affected by boredom and/or pent-up energy are more likely to run away once given the possibility. owners should understand that Chihuahuas -- like all dogs -- are complicated animals that crave mental and physical stimulation. just because they small does not imply you'll be able to leave them locked up within the house all day long.
Whether it's going for a walk, taking part in fetch or simply laying out beneath the sun (Chihuahuas LOVE sunning), take your Chihuahua outside on a daily basis to cut back the possibility of the them running away.
Reason 3 Lack of Obedience
It's downright frustrating after you call your Chihuahua to come back back only to have them get away in the opposite direction. If this seems like a well-known state of affairs, your are not alone. Lack of obedience is an all-too-common problem, making it tough for walks and leisure time outside.
When a Chihuahua doesn't view you as the 'leader of the pack,' they're going to be more willing to run away while they're outside. And to create matters worse, a disobedient Chihuahua won't come back after you call their name. you can yell till your lungs go dry only to have your Chihuahua take off down street or into the neighbor's yard.
So, how does one fix this frustrating problem? the first step is to only let your Chihuahua outside after they are connected to a collar and leash (or lead). now once you are walking and playing with your Chihuahua outside, teach them a recall command like "come here boy," or "back Mildred." offer them plenty of slack on their leash and speak the recall command when you are ready to go inside. If they obey your command, provide them plenty of warmheartedness, praise and after all a treat.
Reason 4 Mistreatment
A fourth reason why Chihuahuas run away is because they are being beaten by their owner at home. in a good world, every and each Chihuahua would receive the unconditional love and attention they deserve, but this world is way from perfect. Some owners hit, slap and otherwise physically abuse their Chihuahuas, which naturally encourages them to run away once given the possibility. you can't expect a Chihuahua to pay attention and obey their owner if they're being abused.
Note: mistreatment isn't restricted strictly to physical abuse. Neglecting your Chihuahua and their need for attention is another type of abuse which can contribute to their running away problem.
Reason 5 Seeking friendship
When they don't get it at home, Chihuahuas could run away to seek companionship from other dogs or individuals. This reason goes hand-in-hand with mistreatment, as neglecting your Chihuahua and avoiding them on for days on hand can only encourage them to get away. give your Chihuahua attention and friendship so that they want to remain at home.
Tips For Preventing Your Chihuahua From running away
Have them spayed or castrated 
Teach them a 'recall' command, such as "come here Amos!"
Use treats as a reward once your Chihuahua successfully obeys your recall command
Never punish or scold your Chihuahua for running away, as this sort of negativity will only encourage this unwanted behavior.
Walk your Chihuahua on an extended lead or retractile leash till they obey on your recall command
Show your Chihuahua tenderness and love on a day after day
Now as you can see from all the pictures, we are lucky to have some wonderful and amazing likeminded friends that have some adorable sweet chihuahua's that come and have regular playdays. 
This has helped with Miss Mildred, Vinyl-Violet and Sir George and their recall as I use a noise that they all come too. 
Miss Mildred is able to free walk as she sees myself as her leader, 
Vinyl-Violet is still learning what our pack walk is all about so when we are in a area,  where they are unable to get to the road or run off into the bush (normally in the middle of the oval) I allow  Vinyl-Violet and Sir George the freedom of free walking yet they are still attached to leads, and they do come back when called so things are going great, and before long they too well be able to be trusted like their sister, Do you allow your furbabies to free walk? 
Let us know what you like to do when you walk your Chihuahua's and other furbabies. And thanks so much for reading! 
See You All Soon! 
Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Vinyl-Violet 

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Miss Squeak Talks Dog Attacks and What You Can Do To Save Your Furbaby!

Hello everyone its me Miss Squeak and I am here to talk about a recent thing that happened to me and my little furbaby
 Miss Mildred's fur brother George, Everyday I like a lot of other 
furbaby owners walk my furry little kids on this day walked Miss Mildred first a little walk about 20mins around our local area to the golf corse and back home far enough for my sweet little girl as it was a colder day so I thought it would be best, then I grabbed
Sir George and off we went now I will let you know I walk all my furbabys on harnesses as its is easier and as I have spent a lot of time training them they are very well behaved furbabys, I make them stop at each and every path that meets the road and if I stop they sit until I give the command to walk on, I am happy and so proud of my furbabys as they are very balanced and calm dogs, 
Miss Mildred is a little scared of things but she is getting better and I will talk more about her in my next blog, as she can be a little jumpy and fearful around new things, hence another reason why  I have started walking her by herself just to build her up a little more,  
But back to my adventure with George, while out on our lovely walk we got to our favourite park where he loves to have a good old smell and a little wee on the trees as I don't allow him to sniff and wee on every blade of grass, Because then our 45min walk would take 5hours haha, but as we were entering our park I noticed a parked car with two ladies in it no be deal, then a young girl about 6 playing on the swings having fun, so we continued to keep walking and then out of no where a big bridle staff came running teeth showing before I could do anything the other unrestrained dog had poor George in her mouth but as the dog was coming towards us I yelled is your dog friendly, and from the parked car came a ladies voice "No she is not Fucking friendly!!" by this time I had gotten the dog off of George when the dog started to bite me, I was holding George in my arms waiting for the owner of the unrestrained dog to come and get it, she was yelling at the child of 6 to go and get the dog, and the dog was still biting at me on my arm and legs so at this point I had done everything in my power to stop this dog from attacking me so I kicked it, I know it is and was the last thing I could do, but it did stop the dog long enough for the young girl to be able to come and get it, I asked the owner for her details just incase my furbaby was hurt and I had to take him to the vet, Now this is what made me so angry, I was doing everything in my power to keep myself and my dog safe, I had my dog on leash was wearing bright coloured clothing so people could see me had poo bags to clean up after my furbaby, and I was attacked by a unrestrained dog that had no training at all and that was not being watched. The owner and her older daughter started tell me that i should have had a bigger dog that could fight back and I was stupid for coming to the park where there dog was! Like I said before i didn't even know there was another dog at the park, and no to mention all dog should be on leash at this park and you can be fined if they aren't! I would have been happy if the owners had just said sorry, but just like their dog the started with attack when they were the ones in the wrong, it made me cry because I had to kick the other dog, I love all animals and would never ever hurt one, But in the event of this happening I had to do what I did to protect myself and my furbaby George, he had bite marks on his neck, but as he has longer fur at the moment as its winter in Western Australia not that much damage was done to him, Poor sweet little George he is the most balanced happy go lucky dog out there and if any of my dogs is to be attacked its sadly him. 

 So I thought it might be helpful to talking about what we can do to keep ourselves and our furbabys safe while out and about walking!
Walking your dog is a healthy activity for you and your dog. Going to dog parks provides a safe and enclosed area where you can let your dog run off leash and play with other dogs. Sometimes, however, a dog comes from out of nowhere and attacks your dog. Breaking up dog fights  between your own dogs at home is one thing, but trying to break up a fight when you’re away from home is something completely different. How can you protect your dog and yourself if another dog attacks your dog?
It can be hard to figure out why another dog suddenly attacks your dog. Dogs body language can be subtle, and signals from both dogs can be missed by the person holding the leash. However, whatever it was that caused the hostile reaction doesn’t really matter when two dogs are locked in battle, with you on the other end of your dog’s leash. Of course, it’s best to avoid a fight all together, but that’s not always possible and breaking up dog fights can be dangerous for dogs and people.
Dog attacks while walking your dog are not uncommon, and you have to be prepared for possible encounters. What you should do depends on who you talk to. Some dog experts recommend carrying a heavy duty walking stick to use on an attacking dog. Other experts say to drop your dog’s leash and stay out of the way. For me, neither one is a good option. It’s my job to protect my dog, and I also don’t want to hurt another dog.

My furbabys look to me as their leader, and it’s my responsibility to protect them. Dogs can come out of the blue to attack your dog and you don’t always have an opportunity to read his body language. If you do encounter a dog that is off leash while you’re out walking alone or with your dog, stay calm and keep a close eye on the dog. Be aware of what’s going on, and expect the unexpected.

