Monday 15 February 2016

Miss Squeaks Update on Miss Mildred

Okay today I am just going to do a update on little Miss Mildred as a few things have changed, We have moved and she knows the house very well and is normally very good.
But lately she has started to poo in the house and gee it's not that big of a problem but it's still annoying lucky she is cute and her poos are small so I just pick them up and flush them away in to the dark unknown! So I have started to do the alarm training again so every hour we go outside and I place her on the toilet and say go wee wee or go poo poo she will wee no problems but getting her to poo on command is a little difficult. She like to poo near the spa now yes its outside but not on the toilet baby steps and least she is not pooping in the house yay that's I small victory to say the least. I was thing it's because of her furbrother 
Sir George and it smells like him so I am going to get her a toilet of her own and put it near the spa as that's where she is going to the toilet at the moment. Chihuahuas are a hard breed to potty train anyway and I thought I was out of the woods but we have been given a curve ball and we are dealing with it. She is so smart and picks up new tricks very easily so I am thinking we will so have this in the past. The key is not to get angry as its really not her fault. Did any of you have this problem? As I think it is a common problem with most dogs when they are used to a regular routine. Many changes have happened like now 
Miss Mildred and Sir George sleep out the back not in the cold we have a games room where we spend most of our time so they have a aircon beds toys and access to outside if they wish to go out there. We decided to do this as Miss Mildred was barking at midnight and then again at thee in the morning just to go and get a drink of water or because she could her the kids gaming in the bedroom next door it was like having a toddler again we went through this for a month and because my Monster works twelve hour shifts it was becoming a problem with broken sleep for me. I just wasn't having a restful sleep and I was getting grumpy. I felt so bad for making the furbabys sleep in the back room. What I forgot to mention was when Miss Mildred wanted to go out I had to carry her downstairs so she would not wee on the floor as everyone knows when a puppy wakes up in my experience they will need to wee so I wouldn't let her touch the floor just in case she might wee. I believe it was just a habit she had formed. So now when we get ready for bed our beautiful sweet little furbabys jump into their own beds and wait for us to tuck them in and it's much better as we are all getting a better sleep and it's has helped the furbabys remember that they are dog are are lower in the pack then us. Because dog are really good at training their humans to do what they want us to do. So Miss Mildred and Sir George are happier and more content with the control shift dig like to know their place in the pack and they like rules and boundaries it makes for a happy home. 


So little Miss Mildred has started to become a even better furbaby just by changing a few little things in her day to day life and gee a new more in control puppy I now have. I was so guilty with myself because I was not allowing the furbabys to sleep in our room or should I say our bed but look at the photo above they don't look half mistreated do they hmmm, Nope look very happy and comfortable they are up in the morning at 4.30am as I make Monsterface his breakfast and cuppa tea before he goes to work so then the furbabys come and have a nanna nap with me in the bed (but don't tell Monsterface) After having 
Miss Mildred in the bed with me for over a year it was just like putting your baby in to the cot or in to their own bedroom and gee my boys Zachary and Quentin both slept with me until they went into big boy beds at the age of four or so. And it's just a habit I passed on to 
Miss Mildred naughtie Miss Squeak! Chihuahuas love to be warm and loved having her smuggling up to me but now I have my Monster to cuddle at night and our furbabys have each other. And I don't have to get up three times a night to sort Miss Mildred out because now if she wants a wee or a drink she can have one yay!


So like I said before today's blog was just a little update on the going on's of the 
Monster and Miss Squeak household hope you enjoyed it , and if you have any stories you would like to tell me please do so in the comments below as I would love to read them or if you have a issue you might want me to blog about I would love to know! 
Thanks very much for reading and Please Remember to Like +1 Comment and Share! 

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 



Friday 12 February 2016

New Puppy Its Potty Training Time !

       ..New Puppy Its Potty Training Time..

   Okay now we have a new puppy in the 

house and well first we 
have to let her get to know her new surrounding ,
so allow your puppy to walk around and smell out 
all the new things in the environment .

House training your puppy is about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. The goal is to instill smart habits and build a warm bond along with your pet.

It usually takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be absolutely house trained, however some puppies could take up to a year. Size will be a predictor. for example, smaller breeds have smaller bladders and better metabolisms and need additional frequent journeys outside. Your puppy's previous living conditions are another predictor. you'll notice that you simply ought to facilitate your puppy to break recent habits so as to help your  puppy make new ones.

As I got my Chihuahua Mildred from a breeder she was penned with her brothers and sister in a play pen and they were allowed to toilet in the same place where they slept so we are constantly on the ball watching her and by the time you have had your puppy for around 
2 weeks you should be able to see your pup smelling the ground and well my little fur baby walks around in circles and smells the floor 
so i know that she wants to go outside to the toilet ,
But don't be fooled you must go and place your puppy in the area you want them to go don't just place the pup outside as they will want to be with you so they might want to wee and poo at the backdoor . 
My little girl still has a few little mishaps but what can you do !
All you can to is be on your toes and if an accident happens its not the pups fault they are still learning ! 

When to Begin House Training Puppy

Experts recommend that you begin house training your puppy 

when he is between 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. At that point, he 

has enough control of his bladder and bowel movements to learn

 to hold it.

If your puppy is older than 12 weeks when you bring him home 

and he’s been eliminating in a cage (and possibly eating his 

waste), house training may take longer. You will have to reshape 

the dog’s behaviour -- with encouragement and reward.

Steps for Housetraining Your Puppy

Experts recommend confining the puppy to a defined space, 

whether that means in a crate, in a room, or on a leash. As your 

puppy learns that he needs to go outside to do his business, you 

can gradually give him more freedom to roam about the house.

  • When you start to house train, follow these steps:
  • Keep the puppy on a regular feeding schedule and take away his 
  • food  between meals. 

  • Take puppy out to eliminate first thing in the morning and then 
  • once every 30 minutes to an hour. 

  • Also, always take him outside 
  • after meals or when he wakes from a nap. 

  • Make sure he goes out 
  • last thing at night and before he’s left alone. 

  • Take puppy to the same spot each time to do his business. His 
  • scent will prompt him to go. 

  • Stay with him outside, at least until he’s house trained
  • When your puppy eliminates outside, praise him or give him a
  • treat. A walk around the neighbourhood is a nice reward. 

Thnaks for Reading !

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

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