Showing posts with label #applehead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #applehead. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Miss Vinyl-Violet Chihuahua Puppy

 Welcome to Miss Squeaks Truth About Dogs,
its been a while since I have done a blog, But I m back and we have a new Chihuahua puppy, 
we have had her since the 25th of April and she is now almost 7 months old and her name is 
Vinyl-Violet and she is just adorable and is love so very much. She has settled in very well and is loved by her Furbrother and Fursister, 
she is now totally toilet trained yay!
I have been very busy with getting her trained and socialised so thats what i have been up too. Lately 
we have been having lots of fun with all our chihuahua cfurfriends that we have playdays with once a month, so i thought would introduce her to the world, and as it said we are now back to blogging so if you would like your furbaby to have a feature in this blog lets us know in the comments, and see you all soon 
Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Vinyl-Violet

Come check us out on Facebook at 
Chi-Riffic Chihuahua's (fan page)
or at 
Chihuahua's Down Under (Chi-Riffic) 
that is our friendly group with lots of fun stuff and cute puppies hope to see you there!

Sunday 12 February 2017

Chihuahua Merchandise-Crazy Chihuahua Lady

So from the name of this blog you may have realised, I have started a small business related to the chihuahua theme, and if you are like me, I get called the Crazy Chihuahua Lady and thought I am surly not the only one, so the idea has become a nice way to show the world that I am the Crazy Chihuahua Lady, I have a few tank tops with the cute saying on them and if you dont like the colour  you can change them, I also offer two styles at the moment with more to come in the future, I have a cute tote bag as well for all your furbabies thing you might need to take with you, if your like me your furbabies go everywhere so having a bag just for their suff is handy otherwise you end up with dog treat and harnesses dresses and dog shoes in your handbag with your mints, makeup, hairbrush and phone, so its just easier I think to have a seperate bag for the furbabies things, I have placed the link below so click it and have a look, you might find something you like, and I will be adding new items each week, and if you have any ideas let us know in the comments, we would love to help you out with a custom tank top or dog shirt, them possibilities are endless. 
So click the link.

Miss Squeak Merchandise- Crazy Chihuahua Lady 

In other news we have the Valentines Day Chihuahua Play Day coming up next Sunday 
19th of February, and its is also my youngest sons 18th birthday wow time flies when your having fun, so I will do another Chihuahua Play Day blog   and share all the cute furbabies and  their wonderful owners, Oh on the Miss Mildred tooth issue she went to the vet and had her baby canine removed, as it just didn't fall out so that was exciting for her. We were able to keep her tiny little tooth and the tooth fairy came and left her some new sweet summer dresses, but in reality the tooth fairy should have gave her new winter jackets as we are having a very strange summer with lots of rain and stormy weather, we are normally in the swimming pool everyday from December to March and some years mid 
 April, but this year we have not really been in the pool for the last few weeks, as its just been to cold, haha yup Australian Summer to cold, oh well   thats what has been happening in our neck of the wood over the last few weeks, Miss Mildred and I would love to hear what you have been up to so let us know in the comments below.

 Thanks so much for reading my new blog 
about the Crazy Chihuahua Lady 
Don't forget to Like Share Comment and +1
Thanks so very much for your support 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

This is the really cute Tote bag design and its on special too
the link is above the picture this tote is under $10. 

Friday 13 January 2017

Chihuahua Madness What We have Been Up Too.


Hello fellow furbaby lover's, its been a busy time of year for all of us around this time, lots has been going on, so I will you fill you all in on some things that we have been up to. 
Lets start with the beginning for December when i had my Gordon the gallbladder removed from my body, that was a wonderful thing to have happen. And I can say Miss Mildred was a fantastic nurse while I was recovering from my operation. Not long after that about 4 days later we had a Chihuahua Christmas Party and it was great. 

We had about 40 people turn up with just as many cute furbabies in toe, we had a few prizes for best dressed and a gate prize too, it was so much fun and exciting to see everyone have a fun time and I always love to meet new owners and furbabies. 
Miss Mildred is now so very much more relaxed at the play days to watch her grow into this sweet active little dog is just beautiful. She can now walk around with the other furkids and play with out worrying about what I am doing. So that is a little update on how proud I am with my sweet little chihuahua Miss Mildred, we had Christmas at two houses this year so it was a very hectic day so when we finally got home we relaxed. 

We had a very quite new years, but on the 2 of January we went on a rescue mission to rehome two cute sweet chihuahuas who needed a new home we went to pick up Odie a 12 yr old boy and Ruby a 5 yr old girl who we believe were a breeding pair, I so wanted to keep them both and when I got to finally meet them I feel in love with the both of them. Little Ruby was so very small the size of a can of coke and weighed about 1.2kgs  just so adorable and so very well behaved, they both went to a very loving home next door to my auntie so I am able to check up on how they are going, thats is a truly wonderful thing, and the home that they now live in has a set of twins girls and two other young girls under the age of 12 but older then 5 so it was a perfect home for them to go into, and they are getting all of their medical problems looked into as the have not been spayed and we didn't get any information on the needles or worming that is now all happening so we are very happy about that too, so I will show some pictures of them in their new home.

This is how the furbabies sat when we were on the way to their new home. Both Odie and Ruby are just so sweet and loving and I can't wait to give you all some more updates on these to cuties. 

Miss Mildred has been swimming at her Grandma's and Poppy's this week with all her fur siblings and working on her tan. We have had a wonderful start to our year and hope you all have too. My family had a birthday party for me as i have turned 37 this month and gee its no different then before, haha 

We hope you have enjoyed our little update on what has been happening in our world, 
We would love to know what you have all been up too as well so leave it in the comments, 
Remember to Like Comment Share and +1
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Miss Squeak Talks All Things New With Miss Mildred.

So lots of new things have been going on in our sweet little nest, Monster and I Miss Squeak went off to Bali, a few weeks ago for ten nights and we left our furkids Miss Mildred and her fur brother Sir George with my big brother and son while we were away, so they got to have a holiday too. with the other dogs in our pack, it doesn't get any easier to leave them even when we FaceTime them too see how they are going, and they come running when they hear our voices its just to cute, and makes it a little easier to go on with the holiday. 

While over in the land of smiles we went to a wonderful shop called PawzBali and wow what a fantastic shop, you can find really cute outfits and even have your furkids groomed or looked after in the upstairs boarding rooms, the owners were just lovely as well as the staff, we got the furbabies some new outfits for summer, and I can't wait to dress them in their new clothes hats and bows. 
I will post the link below. Because I believe this is a must see shop if your in Kuta her is what i got the furkids.

Our two wonderful furry babies came to the airport to pick us up and gee this time 
Miss Mildred was very excited to see us, I was shocked a last time she gave me the cold shoulder for a week, but as she is getting older she is also growing in her development, just after we got home we went to our Chihuahua play day where for the first time Miss Mildred was able to walk around with her tail high and she was confident enough to play and respond to commands yay.
This was a very big step for her as she is so shy and timid, also we had our lovely friend Lisa come over with her two Chihuahuas over to play and this intern has help Miss Mildred come out of her shell even more, I am super proud of Miss Mildred as I thought she might just stay shy and timid, but with every Chihuahua play day she has gotten better, so to all the other mums and dads of shy timid furbabies just keep up positive reinforcement and I am sure you will see the same results as I have with Miss Mildred, 

In our next big news! We finally got to meet the newest member of our pack little Soso she is my mamma's Chihuahua x Poodle and aww she is so very cute and fluffy she has been coming over every second day to play with Miss Mildred and Sir George so we can have a pack that all loves each other and knows their place in the pack, 
Miss Mildred warmed up to her within a few meetings and now they play tug and fetch together  and we are starting to command train her for my mumma, I will keep you posted with updates. and new pictures, as I had a few weeks off from blogging as I wasn't very well and when I am under the weather I can't blog as its my eyes that are the problem, Yet they are letting me get back to my blogging yay! I really enjoy doing this and helping out other furbaby mums and dads. 

So until my next blog stay safe and keep your furbabys close hug and kiss then for Miss Mildred and myself Miss Squeak, we hope to see you soon! Thanks so much for reading my little update on all the things that are new with us.

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And if you have any suggestion for blog leave your ideas in the comments below. 
Sending Love Happiness Laughter and Joy
to you all.
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Saturday 28 May 2016

Miss Squeak Talks About Miss Mildred The Chihuahua and All Her Outfits!

 So today I thought I would talk about Miss Mildred and the amount of outfits she has, Is it just me or are there others that dress their furbabys up? As you all might know Miss Mildred is a chihuahua and she is 2yrs old in September and she is my little shadow, best friend and my favourite way to waste time, She makes me laugh and giggle everyday she looks after me when I am not well. She is truly my protecter nurse and the class clown,
Miss Mildred is just so amazing.

 I have dressed her since she was a puppy. We got Miss Mildred in November 2014 and she was 4mths old and so very tiny like many chihuahua she was so fragile and I just wanted to protect her. 
In the picture above she was in her very  first dress and it was Summer here in Perth Western Australia so little sun dresses were just perfect for getting Miss Mildred used to wearing dresses,
I also wanted her to be ready to wear coats for winter because she is so small and fragile I didn't want her to be cold, 
My little girl wears some sort of clothing everyday and when she is naked after her bath she will go and stand in the wardrobe and bark at her clothes so I think she enjoys wearing them as much as I enjoy dressing her.

I have so many outfits with matching shoes and collars and her clothes hang up on cute little pink hangers and she is starting to have more then me and that might be starting to become a problem!  I love looking for new cute jackets,  jumpers, shirts and  dresses along with collars and necklaces we need a whole room just for her stuff not to mention the leads and harness. 
Below is a snap shot of some of the things she has gee whizz. 
I think she is just a little spoilt!

 Today Miss Mildred has on the animal print mink coat with satin red lining just so fancy and she looks so cute.
Its very cold at the moment and I don't want Miss Mildred to be cold she I get her dressed each morning in something that will keep her warm and toasty and because she doesn't like walking on the cold or we  floor she get her shoes put on for outside and it is not mean or cruel to do so as if she has no shoes on my little princess will wee on the floor so shoes it is. Do any of you dress or  put shoes on your furbabys? I can't be the only one can I ?? 
I would love to hear about what you do to keep your furbabys warm and toasty!

  So as I said before today was just a quick little blog about the things I do to keep my little Chihuahua happy and comfy.
I would like to thank  everyone that comes and has a little  read or a look at my pictures of Miss Mildred, I really enjoy doing this and your feed back is just lovely !!

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We hope to see you all back again!
See you soon.

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Thursday 5 May 2016

Miss Mildred Furbaby Friend Sleeps Over

 Hello everyone today I would like to talk about 
Miss Mildred and her furbaby friend sleepover.
So just the other weekend we had the pleasure of looking after the handsome and adorable longhaired chihuahua Benji. What a fun time we all had , Oh did I forget to tell you that 
Miss Mildred really has not made friends with other dog that are not in her pack so this was a very interesting time in our household. 
Miss Mildred and Benji first got to see and interact with each other at a chihuahua playdate and Miss Mildred only warmed up to him while her furbrother George just loved running around with all his new furry friends. Little Miss Mildred was so very shy and timid. I would have never thought that she would be like that as she is the boss of all the other dogs in our pack of 6 furbabys so gee it was strange to she her like this but we stayed with her and she just was so interested with little cute Benji,

Now look at him just so very cute, and he is loving cuddly and so so sweet. The big day arrived and baby Benji was dropped off for the weekend now as things progressed Miss Mildred would run away from the 8mth old furbaby Benji   All he wanted to do was play with her so for the first 3 hours it was like a game of tag in the house I had three dogs running around chasing each other! Bugga me it was crazy and funny at the same time. Whenever the little cuddle bug Benji would come and sit with me on my lap 
Miss Mildred would growl show her teeth and she just was not happy with someone else getting cuddles from her mumma! Then it was bed time and as we have a great games room that is where the three furbabies were tucked in for the night it was with a heavy heart I left them to settle down.
I also thought by leaving them alone together they would sort out the doggie stuff!

And to my amazement hooray!! The Furbabys were now friends and we had three more days to play together so now the two chihuahuas were fast fury friends. At this time Sir George thought he would start to not like the new puppy and when the two furbaby chihuahuas started playing  (play fighting) with growling and barking George  thought they were hurting each other and he would come over to try and sort it out hence, He would try to stand over little baby Benji. 
Miss Mildred is a very vocal chihuahua so even though she wasn't being hurt it was distressing of him to hear it, yet its the same sound she makes when playing with him so gee. It was so much fun to have little Benji for the weekend and 
Miss Mildred got to make a new friend.
I can't wait to look after him again. So have any of you had a similar experience with a new furbaby coming into your home? Please let us know as we would love to hear about it! 

So thanks for reading about Miss Mildred and her furbaby sleep over. I love letting you all know about what Miss Mildred is getting up to and what new information we have found that could help you furbaby mum and dads out, My question is do you like the information blogs or the Miss Mildred update blogs? Let us know in the comments below!! 

Remember to Like Share +1 and Comment 

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Chihuahua Colours and Markings Are Fun.

Colours are fun! Let's first though discuss leather.

'Leather' on a chihuahua is the colour of it's nose, pads of feet, eye rims, gums, etc on your Chihuahua. Please try to remember a simple fact. TRUE BLUE Chihuahuas have BLUE leather, not black. Chocolate Chihuahuas have Chocolate leather and all others have black.

If you have a "chocolate" Chihuahua with a black nose, it is likely a red, not a chocolate and if you have a "real dark blue" Chihuahua with a black nose, it is almost certainly a black Chi, not a blue one. Pigment should completely cover the nose leather.

When I refer to blue dogs, I mean the blue gene with blue nose that can also occur in the patterns of brindle or merle as well. Same goes for chocolate and all others including standard brindles or merles have a black nose (leather).

Follow me so far?  
smile emoticon

Tricolour (black, blue or chocolate with tan and white markings) bred to another tricolor will produce only tricolor puppies. 

Same goes with two dogs with Irish markings bred together and bicolors bred together.

Merles are always best bred to solid studs, bicolors or tricolors. You should avoid breeding a merle to a fawn, white or spotted on white and NEVER EVER EVER breed two merles together even if you think they are both healthy.

Brindle to Brindle or fawn will usually result in brindles being born and or other colors. Remember brindle and merle are PATTERNS not colors. 

BLUE BRINDLE and/or REVERSE BLUE BRINDLE ise the most unpredicatable gene. This colouring may appear when neither parent is either blue or brindle. 

Brindling oftentimes (especially in the case of reverse brindle) does not show up right away in the coat colour of the Chihuahua and is commonly not seen until the adult coat starts to come in.  

Merles are BORN MERLE evenwhen hidden with only a couple merle hairs on the whole puppy. Their merle may fade over time (particularly in fawns and reds) but will not increase as the pup ages.

Chocolates & Blues are NOT RARE. However, if you have lines carrying dominant colors it is harder for you to pull these colors from your lines. Remember, as with brindle, you must have blue on both sides of the line for blue pups to be born even if that blue gene is a ways back. The blue can be in brindle (standard or reverse), merle, spotted on white or with bi or tricolours. 

You MAY breed a chocolate to a blue but these are both dilute colours and breeding them together will almost always dull the colour. You can get blue (if on both sides), chocolate or what are now referred to as lavender or lilac pups which are really just a diluted chocolate. 

Now do we wish to start on the markings gee whizz this is going to be fun as there are so many different combinations, So where do we begin and remember not all markings and colours are approved by the show ring but gee if you love your furbaby that is all that matters. 

Lets begin !

A marked chihuahuaA marked chihuahua
Marked: A marked Chihuahua is any solid colour with a few markings on the face or body that are not common enough or specific enough to warrant a named marking.

splashed chihuahuasplahed chihuahua
Splashed: A splashed Chihuahua typically has large splashes of colour over a solid coloured body. Splashes can come in any color, but usually involves white or tan - Black & Tan, Blue & Tan, Fawn & White, Black & Red, etc.
Merle ChihuahuaMerle Chihuahua
Merle: A Merle is actually not a colour but a pattern of mottled or marbled colours in a dog's coat. Merle's usually have blue or uniquely coloured eye.

Sable ChihuahuaSable Chihuahua
Sable: Sable pattern colouring happens more often and more dramatically in long haired Chihuahuas than in short haired ones because it requires an undercoat, although short coats can also have undercoats. A Sable has darker coloured hair in the top coat, and a lighter coloured bottom coat. Sometimes the hair itself is lighter at the bottom and becomes darker towards the top of    hair shaft. They usually have a black top 
Brindle ChihuahuaBrindle Chihuahua
Brindle: A Brindle is a series of stripes or streaks of a darker color than the base coat. It is also called tiger striped. There is a reverse brindle which is just an over concentration of black stripes making it appear black till close examination.
Irish Marked ChihuahuaIrished Marked Chihuahua
Irish Marked: An Irish Marked Chihuahua is any color combination of a darker color with a white chest, legs, neck ring, and sometimes a blaze. The neck ring does not have to be full ring.
Piebald ChihuahuaPiebald Chihuahua
Piebald or Pied:A piebald happens when only the head, a small part of the back, and the base of the tail have colouring  the rest will be white. Often times versions of the Piebald are called a Black Mask. The white hair in a Piebald dog happens because the dog's hair has no pigment. The hair that has pigment is usually black, but can be any darker colour.
Tri-colored ChihuahuaTri-colored Chihuahua
Tri-Colored: Is a combination of three colors with the major color being black or brown variations along with some shade of tan, showing up around the eyes, ears, belly, legs, tail tip. The white is on the underside of the Chihuahua dog such as the chest and feet, a lot of the time the dog has a blaze or spots of white on face.

 Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

Thanks so much for reading my blog 
on Chihuahua Colours and Markings.
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and if you have any suggestions just leave them below in the comments. Once again thankyou for reading !