Showing posts with label #winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #winter. Show all posts

Friday 17 June 2016

Miss Squeaks Furbabys and Shoes Debate!

Its The Great Debate to Shoe or not to Shoe Your Furbaby?
Don’t suppose your dog needs dog boots, shoes, or booties
 Re-evaluate. While the general public believe that dog shoes are only for fun and fashion, there are several legitimate reasons why your dog would profit by sporting them.

The Great Outdoors.

Do you have a full of life outside dog that you take hiking, running, hunting, or biking with you? A perfect approach to safeguard your dog’s paws from outside dangers is to use durable dog boots created especially for rough outsideconditions. There are a number of dangerous things that may happen to a dog’s sensitive pads and also the areas between them. It's attainable that the pads will sustain cuts or perhaps wear out if you're taking your dog hiking on slippery, rocky mountain trails or sprinting on hard pavement. Dog boots will offer further protection against all of thosehazards.

Health Problems.

Orthopedic dog boots might help an older dog whose paws and back are beginning to show indications of wear and tear or assist a breed of dog that’s susceptible to hip problems. Vets typically advise orthopedic dog shoes for the additional padding and support they supply. These dog boots shield the toes from being rubbed raw, particularly if you've got an older dog that drags his feet while he walks. Making your dog a lot more stable can increase his mobility. Contemplate trying orthopaedic dog boots for a happier, healthier dog.

Summertime Blues.

To protect your dog’s feet from blazing hot asphalt and cement throughout the summer months, use dog booties. remembering what it feels like when you go without shoes on the hot sand or pool deck will make you appreciate howthe warmth would possibly hurt your dog’s paws. Light-weight sandals will make his summer walks far more comfy, and pool and water shoes help shield pool liners from tears in conjunction with providing non-slip protection on wet surfaces.

Winter Chill.

Waterproof rain boots are lifesavers for your scratchable hard floors and floor coverings that aren’t easily cleaned. Most dogs don’t mind getting wet and don’t care if their paws are dirty. They are going to return bounding into the house after being outside without a moment’s hesitation, spreading water and dirt around and usually wreaking mayhem. Waterproof boots are often removed before your dog comes into the house, saving you from clean-up duty on a wet and rainy morning or afternoon.
Think about the conditions that your dog is habitually exposed to: weather, rough concrete , health problems, old age. Would he use some protective footwear? place yourself in your dog’s shoes and think about trying a pair of shoes that might make him happier and more well-off today.

Best Sort Of Dog Shoes

The best style of dog shoes can enable a dog’s paws to perform as ordinarily as possible while not putting pressure on a dog’s natural walking or running motion or paw movement, and therefore the right style of dog shoes won't rub against the dog’s paws or cause blisters or sores throughout their use.

For most purposes, dog shoes that are made out of a flexible, soft and sturdy material will facilitate to safeguard a dog’s paws while not inflicting friction sores and can enable a dog to run as naturally as possible. Shoes for dogs that have straightforward to shut adjustable tops will be simple to place on and off and can not become too tight round the dog’s legs.

Using Dog Shoes.

Dogs don't typically like having their paws wrapped in shoes, and they need to be introduced to shoe wear step by step. Pet mums and dads should place the shoes on for just a couple of minutes each day, and reward the dog with a treat and praise just when the shoes are placed on the paws. Once a dog becomes accustomed to the feeling of the shoes, pet owners can attempt walking their dogs for increasing periods of time while the dog shoes are on.

This is Chickeeta one of Miss Mildred's friends on Facebook.
I have been looking into why Chicky's little paws keep peeling off and becoming sore and red poor little love bug! Miss Mildred and I have been researching lots of reasons for why this is going on, And we have found that the most likely problem is the lack of zinc in her diet or a fungus that is causing her to be in pain! 

We will go in to more details in a upcoming blog, Yet we are happy to tell you that Chickeeta's mum Lisa is putting shoes on her little feet to protect her fragile paws from the possible dangers that might irritate her paws! I Miss Squeak have pasted some helpful foot soak recipes to Chickeeta's mum Lisa and I will share the results with all of you once I hear of the outcome, Hopefully we have good news to report but to everyone who reads my blog.

Miss Mildred wears shoes all the time. 
As she never liked walking on cold wet grass to go to toilet 
So I started to train her to wear shoes, I have had many nasty comments mainly on Facebook regarding her wearing shoes, or dresses and winter coats, silly small minded people! 

When this first happened I was so hurt by this as I was called a animal abuser, was told to stop dressing my chihuahua like a doll and to grow up hmmm! 

I continue to dress my little girl Miss Mildred as she is a fragile Chihuahua that feel the cold so I protect her from the elements! 
If that is what makes me a bad furbaby mum then gee whizz lock me up and throw away the key! She even has house socks haha!

Here are some more things about your furbabies paws!

The dog’s pad is the toughest part of a dog’s body. This thick spongy structure, located under the dog’s foot, absorbs a lot of pressure from running, standing and walking. Because of the location of the pad, injuries are not unusual. They contain many blood vessels and can bleed easily when injured. Sometimes the bleeding of the pad can look a whole lot worse than it actually is. Common injuries can include lacerations, punctures, abrasions, burns, traumatic pad removal or tumors. Some of these injuries, because of the location, can be difficult to heal.

Aside from visible bleeding issues, other symptoms of a sore or injured paw or pad may be limping or favoring that foot, not wanting to put weight on the foot, discoloration of the pad and excess licking of the pad or foot. There can also be chafed pads, dry and cracked, as well as having some type of foreign object in the pad or between the toes.

Treatment all depends upon the identified problem which I will go through specifically. However, be sure to contact your own veterinarian for specific instructions. This information is a guideline for possible use in an emergency when minutes count or if your vet is currently unavailable

Burns and Blisters – 

Sometimes a dog’s pads can get burnt from walking on hot pavement and through hot sand. The best way to treat this type of injury is to first clean it with anti-bacterial wash and cover with a bandage until healed. If the injury caused some loose skin or ulcerated patch, that skin, along with healing will come off on its own.

Keep your dog calm. Once you know where the blood is coming from, use a clean towel to apply gentle pressure on the wound and call your veterinarian if the bleeding persists. Don't use a tourniquet. For minor abrasions and puncture wounds, clean the injury with an anti-bacterial wash, iodine and wrap with a bandage. 

You may have to put an Elizabethan collar on your furbaby for the injury to heal as your pup will have a tendency to lick the area and further irritate the healing process. Since dogs sweat through the pads, the bandage may get moist which causes infection. 

Frequent bandage changes are vital, usually ever 2 – 3 days. Healing takes a few days. Inrare situations an injury can be so severe that the pad may need to be removed. A footpad grafting may be necessary in some situations, especially for larger dogs that do put more pressure on the foot when walking.

Dried and Cracked Pads 

 Pads that are chafed, dried and cracked are more prone to collect excess dirt and debris, causing further injuries. Care includes finding a good footpad cream. Your veterinarian or nearby pet store can advise what is the best cream treatment. Avoid the use of human moisturizers for obvious reasons that your dog may lick the area. There are claims that some human moisturisers will soften the pad too much as well.

Foreign objects – 

Most often if you can see something in between the pad or the toes, you can use tweezers to remove the item causing injury and/or pain. Objects may include stones, burrs, pieces of glass, dried mud and even an excess fur ball. Any of these items can cause your furbaby a lot of pain. Further injuries can prevail. A fur ball would need to be shaved out.

For at home care, clean injured pads with an anti-bacterial wash, and prevent your dog from licking the wounds until healed. Of course, more extensive injuries require medical attention. Some injuries may be difficult to prevent. Do your best to keep areas that your dog frequents, such as the back yard, clean and free from any hazardous sharp objects. Keep your dog from going into littered areas. 

Miss Mildred has her toes clipped every two weeks to keep them from becoming a problem, Because they can snag on the lounge blankets or in the bed But other longhaired furbabys might even get their nails caught on them selves so I also suggest regular clipping of the toes and if your up to it paint them while your at it!

Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak really hope this has helped you 
with any concerns with letting your furbaby wear shoes. 
I believe its better to allow your furbaby to wear some shoes to protect their little fragile paws from the dangers that are out there on your daily outings. 

We would love to hear about what you think when it comes to this subject as it can get very heated when I have talked to some people who don't agree with this, and as I have said many times if you don't want your furbaby to wear shoes thats your opinion and I have no problem with you doing so, therefore please don't  judge me  for allowing my Chihuahua Miss Mildred to wear them to protect her paws. 

Please join my page if you want to be kept up to date with what Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak are up to, its very easy to do just hit the join this page button on the right hand side! 

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Thanks so very much for reading my blog! Hope to see you here soon! Until then stay safe and give your furbaby
 A Kiss and a hug for us!

xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Thursday 9 June 2016

Miss Squeak Chihuahua's and The Dangers That Lurk!

Lets talk about a few dangers that might lurk in and around your home, and some other ideas and tip to help keep your new furbaby Chihuahua safe and out of harms way!

There are numerous risks to the Chihuahua that pet house owners simply don't seem to be conscious of, and which are far more of a crisis as in comparison with bigger puppies. A Chihuahua is an extraordinarily small canine and as a consequence faces many extra problems than you may think.

For instance, outdoors, a Chihuahua can quite simply end up a meal for a large bird of prey equivalent to a hawk, owl, or raven. They are able to also be carried off with no trouble by means of a wild animal like a coyote fox or bobcat. If you are living in a city, there are larger dogs that can wish to assault your dog effectively because of their size, certainly if there are dogs that view the Chihuahua as one more prey animal the same they might a rabbit or mole. It is easier and much wiser to hold the Chihuahua with you above the ground if there are larger animals around or when you see animal of prey. That you may also use a harness to drag your furbaby from danger!  The unintended Chihuahua's could in get danger when a greater canine attacks them. Despite the fact that you may have a good behaved furbaby yourself, you can't necessarily believe it will not react to a bigger dog, in particular if your furbaby or the  other dog is in heat.

When outside in your yard,  have a  good look at your fence to make certain it's suitable to your Chihuahua. Sometimes there could  be a gap between the posts or between the gate and the gate post. Irrespective of how small it looks to you, they can effectively squeeze through. They are relatively oblivious to cars, so it could imply terrible issues if your furbaby  gets out of the fence or gated area. They don't appear to recognise what happens to them in the event that they get in front of a automobile, or maybe they don't understand the risk of a automobile. 

Different risks that the Chihuahua faces is the wintry weather weather. Chihuahua's have such soft paws, and when the ground is wet, cold or frozen, the Chihuahua can get frostbitten toes. Additionally, this style of canine must continuously put on a sweater or coat when outside, and must not spend colossal time outside  within the winter even when wearing a protecting coat. Most Chihuahuas don't like the cold or rain so it is fairly handy to bring them in. Summer time also brings its own host of issues for the reason that they have an inclination to like the sun and will spend many hours lying out if allowed. They are going to overheat and most likely get heat stroke.
Keep them out of the sun  as  much as possible. 

Once you take them inside there are nonetheless risks that still lurk. When you consider that they're small puppies that wish to be on top of furnishings they may be able to fall so far down that they are able to harm themselves. Slipping and falling from larger heights indoors is a recipe for fractures, inside accidents, and bruises with Chihuahuas. These puppies are quite curious and frequently try to investigate things which will lead to pulling things down on top of itself, which will also be a hazard.

Finally, Chihuahuas also are inclined to eat things that they mustn't like  houseplants which can be toxic and other small things  that they would choke on. They have very small mouths and equally small respiratory pipes, and swallowing even a marble can choke them. You must keep  small items off of the ground due to the fact that they don't seem to mind what they put of their mouths. In some ways they're rather a lot like toddlers so we need to keep or eyes on our furbabys.

Miss Mildred was never a puppy that wanted to chew on things around the house I believe this is because I was very hands on with her and played with toys and started training her as soon as we got her home also she had many other dogs in her pack to play with and her best friend Odin the King Charles was just a few months older then her so they would play together all the time, yet Odin loves to chew on just about everything, he is my little brothers puppy, But he is with us when my brother works away on the mines so we have him three weeks out of the month! Yet I believe when he was first brought home he should have been trained straight away like I did with Miss Mildred, But we love him anyway even if he likes to eat your shoes and pillows if your not watching him and he gets bored.  So yes they are just like toddlers as they can't be left alone and when they are quite and you can't see them be worried!

Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak hope this was an enjoyable read for you all, as it was for myself to write. 
Thanks very much for coming over to my blog.

Miss Squeaks The Truth About Dogs 
Chihuahua's and The Dangers That Lurk!

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We hope to see you back again soon!
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Thursday 23 April 2015

Miss Squeaks Get Your Furbaby Ready For Winter.


Okay so it's nearly winter in the land down under and I am getting little Miss Mildred all ready with some cute warm coats uggboots and extra warm pyjamas! As she is a smooth coated Chihuahua she finds the cold a little stressful as I have only had her for 5 months now I know she doesn't like it when it gets cold she loves to get under my blankets in my bed so my lovely aunt made Miss Mildred a sleeping bag and she just loves to get in to it and snuggle up and stay warm and on the bright side it keeps her fur from getting on everything and I am sure you all know about that issue. So lets talk about what and how to dress our furbaby.

  I am going to talk about Miss Mildred and her 
breed first then give some more tips on other furbaby types. And what to do if your furbaby gets frostbite or hypothermia so lets get started.

 Chihuahuas originated in hot dry climates where a single-layer coat of skinny fur was adequate insulation. Their tiny size combined with their skinny coat makes them particularly susceptible to ice, cold and snow within the winter. For the most effective winter protection, emphasise form over more in your pup's wardrobe.

Tip 1
Dress your Chihuahua in a very soft knit sweater. tiny knit sweaters slide additional more simply a jacket than the chunky knit selection. Sweaters are necessary and effective insulators, however the unwoven porous material will not shield your pup from icy winds. If you save cash in the winter by lowering the warmth, a sweater is critical for your Chihuahua inside.

Tip 2
Cover your Chihuahua's sweater with a doggy jacket. select a practically designed jacket without elaborations that get to him, like faux-fur necklines or poorly fitted hoods. select snaps and clips over Velcro. you are going to be putting this coat on your pup many times every day for many months, and frequent use makes Velcro patches less effective.

Tip 3
Put tiny winter booties on your Chihuahua's feet before grappling the icy salt-covered streets. The chemicals in salt will simply become compact within your tiny pup's paw, inflicting painful burning and irritation. Boots conjointly shield him from exposure. as a result of your Chihuahua only stands a number of inches off the bottom, it does not take a lot of snow before his paws are fully submerged in chilling snow and developing injury.

Some tips for other breeds of Furbabys 
Pets have a troublesome time once the cold weather sets in, therefore knowing the way to give proper take care of dogs outside in winter's frosty conditions is extremely necessary I recommends that pets live inside, however once your canine companion has to spend time outdoors throughout the winter, the following tips will help keep him happy, safe, and healthy.

Preparation for the Winter Chill
Before the mercury drops, you'll be able to take some steps to organize your dog for the change in seasons. Puppies and geriatric dogs will be more at risk of dangers from the cold. Pets with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, or renal disorder will have larger problem regulation their temperature and also are at increased risk. Breeds with long hair or thick coats can usually be more tolerant of the cold in comparison to hairy  dogs. According to the ASPCA, your pet's fur mustn't be clipped short throughout the winter, and lots of breeds of dog can take pleasure in a dog sweater or coat. In the colder  weather conditions. 

Tips for House Furbabys.
House dogs that spend the bulk of their time within can notice explosive exposure to the cold quite a shock. simply because dogs have fur doesn't mean that they do not feel the coolness, and a few breeds of dogs are more liable to cold than others. Dogs with downy or long coats do fancy a larger degree of insulation than short-haired dogs, however even the most effective insulated dogs can still feel the contrast in temperatures once stepping outside

If a dog is allowed to play outside, monitor him closely and bring him in if he starts to shiver or whine.
Help rheumatic or older pets once they are faced with stairs or ice. Slips and falls are more common, like folks.
Limit the length of your pet's walk in cold temperatures. once it drops below freezing, your pet ought to spend no more than ten to fifteen minutes outdoors.
Clear snow and ice to assist encourage tiny dogs to eliminate outside. tiny breeds will be trained to urinate and excrete on paper or diaper-like pads inside once weather is simply too extreme. Avoid outdoor journeys completely once the temperature or wind chill reaches below freezing.
Even inside, your pet could feel the cold. make sure that your dog's favorite bed is in a location free from drafts.
Pet clothing will facilitate to supply some extra insulation. make sure that you dry any wet article of clothing completely before dressing up your Furbaby. Protective boots also are on the market. Make sure that everything fits well and that your Furbaby is familiar with sporting it the new outfit.

Dangers within the Cold
Even with their fur coats, dogs are prone to frostbite. Severe tissue injury can occur with prolonged exposure to the cold and happens most typically within the extremities like the ear tips, paws, or tail. the foremost danger happens once the temperature or wind chill are close to or below freezing. a number of the symptoms of frostbite include:

Pale, gray, or light-blue discoloration of the affected skin
The area is cold or brittle to the touch
Pain or swelling
Blisters or ulcers on the skin
Blackened or dead skin
Sometimes the signs of frostbite aren't instantly visible and may develop days after the exposure. Treatment include mild and gradual rewarming with warm water . Dry the area after and keep your furbaby warm. Get veterinary care as promptly as possible to try to stop complications like infection.

Hypothermia happens once a dog's core vital sign drops below the traditional range. varied factors confirm the temperature at that your pet is in danger of hypothermia. Temperatures below freezing are the foremost dangerous. Having a wet coat also will increase the chance. Some dogs will even develop hypothermia at temperatures on top of physical change if they're little breeds, have very little fur, or are outdoors for a prolonged quantity of your time. hypothermia is severe if unrecognized and untreatedsigns of hypothermia will include:

Shivering or trembling
Muscle stiffness or unsteady and loss of coordination
Pale or grey gums
Fixed and expanded pupils
Low pulse rate and respiratory rate
Collapse or coma
First aid will be provided if you're concerned that your  furbaby is affected by hypothermia. Gradual rewarming with a blanket or hot water bottles is safest. get veterinary care if you suspect that your Furbaby is affected by severe hypothermia, or if your baby is showing symptoms apart from shivering or mild lethargy.

Protect Your Furbabys  Paws From Salt.
Watch out for your furbabys pads and feet in winter time as well.  In keeping with the ASPCA, a number of the rock salt used will be irritating to your Furbabys feet. Different dangers, like puddles of the very dangerous poisonous substance, antifreeze, can also end up on your furbabys feet and fur. Wipe your furbabys feet off with a warm and wet towel when he comes back inside from the snow. Ice balls will accumulate on the fur of the feet and may become painful. The snow may also mask dangers like sharp ice or metal. Lacerations of the feet and pads are more common within the winter months and will prompt a veterinary visit. 
Below is Miss Mildred wearing her new winter coat that has pants attached to them along with her pretty pink uggboots !

Thanks for reading Miss Squeaks Get Your Furbaby Ready For Winter . Remember to like comment +1 share and Join The Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred Blog, hope to see you soon. 

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx