Showing posts with label puppys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppys. Show all posts

Thursday 9 June 2016

Miss Squeak Chihuahua's and The Dangers That Lurk!

Lets talk about a few dangers that might lurk in and around your home, and some other ideas and tip to help keep your new furbaby Chihuahua safe and out of harms way!

There are numerous risks to the Chihuahua that pet house owners simply don't seem to be conscious of, and which are far more of a crisis as in comparison with bigger puppies. A Chihuahua is an extraordinarily small canine and as a consequence faces many extra problems than you may think.

For instance, outdoors, a Chihuahua can quite simply end up a meal for a large bird of prey equivalent to a hawk, owl, or raven. They are able to also be carried off with no trouble by means of a wild animal like a coyote fox or bobcat. If you are living in a city, there are larger dogs that can wish to assault your dog effectively because of their size, certainly if there are dogs that view the Chihuahua as one more prey animal the same they might a rabbit or mole. It is easier and much wiser to hold the Chihuahua with you above the ground if there are larger animals around or when you see animal of prey. That you may also use a harness to drag your furbaby from danger!  The unintended Chihuahua's could in get danger when a greater canine attacks them. Despite the fact that you may have a good behaved furbaby yourself, you can't necessarily believe it will not react to a bigger dog, in particular if your furbaby or the  other dog is in heat.

When outside in your yard,  have a  good look at your fence to make certain it's suitable to your Chihuahua. Sometimes there could  be a gap between the posts or between the gate and the gate post. Irrespective of how small it looks to you, they can effectively squeeze through. They are relatively oblivious to cars, so it could imply terrible issues if your furbaby  gets out of the fence or gated area. They don't appear to recognise what happens to them in the event that they get in front of a automobile, or maybe they don't understand the risk of a automobile. 

Different risks that the Chihuahua faces is the wintry weather weather. Chihuahua's have such soft paws, and when the ground is wet, cold or frozen, the Chihuahua can get frostbitten toes. Additionally, this style of canine must continuously put on a sweater or coat when outside, and must not spend colossal time outside  within the winter even when wearing a protecting coat. Most Chihuahuas don't like the cold or rain so it is fairly handy to bring them in. Summer time also brings its own host of issues for the reason that they have an inclination to like the sun and will spend many hours lying out if allowed. They are going to overheat and most likely get heat stroke.
Keep them out of the sun  as  much as possible. 

Once you take them inside there are nonetheless risks that still lurk. When you consider that they're small puppies that wish to be on top of furnishings they may be able to fall so far down that they are able to harm themselves. Slipping and falling from larger heights indoors is a recipe for fractures, inside accidents, and bruises with Chihuahuas. These puppies are quite curious and frequently try to investigate things which will lead to pulling things down on top of itself, which will also be a hazard.

Finally, Chihuahuas also are inclined to eat things that they mustn't like  houseplants which can be toxic and other small things  that they would choke on. They have very small mouths and equally small respiratory pipes, and swallowing even a marble can choke them. You must keep  small items off of the ground due to the fact that they don't seem to mind what they put of their mouths. In some ways they're rather a lot like toddlers so we need to keep or eyes on our furbabys.

Miss Mildred was never a puppy that wanted to chew on things around the house I believe this is because I was very hands on with her and played with toys and started training her as soon as we got her home also she had many other dogs in her pack to play with and her best friend Odin the King Charles was just a few months older then her so they would play together all the time, yet Odin loves to chew on just about everything, he is my little brothers puppy, But he is with us when my brother works away on the mines so we have him three weeks out of the month! Yet I believe when he was first brought home he should have been trained straight away like I did with Miss Mildred, But we love him anyway even if he likes to eat your shoes and pillows if your not watching him and he gets bored.  So yes they are just like toddlers as they can't be left alone and when they are quite and you can't see them be worried!

Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak hope this was an enjoyable read for you all, as it was for myself to write. 
Thanks very much for coming over to my blog.

Miss Squeaks The Truth About Dogs 
Chihuahua's and The Dangers That Lurk!

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We hope to see you back again soon!
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Monday 11 January 2016

Miss Squeak Talks Apple and Deer Head Chihuahua's

Deer Head vs Apple Head Chihuahua – What’s The Difference?

Okay so today is the day we talk about this issue as it has come up  before but I never addressed it so her we go,

If you have done any research into the Chihuahua breed, you've most likely heard of deer head and apple head getting used to explain them. Breeders, veterinarians, consultants and furbaby owners often use these terms to explain specific Chihuahuas based on their physical characteristics and look. The actual fact is that most Chihuahuas will either be classified as deer head or apple head based on how they appear. So, what precisely do these unusually-sounding terms mean? Keep reading and i can reveal the variations between deer head and apple Chihuahuas and what you need to understand regarding them.
Naturally, one would possibly assume that deer head and apple head Chihuahuas are a particular breed. After all, with such a large amount of individuals referring to their Chihuahuas with these terms, logic ought to tell you that it's a certain breed. If you discuss with the American Kennel Club (AKC), United Kennel Club (UKC) or Chihuahua Club of Australia you merely will not find these varieties formally recognised. this is often a somewhat similar scenario as the term "teacup Chihuahuas," Which I have also  explained on another section of my blog. Even if individuals use the terms apple head, deer head and teacup daily to explain their Chihuahuas, the reality is that none of those are officially recognised varieties by any major canine association

Apple Head Chihuahua Characteristics and Information:

As previously expressed, no major canine associated, The Australian Kennel, recognises apple head or deer Chihuahua varieties. you can check their web site, send them an email or call them up in person if you do not believe ME. However, they do place an emphasis on the "apple" form of a Chihuahua's head because the breed standard. Both the Chihuahua Club of America and also the AKC state the breed standard's head must possess "A well rounded 'apple dome' skull, with or without molera."
If you are questioning what a molera is, let ME explain - Chihuahuas ar often born with a soft spot in their skull wherever the bone failed to properly form. Instead of  having a tough, thick bone that totally protects their brain, a Chihuahua with a molera can have a rubbery patch underneath their skin. While  it does not supply as much protection as a tough boney skull, it still offers a valuable line of defense against head injury. The exact range of Chihuahuas stricken by this condition is unknown, however some breed experts claim that up to 80th of Chihuahuas have a molar.

Here are a number of the characteristics of an apple head Chihuahua:
Short muzzle
Prominent jawline
Large, distinguished forehead
Round, apple-shaped head (with or without molar)

Deer Head Chihuahua

Deer Head Chihuahua deer Head Chihuahua Characteristics and Information 
On the other side of the fence is that the deer head Chihuahua, that are equally as common as their counterpart the apple head. Because the breed standards set by the main canine associations specifically state that the top of a Chihuahua should be apple-shaped, deer head Chihuahuas are often excluded from tournaments and shows. Some folks even regard them as poor breeding thanks to their informal formed head. Do not  let that stop you from owning one, though, as they can make  terrific pets that are just as doting, mischievous and fun as apple heads.
Here are a number of the characteristics of a deer head Chihuahua:
Like the apple head, deer head Chihuahuas may be found with or without a molera.
Tend to have less health issues.
Long snout protruding further out than apple head Chihuahuas.
More slim skull that resembles the head of a deer, thence the name.
Many owners swear that deer head Chihuahuas are more manageable and less aggressive than apple heads.

Should I Purchase a Deer Head or Apple Head Chihuahua?

Whether you ought to own a deer head or apple head Chihuahua may be a choice that solely you'll make. Because of  their cute and tiny size, many of us base their decision on appearance alone. whereas there's nothing wrong with taking into account however a Chihuahua puppy appearance, you should really be focusing on their temperament and traits. Once you've found a breeder with a litter of pups, go over there one or two time to actually sit down and play with them. this may offer you an opportunity to see that Chihuahua pups are mischievous, fun, affectionate and want to be around you. I remember selecting my first Chihuahua, Miss Mildred because she was the peewee who came up to ME and would not flee. I straight off knew she was the one for me and have not regretted making that call.
Something that is necessary to notice is that apple head Chihuahuas are additional prone to health issues that plague the breed. Compared to alternative dog breeds, Chihuahuas have comparatively few health issues, however this does not mean they're going to keep 100 percent healthy their entire lives. some of the foremost common health issues related to Chihuahuas are diabetes, hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), inflammatory disease and bone fractures To mention some. deer head Chihuahuas may still suffer from a number of these conditions, however the possibilities are lower than those of an apple head's.


A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be mindful of features which could be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed.


  • Group:
    Group 1 (Toys)
  • History:
  • General Appearance:

    Small, dainty, compact.
  • Characteristics:

    Alert, little dog, swift moving with brisk forceful action and saucy expression.
  • Temperament:

    Gay, spirited and intelligent, neither snappy nor withdrawn.
  • Head And Skull:

    Well rounded 'Apple Dome' skull, cheeks and jaws lean, muzzle moderately short, slightly pointed. Definite stop.
  • Eyes:

    Large, round, but not protruding; set well apart; centre of eye is on a plane with lowest point of ear and base of stop; dark or ruby. Light eyes in light colours permissible.
  • Ears:

    Large, flaring, set on at an angle of approximately 45 degrees; giving breadth between ears. Tipped or broken down highly undesirable.
  • Mouth:

    Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
  • Neck:

    Slightly arched, medium length.
  • Forequarters:

    Shoulders well laid; lean, sloping into slightly broadening support above straight forelegs, set well under chest giving freedom of movement without looseness.
  • Body:

    Level back. Body, from point of shoulder to rear point of croup, slightly longer than height at withers. Well sprung ribs, deep brisket.
  • Hindquarters:

    Muscular: hocks well let down, with good turn of stifle, well apart, turning neither in nor out.
  • Feet:

    Small and dainty, turning neither in nor out; toes well divided but not spread, pads cushioned, fine, strong, flexible pasterns. Neither hare nor cat-like, nails moderately short.
  • Tail:

    Medium length, set high, carried up and over back (sickle tail). When moving never tucked under or curled below the topline. Furry, flattish in appearance, broadening slightly in centre and tapering to point.
  • Gait/Movement:

    Brisk, forceful action, neither high stepping nor hackney; good reach without slackness in forequarters, good drive in hindquarters. Viewed from front and behind legs should move neither too close nor too wide, with no turning in or out of feet or pasterns. Topline should remain firm and level when moving.
  • Coat:

    Smooth, of soft texture, close and glossy, with undercoat and ruff permissible.
  • Colour:

    Any colour or mixture of colours but never Merle (dapple).
  • Sizes:

    Weight: up to 2.7 kg (6 lbs), with 1.8-2.7 kgs (4-6 lbs) preferred.

  • Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

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Below and we would love to hear about any of your stories or ideas for further blogs 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Sunday 16 August 2015

Miss Squeaks Talks Miss Mildred and Facebook!

 Okay todays blog is about how people have gone to far with reporting people on Facebook ! Over the last two days i have been getting reported for animal cruelty  as the picture below is the  one that was reported first then the one after and so on this makes me sick to my tummy as i believe, it all started because of a comment I  made on a video from the famous chihuahua page of Pacho wearing shoes for the first time and gee it was cute to see hime wear his shoes for the first time! i believe dogs should wear shoes in the summer to protect their little paw pads from the hot scorching pavement and in the winter to save them from the freezing cold all in all it is the owners opinion to place shoes on their furbaby paws. Miss Mildred wears her uggboots in winter just because she doesn't like to get her feet wet and if i don't put them on her she will wee and poo in the house hence the shoes are a good fit for us, But as the silly young mouthy girl got into a stupid rant about the  picture i posted of Miss Mildred in her winter coat and uggboots and the fact that i was abusing my dog and i should get a doll and so on something that i don't get involved in and because i didn't argue with this person she went on to report over ten of pictures! Now i feel like the bad person when in fact i was the one whom was being trolled by a small minded person. Has anyone else had this problem on Facebook ?? My reply to the Facebook police was as follows,

 Dear Facebook, Whom ever reported my dogs pictures this is just stupid she was sleeping in her dress when she woke up and i took this picture i for one would never put my dog in harms way so i think you should look at the people reporting others and see what they are doing just being trolls of the internet ! i will not be taking down this picture as i think it's cute you should be looking at the small minded mixed up people that find it fun to report other peoples pictures i can understand if i was hurting my chihuahua and placing her in danger!! But if you took some time out to look at all my other pictures she sleeps like that all the time.  I thinks this is down right petty and stupid! Thanks very much
 Helene aka Miss Squeak , 

Here is a link to my blog about dogs and the do's and don'ts of owning one

So thanks for reading my rant about Facebook and why i hardly use it and choose to hangout in google+ ! Miss Mildred and i are doing much better now but we still get some pictures reported.  Hope to see you soon! And please let me know if you have had any problems like we have had?

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

 .. Miss Mildred 11mths old ..

.. Miss Mildred 6mths old ..
.. Miss Mildred 3mths old ..

Thanks very much for reading 
    Miss Squeaks Talks 
   Miss Mildred and Facebook
Please Remember to Like +1 Comment 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Friday 10 July 2015

Miss Squeak Talks About Miss Mildred The Chihuahua!


Hello everyone Miss Mildred and I hope you are all well and happy ! Today I thought I would talk about my furbaby chihuahua Miss Mildred as it is  getting very cold here in Western Australia and gee little Miss Mildred feels the cold so very badly and people might think that I am dressing her just so she looks cute but oh no its because she is so tiny and has very short fur and hardly any body fat hence I do enjoy finding her cute outfits to wear and yes she has shoes to keep her feet warm and sandals for summer to keep her feet from getting burnt on the ground !
Miss Mildred is not a toy or a rat she is a real dog with teeth and real attitude  and she might be small but she thinks she is bigger the all other dogs ! We have been constantly training her so she is the happy well rounded furbaby we want and by doing so she knows how far she is able to push us but we are the ones she looks to for  guidance I am having trouble with getting her to sleep in her nice warm cozy bed at night she will stay in her bed until I turn the tv off and then its like mum mum let me in the bed with you and daddy over the last  few nights we have been trying our hardest to get her to sleep in her bed and gee it is like have a toddler all over again every half hour her little face would be looking up at me and her cute little feet where tapping at the edge of the bed its has been like the battle of the bedroom and yup for all the good advice I might give in my Blog this has been the hardest habit to get out of as you might know Miss Mildred and I spend our time between two homes 
so when I am home alone I like her to sleep with me I know bad Miss Squeak bad I am trying hard to break the habit as now only Miss Mildred and I will be in the bedroom alone as poor old man river is gone now , So maybe we can break the habit fingers crossed its like when you have a baby and its crying what do you do hmmm I would pick them up and sooth them then my boys might end up in my bed hahaha yes I was one of them mothers so I understand why my little cute adorable Miss Mildred ends up in the bed so its just a short blog today as I am still getting over the loss of Sebastion things are just not the same around here with out him ! So I going to try to get a blog up twice a week again hope to see you all again soon ! If you have any ideas you might like me to blog about just post in the comments below I  would love to know what you all want ?

 Once again thankyou for reading my Blog
Miss Squeak Talks About 
Miss Mildred The Chihuahua !
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Monday 20 April 2015

Miss Squeak Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas.

Hello and welcome to my blog about Chihuahuas.
Today I thought why not talk about Miss Mildreds breed 
a little bit more in depth so here is what I came up with.
Anyone with a chihuahua furbaby with know you can't be out of there sight for long before they come and sniff you out. As my 
Miss Mildred just loves to be with she is my shadow and if given the chance she will even get in the shower with me i know scary huh,
 We live in Perth Western Australia  as it is very hot in the summer and even in winter time its cold but not cold enough for snow ! So Miss Mildred is about to have her first winter and yes i have everything all at the ready warm furry onies coat with ugg boots and a knitted hat as she gets cold in summer.
My little furbaby is always wanting to be on me in my bed or you know just around me where ever I am you can guess she will be there too , even in the basket of my bike , But enough about that here are a few things you might also need to know about the Chihuahua .

The chihuahua, with its apple-dome skull and enormous bright eyes, will wear a remarkably human expression at times; she or he can wish to be with you most, if not all of the time.
Warning don’t purchase a chihuahua if you don’t have the emotional assets in your heart or the time for the whole love and a spotlight of this hairy  very little pet. they're like kids.
a few generalisations is may be. chihuahuas are swish, energetic, and swift-moving canines. described typically been made as having “terrier-like” qualities; that is, the qualities of being alert, observant, and keen on interacting with their masters. they're very loyal and get hooked up to at least one or two persons.
these little and typically teacup size dogs are definitely unaware of their diminutive stature: they'll be daring with alternative dogs a lot of larger than themselves, and protecting of their masters. they're ferociously loyal to their masters and cautious of any strangers or new guests introduced into the family, that the chihuahua considers to be its personal domain. for these reasons, chihuahuas make good watch dogs (not guard dogs!).
the chihuahua wants a good deal of human contact: touching, petting, and general attention. if the chihuahua doesn't get this, she or he can use varied attention-getting tricks till you offer her/him attention. like exploitation paws to gently scratch the hand, a symbol that claims, “pet me now!” some house owners who have had alternative, a lot of freelance breeds could realize the chihuahua too needy. however, they furnish plenty of love} and affection in return for your care.
keeping more than one chihuahua will greatly ease the dog’s stress once left alone every day if the owner works. they'll contend for your attention after you get home although. though they're naturally light, loyal, and sweet-tempered, chihuahuas are ideal for single folks, the old, the disabled, and shut-ins.

chihuahuas can keep you company for hours by lying on your lap or beside your body if in bed, and treat you as if you are royalty. No one with a chihuahua in their social unit can ever be really alone. they're quite happy in residences, as long as there's enough to play with and explore.

Opinions differ on the way to bath a chihuahua. Some say that bathing too much removes the natural oils from the coat, and so dandruff can result and therefore the coat can look boring. others say that shampooing every now and then with good brands of shampoo will really enhance the shininess of the coat. chihuahuas ought to be bathed a minimum of two times a month, otherwise they develop an unpleasant smell. this is often really as a result of the skin cells that humans sloth off onto the chihuahua! therefore humans are the most contributors to it smell that may develop.

when bathing, pay attention to not get water into their ears, as an infection might develop. You may have to trim their nails a minimum of once a month too. on the smaller dogs, cat claw trimmers will be used. it’s smart to begin a nail clipping routine timely in order that your dog becomes aware of your handling its paws to not mention getting accustomed the clippers. Furbaby owners should even be aware that chihuahuas are susceptible to knee issues like luxating patellas or “weak knees.” this could occur as they grow old. if it causes issue in walking, take your dog to the vet.

Additionally, some breeders give pedigree papers that trace the parents on the far side the immediate oldsters. these papers are important if you propose to enter your new dog into exhibitions and competitions. these certificates and papers make sure that the dog could be a purebred; but, simply because a dog has papers, doesn’t mean it's any more special than a pup bought from a friend.

When shopping for a leash for your chihuahua, keep in mind that its neck is quite little and delicate compared to alternative dog’s necks. you can't (and, indeed, should not) yank your dog around by the leash. a body-harness for little dogs is suggested for a few reasons: safety and comfort. if fitted right, it'll offer your pet a secure and comfy walk, and harnesses additionally guarantee your dog cannot run into traffic or an even bigger creature.

Chihuahuas additionally like many little meals per day, instead of one huge meal. they're uptight dogs. “high-strung” defined outlined as: barks easily, doesn't adapt easily to change in surroundings, is suspicious of strangers and can growl at them, and flips in a circle and jumps around once excited (Like when you get back inside from getting the mail). Your friends might see the worst aspect of them and never believe you once you tell them that your very little furbaby is basically a delicate, sweet-natured dog.

Owners should be terribly sensitive to the actual fact that short-haired chihuahuas, and even hairy  ones, are prone to the cold it is suggested that you just dress your chihuahua in a warm dog sweater for walks. Walking your chihuahua in temperatures that are very low is powerfully discouraged, particularly when there's a wind-chill issue.
In this, as in different aspects of dog maintenance, keep your dogs’ health prime priority, not your own need. it's a characteristic of the chihuahua to choose to sleep beneath a a sheet or blanket. they're going to even get beneath pillows in order to feel comfortable. if you're raising a pup, take care to supply them with a soft towel or blanket in their sleeping space so that they will burrow beneath it. Please don’t be stunned if your chihuahua scrambles beneath your blankets in the dead of night, despite the fact that your house or lodging might not be notably cold.

Chihuahuas are quite the sun-worshipers. they like to cherish the sun for hours and are known  to dwell a spot of sun no larger than the dimensions of a half-dollar! sadly, they're not wise in this regard and can keep within the sun even once panting begins.

watching your chihuahua in hot weather to take care that they don’t suffer from heat stroke is a real chihuahua health concern. chihuahuas do shiver once they’re cold, however they additionally shiver once they are cautious, excited, unhappy, or frightened. this is often a result of having a high metabolism, and is a traditional characteristic of this breed.
Hope this has help a few furbaby owners out ! 
Miss Mildred has fallen asleep while I was typing this she is just adorable and sweet .

 Thanks For Reading Miss Squeak Things You Should Know About Chihuahuas.
Let me know anything that you might want me to write about in the comments below.
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Friday 10 April 2015

Miss Squeaks Furbaby Safety Commands .

So it's a  new day so it's a new blog for me . Lets talk about some basic commands that your furbaby will need to know help keep them safe and sound and out of harms way. Because we all know that vet bills can cost a lot so lets get started.
We teach our kids basic commands that they  have to understand so to prevent them from running out in front of a automobile or putting something dangerous in their mouth. Furbabys ought to also be instructed  commands for identical reason. Whether or not you adopt a puppy or like an older dog because it fits better together with your life style, there are certain basic commands each dog ought to understand. Their safety may depend upon.

“Come” means that to prevent what he’s doing and come back to you. It’s a straightforward command to show, associate degreed necessary in an emergency, if he ought to break loose from his leash or pen, or leap out the outside door once company arrives. The return command helps you control things a lot of easier, and permits you to keep your dog out of harm’s approach.

“Sit” is another straightforward command each dog ought to understand. Dogs get excited once they’re preparing to travel outside or go for a walk. Some have a tough time waiting whereas supper is being ready and a few dogs go bats once the push button rings. Teaching your dog to take a seat and wait helps subdue their excitement thus you'll be able to answer the door, finish their supper or get their leash hooked up to their collar. The sit command additionally works well to keep them from jumping up on individuals.

“Stay” is tougher for a few dogs to be told, however it’s well well worth the time and patience it takes to show it. Dogs don’t continuously perceive they might be at risk, and using stay will stop them from running ahead of a automobile or grabbing one thing they shouldn’t have. It offers you time to get rid of the danger or wait till it’s gone. Staying will be hard for a dog to try and do once he sees one thing he desires, particularly if it’s a cat or squirrel within the yard across the street; but, it’s a necessary command each puppy and dog ought to understand.

“Drop it.” how many times have you ever tried to wrestle one thing out of your dog’s mouth? They don’t understand that the chicken bone clamped between their teeth is harmful for them. rather than you prying their mouth open to retrieve whatever they’ve picked up, the drop it command makes life abundantly easier for you. Knowing this command additionally makes taking part in fetch at lot more fun once your dog returns the ball to you and drops it at your feet or in your hand therefore you'll provides it another toss.

“Leave it” is another sensible command for dogs to grasp, as a result of it can offer you peace of mind knowing they won’t grab one thing they shouldn’t have. Dogs will simply swallow no matter what they’ve picked up if they assume you would like to require it away from them. And dogs are best-known to swallow needles, safety pins and different tiny objects before their homeowners might retrieve the item. The leave it command tells the dog it’s not for him.

“Wait.” This command is usually utilised in conjunction with stay though they're 2 totally different commands used for various reasons. A more energetic dog might have to be keep in restraint for a brief time. Wait tells him it’s not time to travel and he should stay still  until you let him know he can move.

“Okay” could be a command each dog ought to grasp as a result of this releases them from the other command you’ve given him. Okay merely means that the dog is liberated to move.

“No” tells your dog he can’t have one thing, or to prevent doing what he’s doing. No ought to be used to stop unwanted behaviour like chewing, jumping up on you or somebody else, or biting.

“Heel” helps you control your dog while on a walk and after you are around people or dogs. rather than permitting your dog to tug on his leash, heel puts him by your side wherever you've got better management of him should you meet another dog or person while walking.

“Off.” Not everybody enjoys having a dog jump up on them. This command tells them to remain down and to not jump informed you or somebody else. It additionally keeps your dog off the article of furniture.

“Stand” could be a command each dog should know because it makes it easier after you try to offer him a shower or groom him. Teaching him to stand is additionally an enormous help throughout vet examinations or when you try to look at him yourself.

So I hope some of my Commands I have offered up here help you with your furbaby .
I really love teaching my Miss Mildred new commands and tricks she is only 6 months old and I am very impressed with all the commands she has been able to learn remember when your trying to teach your furbaby a new command keep it short and sweet and end each session with a positive . And if you are feeling grumpy, upset or frustrated stop and don't do any more as your little furbaby can pick up on your feeling and they will be on edge too . 

Thankyou for reading my Furbaby Safety Commands Don't forget to like +1 share and follow if you want .   Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Monday 30 March 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Visitors and Your Furbaby

Training a furbaby to behave when guests visit.
Have you ever loaned a favorite tool or item to a friend and when they return it, it is ruined? I hate to say it, but friends can also ruin all the training you do with your pup. Guests can overwhelm a puppy, they can frighten him, teach him bad habits, and even more, in doing this they can turn your pup into a dog that annoys you, even after the guests leave.

Speak up
Visitors can create problems without realizing it. Even friends who are “dog people” can create problems, so be aware. You will hear, “Oh, he is so cute, don’t worry we don’t mind him jumping up.” Yes, they may not mind now, but perhaps this is going to be a 50-pound plus dog in six months, mum lives with you and she is unsteady on her feet. So, we don’t want him jumping up.
Or a guest will tell you, “It’s okay, we love dogs – he is only a puppy.” Then they proceed to get him overexcited and he dashes around the house like a crazy man; throw rugs fly everywhere and the heirloom vase rocks on its pedestal. In all too short a time your dog will be more than a puppy and your guests are teaching him that this dashing around your home is acceptable behavior. In such instances, what do we do? Most of us smile in annoyed embarrassment because we want to tell them not to do this ... but they are guests.
Do yourself and your pup a favor. Tell them – nicely – that you are working on his manners and obedience, and if they don’t listen, put the pup in his crate or on a leash where he won’t learn to be naughty.

Be in control
Another scenario is the complete opposite. Your guests may not like dogs and could even be afraid of them. They prefer not to be greeted by your dog. By showing this nervousness they can create unwanted behaviors. The pup will recognize the body language and smell of those who are afraid and he may show fear, sometimes even giving a growl of uncertainty. Such behaviors can be made worse if we become annoyed with our guests, and frustrated with the pup. When this happens we are not in control either of the pup or ourselves, and that is when we make mistakes.
Even if we have a well-behaved pup and well-behaved guests we can create problems. When we have a nice pup and it has some cute behaviors, we try to demonstrate these to friends who come to visit. Naturally, we are proud of our new family member and want to show off a little. Socialization with new people is good for the puppy. However, once more there is a danger to keep in mind.
With friends present we want the pup to behave perfectly but the guests themselves are a big distraction. The pup may be overawed, nervous, excited, or cautious; in fact he may not behave at all like you thought he would. In this situation, attempting to control him can create additional unwanted behaviour. 

 Thanks for reading 

Visitors and Your Furbaby 

 Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Miss Squeak Talks First Aid For Your Furbaby


Hello it's that time once again lets have a little talk on First Aid for our furbabys , and sometimes we just need a little help Now lets get started with a few things you might need in your First Aid Bag .

              Wound sprayThere are all kinds of ways that your dog can get cut, scratched, or otherwise suffer injury to their skin, both around the house and outdoors. Vetericyn, for example, is non-toxic, won’t sting, and is designed to clean and speed healing.

                   Self-cling bandage
If your dog suffers a serious laceration or other injury, you’re probably going to want to cover it with a bandage after using the wound spray. Look for self-cling bandages that won’t stick to your dog’s fur to avoid painful removal later.
                  Bandage scissors
Unless you want Fido looking like a mummy when you bandage him, include a pair of bandage scissors in your kit that are designed to cut through gauze, clothing, and (yes) bandages. 

                 Eye wash and ear wash
If your dog gets some kind of pollutant or other contaminant in her eyes or ears, it can cause itching, stinging, burning, or worse. Dog-safe eye wash and ear wash can help you flush out the problem materials with a dropper nozzle and can even be used on any dressing needed.

                Dog cone
The problem with eye and other head-related issues is that your pup is going to do whatever he can to scratch and rub at the area with his paw. Prevent this from happening by using a dog cone, which will also prevent your dog from being able to chew at stitches from surgery or lick at a hot spot during treatment. Your vet may also refer to this as an Elizabeth Collar, or e-collar for short.

Even a normally calm and balanced dog may lash out when injured, and he may also bite at a wound, making it worse. Muzzles, like the Funny Muzzle, serve the dual purpose of keeping a nervous or aggressive dog from harming others or bringing harm to himself. 

The leash is an important tool to have on-hand because it’s a way to gain control of your dog at a time that she might be panicking and try to run away. You want to be able to focus on the injury, not just keeping your dog from fleeing.

               Hydrogen peroxide
If your dog consumes poison, you might not have time to get them to the vet. Depending on the poison, making your dog vomit can be an important tactic until you can get them to treatment. One safe and effective way to induce vomiting and get the poison out of their system is to force them to drink hydrogen peroxide. Always keep a fresh bottle on hand. 

 Thanks For Reading , 

Miss Squeak Talks First Aid For Your Furbaby

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Thankyou Very Much 

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Tuesday 10 March 2015

How To Give Your Dog Medication Tips and Ticks

 ..How To Give Your Dog Medication..

   ..Miss Squeaks Tips and Tricks..

          ..Do Not Give You Dog Any Medication..

Don’t provide your dog any medication till you have spoken to your MD to make positive it's the proper medication for the dog and also the circumstances. you ought to also invite directions on the way to provide the drug and also the correct dose for your dog.

Pills, Capsules and Tablets
To give a dog a pill, slip your thumb into the area behind one of the canine teeth and press upward on the roof of the mouth. because the mouth begins to open, displace on the lower jaw with the alternative thumb. as an alternative, press in on both lips from higher than the muzzle. because the skin pushes in behind the canines, the dog can open her mouth.

Insert the pill well to the rear of the tongue within the middle of the mouth. If you place the pill too way forward or to the side of the tongue, the dog can spit it out. shut the dog’s mouth and massage or rub her throat till she swallows. If the dog licks her nose, the pill has been swallowed. processing briefly into the dog’s nose may additionally  cause her to quickly swallow the pill. you'll conjointly provide her a syringe packed with water to make positive she swallows, or provide the dog alittle treat once the pill goes down.Do not break the pill up into a powder. Powders have associate degree unpleasant style that dogs don’t settle for well. Some pills even have a protecting coating that's vital for the delayed unharness of the medication, and crushing the pill can destroy the coating.

Some pills may be given in food. this may be done by creating up little “meatballs” of petfood. provide the dog one or 2 undoctored meatballs, then one with the pill pushed deep into the middle. Follow up with associate degree undoctored one that the dog can still take the treats notwithstanding she gets a small style of the medication.

There are also|are} industrial treats offered created specfically for administering medication that are sticky enough to create it tough for the dog to extract a pill whereas intake the treat. they're soft in order that they mould simply round the pill. Pill Pockets and Flavor doh are 2 examples.

Always see your MD before giving any pills with food.Liquids

Liquid medicines, as well as electrolytes and water solutions, ar administered into the pouch between the molars and also the cheek. a medication bottle, eyedropper, or plastic syringe while not the needle may be accustomed dispense the liquid.

Pinch the dog’s lips along. Insert the top of the dispenser into the pouch and seal the lips together with your fingers. Tilt the dog’s chin upward and slowly dispense the liquid. The dog can swallow mechanically. If you need to provide the dog an outsized amount of liquid, you'll ought to pause periodically and provides her time to swallow. don't try and push a full syringe of liquid quickly down the dog’s throat!

Injecting associate degreey foreign substance into the body perpetually carries with it the danger of inflicting an acute allergic or hypersensitivity reaction reaction. Treating anaphylaxis needs immediate endovenous Adrenalin and chemical element. this can be one reason why it's best to own your MD provide injections. As a precaution, don't administer a drug by injection to a dog UN agency has had associate degreey form of past history of an allergy (such as hives) thereto drug.

If it becomes necessary to present injections reception (for example, if the dog is diabetic), have your MD demonstrate the procedure. Some injections ar given below the skin (subcutaneous) et al into the muscle (intramuscular). Directions that go together with the merchandise can indicate the right route of injection.The injection itself typically isn't painful, though contractile organ injections might hurt somewhat because the medication is injected. Dogs ought to be restrained. Having associate degree assistant is useful.
Begin by drawing the medication up into the syringe. If there's associate degree bubble within, flick the syringe to urge the bubble to the highest. Then purpose the needle toward the ceiling or into a sink and press the plunger to expel all air from the syringe and needle. check that the right quantity remains within the syringe once the bubble is expelled. choose the injection site, half the hair, and cleanse the dog’s skin with cotton soaked in alcohol. Then give the injection .

           Thanks for Reading !

                 Miss Squeak80 and Little Miss Mildred xx