Having a sturdy walking stick does have a purpose. It’s something you could use to get in between two fighting dogs. If you have a chance to prepare before the dog attacks, when he starts moving toward you, yell “No” and take a step towards him. Try to read his level of aggression by looking at his eyes (intense and focused) without staring at him, ears (laid back on his head), hair standing up on the back of his neck or along the rump and movements that are stiff. If you can get him to back off, move away slowly, but don’t turn your back on him. Try to keep your dog as calm as you can. Any show of aggression from him can prompt an attack from the other dog.
You can carry a backpack with some clothing or a small blanket inside – anything to give it bulk to use to push the other dog away, or to put in between the dogs to give you some protection from snapping teeth. A bright flashlight can be directed into the eyes of an attacking dog to temporarily blind him. Another useful thing to carry is an air horn. The loud noise could persuade the dog not to attack in the first place. If he does attack, the horn might help break up either dog’s focus during a fight, and will help call attention to other people in the area to come help.
Your best defence against another dog attacking your dog is to be alert and try to prevent an attack from happening. If that’s not possible or it happens before you’re aware there’s even another dog around, try to stay calm. A mind that’s in panic mode doesn’t function well. Think about what you would do before you have an encounter. Carry a stout walking stick and anything that might be helpful in a convenient pocket where you can quickly grab it when you need it.

How to avoid being bitten

If you  are confronted by an aggressive dog, the most important thing to remember is this: Stay calm. Don’t give in to fear or anxiety, and don’t start yelling. An aggressive dog wants you to be stressed out before it attacks, but if you remain calm and in control, it slows them down and throws them off.
Also avoid direct eye contact with an aggressive dog. Stand slightly sideways (which also makes you a narrower target) while keeping the dog in your peripheral vision. I don't have this as I am going blind and this was the first part of my vision to go!
Once you have successfully used calm assertive energy to keep that dog back, claim your own space. If you happen to be carrying anything in your hands, like a cane or an umbrella, place it out in front of yourself to appear bigger and be more in command of your space.
What this tells the dog with your body language is, “I don’t want your space, I just want this space that I am in.” Maintain your very calm and assertive state; this energy creates a barrier that automatically demands the dog’s respect by letting it know that you are not afraid.
When the dog senses that you aren’t threatening it — and are not threatened by it — it will probably lose interest and the situation will de-escalate. Unfortunately, though, this process is not always possible.
Understanding dog behaviour is one of your best weapons if another dog attacks your dog. So just so alert and be mindful that some owner are not as responsible as we are, I hope this little blog has helped you all out in some way or another, it sure has not stopped us from going on our daily walks,  George is a little be more aware of other dogs when we are out and about but in time that will pass and he will be back to himself again, 
 So from me Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Sir George we wish you and all the other furbabys out in the big wide world to be safe and careful when out walking because you never know when you might run into a unrestrained aggressive dog, 
In our next blog we are going to talk about how I have command trained Miss Mildred to stop barking at the door and to sit and stay while we cross the road while we are out walking. 
If you have any stories about you and your furbaby please let us know in the comments below, 
Thankyou very much for reading 
Miss Squeak Talks Dog
 Attacks and What You Can Do To Save Your Furbaby!
 Remember To Like Comment Share and +1
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Chihuahua Colours and Markings Are Fun.

Colours are fun! Let's first though discuss leather.

'Leather' on a chihuahua is the colour of it's nose, pads of feet, eye rims, gums, etc on your Chihuahua. Please try to remember a simple fact. TRUE BLUE Chihuahuas have BLUE leather, not black. Chocolate Chihuahuas have Chocolate leather and all others have black.

If you have a "chocolate" Chihuahua with a black nose, it is likely a red, not a chocolate and if you have a "real dark blue" Chihuahua with a black nose, it is almost certainly a black Chi, not a blue one. Pigment should completely cover the nose leather.

When I refer to blue dogs, I mean the blue gene with blue nose that can also occur in the patterns of brindle or merle as well. Same goes for chocolate and all others including standard brindles or merles have a black nose (leather).

Follow me so far?  
smile emoticon

Tricolour (black, blue or chocolate with tan and white markings) bred to another tricolor will produce only tricolor puppies. 

Same goes with two dogs with Irish markings bred together and bicolors bred together.

Merles are always best bred to solid studs, bicolors or tricolors. You should avoid breeding a merle to a fawn, white or spotted on white and NEVER EVER EVER breed two merles together even if you think they are both healthy.

Brindle to Brindle or fawn will usually result in brindles being born and or other colors. Remember brindle and merle are PATTERNS not colors. 

BLUE BRINDLE and/or REVERSE BLUE BRINDLE ise the most unpredicatable gene. This colouring may appear when neither parent is either blue or brindle. 

Brindling oftentimes (especially in the case of reverse brindle) does not show up right away in the coat colour of the Chihuahua and is commonly not seen until the adult coat starts to come in.  

Merles are BORN MERLE evenwhen hidden with only a couple merle hairs on the whole puppy. Their merle may fade over time (particularly in fawns and reds) but will not increase as the pup ages.

Chocolates & Blues are NOT RARE. However, if you have lines carrying dominant colors it is harder for you to pull these colors from your lines. Remember, as with brindle, you must have blue on both sides of the line for blue pups to be born even if that blue gene is a ways back. The blue can be in brindle (standard or reverse), merle, spotted on white or with bi or tricolours. 

You MAY breed a chocolate to a blue but these are both dilute colours and breeding them together will almost always dull the colour. You can get blue (if on both sides), chocolate or what are now referred to as lavender or lilac pups which are really just a diluted chocolate. 

Now do we wish to start on the markings gee whizz this is going to be fun as there are so many different combinations, So where do we begin and remember not all markings and colours are approved by the show ring but gee if you love your furbaby that is all that matters. 

Lets begin !

A marked chihuahuaA marked chihuahua
Marked: A marked Chihuahua is any solid colour with a few markings on the face or body that are not common enough or specific enough to warrant a named marking.

splashed chihuahuasplahed chihuahua
Splashed: A splashed Chihuahua typically has large splashes of colour over a solid coloured body. Splashes can come in any color, but usually involves white or tan - Black & Tan, Blue & Tan, Fawn & White, Black & Red, etc.
Merle ChihuahuaMerle Chihuahua
Merle: A Merle is actually not a colour but a pattern of mottled or marbled colours in a dog's coat. Merle's usually have blue or uniquely coloured eye.

Sable ChihuahuaSable Chihuahua
Sable: Sable pattern colouring happens more often and more dramatically in long haired Chihuahuas than in short haired ones because it requires an undercoat, although short coats can also have undercoats. A Sable has darker coloured hair in the top coat, and a lighter coloured bottom coat. Sometimes the hair itself is lighter at the bottom and becomes darker towards the top of    hair shaft. They usually have a black top 
Brindle ChihuahuaBrindle Chihuahua
Brindle: A Brindle is a series of stripes or streaks of a darker color than the base coat. It is also called tiger striped. There is a reverse brindle which is just an over concentration of black stripes making it appear black till close examination.
Irish Marked ChihuahuaIrished Marked Chihuahua
Irish Marked: An Irish Marked Chihuahua is any color combination of a darker color with a white chest, legs, neck ring, and sometimes a blaze. The neck ring does not have to be full ring.
Piebald ChihuahuaPiebald Chihuahua
Piebald or Pied:A piebald happens when only the head, a small part of the back, and the base of the tail have colouring  the rest will be white. Often times versions of the Piebald are called a Black Mask. The white hair in a Piebald dog happens because the dog's hair has no pigment. The hair that has pigment is usually black, but can be any darker colour.
Tri-colored ChihuahuaTri-colored Chihuahua
Tri-Colored: Is a combination of three colors with the major color being black or brown variations along with some shade of tan, showing up around the eyes, ears, belly, legs, tail tip. The white is on the underside of the Chihuahua dog such as the chest and feet, a lot of the time the dog has a blaze or spots of white on face.

 Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

Thanks so much for reading my blog 
on Chihuahua Colours and Markings.
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and if you have any suggestions just leave them below in the comments. Once again thankyou for reading !

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Miss Squeak Talks The Loss Of A Furbaby !

  Okay this little Blog is about the loss of a very special little man that i have spoken about in a blog before Old Man River aka Sebastion he has been very sick over the last few years and has gotten worse in the last four months I talked about his new medication for his fluid on his heart lungs and liver the pressure of the fluid was making it very hard of him to pump the blood around his little body so over the last 2 weeks he has not been his self at all  he just wanted to sit and stare off into the sky or the swimming pool he didn't want to play with his toys nor did he want to have his favourite treats either. As my mum is away on holiday on the other side of Australia and we are here in Perth Western Australia it was hard for her to know her furbaby was so poorly and unwell. Last Sunday I called my mum with the update of Sebastions health and after many tears we decided it was his time to go off to the land of happiness and joy with no pain, we had Sebastion on lots of medication for his heart his pain from his operations he has had on his hips and knees and he was just not responding to the new meds that were meant to assist him in being able to breath and just go about being a furbaby. But He was crying out in pain all night and day i had to help him to the toilet and he was just not copping very well so with heavy hearts we made the appointment for the vets on Monday 
he had a wonderful life and his last night was full of all the things he loved family food cuddles and just about anything he wanted. To keep him here with us would be selfish as he was in so much pain. Its was so hard knowing it was his last night I cried  all night and couldn't sleep a wink it was horrible I had the support of my loving partner Monster and my little chihuahua 
Miss Mildred, as the night turned into day I was feel sick in the tummy knowing what was to come 
we entered the vets where Sebastion has been a client since he was a pup. The staff were loving and so very supportive in every way they knew this day was on the cards as he goes to get clipped every 6 weeks where they have to sedate him I know he was only 12 years old and he lived  a very loving spoilt life, which didn't make going into the vets room any easier, once inside the room Sebastion was given a sedative to relax him 
I had him in my arms rocking him like the baby he was soon the time came to have the other needle and out came the clipper I thought he would put up a fight as he hates the sound of the clippers and they have to normally give him for medication then they had to be able to clip him but he was brave and allowed Jodie the vet nurse to clip his little leg and them in my arms they put the needle in and within about 1 minute I felt his soul leave his body and he was gone it was ever so fast and I cried so much I know people will say that it was wrong to do this but it was the the only option left for him and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. When we got home all the other furbabys were waiting at the front door for him to come in its like they know. 
Miss Mildred wouldn't let me out of her sight its very strange to not have him snorting and snoring but he is in the land of happiness and joy  pain free and chasing all the birds and postmen he can find! Below I have a few things that might help you with the loss of your Furbaby !

                                        Am I crazy to hurt so much?

Intense grief over the loss of a furbaby  is normal and natural. Don't let anyone tell you that it's silly, crazy, or overly sentimental to grieve!
During the years you spent with your furbaby (even if they were few), it became a significant and constant part of your life. It was a source of comfort and companionship, of unconditional love and acceptance, of fun and joy. So don't be surprised if you feel devastated by the loss of such a relationship.
People who don't understand the pet/owner bond may not understand your pain. All that matters, however, is how you feel. Don't let others dictate your feelings: They are valid, and may be extremely painful. But remember, you are not alone: Thousands of furbaby owners have gone through
 the same feelings. 

What Can I Expect to Feel?
Different people experience grief in different ways. Besides your sorrow and loss, you may also experience the following emotions:

Guilt may occur if you feel responsible for your pet's death-the "if only I had been more careful" syndrome. It is pointless and often erroneous to burden yourself with guilt for the accident or illness that claimed your pet's life, and only makes it more difficult to resolve your grief.

Denial makes it difficult to accept that your pet is really gone. It's hard to imagine that your pet won't greet you when you come home, or that it doesn't need its evening meal. Some pet owners carry this to extremes, and fear their pet is still alive and suffering somewhere. Others find it hard to get a new pet for fear of being "disloyal" to the old.

Anger may be directed at the illness that killed your pet, the driver of the speeding car, the veterinarian who "failed" to save its life. Sometimes it is justified, but when carried to extremes, it distracts you from the important task of resolving your grief.

Depression is a natural consequence of grief, but can leave you powerless to cope with your feelings. Extreme depression robs you of motivation and energy, causing you to dwell upon your sorrow.

             What am I able to do regarding my feelings?

The most vital step you'll take is to be honest regarding your feelings. Do not deny your pain, or your feelings of anger and guilt. Only by examining and coming back to terms along with your feelings are you able to begin to figure through them.

You have a right to feel pain and grief! Somebody you really loved has died, and you are feeling alone and mourning. You've got a right to feel anger and guilt, as well. Acknowledge your feelings 1st, then ask yourself whether or not the circumstances really justify them.

Locking away grief does not make it escape. Express it. Cry, scream, pound the ground, talk it out. Do what helps you the most. Don't try and avoid grief by not thinking about your pet; instead, envision the nice times. this may assist you understand what your pet's loss really means to you.

Some realize it useful to express their feelings and reminiscences in poems, stories, or letters to the pet. Alternative ways as well as rearranging your schedule to fill within the times you'd have spent together with your pet; preparing a memorial like a photograph collage; and talking to others regarding your loss.

When is the right time to euthanize a pet?

Your Furbaby Vet is the best judge of your pet's physical condition; but, you're the best judge of the quality of your pet's everyday life. If a pet has a good appetite, 
responds to attention, seeks its owner's company, and participates in play or family life, many owners feel that
 this is often not the time. However, if a pet is in
 constant pain, undergoing tough and nerve-racking treatments that are not helping greatly, unresponsive to affection, unaware of its surroundings, and tired of life, a caring pet owner can in all probability favor to finish the beloved companion's suffering.

Evaluate your pet's health honestly and unselfishly along with your Furbaby Vet. Prolonging a pet's suffering so as to stop your own ultimately helps neither of you. Nothing can make this call a straightforward or painless one, however it's actually the ultimate act of affection that you will make for your pet.

Should I stay during euthanasia?

Many feel this is often the ultimate gesture of affection and comfort you'll be able to provide your furbaby. Some feel relief and comfort themselves by staying: They were able to see that their pet passed peacefully and without pain, and that it was really gone. For many, not witnessing the death (and not seeing the body) makes it harder to just accept that the pet is absolutely gone. However, this could be traumatic, and you want to ask yourself honestly whether or not you may be ready to handle it. Uncontrolled emotions and tears-though natural-are likely to upset your pet.

Will my other furbabys grieve?

Furbabys observe change in the family social unit, and are certain to notice the absence of a companion. Pets typically form strong attachments to one another, and therefore the survivor of such a pair could seem to grieve for its companion. Cats grieve for dogs, and dogs for cats.

You may need to offer your living pets plenty of additional attention and love to help them through this period. keep in mind that, if you're aiming to introduce a replacement pet, your living pets might not settle for the newcomer at once, however new bonds can grow in time. Meanwhile, the love of your living pets will be splendidly healing for your own grief.

I hope this has helped you with some of your concerns about the loss of a Furbaby !

Thankyou so much for reading 
Miss Squeak Talks The Loss Of A Furbaby
Please Remember To 
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Monday 20 April 2015

Miss Squeak Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas.

Hello and welcome to my blog about Chihuahuas.
Today I thought why not talk about Miss Mildreds breed 
a little bit more in depth so here is what I came up with.
Anyone with a chihuahua furbaby with know you can't be out of there sight for long before they come and sniff you out. As my 
Miss Mildred just loves to be with she is my shadow and if given the chance she will even get in the shower with me i know scary huh,
 We live in Perth Western Australia  as it is very hot in the summer and even in winter time its cold but not cold enough for snow ! So Miss Mildred is about to have her first winter and yes i have everything all at the ready warm furry onies coat with ugg boots and a knitted hat as she gets cold in summer.
My little furbaby is always wanting to be on me in my bed or you know just around me where ever I am you can guess she will be there too , even in the basket of my bike , But enough about that here are a few things you might also need to know about the Chihuahua .

The chihuahua, with its apple-dome skull and enormous bright eyes, will wear a remarkably human expression at times; she or he can wish to be with you most, if not all of the time.
Warning don’t purchase a chihuahua if you don’t have the emotional assets in your heart or the time for the whole love and a spotlight of this hairy  very little pet. they're like kids.
a few generalisations is may be. chihuahuas are swish, energetic, and swift-moving canines. described typically been made as having “terrier-like” qualities; that is, the qualities of being alert, observant, and keen on interacting with their masters. they're very loyal and get hooked up to at least one or two persons.
these little and typically teacup size dogs are definitely unaware of their diminutive stature: they'll be daring with alternative dogs a lot of larger than themselves, and protecting of their masters. they're ferociously loyal to their masters and cautious of any strangers or new guests introduced into the family, that the chihuahua considers to be its personal domain. for these reasons, chihuahuas make good watch dogs (not guard dogs!).
the chihuahua wants a good deal of human contact: touching, petting, and general attention. if the chihuahua doesn't get this, she or he can use varied attention-getting tricks till you offer her/him attention. like exploitation paws to gently scratch the hand, a symbol that claims, “pet me now!” some house owners who have had alternative, a lot of freelance breeds could realize the chihuahua too needy. however, they furnish plenty of love} and affection in return for your care.
keeping more than one chihuahua will greatly ease the dog’s stress once left alone every day if the owner works. they'll contend for your attention after you get home although. though they're naturally light, loyal, and sweet-tempered, chihuahuas are ideal for single folks, the old, the disabled, and shut-ins.

chihuahuas can keep you company for hours by lying on your lap or beside your body if in bed, and treat you as if you are royalty. No one with a chihuahua in their social unit can ever be really alone. they're quite happy in residences, as long as there's enough to play with and explore.

Opinions differ on the way to bath a chihuahua. Some say that bathing too much removes the natural oils from the coat, and so dandruff can result and therefore the coat can look boring. others say that shampooing every now and then with good brands of shampoo will really enhance the shininess of the coat. chihuahuas ought to be bathed a minimum of two times a month, otherwise they develop an unpleasant smell. this is often really as a result of the skin cells that humans sloth off onto the chihuahua! therefore humans are the most contributors to it smell that may develop.

when bathing, pay attention to not get water into their ears, as an infection might develop. You may have to trim their nails a minimum of once a month too. on the smaller dogs, cat claw trimmers will be used. it’s smart to begin a nail clipping routine timely in order that your dog becomes aware of your handling its paws to not mention getting accustomed the clippers. Furbaby owners should even be aware that chihuahuas are susceptible to knee issues like luxating patellas or “weak knees.” this could occur as they grow old. if it causes issue in walking, take your dog to the vet.

Additionally, some breeders give pedigree papers that trace the parents on the far side the immediate oldsters. these papers are important if you propose to enter your new dog into exhibitions and competitions. these certificates and papers make sure that the dog could be a purebred; but, simply because a dog has papers, doesn’t mean it's any more special than a pup bought from a friend.

When shopping for a leash for your chihuahua, keep in mind that its neck is quite little and delicate compared to alternative dog’s necks. you can't (and, indeed, should not) yank your dog around by the leash. a body-harness for little dogs is suggested for a few reasons: safety and comfort. if fitted right, it'll offer your pet a secure and comfy walk, and harnesses additionally guarantee your dog cannot run into traffic or an even bigger creature.

Chihuahuas additionally like many little meals per day, instead of one huge meal. they're uptight dogs. “high-strung” defined outlined as: barks easily, doesn't adapt easily to change in surroundings, is suspicious of strangers and can growl at them, and flips in a circle and jumps around once excited (Like when you get back inside from getting the mail). Your friends might see the worst aspect of them and never believe you once you tell them that your very little furbaby is basically a delicate, sweet-natured dog.

Owners should be terribly sensitive to the actual fact that short-haired chihuahuas, and even hairy  ones, are prone to the cold it is suggested that you just dress your chihuahua in a warm dog sweater for walks. Walking your chihuahua in temperatures that are very low is powerfully discouraged, particularly when there's a wind-chill issue.
In this, as in different aspects of dog maintenance, keep your dogs’ health prime priority, not your own need. it's a characteristic of the chihuahua to choose to sleep beneath a a sheet or blanket. they're going to even get beneath pillows in order to feel comfortable. if you're raising a pup, take care to supply them with a soft towel or blanket in their sleeping space so that they will burrow beneath it. Please don’t be stunned if your chihuahua scrambles beneath your blankets in the dead of night, despite the fact that your house or lodging might not be notably cold.

Chihuahuas are quite the sun-worshipers. they like to cherish the sun for hours and are known  to dwell a spot of sun no larger than the dimensions of a half-dollar! sadly, they're not wise in this regard and can keep within the sun even once panting begins.

watching your chihuahua in hot weather to take care that they don’t suffer from heat stroke is a real chihuahua health concern. chihuahuas do shiver once they’re cold, however they additionally shiver once they are cautious, excited, unhappy, or frightened. this is often a result of having a high metabolism, and is a traditional characteristic of this breed.
Hope this has help a few furbaby owners out ! 
Miss Mildred has fallen asleep while I was typing this she is just adorable and sweet .

 Thanks For Reading Miss Squeak Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas.
Let me know anything that you might want me to write about in the comments below.
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Friday 10 April 2015

Miss Squeaks Furbaby Safety Commands .

So it's a  new day so it's a new blog for me . Lets talk about some basic commands that your furbaby will need to know help keep them safe and sound and out of harms way. Because we all know that vet bills can cost a lot so lets get started.
We teach our kids basic commands that they  have to understand so to prevent them from running out in front of a automobile or putting something dangerous in their mouth. Furbabys ought to also be instructed  commands for identical reason. Whether or not you adopt a puppy or like an older dog because it fits better together with your life style, there are certain basic commands each dog ought to understand. Their safety may depend upon.

“Come” means that to prevent what he’s doing and come back to you. It’s a straightforward command to show, associate degreed necessary in an emergency, if he ought to break loose from his leash or pen, or leap out the outside door once company arrives. The return command helps you control things a lot of easier, and permits you to keep your dog out of harm’s approach.

“Sit” is another straightforward command each dog ought to understand. Dogs get excited once they’re preparing to travel outside or go for a walk. Some have a tough time waiting whereas supper is being ready and a few dogs go bats once the push button rings. Teaching your dog to take a seat and wait helps subdue their excitement thus you'll be able to answer the door, finish their supper or get their leash hooked up to their collar. The sit command additionally works well to keep them from jumping up on individuals.

“Stay” is tougher for a few dogs to be told, however it’s well well worth the time and patience it takes to show it. Dogs don’t continuously perceive they might be at risk, and using stay will stop them from running ahead of a automobile or grabbing one thing they shouldn’t have. It offers you time to get rid of the danger or wait till it’s gone. Staying will be hard for a dog to try and do once he sees one thing he desires, particularly if it’s a cat or squirrel within the yard across the street; but, it’s a necessary command each puppy and dog ought to understand.

“Drop it.” how many times have you ever tried to wrestle one thing out of your dog’s mouth? They don’t understand that the chicken bone clamped between their teeth is harmful for them. rather than you prying their mouth open to retrieve whatever they’ve picked up, the drop it command makes life abundantly easier for you. Knowing this command additionally makes taking part in fetch at lot more fun once your dog returns the ball to you and drops it at your feet or in your hand therefore you'll provides it another toss.

“Leave it” is another sensible command for dogs to grasp, as a result of it can offer you peace of mind knowing they won’t grab one thing they shouldn’t have. Dogs will simply swallow no matter what they’ve picked up if they assume you would like to require it away from them. And dogs are best-known to swallow needles, safety pins and different tiny objects before their homeowners might retrieve the item. The leave it command tells the dog it’s not for him.

“Wait.” This command is usually utilised in conjunction with stay though they're 2 totally different commands used for various reasons. A more energetic dog might have to be keep in restraint for a brief time. Wait tells him it’s not time to travel and he should stay still  until you let him know he can move.

“Okay” could be a command each dog ought to grasp as a result of this releases them from the other command you’ve given him. Okay merely means that the dog is liberated to move.

“No” tells your dog he can’t have one thing, or to prevent doing what he’s doing. No ought to be used to stop unwanted behaviour like chewing, jumping up on you or somebody else, or biting.

“Heel” helps you control your dog while on a walk and after you are around people or dogs. rather than permitting your dog to tug on his leash, heel puts him by your side wherever you've got better management of him should you meet another dog or person while walking.

“Off.” Not everybody enjoys having a dog jump up on them. This command tells them to remain down and to not jump informed you or somebody else. It additionally keeps your dog off the article of furniture.

“Stand” could be a command each dog should know because it makes it easier after you try to offer him a shower or groom him. Teaching him to stand is additionally an enormous help throughout vet examinations or when you try to look at him yourself.

So I hope some of my Commands I have offered up here help you with your furbaby .
I really love teaching my Miss Mildred new commands and tricks she is only 6 months old and I am very impressed with all the commands she has been able to learn remember when your trying to teach your furbaby a new command keep it short and sweet and end each session with a positive . And if you are feeling grumpy, upset or frustrated stop and don't do any more as your little furbaby can pick up on your feeling and they will be on edge too . 

Thankyou for reading my Furbaby Safety Commands Don't forget to like +1 share and follow if you want .   Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx