Showing posts with label #tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #tricks. Show all posts

Thursday 19 November 2015

Miss Squeaks Fun Tricks For Furbaby Chihuahua's.

Hello everyone hope all is well and your furbabys are giving you lots of love cuddles and kisses.
So i was thing lets talk about teaching our furbabys to do some sweet little tricks and a few came timing as I do train Miss Mildred to do tricks and it was very easy as the Chihuahua breed is very smart and they want to please. So after I give some more information on theChihuahua breed we will get started wth the few easy tricks I get 
Miss Mildred to do daily as our furbabys are small fragile and ever so tiny its hard to keep treat training as they can put on weight haha and I say this as Miss Mildred put weight on while i was training her but now a kiss and a cuddle makes her just as happy !

The Chihuahua is a terribly intelligent dog; as a matter of truth this breed has the biggest brain in comparison to body size out of all of the dog breeds within the world. therefore whether or not your Chihuahua may be a puppy or an older dog, you'll be able to definitely teach your dog some cute tricks. The key and secret to training your Chihuahua to perform tricks to repetition.

If you show your dog one thing over and over again; continually teaching him the same method, he can eventually learn it. This breed picks up info quite quickly; some tricks can solely take a matter of a week or 2 to find out.

When you are teaching your dog, it's best to do so during a quiet area wherever there aren't any distractions. make learning fun, act excited once he learns one thing and never scold him if he's taking time to catch on. when he will master a trick, take care to reward your Chihuahua with lots of happy words of praise.

When a Chi is first making an attempt to be told and is putting in effort, do provide a tasty treat as reward... however don't fret regarding always having to offer food as motivation. when you additionally offer praise at the same time, after a while a dog can have an automatic response... and at that point your smile, praise and therefore the attention that your Chi receives are going to be all that's required for him or her to require to stay playing. 

Some other smart tips to keep in mind is that taking time on a daily basis to work on these commands can create the simplest success... After all, sporadically having sessions once or twice per week merely will not provide the repetition that's required.

And, you need to be in an passionate mood in order for your Chihuahua to be in one! Dogs scan body language and tone as if they were ready to read our minds. If an owner is feeling positive with a decent attitude that learning is fun and a gradual process, a dog can typically mimic that perspective...And that is what's required to set a decent learning foundation. 

Cool Trick 1 - What  Hand? 

A really cute trick to show your Chihuahua will make it seem as if your dog could be a bit psychic! you must have your dog sitting in front of you. Reach to grab a handful of little treats; however take care that it's a small enough quantity in order that your hand will completely cover the food whereas creating a clenched fist.

Put your hands behind your back. Then, place each hands out toward your Chihuahua at a similar distance from him.

Say the command words of "Which hand?" using an excited voice. Your dog should be able to understand which hand holds the treats merely from the smell. A dog's ability to smell is totally amazing! once your dog put his paw on the proper hand, open your hand to reveal the treats. in this case, the treats are going to be the reward. 

Do not provide the treats till your Chihuahua puts his paw on the hand that hides them. this may teach him that merely nosing it's not enough.

Neat Trick 2 - Saying Grace

This is a good trick to show your Chihuahua, particularly when you have company over for dinner. In order  for this to work, you may want a small toddler's chair or booster seat that's placed on the ground.

You may additionally use a solid box or alternative object that is sometimes in your room or eating space. The height of the object must be so that your Chihuahua will stand and rest his or her front legs on the object.

This trick is "Saying Grace" but you must not have food out after you are training your Chihuahua to try and do this trick, because it can distract him from learning this. Have him sit in front of the item. Say the command words, "Say Grace" while you gently elevate his front paws and place them on the object.

Again, repeat the command words and gently place his face softly down upon his front paws. Your Chihuahua can currently be during a position that seems that he's expression a prayer. you must pat his head and say encouraging words to stay his face down for a number of moments.

Never hold his head if he resists. after a count of three or four, release your gentle touch and reward him with excitement, pats and hugs. 

The key to a dog learning to do this automatically once hearing the command words is to train him often. 

Doing this four to five times on a daily basis for one to two weeks ought to have your Chihuahua ready to do an amusing supper time trick.

Trick 3 - Greetings!

This trick is simple however can make your Chihuahua appear very smart! Sit your Chihuahua in front of you. Gently acquire one of his paws and gently shake it while expression the command word, "Hello". 

Act terribly happy while you're doing this and show your Chi that you simply are more than happy that he's permitting you to do this. After a while, say the command word again, however this time you may just gently touch his paw without shaking it. Act as if you expect him to require action. If he doesn't, lift the paw and repeat the hand shake.  

After a jiffy, your Chihuahua can perceive what to do after you sit before of him and say, "Hello". this is often a beautiful trick to have your dog grasp for when you introduce him or her to friends, family and other.

Super Cool Trick 4 - Sweet Kisses

This is a beautiful Chihuahua dog trick and extremely simple to show. You need to  sit your dog in front of you. Before you are doing the next step, do bear in mind that this is often temporary and very soon you will be able to eliminate this 1st part! 

Put a really little dab of wet pet food on the cheek of your face. Say the command words, "Kisses" and permit your Chihuahua to lick the treat off your face. As he's doing so, repeat the command word. 

Then, attempt to do so by merely pointing to your face and saying, "Kisses". If your Chihuahua kisses you, make certain to praise him with happy word and excited pats. After a while you should be able to merely say "Kisses" and obtain a sweet Chihuahua kiss. 

Miss Mildred loves to do all of these tricks and she is very happy to show anyone them!
I have put a lot of training into my sweet little Chihuahua and I am so happy she was so eager to learn we alway practice the shake before she is allowed her dinner so now she sits waiting for her command shake or paw so she can have her dinner. Its really cute and lots of fun too. 

 Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak 
would like to thank everyone for coming and reading our new blog 
Fun Tricks For Your Furbaby Chihuahua
And we would love to hear any trick that you do with your furbaby so let us know below in the comments and don't be shy !
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We also hope this blog has helped you to train your new furbaby. Come back soon for some new information and if there might be something you would like to know use the comments and tell us !!

Thursday 5 November 2015

Miss Squeaks Truth About Teacup Chihuahua!

Whether you presently own a Chihuahua Furbaby or are thinking of owning one, you have most likely detected individuals refer to a number of them as "teacups" "micro" or similar names. Typically, owners and breeders might refer to their ultra-small Chihuahuas using terms like these. this may beyond any doubt be confusing giving the actual fact that the American Kennel Club and also the Australia Kennel Club solely recognises 2 varieties - the smooth and long-coat. So, what is the deal with names like teacup? Keep reading and we'll dive somewhat deeper into this subject, revealing the reality behind the teacup 

If you previously thought a teacup Chihuahua was a particular breed, you are not alone. There is a growing idea concerning this word that confuses most of the overall public. Since the term is employed therefore oftentimes and by such a lot of individuals, it's virtually taken a life of its own, spreading like inferno. As a result, individuals wanting to add a brand new Chihuahua to their family could ask breeders or pet stores if they have any of the "teacup" breed. rather than correcting them, the breeder can go in conjunction with the charade and try to complete a purchase.

Confusing Names Used To Describe Chihuahuas
As a results of the poor info that is been floating around, various improper names are getting used to explain Chihuahuas. This might not appear to be an enormous issue, however it creates an moral gray area for breeders and sellers who recognize the truth regarding Chihuahuas. For example, if a possible client comes to a breeder asking them for a teacup Chihuahua, the breeder could respond by saying she has them, however just for a price bigger than the non-teacups. Basically, terms like these can be used to mark up the worth on Chihuahuas; therefore, creating it more profitable for the breeders.

Here are a number of the foremost common unofficial names used to describe Chihuahuas:
Toy (ALL Chihuahuas are considered a Toy breed)

Teacup Chihuahuas - The Facts
While we do not know who the primary person was to explain a Chihuahua as a teacup, the term picked up popularity and spread throughout the early 90s. it is vital to note, however, that no major canine association has ever used the term to explain or otherwise categorise Chihuahuas. Either one or more owners probably remarked their remarkably tiny Chihuahuas as teacups, so beginning the craze that is still occurring nowadays. once individuals hear the word teacup, they now assume it is a sure breed of Chihuahua, however sadly it's some term that several individuals use to explain them.
The only people who have the benefit of confusing terms like teacup, toy and small are the Chihuahua breeders. Now please  don't get me wrong - there are some breeders who can illustrate to the client that teacups are simply a term and not an formally recognized breed. Others, however, can use the public's content as a tool to sell their tiny Chihuahuas at a better value. for example, somebody sees or hears about a small teacup Chihuahua through and friend, so that they scan through the newspapers in search of 1.Because teacup Chihuahuas are not an official breed, chances are high that they'll have a tough time finding one. However, they will encounter a breeder providing them for a higher value than your typical Chihuahuas. The client can probably comply with the price just because they can not find these teacup Chihuahuas elsewhere.

The term "teacup Chihuahua" has been used such a lot that is virtually become an unofficial approach of relating tiny Chihuahuas. once a breeder or store refers to their Chihuahuas as teacups, they're either doing it to undertake and acquire more cash for them, or they're just as confused concerning the word as everybody else. In any case, it is the breeder's responsibility to label their Chihuahuas properly and not deceive their customers in any approach, form or type.

What You Must  Understand About Owning a Teacup Chihuahua
Because of the exaggerated demand for so-called teacup Chihuahuas in recent years, breeders and pet outlets are inspired to try and breed their Chihuahuas to be as tiny as attainable just because they will create more cash off them. the problem in doing so, however, is that little Chihuahuas are a lot of vulnerable to health issues like hypoglycaemia, diabetes, patellar displacement, cardiovascular disease, bone fractures, joint issues, etc. Does that mean you should not get a teacup Chihuahua? It's extremely a personal choice that solely you'll be able to make, However i might advise against getting one from breeders thanks to the actual fact that it encourages them to continue breeding them this size.
If you opt to have a bizarrely tiny Chihuahua, make certain you are willing to invest some time, energy and cash into keeping them healthy. this suggests you will have to take them to the vet for normal checkups to confirm nothing is seriously wrong, furthermore as treat any current conditions they're experiencing. It's only too common for individuals to make the choice to have a little Chihuahua while not realizing simply how much additional work goes into caring for them.

Something else that you're going to need to bear in mind of with tiny Chihuahuas is that they're more likely to suffer from fractures and broken bones than normal-sized Chihuahuas. If you mistakenly roll over on them within the bed, sit on them while they're laying on the couch (trust me, this happens) or even pick them up the incorrect way, they will experience a bone fracture. Be extraordinarily light and carefully around your new Chihuahua to stop such catastrophes from happening. additionally, you will need to keep larger pet dogs and cats faraway from your Chihuahua, as they will accidentally cause injury to your Chihuahua as well.

Now as you may have read this and have an opinion please let me know your thoughts on the subject as I believe some people exploit  new furbaby Chihuahua owner about the size and just in general give all the honest breeders and owner of this precious breed a bad name ! Miss Mildred is a small Chihuahua but not so small she is unhealthy she is just over 2kgs and is just the best friend I could ever have she is my shadow when I shower she will sit out side the shower waiting for me to be finished ! I think its just so she can lick me haha I love my furbaby ever so much and I don't think that we would get a different breed in the future, if there is anything you might like us to cover in our next blog just let us know in the comments below. Miss Mildred and I wish to thank you all for reading of blogs and we hope wherever you may be thats your day is filled with happiness joy and licks from you furbaby.

  Some of my very spoilt little ones outfits she gets more and more each week and not to mention her toy collection haha!

Once again thanks for stopping by 
to read my blog, 
Miss Squeaks Truth About Teacup Chihuahuas
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

Thursday 16 July 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Miss Mildred Chihuahua Fur Everywhere!

  Today is the day I would love to talk about
 Miss Mildred and the amount of fur that falls off  her tiny little body gee whizz  I never thought a little chihuahua would shed so much. But yes the answer is she sheds everywhere on everything and is just amazing how much fur comes off this tiny furbaby so thats what I am going to talk about in this blog, How to deal with a shedding chihuahua furbaby and this is some of the things I do to help around my house the with the attack of the Miss Mildred fur bunnies ! 

As you can see in the pictures our house is wood floors and thats great for easy fur cleaning but we have lots of red rugs and blankets on the inside and outside lounge areas and we have to wash them every week as little Miss Mildred covers them with her fur bunnies but look at her face she just melts my heart and I don't really mind having her fur bunnies on me but I strive to have a fur free house so it can be a little bit of a issue! We have lots of other furbabys in our pack and even though I have to clip them every 6 weeks it seems to be just Miss Mildred the chihuahua thats sheds over everything. So what are some things we can do to try to keep the fur bunnies to a minimum.

Dealing With a Shedding Chihuahua
Because of their tiny size, some individuals automatically assume that Chihuahuas do not shed. The reality is, however, that all dogs with fur are going to shed a minimum to a certain degree. While it may solely be a little bit of fur here and there, different times it will blanket the floors and furniture of your house, making it even harder to keep your outfit clean before heading out the door. Before you go throwing in the towel, though, you must familiarise yourself with ways that to reduce their shedding. While you may already be doing a little of these things, there are probably others to a small degree surprise you.

What you need to understand concerning Shedding Chihuahuas
Both long-coat and smooth-coat Chihuahuas will just one shed. sadly, this can be only one of their "characteristics" that you simply should learn to deal with. Contrary to what many people, however, the long-coat variety tend to shed less than their counterpart the smooth-coat. the explanation for this can be merely because of the lack of an undercoat. If you have ever petted or rubbed your hands on the body of a long-coat Chihuahua, you will have noticed  how soft yet firm their coat feels. without an undercoat, long-coat Chihuahuas will typically shed less than smooth-coat.

Like most dogs, Chihuahuas can shed a larger quantity of fur throughout the spring and summer months once their winter coat is not any longer required. Chihuahuas tend to keep their fur throughout the winter for an additional level of protection against the cold temperatures. Once winter is gone and also the temperatures begin to rise, the shedding can begin once more. Keep an eye fixed your Chihuahua towards the top of the winter season to examine once they begin shedding.

Now for that question that is probably burning a hole in your mind - "How do I cut back my Chihuahua's shedding?" As long as you put forth the effort using the ways listed below, even the foremost furry and problematic Chihuahuas may be restrained. Here are a number of the tried and tested ways to scale back a Chihuahua's shedding:

The first line of defense you have got against a shedding Chihuahua is correct grooming. Brushing a Chihuahua's coat can naturally work to get rid of loose fur that may otherwise fall on the ground or your article of furniture. Ideally, you must use a really fine-bristled comb that is capable to enticing excess fur.In addition to brushing, you should also be bathing your Chihuahua often as a part of their overall grooming routine. Brushing can probably get "most" of the loose fur off your Chihuahua's body, however some of it'll inevitably stay on till it falls off somewhere within your home. Bathing them, however, will help wash away any fur that was missed once brushing. the bottom of your tub might have a pleasant pile of fur afterwards, however that is better than it ending up on the ground of your home

As previously mentioned, Chihuahua tend to shed a lot of throughout the spring and summer months, therefore you will need to focus your grooming efforts throughout this time of year. this does not essentially mean that they will not shed throughout winter, however if they are doing it'll be considerably less.

It should go without saying that vacuuming and cleanup your home more frequently will you cope with their shedding additional a lot of. attempt to get into the habit of vacuuming a minimum of once per week. you may be stunned to examine simply what quantity fur is picked up off the ground once vacuuming.

Keeping your Chihuahua off the furniture also will cut back the quantity of fur on it. Your Chihuahua might not like having to get in their bed initially, however it is necessary to keep your article of furniture fur-free. If that is not enough, you'll be able to go one step more by employing a lint-roller on that. Simply run the lint-roller across the surface of any article of furniture to instantly take away pet fur.

No matter however hard you try to forestall it, your Chihuahua is going to shed their hair. Take a second or 2 to go through your home and establish areas that attract the best quantity of hair. you can then focus your cleanup efforts here after you notice your Chihuahua is shedding lots. Vacuuming, sweeping and dusting furniture are simple and straightforward ways that to pick up excess hair. Also take a moist towel and run it along the baseboards of your home, as pet hair often gets stuck here. I run the moist towel over Miss Mildred as well as it gets the fur off her as well in-between her baths. 
I hope this has help you out with a few ideas on how to cope with your shedding Chihuahua.

Thanks For Reading 
Miss Squeak Talks Miss Mildred 
Chihuahua Fur Everywhere 
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Saturday 23 May 2015

Miss Squeaks Truth About Chihuahuas !

I love my little Miss Mildred so I thought why not do a blog on her breed so here we go. 
The facts regarding Chihuahuas are each attention-grabbing and stunning, as this little breed has won over the hearts of millions round the world - one look and it's not hard to visualise why! Loyal, loveable and utterly mini, the Chihuahua is a perfect pet for the correct owner, and might bring endless joy to the lives of these around them. From puppy to adult dog, there are such a lot of facts to understand regarding Chihuahuas that you {just} might not notice just by appearances. as luck would have it because the spoken language goes, each dog has his day, and in that spirit, here are some marvellous facts regarding Chihuahuas that may soon have you adoring them the maximum amount as we tend to do! That is, of course, if you don’t already

Massive In Temperament
Appearances is deceiving - actually true in life, and positively true of this little dog, whose miniature size is not any match for his or her massive personalities! filled with character, charm and distinct individuality, the reality regarding this breed is that whereas they will return up short on inches and pounds, they're not to be underestimated. In fact, most Chihuahuas more than make up for his or her little size with their confident, inquisitive, brave  and daring attitudes, proving that good things undoubtedly are available little packages!

One of the foremost positive facts regarding  Chihuahuas, particularly if you're considering them as a possible pet, is however hearty of a breed they are. With a life span starting from 13 to fifteen years, generally even longer, and really few health issues, the common Chihuahua is that the image of vitality - sturdy, lively, and filled with life. Advantageous on several levels, from the perspective of low veterinarian prices and having the ability to boost a cheerful, energetic dog, choosing a hearty breed can even be a decent influence on your own health, fostering emotional well-being and promoting an active lifestyle.

An integral element of their character, one of the foremost important things to grasp concerning Chihuahuas is however incredibly loyal and devoted they are, usually attaching to the person or family that owns them with an intense and deep bond. while this quality is both lovely and appealing in a pet, Chihuahuas are often jealous with your affections and attention, and are famous to behave sharply if they feel their association or position being vulnerable. For that reason, Chihuahuas do very well in households where their loyalties are often channelled positively: in homes where they're the sole pet (the “King” or “Queen”, you might possibly say), living with different dogs within the same breed, or brought in to families where one owner will dedicate themselves to fostering that special, individual association. It appears to me that we have a tendency to we all use such loyalty in our lives...

With such tiny stature (perfect for cuddling!), such dynamic, devoted personalities, and such robust, systematically healthiness, it's seemingly no surprise that this breed of dog build wonderful companions for his or her house owners - so, for several folks, the camaraderie is the most appealing fact concerning Chihuahuas. usually mentioned affectionately as “mini shadows,” these sweet dogs are true pack animals, and as such, they love being a part of the “pack,” involved within the action around them, giving and receiving great affection, and curiously looking at your are move. In fact, Chihuahuas are famous to be less freelance dogs, preferring by far to be within the company of their house owners, or other Chihuahuas, to being alone, and have terribly high social desires in terms of partaking and interacting with others. during this respect, Chihuahuas are wonderful companions to people who have countless love and a focus to administer.

One of the foremost advantageous facts regarding Chihuahuas, like numerous little or toy breeds, is that these varieties of dogs are usually low-maintenance physically. nice for urban settings, they like consistent walks to long runs, dine in moderate to little amounts, need little or no grooming, and have few joint or muscle issues, even in older age. the most concerns physically for a Chihuahua involve the consequences of their little size: a sensitivity to colder climates, the lack to manoeuvre through or over giant obstacles, particularly in maturity, and the need for a harness rather than a typical leash for walking, as you'll simply injury their little, delicate necks with an average collar.

Clever, curious and strong-minded, the reality regarding this breed is that they're a awfully good dog. whether or not being trained in something new, figuring out their environment, or enjoying play #time, the actual fact regarding Chihuahuas is that with such high intelligence, they're unbelievably eager to combat a range of challenges and like to be engaged mentally. with that in mind, it’s necessary to grasp that Chihuahuas don't react well once they are bored and need a moderate to high level of interaction with their homeowners - during this case, you'll you can teach associate previous dog new tricks!

A HOLLYWOOD favourite
With numerous appealing qualities and such a self-confident manner, it's no marvel that Hollywood has fallen gaga with Chihuahuas, and this romance dates back much further than the times of Paris Hilton and Reese Witherspoon. potentially the foremost glamourous of all the facts regarding Chihuahuas, this breed had one in every of their initial Hollywood admirers in are, who magnificently acquired her pet Chihuahua, Josepha, when signing with Columbia pictures in 1948. quite sixty years later Chihuahuas are being featured in movies, tv commercials, and still idolized because the pets of the many international celebrities. I suppose, once you go Hollywood, you never go back!

Adorable features, miniature sizing and bigger than life attitudes: there are numerous aspects of Chihuahuas to love, it's clear why this magnetic very little breed has become such associate icon within the dog world. With numerous facts regarding Chihuahuas to learn and love, more and a lot of folks have taken to owning this special pet, and enjoying the large advantages that go together with this loveable dog. If you've got a Chihuahua, or simply love the breed, share with us! What are your favourite facts regarding Chihuahuas?

So I hope you have enjoyed my blog about the loving sweet breed that is Miss Mildred my beautiful Chihuahua I enjoy blogging about all breeds of furbabys and if you have a breed that you might want Miss Mildred and I to talk about please tell us in the comments below as we would love to know !! Hope everyone is safe and sound where ever you might be we send you love happiness and joy from
Perth Western Australia !

Thankyou for reading my blog 
Miss Squeaks Truth About Chihuahuas !
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Saturday 25 April 2015

Miss Squeaks Check List For A New Furbaby!

 I remember getting so excited to get my little 
Miss Mildred furbaby I thought I had everything
ready for her but I had  forgotten to get a few things.
Just simple things like her dog shampoo and nail clippers. We had a long drive home so I don't drive so my Monster tick the wheel and got us home safe and sound my oldest son Zachary came along for the drive too so we both got to nurse the new furbaby !
She was great in the car. Then once we got home I had a pen for her to be in while she was very small because Miss Mildred has many fur brothers and sisters and we wanted to keep her safe and allow all the other furbabys to be able to smell her and see her as some of the older furbabys don't like other dogs so I was wanting the first few days to go smoothly and to help them all to get to know the new furbaby.
We have had Miss Mildred for 5 months now and all the  furbabys get along really well yes sometimes little 
Miss Mildred gets a bit close to our 13 year old shitzu and he might give her a little warning nip but nothing to worry about they rarely fight. We look after my brothers dog when he worked away and he is a king charles cavalier and is only 1 month older then 
Miss Mildred but 20 times bigger I love watching the furbabys play together as its so cute seeing the 2 of 
them just being puppies and having fun. 
So here are a few things to consider before you go and get you new Furbaby.

1. Get an excellent veterinary
Ideally you would like to search out out which veterinary you intend on using before you get your puppy. ask your friends that are dog owners what veterinarians they suggest. If attainable, visit the clinic beforehand check around, look to see if the room clean, is the workers courteous and helpful? determine if the workplace hours can suit your schedule and if they handle emergencies after hours.
Many practices have multiple vets, it's best to stay with one veterinary who is aware of your pet well, therefore ask the workers if you may be ready to request a meeting with a particular doctor. selecting a vet could be a personal choice, try and find one that basically listens to you and thoughtfully answers your queries. If your 1st doctor makes you uncomfortable in any way keep trying till you discover one that's a decent fit  you and your puppy.

2. Money issues
Consider obtaining pet insurance for your furbaby. They can ease the price of veterinary care particularly if emergencies occur. Far too often new dog parents find themselves within the ER with an awfully sick puppy and inadequate funds.  Expect to pay many hundred dollars a year minimum for routine veterinary care and put aside one to two thousand bucks for emergencies.

3. Vaccinations
Newborn puppies don't have resistance at birth; they get antibodies from the mother that helps shield them from illness whereas their immune system develops. Vaccinations are a significant a part of your puppy’s veterinary care, it'll help stop serious illness. Vaccines are often core or non-core. Core vaccines are those that are recommended to be given to any or all furbabys. These embody vaccinations for distemper, adenovirus-2, canine parvovirus-2, and rabies. Non-core vaccines include leptospirosis, lyme disease and Bordetella for example and are counseled for dogs in specific geographic locations. Your doctor can re-examine the non-core vaccines that are recommended for your puppy, and also the vaccination schedule. several boosters are going to be necessary over the course of the first year so as to produce ideal immunity for your puppy.

4. Deworming
Many puppies have already got enteral parasites contracted from the mother before they are even born. so it's necessary to have your vet deworm your puppy often and perform fecal exams to make sure that treatment is complete. If left untreated enteral parasites like roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms and hookworms will cause anemia and weight loss which might be fatal. Common enteral parasites of dogs will cause issues in people additionally so not solely do they have an effect on your puppy’s health however yours as well and anyone that will be exposed to the puppy’s stool. Regular deworming and finding out when your puppy can go a long way in minimising zoonotic disease.

5. Heartworm
Another problematic worm is Dirofilaria immitis better referred to as the heartworm. not like the previous parasites this one lives among the vascular system and prefers the chambers of the guts. Dirofilaria is spread by numerous mosquitoes and is endemic throughout the world. With the gradual warming of our climate mosquitoes are staying active longer annually so year-round  heartworm prevention is usually recommended. The american Heartworm Society recommends that puppies begin on prevention no later than eight weeks of age.

6. Ectoparasites
As with heartworm, preventing flea and tick infestations is way easier than treating them. Your doctor incorporates a form of topical product that may be safely applied to puppies eight weeks and older. Keep your lawn short and keep your puppy out of bushes and woody areas. Treat the surroundings by laundry bedding often and vacuuming carpets to get rid of eggs and larvae.

7. Spay/Neuter
Spaying or sterilisation of your puppy provides various health advantages and will be considered if you're not planning on breeding your dog. Healthy puppies are often castrated  as young as eight weeks though some veterinarians opt to wait till 4-6 months of age. Fixing ought to be performed before the first heat once possible as a result of it'll nearly eliminate the danger of developing mammary cancer at a later age.

8. Diet and weight
Puppies eight weeks and older ought to be fed a top quality puppy food. Regular adult petfood won't give your puppy with the energy and calcium that your puppy’s growing body desires. Follow the label recommendations and your vet’s tips to see what quantity to feed your puppy. Ideally, puppies ought to be fed 3 to four time daily till they're a minimum of six months of age when you might decrease the feeding schedule to doubly daily is so desired. ask your doctor if your puppy is at a healthy weight.

9. Teething
Your puppy’s deciduous teeth can erupt between 3 to eight weeks old and around four to six months old these teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. the first teeth to get replaced are typically the central incisors. You'll understand once your puppy is teething because you'll notice increased manduction. it's vital to never leave your puppy unsupervised  and is doubly vital throughout development. Besides the overall destruction a teething puppy will cause they will often ingest objects that will cause obstruction or venomous things. Different hazards include teething on electrical cords which might result in fatal pulmonary edema. offer many toys for the development stage; there are specially designed toys for development puppies at major pet stores. teething typically last a couple of weeks to a month. it's necessary to have your doctor monitor the teeth as they come in generally typically deciduous teeth will be maintained which might cause issues down the road.

10. Puppy proofing
While it's vital to see your Furbaby Doctor frequently for eudaimonia you wish to avoid emergencies as much as attainable. Take glance around inspect your home to examine the potential hazards to an inquisitive puppy. think about toxins like household plants and cleaning prodoucts and keep them out of reach. Use baby gates to block off access to stairs to stop falls and to limit access to rooms that aren't “puppy safe” like the basement or workshop. little objects like change, jewelry, hair ties ought to also be kept out of reach lest they be swallowed. Take garbage out frequently and think about using garbage pails with serious lids that the puppy can’t open. screen off the fireplace if you have got one. once more the simplest way to keep your puppy out of bother is to never leave him unsupervised  and to use a crate once he can't be watched. 
Below are a few extra photos of Miss Mildred when she was just brought home look at her face just so very cute I just love my little chihuahua Miss Mildred!

Thanks for reading my newest blog 
Miss Squeaks Check List For A New Furbaby
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See you all again soon .
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Monday 20 April 2015

Miss Squeak Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas.

Hello and welcome to my blog about Chihuahuas.
Today I thought why not talk about Miss Mildreds breed 
a little bit more in depth so here is what I came up with.
Anyone with a chihuahua furbaby with know you can't be out of there sight for long before they come and sniff you out. As my 
Miss Mildred just loves to be with she is my shadow and if given the chance she will even get in the shower with me i know scary huh,
 We live in Perth Western Australia  as it is very hot in the summer and even in winter time its cold but not cold enough for snow ! So Miss Mildred is about to have her first winter and yes i have everything all at the ready warm furry onies coat with ugg boots and a knitted hat as she gets cold in summer.
My little furbaby is always wanting to be on me in my bed or you know just around me where ever I am you can guess she will be there too , even in the basket of my bike , But enough about that here are a few things you might also need to know about the Chihuahua .

The chihuahua, with its apple-dome skull and enormous bright eyes, will wear a remarkably human expression at times; she or he can wish to be with you most, if not all of the time.
Warning don’t purchase a chihuahua if you don’t have the emotional assets in your heart or the time for the whole love and a spotlight of this hairy  very little pet. they're like kids.
a few generalisations is may be. chihuahuas are swish, energetic, and swift-moving canines. described typically been made as having “terrier-like” qualities; that is, the qualities of being alert, observant, and keen on interacting with their masters. they're very loyal and get hooked up to at least one or two persons.
these little and typically teacup size dogs are definitely unaware of their diminutive stature: they'll be daring with alternative dogs a lot of larger than themselves, and protecting of their masters. they're ferociously loyal to their masters and cautious of any strangers or new guests introduced into the family, that the chihuahua considers to be its personal domain. for these reasons, chihuahuas make good watch dogs (not guard dogs!).
the chihuahua wants a good deal of human contact: touching, petting, and general attention. if the chihuahua doesn't get this, she or he can use varied attention-getting tricks till you offer her/him attention. like exploitation paws to gently scratch the hand, a symbol that claims, “pet me now!” some house owners who have had alternative, a lot of freelance breeds could realize the chihuahua too needy. however, they furnish plenty of love} and affection in return for your care.
keeping more than one chihuahua will greatly ease the dog’s stress once left alone every day if the owner works. they'll contend for your attention after you get home although. though they're naturally light, loyal, and sweet-tempered, chihuahuas are ideal for single folks, the old, the disabled, and shut-ins.

chihuahuas can keep you company for hours by lying on your lap or beside your body if in bed, and treat you as if you are royalty. No one with a chihuahua in their social unit can ever be really alone. they're quite happy in residences, as long as there's enough to play with and explore.

Opinions differ on the way to bath a chihuahua. Some say that bathing too much removes the natural oils from the coat, and so dandruff can result and therefore the coat can look boring. others say that shampooing every now and then with good brands of shampoo will really enhance the shininess of the coat. chihuahuas ought to be bathed a minimum of two times a month, otherwise they develop an unpleasant smell. this is often really as a result of the skin cells that humans sloth off onto the chihuahua! therefore humans are the most contributors to it smell that may develop.

when bathing, pay attention to not get water into their ears, as an infection might develop. You may have to trim their nails a minimum of once a month too. on the smaller dogs, cat claw trimmers will be used. it’s smart to begin a nail clipping routine timely in order that your dog becomes aware of your handling its paws to not mention getting accustomed the clippers. Furbaby owners should even be aware that chihuahuas are susceptible to knee issues like luxating patellas or “weak knees.” this could occur as they grow old. if it causes issue in walking, take your dog to the vet.

Additionally, some breeders give pedigree papers that trace the parents on the far side the immediate oldsters. these papers are important if you propose to enter your new dog into exhibitions and competitions. these certificates and papers make sure that the dog could be a purebred; but, simply because a dog has papers, doesn’t mean it's any more special than a pup bought from a friend.

When shopping for a leash for your chihuahua, keep in mind that its neck is quite little and delicate compared to alternative dog’s necks. you can't (and, indeed, should not) yank your dog around by the leash. a body-harness for little dogs is suggested for a few reasons: safety and comfort. if fitted right, it'll offer your pet a secure and comfy walk, and harnesses additionally guarantee your dog cannot run into traffic or an even bigger creature.

Chihuahuas additionally like many little meals per day, instead of one huge meal. they're uptight dogs. “high-strung” defined outlined as: barks easily, doesn't adapt easily to change in surroundings, is suspicious of strangers and can growl at them, and flips in a circle and jumps around once excited (Like when you get back inside from getting the mail). Your friends might see the worst aspect of them and never believe you once you tell them that your very little furbaby is basically a delicate, sweet-natured dog.

Owners should be terribly sensitive to the actual fact that short-haired chihuahuas, and even hairy  ones, are prone to the cold it is suggested that you just dress your chihuahua in a warm dog sweater for walks. Walking your chihuahua in temperatures that are very low is powerfully discouraged, particularly when there's a wind-chill issue.
In this, as in different aspects of dog maintenance, keep your dogs’ health prime priority, not your own need. it's a characteristic of the chihuahua to choose to sleep beneath a a sheet or blanket. they're going to even get beneath pillows in order to feel comfortable. if you're raising a pup, take care to supply them with a soft towel or blanket in their sleeping space so that they will burrow beneath it. Please don’t be stunned if your chihuahua scrambles beneath your blankets in the dead of night, despite the fact that your house or lodging might not be notably cold.

Chihuahuas are quite the sun-worshipers. they like to cherish the sun for hours and are known  to dwell a spot of sun no larger than the dimensions of a half-dollar! sadly, they're not wise in this regard and can keep within the sun even once panting begins.

watching your chihuahua in hot weather to take care that they don’t suffer from heat stroke is a real chihuahua health concern. chihuahuas do shiver once they’re cold, however they additionally shiver once they are cautious, excited, unhappy, or frightened. this is often a result of having a high metabolism, and is a traditional characteristic of this breed.
Hope this has help a few furbaby owners out ! 
Miss Mildred has fallen asleep while I was typing this she is just adorable and sweet .

 Thanks For Reading Miss Squeak Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas.
Let me know anything that you might want me to write about in the comments below.
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Sunday 19 April 2015

Miss Squeaks Ten Easy Furbaby Tricks .

Shake Hands
Start by having your dog sit. Say, “Shake hands,” and take his paw together with your hand. Hold his paw and say, “Good dog!” let go of his paw. do that a couple of times on a daily basis.

After a short while, say, “Shake hands,” however don’t take his paw. See if he raises his paw by himself. If not, keep showing him what to try and do by spoken communication, “Shake hands,” and taking his paw together with your hand. Your dog isn't slow; he's simply learning!

High Five
Start by having your dog shake. If your dog doesn't shake, simply touch the  back of her paw and say shake. Once your dog starts to supply her paw, flip your  hand up therefore your hand is facing your dog. begin spoken communication “high five” whereas holding your hand up. once yoour dog hits  your hand along with her paw, quickly say smart dog and reward with a  treat. once your dog starts to hit your hand along with her paw, begin to slightly raise  your hand higher and higher.  Keep raising your hand till you'll stand and your dog jumps up to high 5  your hand. Reward your dog as soon as she does.  Hold your right hand within the air once more and say the command “high five” however don't reach for your dog’s paw. Hopefully he can place his paw against your hand. enable him the opportunity to try and do it on his own before you reach for his paw. If he does it on his own, reward him straightaway with treats or praise.

They should first know how to shake before teaching this

Choose a game that your dog likes to play, like catch with a ball, or hide and obtain with a toy. Then get him excited by spoken communication, “Let’s play! want to play?” and show him the ball or toy. Jump and act silly thus he barks then say, “Good dog, speak!” Then play the sport as his reward for learning “Speak”.

You can’t create a dog bark, however you'll get him happy and excited therefore he desires to bark. after a while, your dog can bark once you say, “Speak.”Caution! If you've got a dog that already causes hassle thanks to his barking, you would possibly not wish to encourage this behavior. If you opt it’s okay to teach it, take care to show ‘quiet’, too, however do it at another time.

Play Dead
Have your dog lie on his tummy. As you gently roll him over on his side, say, “Take a nap.” whereas he's lying on his side, keeping his head on the ground, say, “Take a nap.” Don’t offer him a treat. Encourage him to remain there for a few of seconds. Then say, “Ok” or “Wake up!”, let him rise, and provides him his reward.

You can use the treat to lure your dog into a lying down position. Don’t offer your a dog a reward while he's lying down. offer him a treat once he has completed the trick.

Beg Say Please
Have your dog sit, facing you. Hold his favorite treat simply higher than his head and tell him, “Say please.” Your dog can in all probability raise his front feet off the ground to achieve the treat. As soon as the feet are upraised, even alittle bit, offer him the treat.

This is a tough trick for many dogs. Wait a bit longer each time before giving the treat, however watch out to not let your dog go over on his back. you're helping your dog develop his balance. Be kind and solely do that a few of times.

Here’s a straightforward one: anytime your dog licks your face, say, “Give me a kiss. smart boy! give me a kiss.” If he isn’t a licker, place a bit paste on your cheek and say, “Give me a kiss.” once he licks it off say, “Give me a kiss,” again.

Tricks like this work as a result of you put words with one thing your dog does. Pretty shortly your dog hears “Give me a kiss,” and thinks about licking your face. Then you offer him a hug, rub his ears and say, “Good boy!” Dogs love that.

If your dog doesn’t fetch naturally, have an adult cut a slit in a tennis ball (a smaller, rubber ball if that's too big). place some treats within the ball. Show your dog that there are treats in there, and offer her one. Then, throw the ball. beginning starting, run along with her and obtain the ball; then offer her the treat. before long you maybe ready to throw the ball and she or he will go get it (because she really wants the treat!).

After your dog has discovered what he has got to do to get a treat, begin throwing the ball twice in a very row while not giving him the treat. What you're making an attempt to try and do is offer him the treats less and fewer usually so sometime he won’t need the treats within the ball to fetch it.

Take a Bow
 after you see your dog take a giant stretch, together with his head down low, say, “Take a bow.” anytime he wakes up and stretches, say, “Take a bow.” sometime you may say, “Take a bow.” and your dog can take a giant stretch, however it'll appear as if he's bowing. As soon as he's finished, offer him the treat.

Tricks like this work because you place words with one thing your dog does. it's going to take some dogs longer than others to work this one out. Some dogs learn it during a week and a few take years…yes, years! however sooner or later you may say, “Take a bow,” and perhaps, just maybe, your dog can take a bow.

Wave ByeBye
Your dog ought to know how to shake hands before learning this trick. Face your dog and hold out your hand as if you're progressing to shake. once your dog lifts her paw to shake, don’t grab it, simply pull back your hand, and say “Wave”. Then offer your dog a treat.

At first your dog might not raise her paw terribly high. however once she realizes that you’re progressing to offer her a treat if she holds it up there, she’ll catch on. you will need to tease her a bit together with your hand so she thinks you're progressing to shake along with her. Waving your hand a bit might help to get her paw into a waving motion furthermore.

Go to Bed
“Go to bed” means that go to the bed AND lie. you must only need to say “Go to bed”. Put a bed, blanket, or towel 6-10 feet removed from you. together with your dog beside you say “Go to bed!” then together go to the bed. Have your dog lie on the bed, offer her a treat, and praise. Repeat over and over. Later on, attempt sending your dog by herself. At first, make certain that somebody is waiting at the bed with a treat. Later, your dog can do it herself, and you may walk over to her while she is lying down and reward her.

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Miss Squeaks Ten Easy Furbaby Tricks.
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx