So today I thought I would talk about Miss Mildred and the amount of outfits she has, Is it just me or are there others that dress their furbabys up? As you all might know Miss Mildred is a chihuahua and she is 2yrs old in September and she is my little shadow, best friend and my favourite way to waste time, She makes me laugh and giggle everyday she looks after me when I am not well. She is truly my protecter nurse and the class clown,
Miss Mildred is just so amazing.
I have dressed her since she was a puppy. We got Miss Mildred in November 2014 and she was 4mths old and so very tiny like many chihuahua she was so fragile and I just wanted to protect her.
In the picture above she was in her very first dress and it was Summer here in Perth Western Australia so little sun dresses were just perfect for getting Miss Mildred used to wearing dresses,
I also wanted her to be ready to wear coats for winter because she is so small and fragile I didn't want her to be cold,
My little girl wears some sort of clothing everyday and when she is naked after her bath she will go and stand in the wardrobe and bark at her clothes so I think she enjoys wearing them as much as I enjoy dressing her.
I have so many outfits with matching shoes and collars and her clothes hang up on cute little pink hangers and she is starting to have more then me and that might be starting to become a problem! I love looking for new cute jackets, jumpers, shirts and dresses along with collars and necklaces we need a whole room just for her stuff not to mention the leads and harness.
Below is a snap shot of some of the things she has gee whizz.
I think she is just a little spoilt!
Today Miss Mildred has on the animal print mink coat with satin red lining just so fancy and she looks so cute.
Its very cold at the moment and I don't want Miss Mildred to be cold she I get her dressed each morning in something that will keep her warm and toasty and because she doesn't like walking on the cold or we floor she get her shoes put on for outside and it is not mean or cruel to do so as if she has no shoes on my little princess will wee on the floor so shoes it is. Do any of you dress or put shoes on your furbabys? I can't be the only one can I ??
I would love to hear about what you do to keep your furbabys warm and toasty!
So as I said before today was just a quick little blog about the things I do to keep my little Chihuahua happy and comfy.
I would like to thank everyone that comes and has a little read or a look at my pictures of Miss Mildred, I really enjoy doing this and your feed back is just lovely !!
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See you soon.
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx
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