Friday 13 January 2017

Chihuahua Madness What We have Been Up Too.


Hello fellow furbaby lover's, its been a busy time of year for all of us around this time, lots has been going on, so I will you fill you all in on some things that we have been up to. 
Lets start with the beginning for December when i had my Gordon the gallbladder removed from my body, that was a wonderful thing to have happen. And I can say Miss Mildred was a fantastic nurse while I was recovering from my operation. Not long after that about 4 days later we had a Chihuahua Christmas Party and it was great. 

We had about 40 people turn up with just as many cute furbabies in toe, we had a few prizes for best dressed and a gate prize too, it was so much fun and exciting to see everyone have a fun time and I always love to meet new owners and furbabies. 
Miss Mildred is now so very much more relaxed at the play days to watch her grow into this sweet active little dog is just beautiful. She can now walk around with the other furkids and play with out worrying about what I am doing. So that is a little update on how proud I am with my sweet little chihuahua Miss Mildred, we had Christmas at two houses this year so it was a very hectic day so when we finally got home we relaxed. 

We had a very quite new years, but on the 2 of January we went on a rescue mission to rehome two cute sweet chihuahuas who needed a new home we went to pick up Odie a 12 yr old boy and Ruby a 5 yr old girl who we believe were a breeding pair, I so wanted to keep them both and when I got to finally meet them I feel in love with the both of them. Little Ruby was so very small the size of a can of coke and weighed about 1.2kgs  just so adorable and so very well behaved, they both went to a very loving home next door to my auntie so I am able to check up on how they are going, thats is a truly wonderful thing, and the home that they now live in has a set of twins girls and two other young girls under the age of 12 but older then 5 so it was a perfect home for them to go into, and they are getting all of their medical problems looked into as the have not been spayed and we didn't get any information on the needles or worming that is now all happening so we are very happy about that too, so I will show some pictures of them in their new home.

This is how the furbabies sat when we were on the way to their new home. Both Odie and Ruby are just so sweet and loving and I can't wait to give you all some more updates on these to cuties. 

Miss Mildred has been swimming at her Grandma's and Poppy's this week with all her fur siblings and working on her tan. We have had a wonderful start to our year and hope you all have too. My family had a birthday party for me as i have turned 37 this month and gee its no different then before, haha 

We hope you have enjoyed our little update on what has been happening in our world, 
We would love to know what you have all been up too as well so leave it in the comments, 
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xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx