Showing posts with label #MissMildred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MissMildred. Show all posts

Friday 24 January 2020

My Furbaby Pack

Hi Everypawdy it’s me Miss Squeak a lot has happened since I last did a blog! 
Wow we now have 3 new furbabies in our pack! Yup that makes 7 sweet little furry friends.
I know that might sound crazy to some but it works great for us! 
I pride myself in the fact that they are all very well balanced, 
They get walked every day and and have all been trained too, so that’s a bonus! 
I would say the biggest thing you can teach your furbabies is recall! 
All our furbabies can free run with confidence, as we know that if we give a command, 
they will come back with their tails wagging. We are sure to make the training sessions
fun and exciting for the dogs, to begin with I used high value treats and now 
I can just use the command or hand gestures! We have only one male in the pack and 
he (Sir George) is a shihtzu and almost ten years old, then we have Miss Mildred (Guildy Polly Pocket Princess) she is a pure pedigree smooth coat chihuahua and she will be 6 this year, 
then we have SoSo she is a chihuahua x poodle and will be 4 this year 
then we have Vinyl-Violet (Pirate Puppy) she is a chihuahua with one eye and is 3 this year, 
then with have our two litter sisters Myrtle-Mayhem (Mert the turt) and SiSi (Head with Legs)
they are chihuahua x silky terrier and will be 2 this year and couldn’t look any more different, no one would guess they are sisters, then we have the baby of the pack SuSu she is a long coat chihuahua and will be 2 this year too! I will share a few pictures of them so you can see how cute they all are! 

How many furbabies do you have in your pack? 
Our furbabies don’t all live together but are with each other every day! 

Hope you have a Pawtastic day! 
I am going to start blogging more regularly! 
Big hugs and puppy licks,
Miss Squeak 

Sunday 26 March 2017

Miss Squeaks Chihuahua Feature Chickeeta and Bella.

Welcome back to Miss Squeaks Truth about Dogs, I have been thinking of doing this for a while now, and have decided that it would be fun to do a feature chihuahua story and share other likeminded furbaby owners stories. The feature chihuahua's are my furbaby nieces and we love them so very much and enjoy having them and their Mumma Lisa come and have a play and a cuppa with us, These two wonderful chihuahua's have helped my little Miss Mildred feel more comfortable in her interaction with other dogs, we love them so very much and the friendship that Lisa and I have is just amazing. We really clicked even before we had met, and now have the pleasure of doing so many fun furbaby things together, We help run a very cool chihuahua play day, we have a true love for each other and our furbabies, so let get on and talk about how Lisa got her beautiful chihuahua's. 
This story below is in Lisa's own words and the pictures have been provided by Lisa Edney.

Lisa Chickeeta and Bella
This is my story about my Chihuahua life, which I will add was the best thing that has ever happened to my life. I was in a waste of time bad relationship I got my first chihuahua Misty flipper at the age of 35.. I was sad and feeling unloved and this little chihuahua had been treated so wrongly, The first thing she done was bite me as she trusted no one.
 I gave her a bath fattened her up and gave her lotsa love and she returned the love ten fold (never to bite me again) she began to be that good I could trust her to be held by other adults, I always had to watch her with children though, but she was good with my cats and my big rabbit. I had her for 3 years and she began to show me she was old and feeling worn out, so I went and got her and I a puppy named Chickeeta , My first puppy ever (yay yippee) I had catties from a wee tacker and one Labrador who was awesome that attached to my family and the owners gave him to us as he loved us all so much and was always running away from home to our house  he was 11 years and he lived till 16  (he was already well behaved and trained by someone else) Back to my wee cute puppy I signed up for puppy classes and she was my little sweetheart and Mistys too, she made Misty Flipper feel young and vibrant again for two years. 

Then we lost our girl  Misty at the age of 12, My Chickeeta mourned about for her Bestie for 6 months, I could no longer watch my little girl mourn, So I looked on Gumtree and found an ad  I decided I wanted to save another Chihuahua from a not so fortunate lifestyle again. I looked at many cross breeds and I was looking like getting another dog
  chi X as big as Chickeeta. I had this sweet little chihuahua named Bella I emailed about her,  but the owners would not contact me back a week went by and finally I get a email.. I booked to view her the very next morning. She was so little ribs showing back bone displayed and had been ill treated, So I had to take her, as that was my aim better life forever home with love, she was 2 and a 1/2  needed to go to the vet. I had said to Chicky when we left home If you get on with her she is coming home, well Chicky played straight away. Our new budd. We got Bellsies  paid $500 for her took her to the vet we got her needles up to date got a shine on her and her weight back up to scratch, Chicky Bella an I got out of the night mare relationship and I met the love of my life, and the girls life too, and of course my Cattie Winston they love him just as much we have our family set and their Daddy spoils them all, and they love him so. We are one big happy family and our chihuahua's life has just got better and better, the last 2 years my girls and I have been going to chihuahua play dates. This has given us a gathering mummy has fun and so do our chihuahua babies, we all come home from playdate all worn out but left with beautiful memories and smiles lotsa pics of lots of doggies playing and having fun. 

Mine always feel pretty and love their dresses they wear they truly do I have some gorgeous friends with the same crazy chi hearts like mine so we are all like family. I have met my friend Helene. Whom has been a cherished  friend even before I met. Her and I look forward to the fun us two crazy Furbaby lovers have together in the future, chihuahua's love us unconditionally but being small they are like baby's on so many ways and I just love them xxxx 

 The picture above is Lisa and Myself at our Christmas Chihuahua day we are so much alike and are like soul sisters, I am so happy to have found you and your wonderful fubabies, Miss Mildred has learnt so much for all three of you, Love you to the moon and back!

If you like this sort of story and would like to be apart of it,
please comment below or inbox me. 

Thanks so much for coming to read my blog,
Miss Squeaks Truth About Dogs
Remember to Like Comment Share and +1
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

Sunday 12 February 2017

Chihuahua Merchandise-Crazy Chihuahua Lady

So from the name of this blog you may have realised, I have started a small business related to the chihuahua theme, and if you are like me, I get called the Crazy Chihuahua Lady and thought I am surly not the only one, so the idea has become a nice way to show the world that I am the Crazy Chihuahua Lady, I have a few tank tops with the cute saying on them and if you dont like the colour  you can change them, I also offer two styles at the moment with more to come in the future, I have a cute tote bag as well for all your furbabies thing you might need to take with you, if your like me your furbabies go everywhere so having a bag just for their suff is handy otherwise you end up with dog treat and harnesses dresses and dog shoes in your handbag with your mints, makeup, hairbrush and phone, so its just easier I think to have a seperate bag for the furbabies things, I have placed the link below so click it and have a look, you might find something you like, and I will be adding new items each week, and if you have any ideas let us know in the comments, we would love to help you out with a custom tank top or dog shirt, them possibilities are endless. 
So click the link.

Miss Squeak Merchandise- Crazy Chihuahua Lady 

In other news we have the Valentines Day Chihuahua Play Day coming up next Sunday 
19th of February, and its is also my youngest sons 18th birthday wow time flies when your having fun, so I will do another Chihuahua Play Day blog   and share all the cute furbabies and  their wonderful owners, Oh on the Miss Mildred tooth issue she went to the vet and had her baby canine removed, as it just didn't fall out so that was exciting for her. We were able to keep her tiny little tooth and the tooth fairy came and left her some new sweet summer dresses, but in reality the tooth fairy should have gave her new winter jackets as we are having a very strange summer with lots of rain and stormy weather, we are normally in the swimming pool everyday from December to March and some years mid 
 April, but this year we have not really been in the pool for the last few weeks, as its just been to cold, haha yup Australian Summer to cold, oh well   thats what has been happening in our neck of the wood over the last few weeks, Miss Mildred and I would love to hear what you have been up to so let us know in the comments below.

 Thanks so much for reading my new blog 
about the Crazy Chihuahua Lady 
Don't forget to Like Share Comment and +1
Thanks so very much for your support 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

This is the really cute Tote bag design and its on special too
the link is above the picture this tote is under $10. 

Monday 21 November 2016

Miss Squeak And Miss Mildred Are Back Blogging.

 Hello and welcome to my blog Miss Squeaks Truth About Dogs.
After a little holiday away from blogging Miss Mildred and I 
Miss Squeak are getting back on the blogging wagon, and today I would love to let you all know, that over the last few week while we have been away. 

Some very cool things have happened like we had a Chihuahua play day for our Western Australian Chihuahua Lovers Facebook group and it was amazing, I was very excited and scared at the same time, because when you create a event you worry that no one will turn up. But I should not have been worried as we had over 40 chihuahua furbabies and owners at our chihuahua big day out, it was a wonderful day.  

So much that we are having a Christmas Chihuahua Party on the 11th of December yay!
We are very excited about our up coming chihuahua party, 
and I will blogging about it soon, In other news I have started a little video series about what I have for my little girl and what I use for her, my first video I talk about my nail clippers and her collars that I use with bells on them so I can hear where she is around house, But in the next few videos I will talk about my favourite dresses, harnesses, shoes this is a very good chance for you to have a look into my crazy chihuahua madness.

 I love my little polly princess so very much and she is my constant shadow, I feel like I am the luckiest furbaby mumma as I have a wonderful sweet loving little chihuahua, she makes my days brighter and everyday is easier when you have furbabies in your life to make you smile and laugh.

We are so happy to have Miss Mildred and Sir George Wobble, and are grateful that we found them so they are able to spend their lives with us. We also took the firkins to the vet for the yearly health check and needle, we took 5 furbabies to the vet and gee that was fun, but they all behaved so very well and as they were in their pack they were all balanced and helped each other with the stressfulness that a vet visit brings. All furbabies had a check up needles and got a good bill of health, but Miss Mildred has to have one of her baby teeth removed as it hasn't fallen out, so that is a little scary, but I don't want her to get sick or have any other problems due to her baby tooth so its coming out.

  I am so happy to be blogging again as it is a passion of mine and if I can help other owners with my tips and tricks then that is even better, in my next blog I am going to be back to giving information and helpful tips for all of my wonderful readers, I really just wanted to check in and let you all know why and what we have been up too, like always Miss Mildred and I would love to hear about what you all have been up to over the last few weeks, so let us know in the comments below, and checkout the video and let me know what you think as it can be hard to put yourself out into the world and I guess we all get a little worried people might not get what your talking about but oh well you get that and I have a few other videos to get up and have the world look at them haha, So on that note I hope you all have a wonderful week and we send happiness, laughter, love and joy to you and your furbabies!


 So until the next blog kiss and hug your furbabies and family, and let us know what you might like us to blog about,
Don't forget to Like Comment Share and +1 

Thanks for reading
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Monday 15 August 2016

What Has Miss Mildred Been Up Too. Wet Windy Winter.


Hello everyone, we hope this blog finds you all happy and well, today I thought we would have a little chat about what we have been up to over the last few weeks, So its has been very wet and windy over in Western Australia, so we have been keeping warm, and as some people might already know Miss Mildred is a princess and if the ground is wet or cold she won't go outside unless she has her pink gumboots on, but then when she comes back in she wants her gumboots back off, its very funny because she will bring me her gumboots in their packet so she can have them put on to go outside, Miss Mildred knows how to get me to do things for her haha and I love every minute of it.

All the things a girl need when going to the dog park with your little furbaby, and if you look at her feet yup her pink gumboots she is a diva and a very cute one at that, soon when we do out to the park Miss Mildred will be able to get in her new pink carry bag that we were surprised with yesterday, when we were out walking a very lovely lady named Lisa popped over and hid the most beautiful pink carry bag out the front under the chair, and when I got home from walking the furbabies I walked straight past it oops! Then I got a message saying to go and look outside and wow I was so surprised and happy to receive this gift, Lisa you'r a beautiful soul, big hearted loveable lady and we are blessed to call you our friend, Below is the very first picture of Miss Mildred in her new carry bag  aww just so very cute!

My little chihuahua Miss Mildred is so very spoilt 
over the last few weeks she has got a few new outfits in the mail, and a new pink leather chair what more can a girl need a few new dresses a new fur coat and a new blanket, So to say she is spoilt is a understatement, do you spoil you furbaby? 
I think if I keep getting Miss Mildred more outfits she is going to need her own walk in robe soon. 
As her clothes are starting to take over I now 
have her summer stuff stored away with her winter coats and dresses hanging up, Below is a picture of her new clothes.

What do you do in the wet cold winter with your Furbaby? I find myself doing lots of training and playing on the ground with Miss Mildred and 
Sir George as its to wet to get outside and walk them as our roads flood and sometimes people driving past don't slow down and yup we get wet from the puddles, so like I said we have lots of playtime followed by some training and the furbabies love getting played with I am training Miss Mildred to know names of different toys and she know a few now and its a cute trick to show visitors that come over, Here are some more ideas 
for playing on a wet raining winter day.

How to Keep Your Dog Busy (and out of trouble) Indoors

Remember that just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean the fun has to end. Trying to come up with ideas on how to keep your dog busy can be more exhausting than actually getting up and doing it. So whether you’re looking for some

So whether you’re looking for some fun games to play with your dog or just some easy ways to keep your dog busy try out some of these indoor activities with your pup. They’re a simple way to help keep your dog mentally and physically active, even when indoors.

1. The Which Hand Game

If you’ve been thinking about teaching your dog some scent work games this is a great game to get you started. The only thing you’ll need is some dog treats. If you don’t have dog treats on hand you can use fruits & veggies, or make some simple dog treats of your own.

How to play the which hand game with your dog:

Place a treat in one of your hands.
Close your fists and hold them out in front of your dog.
Let the dog choose which hand it’s in.
When your dog sniffs or paws the correct hand open it up and give them the treat.
If he chooses incorrectly don’t discrouage him, it takes a few tries to catch on.
A gentle “touch” command will be helpful.
Our dogs have excellent noses but they need to learn to utilize them.

Just like us they’re used to relying on visual cues in their normal day to day activities. Simple nose work games help hone in their natural sniffing ability, and it’s a nice mental workout.
Tip: Chopped up carrots make excellent dog treats. We use them for scent work games and training. They’re low in calories, easy to prepare, and (most) dogs absolutely love them.

2. The Three Cup Game

One step up from the which hand game this game is also commonly referred to as the shell game. You place a treat under one of 3 cups and have your dog choose the correct one. Once they get the hang of it you can start mixing up the cups so they’re not just relying on visuals. Don’t let this cat put your pup to shame.

3. Play Hide and Seek With Your Dog

This is by far one of Laika’s favorite indoor games. Have your dog sit and wait while you go find a hiding spot. Call them once when you’re hidden and praise them enthusiastically when they find you.

4. Use the Stairs For a Workout

If you’re snowed in you might not have an opportunity to get in your regular amount of physical exercise with your dog. If you have stairs in your home utilize them. Have your dog follow along as you get in some exercise going up and down the stairs. If your dog isn’t clumsy you can also try playing fetch on the stairs.

5. Make a Scavenger Hunt or Play Find The Treats

Grab some smelly treats and have your dog stay while you go hide them around the house. Start with some easy hiding spots and work your way up once your dog is accustomed to using his noseWhen we started working on this game I would drag the treats along the carpet so my dog could easily pick up the scent. 

6. Fetch My Slippers/Paper

Dogs love having a job to do, even if it’s something as simple as fetching you your slippers. Make them feel extra useful by teaching them the names of some items you wouldn’t mind them retrieving for you. If you want to impress all of your friends teach your dog to fetch you something from the fridge. To make it easy on your dog tie a towel around the handle so it’s easy to pull open the door.

7. Use a Stuffed Kong For a Nice Challenge

If you’d like to keep your dog busy with a toy for awhile stuff a Kong with something yummy. You can freeze peanut butter or broth, or just put some treats inside and give your dog something to work for. There’s a ton of dog safe options.

8. Teach Your Dog The Names of Their Toys

Have you seen Chaser the Border Collie? She knows over 1,000 words and can pick out any given toy among 800 just by it’s name. We can’t all be overachievers like Chaser, but we can teach our dogs the names of their toys.

Start by playing with one specific toy and giving it a name while you do. After some practice & praise your dog will assign that verbal name with the chosen toy . Once your dog has learned that specific toys name you can test their skills by seeing if they can pick it out among their other toys. This is the game we are learning with Miss Mildred at the moment and she is doing great!

9. The “Go Find It” Game

Once your dog knows the names of some of their toys teach them the “go find it” game. Have your furbabys toys in a pile or container and tell them to “go find” their favourite toy. Keep it fun for them by rewarding them handsomely with a treat or quick game of tug when they succeed. This game will give your dog a great mental workout.

10. Master the Basics of Obedience Training

Does your furbaby know all of the basic obedience commands? Does she have a reliable recall and stay? Even well trained dogs need a refresher course now and then to keep them sharp. All dogs should have a reliable sit, down, stay, drop it, and come here. 

11. Teach Them To Say Please by Sitting

Does your dog come up to you and nudge your hand when they want something? If you don’t find this behavior desirable teach your dog that sitting politely is the key to gaining your attention. Don’t be afraid to teach your dog how to act – without guidance they develop bad manners.

Our dogs look to us for cues all the time, they like to know what’s expected of them. Reward polite behaviours handsomely, with consistency your dog will get into the habit of asking for things in a polite manner.

 We hope you all enjoyed this fun blog, we will be back to our normal information packed blogs in the next few days as I thought it would be fun to do a update on Miss Mildred and what we have been getting up too. 

Thanks so much for reading and remember if you have any ideas or stories please leave them in the comments below as we really enjoy reading what you have been up too. 

Please Remember to Like Share Comment and +1
Can't wait for you all to come backhand read our next blog so take care and stay safe.

xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Miss Squeak Talks Dog Attacks and What You Can Do To Save Your Furbaby!

Hello everyone its me Miss Squeak and I am here to talk about a recent thing that happened to me and my little furbaby
 Miss Mildred's fur brother George, Everyday I like a lot of other 
furbaby owners walk my furry little kids on this day walked Miss Mildred first a little walk about 20mins around our local area to the golf corse and back home far enough for my sweet little girl as it was a colder day so I thought it would be best, then I grabbed
Sir George and off we went now I will let you know I walk all my furbabys on harnesses as its is easier and as I have spent a lot of time training them they are very well behaved furbabys, I make them stop at each and every path that meets the road and if I stop they sit until I give the command to walk on, I am happy and so proud of my furbabys as they are very balanced and calm dogs, 
Miss Mildred is a little scared of things but she is getting better and I will talk more about her in my next blog, as she can be a little jumpy and fearful around new things, hence another reason why  I have started walking her by herself just to build her up a little more,  
But back to my adventure with George, while out on our lovely walk we got to our favourite park where he loves to have a good old smell and a little wee on the trees as I don't allow him to sniff and wee on every blade of grass, Because then our 45min walk would take 5hours haha, but as we were entering our park I noticed a parked car with two ladies in it no be deal, then a young girl about 6 playing on the swings having fun, so we continued to keep walking and then out of no where a big bridle staff came running teeth showing before I could do anything the other unrestrained dog had poor George in her mouth but as the dog was coming towards us I yelled is your dog friendly, and from the parked car came a ladies voice "No she is not Fucking friendly!!" by this time I had gotten the dog off of George when the dog started to bite me, I was holding George in my arms waiting for the owner of the unrestrained dog to come and get it, she was yelling at the child of 6 to go and get the dog, and the dog was still biting at me on my arm and legs so at this point I had done everything in my power to stop this dog from attacking me so I kicked it, I know it is and was the last thing I could do, but it did stop the dog long enough for the young girl to be able to come and get it, I asked the owner for her details just incase my furbaby was hurt and I had to take him to the vet, Now this is what made me so angry, I was doing everything in my power to keep myself and my dog safe, I had my dog on leash was wearing bright coloured clothing so people could see me had poo bags to clean up after my furbaby, and I was attacked by a unrestrained dog that had no training at all and that was not being watched. The owner and her older daughter started tell me that i should have had a bigger dog that could fight back and I was stupid for coming to the park where there dog was! Like I said before i didn't even know there was another dog at the park, and no to mention all dog should be on leash at this park and you can be fined if they aren't! I would have been happy if the owners had just said sorry, but just like their dog the started with attack when they were the ones in the wrong, it made me cry because I had to kick the other dog, I love all animals and would never ever hurt one, But in the event of this happening I had to do what I did to protect myself and my furbaby George, he had bite marks on his neck, but as he has longer fur at the moment as its winter in Western Australia not that much damage was done to him, Poor sweet little George he is the most balanced happy go lucky dog out there and if any of my dogs is to be attacked its sadly him. 

 So I thought it might be helpful to talking about what we can do to keep ourselves and our furbabys safe while out and about walking!
Walking your dog is a healthy activity for you and your dog. Going to dog parks provides a safe and enclosed area where you can let your dog run off leash and play with other dogs. Sometimes, however, a dog comes from out of nowhere and attacks your dog. Breaking up dog fights  between your own dogs at home is one thing, but trying to break up a fight when you’re away from home is something completely different. How can you protect your dog and yourself if another dog attacks your dog?
It can be hard to figure out why another dog suddenly attacks your dog. Dogs body language can be subtle, and signals from both dogs can be missed by the person holding the leash. However, whatever it was that caused the hostile reaction doesn’t really matter when two dogs are locked in battle, with you on the other end of your dog’s leash. Of course, it’s best to avoid a fight all together, but that’s not always possible and breaking up dog fights can be dangerous for dogs and people.
Dog attacks while walking your dog are not uncommon, and you have to be prepared for possible encounters. What you should do depends on who you talk to. Some dog experts recommend carrying a heavy duty walking stick to use on an attacking dog. Other experts say to drop your dog’s leash and stay out of the way. For me, neither one is a good option. It’s my job to protect my dog, and I also don’t want to hurt another dog.

My furbabys look to me as their leader, and it’s my responsibility to protect them. Dogs can come out of the blue to attack your dog and you don’t always have an opportunity to read his body language. If you do encounter a dog that is off leash while you’re out walking alone or with your dog, stay calm and keep a close eye on the dog. Be aware of what’s going on, and expect the unexpected.

Having a sturdy walking stick does have a purpose. It’s something you could use to get in between two fighting dogs. If you have a chance to prepare before the dog attacks, when he starts moving toward you, yell “No” and take a step towards him. Try to read his level of aggression by looking at his eyes (intense and focused) without staring at him, ears (laid back on his head), hair standing up on the back of his neck or along the rump and movements that are stiff. If you can get him to back off, move away slowly, but don’t turn your back on him. Try to keep your dog as calm as you can. Any show of aggression from him can prompt an attack from the other dog.
You can carry a backpack with some clothing or a small blanket inside – anything to give it bulk to use to push the other dog away, or to put in between the dogs to give you some protection from snapping teeth. A bright flashlight can be directed into the eyes of an attacking dog to temporarily blind him. Another useful thing to carry is an air horn. The loud noise could persuade the dog not to attack in the first place. If he does attack, the horn might help break up either dog’s focus during a fight, and will help call attention to other people in the area to come help.
Your best defence against another dog attacking your dog is to be alert and try to prevent an attack from happening. If that’s not possible or it happens before you’re aware there’s even another dog around, try to stay calm. A mind that’s in panic mode doesn’t function well. Think about what you would do before you have an encounter. Carry a stout walking stick and anything that might be helpful in a convenient pocket where you can quickly grab it when you need it.

How to avoid being bitten

If you  are confronted by an aggressive dog, the most important thing to remember is this: Stay calm. Don’t give in to fear or anxiety, and don’t start yelling. An aggressive dog wants you to be stressed out before it attacks, but if you remain calm and in control, it slows them down and throws them off.
Also avoid direct eye contact with an aggressive dog. Stand slightly sideways (which also makes you a narrower target) while keeping the dog in your peripheral vision. I don't have this as I am going blind and this was the first part of my vision to go!
Once you have successfully used calm assertive energy to keep that dog back, claim your own space. If you happen to be carrying anything in your hands, like a cane or an umbrella, place it out in front of yourself to appear bigger and be more in command of your space.
What this tells the dog with your body language is, “I don’t want your space, I just want this space that I am in.” Maintain your very calm and assertive state; this energy creates a barrier that automatically demands the dog’s respect by letting it know that you are not afraid.
When the dog senses that you aren’t threatening it — and are not threatened by it — it will probably lose interest and the situation will de-escalate. Unfortunately, though, this process is not always possible.
Understanding dog behaviour is one of your best weapons if another dog attacks your dog. So just so alert and be mindful that some owner are not as responsible as we are, I hope this little blog has helped you all out in some way or another, it sure has not stopped us from going on our daily walks,  George is a little be more aware of other dogs when we are out and about but in time that will pass and he will be back to himself again, 
 So from me Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Sir George we wish you and all the other furbabys out in the big wide world to be safe and careful when out walking because you never know when you might run into a unrestrained aggressive dog, 
In our next blog we are going to talk about how I have command trained Miss Mildred to stop barking at the door and to sit and stay while we cross the road while we are out walking. 
If you have any stories about you and your furbaby please let us know in the comments below, 
Thankyou very much for reading 
Miss Squeak Talks Dog
 Attacks and What You Can Do To Save Your Furbaby!
 Remember To Like Comment Share and +1
xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Sunday 10 July 2016

Miss Squeak Talks About Furbaby Emergencies.

 Okay so this week has been pretty full on in the world of 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred, this week we had some great news in the form of being made one of the administrator of a chihuahua page on facebook. So that was very exciting and I extremely honoured to have this offered to me, And I have just started to feel better with my eyes so am able to blog again yay, All my furbabys are doing great, But they are feeling the cold so have their jumpers on to stay warm and toasty, 

But the matter we are going to chat about is to do with  Miss Mildred's furry friends little 
Miss Lilly and her fur sister Maci and the there beautiful 
Mumma Charlotte, look at the picture below just the amount of love that is shown is just amazing!

So over the last few weeks poor little Lilly was feeling not to well, Charlotte and I were talking about different ways to help Miss Lilly with her common problem that chihuahua's get Patellar Luxation,
as Lilly has been told she has the problem, so we were talking about things Charlotte could do to help the little chihuahua out, and her poor little girl Lilly when little Lilly was play with her sister, Charlotte heard the furbaby chihuahua cry in pain and the crying just wouldn't stop so clearly Charlotte and her Hubby we scared and worried about there furbaby so worried they went to the on call 24hr vet that was close to them after waiting and having Lilly examined with I believe was this below!

What is patellar Laxation?

Patellar shift is a condition in which the kneecap (patella) slides out of its traditional place, that is usually off to the side. In a very  healthy canine, there are grooves at the bottom of the femur where the kneecap gently slides in and out of as the canine walks and moves about. These cartridge grooves are necessary to make a sleek surface for the knee to maneuver back and forth. However, once the bony sides of the groove are compressed, the area too little for the kneecap to fit; therefore, it slides or luxates out of place.
Patellar luxation is mostly broken down into one amongst two different classes -- medial and lateral. A Chihuahua affected by medial patellar luxation can have their kneecap slip toward their body, whereas a Chihuahua tormented by lateral can have their kneecap slip out to the edges and far from their body. An experienced Furbaby Doctor ought to be able to 
tell what kind of patellar your Chihuahua is tormented 
by a simple examination and x-ray.

So after a night at the vets poor little Lilly was taken to her normal vet where she was examined and I believe maybe x-rayed where they found out that her hip was out of it socked so it was not the common knee lunation as they were told, this was very upsetting to 
Charlotte as they though Lilly was going to have have the knee operation only to find out she was going to have to have the hip operation, now that would have been a shock as the poor little furbaby was so druged up and she was still crying in pain  this kind of stuff breaks my heart! Below is what poor Lilly had done, 
Just thought I would share this story with you all as we all want the best for our furbabys! I am happy to tell you that Lilly is home safe and sound with her Mumma Daddy and fur sister, 
poor little poppet, Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak wish Lilly a speedy recovery, Get better soon Lilly xx


Femoral head and neck ostectomy (fho) is performed to relieve pain and restore function to a hip that cannot otherwise be surgically corrected and for which medical therapy (time, pain control) is insufficient. Problems that can be relieved by fho include hip fractures, hip dysplasia, hip dislocations, and degenerative conditions such as Legg-Calves-Perthes disease.

PROCEDURE   FHO involves cutting off the femoral head (the ball of the ball-and-socket hip) and removing it. A scar forms in the remaining space, effectively creating a false hip. This procedure allows an improved range of motion of the hip, and relieves the often-severe pain due to bone-on-bone contact.

RECOVERY   Unlike most other orthopedic surgeries, the patient is encouraged to use the operated leg as much as possible as soon as possible. This enhances the quality of the scar that forms the false joint. We use pain relieving medications and medical procedures, nutritional management, and physical rehabilitation to enhance the recovery process.

Pain relieving medications commonly include a prolonged course of antiiflammatory medicine and a short course of a pure pain reliever. Medical procedures can include cryotherapy (cold compresses) for 10 to 15 minutes per day beginning on day one after surgery and continuing for three weeks, longer if needed, and laser therapy. We provide each patient with a recommended schedule of laser therapy.

Nutritional management typically includes weight loss down to an ideal lean weight (do not underestimate the value of maintenance of an ideal lean body weight - we have found it is tremendous!) and fatty acid (fish oil) supplementation for antiinflammatory effectPhysical rehabilitation includes both passive range of motion exercises and active therapeutic exercise. Passive range of motion exercises are performed by holding the patients leg below the ankle and slowly and steadily flexing and extending the leg to the fullest extent that the patient will allow. The exercises begin on the day after surgery and continue for 15 minutes a day until the patient has returned to normal function. 

We have found that most patients who are provided with the analgesic medications and nutritional support previously described perform their own therapeutic exercise. That is, they make steadily increasing use of the operated leg as the first several weeks post-op pass by. For the occasional patient that is persistently reluctant to use their leg, we recommend: 5 to 10 minutes of walking and swimming starting on day 1 after surgery, 5 to 10 minutes of balancing, obstacles and weaving starting on day one,  5 to 10 minutes of circles and hills added in starting on day 15, and 5 to 10 minutes of stairs, jogging, and running added in starting on day 21. All therapeutic exercises are continued until the patient has reached their individual peak performance. 

Routine progress exams at two weeks and two months post-operatively are included with the surgery cost. We are glad to do a recheck exam at any other time you think your pet needs one.

COMPLICATIONS  Complications are very uncommon with FHO. Complications can include: dehiscence (opening of the surgical incision), nerve damage, infection, bleeding, and failure to significantly relieve pain and improve range of motion. 

Small furbaby's will sometimes not use their operated leg because they are very agile on three legs, presenting a different challenge. This challenge can usually be met with a combination of medication and physical therapy. 

This is Maci fur sister to Lilly. Maci just wants her sister to get better so they can play together again, But on a lighter note 
little Maci pasted her puppy classes this week we are so proud of you little girl, You have learnt some wonderful new commands like sit stay and shake all very important in having a balanced furbaby, 
So well done Charlotte for being a wonderful Mumma to your two beautiful furbaby girls, I am so glad I have been able to help you with some of your problems with Lilly and I that some of my suggestions on teething helped you with Maci, I will be doing a blog in a few days about teething as when I was doing the research I found so much interesting information that I believe will be helpful for new furbaby owners.

Miss Mildred is very happy and healthy we are going to be doing a new photo shoot soon as she is getting some new outfits in the mail, 
including  one very special knitted outfit from a lovely talented lady call Ruth and I am extremely excited about getting this as it has booties hat and coat in the most prettiest colour it is just beautify made, so thats is what we have been up to over the last week or so.
Miss Mildred and I hope you have enjoyed this blog and the information we have given, if you want to have your furbaby featured on this blog just let me know in the comments below as we  would love to hear about you furbabys, 
I also hope your day is full of happiness joy laughter love and lots of furbaby hug and licks xx 

So we hope to see you all back for a new adventure in our next blog 
We hope you liked this blog about Miss Mildred's furbaby friends 
Lilly and Maci, I really loved helping Charlotte out with all the information just so she felt like someone was with her in this horrible situation. Please remember we love 
reading your stories too.

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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx