Friday 24 January 2020

My Furbaby Pack

Hi Everypawdy it’s me Miss Squeak a lot has happened since I last did a blog! 
Wow we now have 3 new furbabies in our pack! Yup that makes 7 sweet little furry friends.
I know that might sound crazy to some but it works great for us! 
I pride myself in the fact that they are all very well balanced, 
They get walked every day and and have all been trained too, so that’s a bonus! 
I would say the biggest thing you can teach your furbabies is recall! 
All our furbabies can free run with confidence, as we know that if we give a command, 
they will come back with their tails wagging. We are sure to make the training sessions
fun and exciting for the dogs, to begin with I used high value treats and now 
I can just use the command or hand gestures! We have only one male in the pack and 
he (Sir George) is a shihtzu and almost ten years old, then we have Miss Mildred (Guildy Polly Pocket Princess) she is a pure pedigree smooth coat chihuahua and she will be 6 this year, 
then we have SoSo she is a chihuahua x poodle and will be 4 this year 
then we have Vinyl-Violet (Pirate Puppy) she is a chihuahua with one eye and is 3 this year, 
then with have our two litter sisters Myrtle-Mayhem (Mert the turt) and SiSi (Head with Legs)
they are chihuahua x silky terrier and will be 2 this year and couldn’t look any more different, no one would guess they are sisters, then we have the baby of the pack SuSu she is a long coat chihuahua and will be 2 this year too! I will share a few pictures of them so you can see how cute they all are! 

How many furbabies do you have in your pack? 
Our furbabies don’t all live together but are with each other every day! 

Hope you have a Pawtastic day! 
I am going to start blogging more regularly! 
Big hugs and puppy licks,
Miss Squeak 

Sunday 11 November 2018

Vinyl-Violet My Little Deerhead Chihuahua

Hi Everypawdy! Its been a while since I last did a blog, but here I am today writing about our little lady Vinyl-Violet, its getting close to her eye operation, she is having  her left eye removed as we have tried over the last year to find a way to be able to have her eye saved but with no evil, over the last 16 months we have tried so had with medicine and and constant eye drops to save her eye, but have be unable to fix her problem, The poor little girl has gone blind from all the ulcers and scaring from the buildup of muck scratching her eye! So we are going to have one very own ChiRiffic pirate and she will be so much happier and healthier, we have thought long and hard about this issue as having an eye removed was the last thing we wanted for her, But after trying everything we could we made the hard decision to book her in for the eye removal. And it's not long now as its on the 21st of November 2018 so it is fast approaching. 

Please keep Vinyl-Violet in your thoughts, and here is a little more information regarding her operation.

What is Enucleation? 
Enucleation is the surgical removal of an eye and its associated structures, e.g. eyelids. The procedure is undertaken in order to prevent pain or spread of disease, such as when an eye is irreversibly damaged, cancerous, or affected by non-responsive glaucoma. 
Enucleation in dogs is often a treatment of last resort, when all previous attempts to salvage the eye have failed. The procedure is carried out under full general anaesthetic and, although a major procedure, there is every chance of a successful outcome. 
This is not a specialist procedure and is commonly carried out at general vet practice. 
Enucleation Procedure in Dogs 
Enucleation is never undertaken lightly and only after all other treatment options have been explored. For example with glaucoma, referral to place a surgical stent (drain) in the eye may be an option. Enucleation requires full general anesthetic and may involve an overnight stay after the surgery, for additional pain relief and monitoring. Elderly patients may require intravenous fluids during the surgery to reduce the risk of kidney complications. 

The procedure involves:  Preparing the patient by withholding food overnight prior to the operation A pre-op check, possibly including screening blood tests A premedication injection and pain relief to prepare the dog for the aesthetic The dog may be put on intravenous fluids at this point The anesthetic is administered via a catheter in the front leg and maintained via gas delivered through a tube in the airway A vet tech monitors the dog's vital signs  Hair is carefully clipped from around the eye and face The skin is made sterile with surgical scrub The surgeon scrubs up, and then sutures the eyelids of the affected eye together The surgeon removes the eye by careful dissection, and any bleeding vessels clamped and tied off Skin is sutured over the empty socket The dog wakes from the anesthetic and must wear a cone to protect the surgical site The dog is discharged with pain relief and perhaps antibiotics The dog requires a post-op check at two to three days The sutures are removed 10 - 14 days later 

Efficacy of Enucleation in Dogs 
Once the initial post-operative discomfort is over, enucleation is extremely effective at preventing ocular pain, without risk of relapse. Many owners who opt for surgery after a delay often notice their dog is happier than it has been some time, now the long term low pain has gone. In many cases, the alternative to enucleation is long-term management of a condition, which can be difficult or even impossible to achieve. This may require visits to specialists for repeated anesthetics to repair damaged corneal tissue or regular visits to have the pressure within the eye measured. Medical management of severe eye conditions is rarely successful, which leaves the possibility that the dog is in constant low-grade pain, so treatment decisions are best made with the dog's long term welfare in mind. 

Enucleation Recovery in Dogs 
It is essential the dog wears a cone until the sutures are removed. For the first two to three days postoperatively, the dog may be quiet from the anesthetic and experiencing some discomfort. The pain can be managed with medications, which your vet will supply.  Following a check-up at the two to three-day point, the dog has gentle lead exercise until the sutures are removed at the 10 - 14-day mark.  Complications are rare, but include hemorrhage or wound breakdown. If the bleeding is severe, revisional surgery may be required or the clinician may opt to pack the socket and use pressure to prevent further blood loss. However, the vast majority of patients make a full and uneventful recovery.  Once the sutures are removed no further aftercare is needed and the patient signed off.  

Cost of Enucleation in Dogs 
The one-off cost of enucleation surgery must be balanced against repeated specialist visits, repeated anesthetics, and ongoing medication costs. At a general practice, the cost of enucleation surgery ranges from around $400 - $950 depending on the supportive care needed.  Prescription eye drops for glaucoma cost around $15 -25 per bottle and may last around 2 - 3 weeks each. When a condition is managed medically the dog may need weekly visits initially and then three-monthly check-ups. The cost of these visits can be $25 - 50 for a regular vet, to $70 - $270 for a specialist veterinary ophthalmologist.  

Dog Enucleation Considerations 
There are many factors to consider with enucleation surgery. The procedure is permanent and irreversible, and the dog blind on that side afterward. However, many of the conditions for which enucleation is appropriate may have already resulted in loss of sight. The short-term discomfort of surgery is balanced against the long-term benefit of being pain-free. In addition, this surgical option can be cost effective as the results are permanent. The risks of surgery are low and relate to hemorrhage and any anesthetic risks for that individual patient. However, good surgical technique and pre-op screening minimises both of these factors. 

Enucleation Prevention in Dogs
 Many of the health conditions that result in enucleation being an appropriate option are not preventable. Conditions such as glaucoma are strongly linked to genetic conditions such as luxating lens or poor drainage angles from the eye. 
Please be vigilant for the earliest signs of discomfort in your dog to get the eyes checked. Early medical treatment stands a better chance of success than much later intervention.  Other problems such as eyes popping out of sockets are linked to face shape. Flat-faced breeds such as pugs and pekes are at greatest risk. To avoid problems, the owner should avoid scrubbing their dog (which pulls back the eyelids) and use a harness rather than a neck collar.  

Owners should be vigilant for signs of eye discomfort, such as blinking and squinting, closing the eye, rubbing, or an ocular discharge, and seek veterinary attention. Prompt treatment of ulcers on the cornea (surface of the eye) can stop them from perforating which could result in the loss of an eye.  

We hope this has helped for you to understand a little more about Vinyl-Violets condition! We will keep you all updated with the recovery of our beautiful girl!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read about our furbaby. 
Miss Squeak 
 Don't forget to like comment and share! 
Have you had to have your furbabies eye removed let us know your story. 

Monday 23 October 2017

Why Do Chihuahua's Runaway?

5 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Run Away 
And Some WaysTo Prevent It <script async src="//"></script>
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Does your Chihuahua run away once you let them outside to play and use the bathroom? Some Chihuahuas instinctively sprint towards the neighbors home once the outside door is opened, leaving owners to question the effectiveness of their coaching. If this sounds familiar, look at the five commonest reasons why Chihuahuas run away -- and the way to prevent it -- listed below.
Not solely is this kind of running away behavior frustrating, however it is also quite dangerous. There are dozens of ways a 'free-roaming' Chihuahua will injure themselves by venturing from their home, a number of which include:
Hit by a car
Skirmishes with close dogs and cats
Attacked by wild animals
Getting into pesticides, antifreeze, oil or different dangerous  chemicals
Of course, there's additionally an opportunity of your Chihuahua running away from home and not returning, that is something no family desires to experience
As an owner, it is your responsibility to safeguard your Chihuahua from dangers like this. the first step in fixing this drawback is to spot why exactly your Chihuahua feels the necessity to run away.
Reason 1 Searching For A Mate
If your Chihuahua is not spayed or castrated , they will run away in search of a mate. Unfixed females in heat unleash powerful pheromones that males will smell from over a mile away! And although your Chihuahua is obedient and well trained, mother nature's 'mating magnet' can instinctively cause them to run away.
It's clearly easier to spot a female checking out a mate, as their private parts can become swollen and bleed for roughly twenty one days. Males, on the opposite hand, will run away anytime there is a female in heat around; thus, owners of male Chihuahuas ought to use additional caution when taking them outside.
However the bottom line is that all Chihuahuas -- unless otherwise stated by your vet -- ought to be fixed to cut back the possibility of them running away. By spaying or fixing your Chihuahua, they will no longer manufacture the hormones to blame for finding a mate.
Reason 2 Boredom
Another reason why Chihuahuas run away is as a result of they're bored. it is a common assumption by first-time owners that Chihuahuas don't need constant amount of outside leisure time as different breeds because of their little size. instead of taking them out on a daily basis, some homeowners leave their Chihuahuas cooped up inside for long periods of time, leading to boredom and pent-up energy.
Chihuahua affected by boredom and/or pent-up energy are more likely to run away once given the possibility. owners should understand that Chihuahuas -- like all dogs -- are complicated animals that crave mental and physical stimulation. just because they small does not imply you'll be able to leave them locked up within the house all day long.
Whether it's going for a walk, taking part in fetch or simply laying out beneath the sun (Chihuahuas LOVE sunning), take your Chihuahua outside on a daily basis to cut back the possibility of the them running away.
Reason 3 Lack of Obedience
It's downright frustrating after you call your Chihuahua to come back back only to have them get away in the opposite direction. If this seems like a well-known state of affairs, your are not alone. Lack of obedience is an all-too-common problem, making it tough for walks and leisure time outside.
When a Chihuahua doesn't view you as the 'leader of the pack,' they're going to be more willing to run away while they're outside. And to create matters worse, a disobedient Chihuahua won't come back after you call their name. you can yell till your lungs go dry only to have your Chihuahua take off down street or into the neighbor's yard.
So, how does one fix this frustrating problem? the first step is to only let your Chihuahua outside after they are connected to a collar and leash (or lead). now once you are walking and playing with your Chihuahua outside, teach them a recall command like "come here boy," or "back Mildred." offer them plenty of slack on their leash and speak the recall command when you are ready to go inside. If they obey your command, provide them plenty of warmheartedness, praise and after all a treat.
Reason 4 Mistreatment
A fourth reason why Chihuahuas run away is because they are being beaten by their owner at home. in a good world, every and each Chihuahua would receive the unconditional love and attention they deserve, but this world is way from perfect. Some owners hit, slap and otherwise physically abuse their Chihuahuas, which naturally encourages them to run away once given the possibility. you can't expect a Chihuahua to pay attention and obey their owner if they're being abused.
Note: mistreatment isn't restricted strictly to physical abuse. Neglecting your Chihuahua and their need for attention is another type of abuse which can contribute to their running away problem.
Reason 5 Seeking friendship
When they don't get it at home, Chihuahuas could run away to seek companionship from other dogs or individuals. This reason goes hand-in-hand with mistreatment, as neglecting your Chihuahua and avoiding them on for days on hand can only encourage them to get away. give your Chihuahua attention and friendship so that they want to remain at home.
Tips For Preventing Your Chihuahua From running away
Have them spayed or castrated 
Teach them a 'recall' command, such as "come here Amos!"
Use treats as a reward once your Chihuahua successfully obeys your recall command
Never punish or scold your Chihuahua for running away, as this sort of negativity will only encourage this unwanted behavior.
Walk your Chihuahua on an extended lead or retractile leash till they obey on your recall command
Show your Chihuahua tenderness and love on a day after day
Now as you can see from all the pictures, we are lucky to have some wonderful and amazing likeminded friends that have some adorable sweet chihuahua's that come and have regular playdays. 
This has helped with Miss Mildred, Vinyl-Violet and Sir George and their recall as I use a noise that they all come too. 
Miss Mildred is able to free walk as she sees myself as her leader, 
Vinyl-Violet is still learning what our pack walk is all about so when we are in a area,  where they are unable to get to the road or run off into the bush (normally in the middle of the oval) I allow  Vinyl-Violet and Sir George the freedom of free walking yet they are still attached to leads, and they do come back when called so things are going great, and before long they too well be able to be trusted like their sister, Do you allow your furbabies to free walk? 
Let us know what you like to do when you walk your Chihuahua's and other furbabies. And thanks so much for reading! 
See You All Soon! 
Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Vinyl-Violet 

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Miss Vinyl-Violet Chihuahua Puppy

 Welcome to Miss Squeaks Truth About Dogs,
its been a while since I have done a blog, But I m back and we have a new Chihuahua puppy, 
we have had her since the 25th of April and she is now almost 7 months old and her name is 
Vinyl-Violet and she is just adorable and is love so very much. She has settled in very well and is loved by her Furbrother and Fursister, 
she is now totally toilet trained yay!
I have been very busy with getting her trained and socialised so thats what i have been up too. Lately 
we have been having lots of fun with all our chihuahua cfurfriends that we have playdays with once a month, so i thought would introduce her to the world, and as it said we are now back to blogging so if you would like your furbaby to have a feature in this blog lets us know in the comments, and see you all soon 
Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Vinyl-Violet

Come check us out on Facebook at 
Chi-Riffic Chihuahua's (fan page)
or at 
Chihuahua's Down Under (Chi-Riffic) 
that is our friendly group with lots of fun stuff and cute puppies hope to see you there!

Sunday 26 March 2017

Miss Squeaks Chihuahua Feature Chickeeta and Bella.

Welcome back to Miss Squeaks Truth about Dogs, I have been thinking of doing this for a while now, and have decided that it would be fun to do a feature chihuahua story and share other likeminded furbaby owners stories. The feature chihuahua's are my furbaby nieces and we love them so very much and enjoy having them and their Mumma Lisa come and have a play and a cuppa with us, These two wonderful chihuahua's have helped my little Miss Mildred feel more comfortable in her interaction with other dogs, we love them so very much and the friendship that Lisa and I have is just amazing. We really clicked even before we had met, and now have the pleasure of doing so many fun furbaby things together, We help run a very cool chihuahua play day, we have a true love for each other and our furbabies, so let get on and talk about how Lisa got her beautiful chihuahua's. 
This story below is in Lisa's own words and the pictures have been provided by Lisa Edney.

Lisa Chickeeta and Bella
This is my story about my Chihuahua life, which I will add was the best thing that has ever happened to my life. I was in a waste of time bad relationship I got my first chihuahua Misty flipper at the age of 35.. I was sad and feeling unloved and this little chihuahua had been treated so wrongly, The first thing she done was bite me as she trusted no one.
 I gave her a bath fattened her up and gave her lotsa love and she returned the love ten fold (never to bite me again) she began to be that good I could trust her to be held by other adults, I always had to watch her with children though, but she was good with my cats and my big rabbit. I had her for 3 years and she began to show me she was old and feeling worn out, so I went and got her and I a puppy named Chickeeta , My first puppy ever (yay yippee) I had catties from a wee tacker and one Labrador who was awesome that attached to my family and the owners gave him to us as he loved us all so much and was always running away from home to our house  he was 11 years and he lived till 16  (he was already well behaved and trained by someone else) Back to my wee cute puppy I signed up for puppy classes and she was my little sweetheart and Mistys too, she made Misty Flipper feel young and vibrant again for two years. 

Then we lost our girl  Misty at the age of 12, My Chickeeta mourned about for her Bestie for 6 months, I could no longer watch my little girl mourn, So I looked on Gumtree and found an ad  I decided I wanted to save another Chihuahua from a not so fortunate lifestyle again. I looked at many cross breeds and I was looking like getting another dog
  chi X as big as Chickeeta. I had this sweet little chihuahua named Bella I emailed about her,  but the owners would not contact me back a week went by and finally I get a email.. I booked to view her the very next morning. She was so little ribs showing back bone displayed and had been ill treated, So I had to take her, as that was my aim better life forever home with love, she was 2 and a 1/2  needed to go to the vet. I had said to Chicky when we left home If you get on with her she is coming home, well Chicky played straight away. Our new budd. We got Bellsies  paid $500 for her took her to the vet we got her needles up to date got a shine on her and her weight back up to scratch, Chicky Bella an I got out of the night mare relationship and I met the love of my life, and the girls life too, and of course my Cattie Winston they love him just as much we have our family set and their Daddy spoils them all, and they love him so. We are one big happy family and our chihuahua's life has just got better and better, the last 2 years my girls and I have been going to chihuahua play dates. This has given us a gathering mummy has fun and so do our chihuahua babies, we all come home from playdate all worn out but left with beautiful memories and smiles lotsa pics of lots of doggies playing and having fun. 

Mine always feel pretty and love their dresses they wear they truly do I have some gorgeous friends with the same crazy chi hearts like mine so we are all like family. I have met my friend Helene. Whom has been a cherished  friend even before I met. Her and I look forward to the fun us two crazy Furbaby lovers have together in the future, chihuahua's love us unconditionally but being small they are like baby's on so many ways and I just love them xxxx 

 The picture above is Lisa and Myself at our Christmas Chihuahua day we are so much alike and are like soul sisters, I am so happy to have found you and your wonderful fubabies, Miss Mildred has learnt so much for all three of you, Love you to the moon and back!

If you like this sort of story and would like to be apart of it,
please comment below or inbox me. 

Thanks so much for coming to read my blog,
Miss Squeaks Truth About Dogs
Remember to Like Comment Share and +1
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

Sunday 12 February 2017

Chihuahua Merchandise-Crazy Chihuahua Lady

So from the name of this blog you may have realised, I have started a small business related to the chihuahua theme, and if you are like me, I get called the Crazy Chihuahua Lady and thought I am surly not the only one, so the idea has become a nice way to show the world that I am the Crazy Chihuahua Lady, I have a few tank tops with the cute saying on them and if you dont like the colour  you can change them, I also offer two styles at the moment with more to come in the future, I have a cute tote bag as well for all your furbabies thing you might need to take with you, if your like me your furbabies go everywhere so having a bag just for their suff is handy otherwise you end up with dog treat and harnesses dresses and dog shoes in your handbag with your mints, makeup, hairbrush and phone, so its just easier I think to have a seperate bag for the furbabies things, I have placed the link below so click it and have a look, you might find something you like, and I will be adding new items each week, and if you have any ideas let us know in the comments, we would love to help you out with a custom tank top or dog shirt, them possibilities are endless. 
So click the link.

Miss Squeak Merchandise- Crazy Chihuahua Lady 

In other news we have the Valentines Day Chihuahua Play Day coming up next Sunday 
19th of February, and its is also my youngest sons 18th birthday wow time flies when your having fun, so I will do another Chihuahua Play Day blog   and share all the cute furbabies and  their wonderful owners, Oh on the Miss Mildred tooth issue she went to the vet and had her baby canine removed, as it just didn't fall out so that was exciting for her. We were able to keep her tiny little tooth and the tooth fairy came and left her some new sweet summer dresses, but in reality the tooth fairy should have gave her new winter jackets as we are having a very strange summer with lots of rain and stormy weather, we are normally in the swimming pool everyday from December to March and some years mid 
 April, but this year we have not really been in the pool for the last few weeks, as its just been to cold, haha yup Australian Summer to cold, oh well   thats what has been happening in our neck of the wood over the last few weeks, Miss Mildred and I would love to hear what you have been up to so let us know in the comments below.

 Thanks so much for reading my new blog 
about the Crazy Chihuahua Lady 
Don't forget to Like Share Comment and +1
Thanks so very much for your support 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

This is the really cute Tote bag design and its on special too
the link is above the picture this tote is under $10. 

Friday 13 January 2017

Chihuahua Madness What We have Been Up Too.


Hello fellow furbaby lover's, its been a busy time of year for all of us around this time, lots has been going on, so I will you fill you all in on some things that we have been up to. 
Lets start with the beginning for December when i had my Gordon the gallbladder removed from my body, that was a wonderful thing to have happen. And I can say Miss Mildred was a fantastic nurse while I was recovering from my operation. Not long after that about 4 days later we had a Chihuahua Christmas Party and it was great. 

We had about 40 people turn up with just as many cute furbabies in toe, we had a few prizes for best dressed and a gate prize too, it was so much fun and exciting to see everyone have a fun time and I always love to meet new owners and furbabies. 
Miss Mildred is now so very much more relaxed at the play days to watch her grow into this sweet active little dog is just beautiful. She can now walk around with the other furkids and play with out worrying about what I am doing. So that is a little update on how proud I am with my sweet little chihuahua Miss Mildred, we had Christmas at two houses this year so it was a very hectic day so when we finally got home we relaxed. 

We had a very quite new years, but on the 2 of January we went on a rescue mission to rehome two cute sweet chihuahuas who needed a new home we went to pick up Odie a 12 yr old boy and Ruby a 5 yr old girl who we believe were a breeding pair, I so wanted to keep them both and when I got to finally meet them I feel in love with the both of them. Little Ruby was so very small the size of a can of coke and weighed about 1.2kgs  just so adorable and so very well behaved, they both went to a very loving home next door to my auntie so I am able to check up on how they are going, thats is a truly wonderful thing, and the home that they now live in has a set of twins girls and two other young girls under the age of 12 but older then 5 so it was a perfect home for them to go into, and they are getting all of their medical problems looked into as the have not been spayed and we didn't get any information on the needles or worming that is now all happening so we are very happy about that too, so I will show some pictures of them in their new home.

This is how the furbabies sat when we were on the way to their new home. Both Odie and Ruby are just so sweet and loving and I can't wait to give you all some more updates on these to cuties. 

Miss Mildred has been swimming at her Grandma's and Poppy's this week with all her fur siblings and working on her tan. We have had a wonderful start to our year and hope you all have too. My family had a birthday party for me as i have turned 37 this month and gee its no different then before, haha 

We hope you have enjoyed our little update on what has been happening in our world, 
We would love to know what you have all been up too as well so leave it in the comments, 
Remember to Like Comment Share and +1
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx