Showing posts with label Chihuahua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chihuahua. Show all posts

Monday 23 October 2017

Why Do Chihuahua's Runaway?

5 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Run Away 
And Some WaysTo Prevent It <script async src="//"></script>
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Does your Chihuahua run away once you let them outside to play and use the bathroom? Some Chihuahuas instinctively sprint towards the neighbors home once the outside door is opened, leaving owners to question the effectiveness of their coaching. If this sounds familiar, look at the five commonest reasons why Chihuahuas run away -- and the way to prevent it -- listed below.
Not solely is this kind of running away behavior frustrating, however it is also quite dangerous. There are dozens of ways a 'free-roaming' Chihuahua will injure themselves by venturing from their home, a number of which include:
Hit by a car
Skirmishes with close dogs and cats
Attacked by wild animals
Getting into pesticides, antifreeze, oil or different dangerous  chemicals
Of course, there's additionally an opportunity of your Chihuahua running away from home and not returning, that is something no family desires to experience
As an owner, it is your responsibility to safeguard your Chihuahua from dangers like this. the first step in fixing this drawback is to spot why exactly your Chihuahua feels the necessity to run away.
Reason 1 Searching For A Mate
If your Chihuahua is not spayed or castrated , they will run away in search of a mate. Unfixed females in heat unleash powerful pheromones that males will smell from over a mile away! And although your Chihuahua is obedient and well trained, mother nature's 'mating magnet' can instinctively cause them to run away.
It's clearly easier to spot a female checking out a mate, as their private parts can become swollen and bleed for roughly twenty one days. Males, on the opposite hand, will run away anytime there is a female in heat around; thus, owners of male Chihuahuas ought to use additional caution when taking them outside.
However the bottom line is that all Chihuahuas -- unless otherwise stated by your vet -- ought to be fixed to cut back the possibility of them running away. By spaying or fixing your Chihuahua, they will no longer manufacture the hormones to blame for finding a mate.
Reason 2 Boredom
Another reason why Chihuahuas run away is as a result of they're bored. it is a common assumption by first-time owners that Chihuahuas don't need constant amount of outside leisure time as different breeds because of their little size. instead of taking them out on a daily basis, some homeowners leave their Chihuahuas cooped up inside for long periods of time, leading to boredom and pent-up energy.
Chihuahua affected by boredom and/or pent-up energy are more likely to run away once given the possibility. owners should understand that Chihuahuas -- like all dogs -- are complicated animals that crave mental and physical stimulation. just because they small does not imply you'll be able to leave them locked up within the house all day long.
Whether it's going for a walk, taking part in fetch or simply laying out beneath the sun (Chihuahuas LOVE sunning), take your Chihuahua outside on a daily basis to cut back the possibility of the them running away.
Reason 3 Lack of Obedience
It's downright frustrating after you call your Chihuahua to come back back only to have them get away in the opposite direction. If this seems like a well-known state of affairs, your are not alone. Lack of obedience is an all-too-common problem, making it tough for walks and leisure time outside.
When a Chihuahua doesn't view you as the 'leader of the pack,' they're going to be more willing to run away while they're outside. And to create matters worse, a disobedient Chihuahua won't come back after you call their name. you can yell till your lungs go dry only to have your Chihuahua take off down street or into the neighbor's yard.
So, how does one fix this frustrating problem? the first step is to only let your Chihuahua outside after they are connected to a collar and leash (or lead). now once you are walking and playing with your Chihuahua outside, teach them a recall command like "come here boy," or "back Mildred." offer them plenty of slack on their leash and speak the recall command when you are ready to go inside. If they obey your command, provide them plenty of warmheartedness, praise and after all a treat.
Reason 4 Mistreatment
A fourth reason why Chihuahuas run away is because they are being beaten by their owner at home. in a good world, every and each Chihuahua would receive the unconditional love and attention they deserve, but this world is way from perfect. Some owners hit, slap and otherwise physically abuse their Chihuahuas, which naturally encourages them to run away once given the possibility. you can't expect a Chihuahua to pay attention and obey their owner if they're being abused.
Note: mistreatment isn't restricted strictly to physical abuse. Neglecting your Chihuahua and their need for attention is another type of abuse which can contribute to their running away problem.
Reason 5 Seeking friendship
When they don't get it at home, Chihuahuas could run away to seek companionship from other dogs or individuals. This reason goes hand-in-hand with mistreatment, as neglecting your Chihuahua and avoiding them on for days on hand can only encourage them to get away. give your Chihuahua attention and friendship so that they want to remain at home.
Tips For Preventing Your Chihuahua From running away
Have them spayed or castrated 
Teach them a 'recall' command, such as "come here Amos!"
Use treats as a reward once your Chihuahua successfully obeys your recall command
Never punish or scold your Chihuahua for running away, as this sort of negativity will only encourage this unwanted behavior.
Walk your Chihuahua on an extended lead or retractile leash till they obey on your recall command
Show your Chihuahua tenderness and love on a day after day
Now as you can see from all the pictures, we are lucky to have some wonderful and amazing likeminded friends that have some adorable sweet chihuahua's that come and have regular playdays. 
This has helped with Miss Mildred, Vinyl-Violet and Sir George and their recall as I use a noise that they all come too. 
Miss Mildred is able to free walk as she sees myself as her leader, 
Vinyl-Violet is still learning what our pack walk is all about so when we are in a area,  where they are unable to get to the road or run off into the bush (normally in the middle of the oval) I allow  Vinyl-Violet and Sir George the freedom of free walking yet they are still attached to leads, and they do come back when called so things are going great, and before long they too well be able to be trusted like their sister, Do you allow your furbabies to free walk? 
Let us know what you like to do when you walk your Chihuahua's and other furbabies. And thanks so much for reading! 
See You All Soon! 
Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Vinyl-Violet 

Sunday 26 March 2017

Miss Squeaks Chihuahua Feature Chickeeta and Bella.

Welcome back to Miss Squeaks Truth about Dogs, I have been thinking of doing this for a while now, and have decided that it would be fun to do a feature chihuahua story and share other likeminded furbaby owners stories. The feature chihuahua's are my furbaby nieces and we love them so very much and enjoy having them and their Mumma Lisa come and have a play and a cuppa with us, These two wonderful chihuahua's have helped my little Miss Mildred feel more comfortable in her interaction with other dogs, we love them so very much and the friendship that Lisa and I have is just amazing. We really clicked even before we had met, and now have the pleasure of doing so many fun furbaby things together, We help run a very cool chihuahua play day, we have a true love for each other and our furbabies, so let get on and talk about how Lisa got her beautiful chihuahua's. 
This story below is in Lisa's own words and the pictures have been provided by Lisa Edney.

Lisa Chickeeta and Bella
This is my story about my Chihuahua life, which I will add was the best thing that has ever happened to my life. I was in a waste of time bad relationship I got my first chihuahua Misty flipper at the age of 35.. I was sad and feeling unloved and this little chihuahua had been treated so wrongly, The first thing she done was bite me as she trusted no one.
 I gave her a bath fattened her up and gave her lotsa love and she returned the love ten fold (never to bite me again) she began to be that good I could trust her to be held by other adults, I always had to watch her with children though, but she was good with my cats and my big rabbit. I had her for 3 years and she began to show me she was old and feeling worn out, so I went and got her and I a puppy named Chickeeta , My first puppy ever (yay yippee) I had catties from a wee tacker and one Labrador who was awesome that attached to my family and the owners gave him to us as he loved us all so much and was always running away from home to our house  he was 11 years and he lived till 16  (he was already well behaved and trained by someone else) Back to my wee cute puppy I signed up for puppy classes and she was my little sweetheart and Mistys too, she made Misty Flipper feel young and vibrant again for two years. 

Then we lost our girl  Misty at the age of 12, My Chickeeta mourned about for her Bestie for 6 months, I could no longer watch my little girl mourn, So I looked on Gumtree and found an ad  I decided I wanted to save another Chihuahua from a not so fortunate lifestyle again. I looked at many cross breeds and I was looking like getting another dog
  chi X as big as Chickeeta. I had this sweet little chihuahua named Bella I emailed about her,  but the owners would not contact me back a week went by and finally I get a email.. I booked to view her the very next morning. She was so little ribs showing back bone displayed and had been ill treated, So I had to take her, as that was my aim better life forever home with love, she was 2 and a 1/2  needed to go to the vet. I had said to Chicky when we left home If you get on with her she is coming home, well Chicky played straight away. Our new budd. We got Bellsies  paid $500 for her took her to the vet we got her needles up to date got a shine on her and her weight back up to scratch, Chicky Bella an I got out of the night mare relationship and I met the love of my life, and the girls life too, and of course my Cattie Winston they love him just as much we have our family set and their Daddy spoils them all, and they love him so. We are one big happy family and our chihuahua's life has just got better and better, the last 2 years my girls and I have been going to chihuahua play dates. This has given us a gathering mummy has fun and so do our chihuahua babies, we all come home from playdate all worn out but left with beautiful memories and smiles lotsa pics of lots of doggies playing and having fun. 

Mine always feel pretty and love their dresses they wear they truly do I have some gorgeous friends with the same crazy chi hearts like mine so we are all like family. I have met my friend Helene. Whom has been a cherished  friend even before I met. Her and I look forward to the fun us two crazy Furbaby lovers have together in the future, chihuahua's love us unconditionally but being small they are like baby's on so many ways and I just love them xxxx 

 The picture above is Lisa and Myself at our Christmas Chihuahua day we are so much alike and are like soul sisters, I am so happy to have found you and your wonderful fubabies, Miss Mildred has learnt so much for all three of you, Love you to the moon and back!

If you like this sort of story and would like to be apart of it,
please comment below or inbox me. 

Thanks so much for coming to read my blog,
Miss Squeaks Truth About Dogs
Remember to Like Comment Share and +1
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

Sunday 12 February 2017

Chihuahua Merchandise-Crazy Chihuahua Lady

So from the name of this blog you may have realised, I have started a small business related to the chihuahua theme, and if you are like me, I get called the Crazy Chihuahua Lady and thought I am surly not the only one, so the idea has become a nice way to show the world that I am the Crazy Chihuahua Lady, I have a few tank tops with the cute saying on them and if you dont like the colour  you can change them, I also offer two styles at the moment with more to come in the future, I have a cute tote bag as well for all your furbabies thing you might need to take with you, if your like me your furbabies go everywhere so having a bag just for their suff is handy otherwise you end up with dog treat and harnesses dresses and dog shoes in your handbag with your mints, makeup, hairbrush and phone, so its just easier I think to have a seperate bag for the furbabies things, I have placed the link below so click it and have a look, you might find something you like, and I will be adding new items each week, and if you have any ideas let us know in the comments, we would love to help you out with a custom tank top or dog shirt, them possibilities are endless. 
So click the link.

Miss Squeak Merchandise- Crazy Chihuahua Lady 

In other news we have the Valentines Day Chihuahua Play Day coming up next Sunday 
19th of February, and its is also my youngest sons 18th birthday wow time flies when your having fun, so I will do another Chihuahua Play Day blog   and share all the cute furbabies and  their wonderful owners, Oh on the Miss Mildred tooth issue she went to the vet and had her baby canine removed, as it just didn't fall out so that was exciting for her. We were able to keep her tiny little tooth and the tooth fairy came and left her some new sweet summer dresses, but in reality the tooth fairy should have gave her new winter jackets as we are having a very strange summer with lots of rain and stormy weather, we are normally in the swimming pool everyday from December to March and some years mid 
 April, but this year we have not really been in the pool for the last few weeks, as its just been to cold, haha yup Australian Summer to cold, oh well   thats what has been happening in our neck of the wood over the last few weeks, Miss Mildred and I would love to hear what you have been up to so let us know in the comments below.

 Thanks so much for reading my new blog 
about the Crazy Chihuahua Lady 
Don't forget to Like Share Comment and +1
Thanks so very much for your support 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred 

This is the really cute Tote bag design and its on special too
the link is above the picture this tote is under $10. 

Sunday 27 November 2016

Miss Squeaks Fun Christmas Ideas For Your Furbaby!

 Okay lets talk Christmas, and our furbabys now its my first Christmas with Miss Mildred and gee I can't wait to get her new dresses from Ebay that we ordered I know I am excited to get them she has a few coming and I have a red and white one picked out for her to wear for the big day! Its so very cute a frilly just like the pretty princess that she is aww I mustn't be the only one who is excited about Christmas even Sir George has a outfit a little green elf costume that he looks so fantastic in and yes I will post pictures of them in their Christmas digs, Because I know you will want to see them haha! But i thought of a few ideas that you might like to do with your furbabys this Christmas! And we'll  get straight to it now.

If you're  like me , you think about your dog a part of your family. Then Christmas  is simply another occasion to solidify that relationship and embrace your dogs in all of the season’s commotion. Should you not break down before Christmas Eve, here are some gifts and activities that might make this Christmas extra, exceptional for you and your dog.

1. Get your dog a stocking.

That is, if they do not have one already. If this is your dog’s 1st Christmas with you, this can be a extremely nice way to commemorate your 1st of the many Christmas holidays together and solidify his or her place in your home.

There are 2 choices for this small activity. you could run out to your local Target or Kmart Red Dot or BigW and find a cute little stocking with their initial on it. That’s fast, easy, and totally counts. Or, if you have got a while to do a small homemade project, create one! Decorating a stocking that matches your dog’s temperament is something fun to do while you and your dog are sharing time watching crummy Christmas movies over a chewy bone and some wine/punch.

2. Lend a homeless dog a hand.

If your dog is dog friendly, this feature may be for you. wherever I spend the holidays, many shelters and rescues would love nothing more than to get their dogs out of their facilities or boarding to get a much-needed night in a home. Just  a day or 2 in a nice, warm home goes a long way towards helping out  a dog who is not as lucky as your own dog. Run a rescue or work with a shelter? Contemplate making a short-run fostering program for the holidays.

3. Take fun photos.

Earlier this season, one amongst my dogs gave up the ghost. Not to  get momentarily morbid, however having a lot of photos of him has positively helped Me and my family grieve. The Holidays are the simplest time to form those recollections and capture them so you mostly have a token of happy, silly, spirited times.

In my house, we’ve invested in jingle bell collars. The collars look laughably goofy on my  furbabys and create a lot of noise, however in a photo it’s too cute for words so worthwhile.

4.Participate in a very special activity together.

December is one in all the few months where everyone probably gets a while off of work. To make up for all those busy days throughout the year when your pup waited with patience for you to get home, do something exceptional together that you just might not get to try to to the remainder of the year. We are thinking of taking our furbabys to the beach Yay they'll like it.
Less-intensive activities are even as special. It could also be  a special trip to a doggy playground, or a walk on a brand new path you don’t take each day. This is just one nice way to show your dog how much he or she means to you and may make the holidays even more special for each of you.

Once again I would like to thank you all for coming and reading all of my blogs this is truly a passion for me and I enjoy doing the blog posts its fun and gets my brain moving in and on the right path but if we ever seem to be talking about the same stuff and you get bored just leave a comment below on what you might like Miss Mildred and I to talk about! We would love to keep everyone happy and up to date with whats going on with us over here in Perth Western Australia!
So Please Remember To 
Like +1 Share and Comment.
And come back soon !
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred

Friday 17 June 2016

Miss Squeaks Furbabys and Shoes Debate!

Its The Great Debate to Shoe or not to Shoe Your Furbaby?
Don’t suppose your dog needs dog boots, shoes, or booties
 Re-evaluate. While the general public believe that dog shoes are only for fun and fashion, there are several legitimate reasons why your dog would profit by sporting them.

The Great Outdoors.

Do you have a full of life outside dog that you take hiking, running, hunting, or biking with you? A perfect approach to safeguard your dog’s paws from outside dangers is to use durable dog boots created especially for rough outsideconditions. There are a number of dangerous things that may happen to a dog’s sensitive pads and also the areas between them. It's attainable that the pads will sustain cuts or perhaps wear out if you're taking your dog hiking on slippery, rocky mountain trails or sprinting on hard pavement. Dog boots will offer further protection against all of thosehazards.

Health Problems.

Orthopedic dog boots might help an older dog whose paws and back are beginning to show indications of wear and tear or assist a breed of dog that’s susceptible to hip problems. Vets typically advise orthopedic dog shoes for the additional padding and support they supply. These dog boots shield the toes from being rubbed raw, particularly if you've got an older dog that drags his feet while he walks. Making your dog a lot more stable can increase his mobility. Contemplate trying orthopaedic dog boots for a happier, healthier dog.

Summertime Blues.

To protect your dog’s feet from blazing hot asphalt and cement throughout the summer months, use dog booties. remembering what it feels like when you go without shoes on the hot sand or pool deck will make you appreciate howthe warmth would possibly hurt your dog’s paws. Light-weight sandals will make his summer walks far more comfy, and pool and water shoes help shield pool liners from tears in conjunction with providing non-slip protection on wet surfaces.

Winter Chill.

Waterproof rain boots are lifesavers for your scratchable hard floors and floor coverings that aren’t easily cleaned. Most dogs don’t mind getting wet and don’t care if their paws are dirty. They are going to return bounding into the house after being outside without a moment’s hesitation, spreading water and dirt around and usually wreaking mayhem. Waterproof boots are often removed before your dog comes into the house, saving you from clean-up duty on a wet and rainy morning or afternoon.
Think about the conditions that your dog is habitually exposed to: weather, rough concrete , health problems, old age. Would he use some protective footwear? place yourself in your dog’s shoes and think about trying a pair of shoes that might make him happier and more well-off today.

Best Sort Of Dog Shoes

The best style of dog shoes can enable a dog’s paws to perform as ordinarily as possible while not putting pressure on a dog’s natural walking or running motion or paw movement, and therefore the right style of dog shoes won't rub against the dog’s paws or cause blisters or sores throughout their use.

For most purposes, dog shoes that are made out of a flexible, soft and sturdy material will facilitate to safeguard a dog’s paws while not inflicting friction sores and can enable a dog to run as naturally as possible. Shoes for dogs that have straightforward to shut adjustable tops will be simple to place on and off and can not become too tight round the dog’s legs.

Using Dog Shoes.

Dogs don't typically like having their paws wrapped in shoes, and they need to be introduced to shoe wear step by step. Pet mums and dads should place the shoes on for just a couple of minutes each day, and reward the dog with a treat and praise just when the shoes are placed on the paws. Once a dog becomes accustomed to the feeling of the shoes, pet owners can attempt walking their dogs for increasing periods of time while the dog shoes are on.

This is Chickeeta one of Miss Mildred's friends on Facebook.
I have been looking into why Chicky's little paws keep peeling off and becoming sore and red poor little love bug! Miss Mildred and I have been researching lots of reasons for why this is going on, And we have found that the most likely problem is the lack of zinc in her diet or a fungus that is causing her to be in pain! 

We will go in to more details in a upcoming blog, Yet we are happy to tell you that Chickeeta's mum Lisa is putting shoes on her little feet to protect her fragile paws from the possible dangers that might irritate her paws! I Miss Squeak have pasted some helpful foot soak recipes to Chickeeta's mum Lisa and I will share the results with all of you once I hear of the outcome, Hopefully we have good news to report but to everyone who reads my blog.

Miss Mildred wears shoes all the time. 
As she never liked walking on cold wet grass to go to toilet 
So I started to train her to wear shoes, I have had many nasty comments mainly on Facebook regarding her wearing shoes, or dresses and winter coats, silly small minded people! 

When this first happened I was so hurt by this as I was called a animal abuser, was told to stop dressing my chihuahua like a doll and to grow up hmmm! 

I continue to dress my little girl Miss Mildred as she is a fragile Chihuahua that feel the cold so I protect her from the elements! 
If that is what makes me a bad furbaby mum then gee whizz lock me up and throw away the key! She even has house socks haha!

Here are some more things about your furbabies paws!

The dog’s pad is the toughest part of a dog’s body. This thick spongy structure, located under the dog’s foot, absorbs a lot of pressure from running, standing and walking. Because of the location of the pad, injuries are not unusual. They contain many blood vessels and can bleed easily when injured. Sometimes the bleeding of the pad can look a whole lot worse than it actually is. Common injuries can include lacerations, punctures, abrasions, burns, traumatic pad removal or tumors. Some of these injuries, because of the location, can be difficult to heal.

Aside from visible bleeding issues, other symptoms of a sore or injured paw or pad may be limping or favoring that foot, not wanting to put weight on the foot, discoloration of the pad and excess licking of the pad or foot. There can also be chafed pads, dry and cracked, as well as having some type of foreign object in the pad or between the toes.

Treatment all depends upon the identified problem which I will go through specifically. However, be sure to contact your own veterinarian for specific instructions. This information is a guideline for possible use in an emergency when minutes count or if your vet is currently unavailable

Burns and Blisters – 

Sometimes a dog’s pads can get burnt from walking on hot pavement and through hot sand. The best way to treat this type of injury is to first clean it with anti-bacterial wash and cover with a bandage until healed. If the injury caused some loose skin or ulcerated patch, that skin, along with healing will come off on its own.

Keep your dog calm. Once you know where the blood is coming from, use a clean towel to apply gentle pressure on the wound and call your veterinarian if the bleeding persists. Don't use a tourniquet. For minor abrasions and puncture wounds, clean the injury with an anti-bacterial wash, iodine and wrap with a bandage. 

You may have to put an Elizabethan collar on your furbaby for the injury to heal as your pup will have a tendency to lick the area and further irritate the healing process. Since dogs sweat through the pads, the bandage may get moist which causes infection. 

Frequent bandage changes are vital, usually ever 2 – 3 days. Healing takes a few days. Inrare situations an injury can be so severe that the pad may need to be removed. A footpad grafting may be necessary in some situations, especially for larger dogs that do put more pressure on the foot when walking.

Dried and Cracked Pads 

 Pads that are chafed, dried and cracked are more prone to collect excess dirt and debris, causing further injuries. Care includes finding a good footpad cream. Your veterinarian or nearby pet store can advise what is the best cream treatment. Avoid the use of human moisturizers for obvious reasons that your dog may lick the area. There are claims that some human moisturisers will soften the pad too much as well.

Foreign objects – 

Most often if you can see something in between the pad or the toes, you can use tweezers to remove the item causing injury and/or pain. Objects may include stones, burrs, pieces of glass, dried mud and even an excess fur ball. Any of these items can cause your furbaby a lot of pain. Further injuries can prevail. A fur ball would need to be shaved out.

For at home care, clean injured pads with an anti-bacterial wash, and prevent your dog from licking the wounds until healed. Of course, more extensive injuries require medical attention. Some injuries may be difficult to prevent. Do your best to keep areas that your dog frequents, such as the back yard, clean and free from any hazardous sharp objects. Keep your dog from going into littered areas. 

Miss Mildred has her toes clipped every two weeks to keep them from becoming a problem, Because they can snag on the lounge blankets or in the bed But other longhaired furbabys might even get their nails caught on them selves so I also suggest regular clipping of the toes and if your up to it paint them while your at it!

Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak really hope this has helped you 
with any concerns with letting your furbaby wear shoes. 
I believe its better to allow your furbaby to wear some shoes to protect their little fragile paws from the dangers that are out there on your daily outings. 

We would love to hear about what you think when it comes to this subject as it can get very heated when I have talked to some people who don't agree with this, and as I have said many times if you don't want your furbaby to wear shoes thats your opinion and I have no problem with you doing so, therefore please don't  judge me  for allowing my Chihuahua Miss Mildred to wear them to protect her paws. 

Please join my page if you want to be kept up to date with what Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak are up to, its very easy to do just hit the join this page button on the right hand side! 

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Thanks so very much for reading my blog! Hope to see you here soon! Until then stay safe and give your furbaby
 A Kiss and a hug for us!

xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Thursday 26 May 2016

What Are Our Furbabys Thinking?

 Okay this is what I have been thinking about the over the last few days so I thought I you share my thoughts with you and yes I can make my little chihuahua 
Miss Mildred laugh can you make your furbaby laugh and smile? So lets get started.

Your canine companion slumbers by your sidehowever is she dreaming of you? Will she feel guilty regarding stealing your cut of meat off the kitchen counter and eating it for dinner? What's she attempting to say with that annoying bark? 

After decades of analysis, neuroscientists have begun to answer such queries, giving us access to the once-secret inner lives of our canine companions and even translating their barks and wags therefore mere humans can comprehend them.

Do Dogs Experience Similar Emotions as People?

Dogs have the same brain structures that manufacture emotions in humans. they have the same hormones and endureidentical chemical changes that humans do during emotional states. Dogs even have the hormone oxytocinthat in humans is involved with love and tendernesstherefore it appears reasonable to recommend that dogs also haveemotions kind of like ours. However, it's necessary not to go overboard: The mind of a dog is roughly similar to that of a human who is 2 to 2½ years oldA toddler that age clearly has emotions, however not all possible emotions, since several emerge later within the path to adulthood.

Dogs undergo their developmental stages far more quickly than humans do, attaining their full emotional vary by the time they're four to six months oldVery similar to a human youngster, a dog has the essential emotions: joy, fear, anger, disgust, excitement, happiness, distress, and even love. A dog doesn't have, and can not develop, additional complicated emotions, like guilt, pride, contempt, and shame, however.

You might argue that your dog has shown proof of feeling guilt. In the usual situation, you come home and your dog starts slinking around and showing discomfort, and you then realize his foul-smelling brown deposit on your kitchenfloor. It is natural to conclude that the dog’s actions show a way of guilt concerning its transgression. However, this is often merely the more basic feeling of worry. The dog has learned that once you appear and his droppings are visible on the groundbad things happen to him. What you see is the dog’s worry of punishment; he can never feel guilt. He will never feel shame, thus feel free to dress him in that ridiculous party costume.

Do Dogs Dream?

Many people believe that dogs have dreams. Most dog furbaby owners have detected that at varied times throughoutsleep, some dogs could quiver, twitch a leg, even growl or bite a sleep-created phantom, giving the impression that they're dreaming about something. At the structural level, the brains of dogs are kind of like those of humans. In additionthroughout sleep the brain-wave patterns of dogs are almost like people’s, and they exhibit identical stages of electrical activity that are observed in humans—all of that is consistent with the thought that dogs are dreaming.It is an odd proven fact that little dogs have more dreams than massive dogs do. A dog as little as a Chihuahua mightdream once each ten minutes, whereas an oversized dog like a working dog or a great dane could have about anhour between dreams. On the opposite hand, the massive dog’s dreams last longer. 

Do Dogs Smile?

In the minds of most of the people, the equivalent of a dog’s smiling is when he's wagging his tail. however there isactually one canine facial expression that comes close to what we mean by smiling in humans. During this expression, slightly opened jaws reveal the dog’s tongue covering out over his front teeth. Often the eyes take on a teardrop form at the same time, as if being force upward slightly at the outer corners. It's an off-the-cuff expression that is sometimesseen when the dog is relaxed, playing, or interacting socially, particularly with peopleThe moment any anxiety or stress is introduced, the dog’s mouth closes and you can no longer see the tongue.
Dogs also are capable of laughingand they generally do so when they are playing. Canine laughter begins with the doggie equivalent of smiling however additionally includes a sound that's very like panting.

How To Make Your Dog Laugh

Humans will imitate sounds of dog laughter, but it takes conscious observation of mouth shape to get the sound pattern right. manufacturing dog laughter properly, says Coren, can make your dog sit up, wag his tail, approach you from across the room, and even laugh along.

Round your lips slightly to create a “hhuh” sound. Note: The sound should be breathy with no actual voicingwhich means that if you touch your throat while creating this sound, you should not feel any vibration.
Use an open-mouthed smiling expression to create a “hhah” sound. Again, breathe the sound; don't voice it.
Combine steps one and two to make canine laughter. It ought to sound like “hhuh-hhah-hhuh-hhah.”

 I also think this is helpful too!

Dog Decoder

Perhaps the most common misinterpretation of dog behaviour is based on the myth that a dog wagging his tail is happy and friendly. Although some tail wags are associated with happiness, others can signal fear or even the warning that you are about to be bitten. 
The tail’s position, specifically the height at which it is held, serves as an emotional meter. If the tail is held at a middle height, the dog is relaxed. As the tail position moves up, it is a sign that the dog is becoming more threatening, with a vertical tail being a clearly dominant signal meaning, “I’m boss around here.” 
Similarly, barks say a lot about what your dog is thinking. Low-pitched sounds (growls) make the animal seem large and dangerous; they usually indicate anger and the possibility of aggression. High-pitched sounds mean the opposite, a request to be allowed to come closer or a signal from a large dog saying, “It’s safe to approach.”


Sound the alarm  A rapid string of two to four barks with pauses between is the most common form of barking. It means, roughly, “There’s something going on that should be checked out.” Continuous barking at a lower pitch and slower suggests the dog senses an imminent problem. It means “Danger is very close. Get ready to defend yourself!”
Hey there  One or two sharp, short barks of high or midrange pitch is the most typical greeting sound, and it usually replaces alarm barks when a visitor is recognized as friendly. Many people are greeted in this way when they walk through the door. The message is “Hello!”
Let’s hang out  A long string of solitary barks with a deliberate pause after each one is a sign of a lonely dog asking for companionship.
Time for a tussle  A stutter bark, which sounds something like “harr-ruff” is usually given with front legs flat on the ground and the rear held high. It means, simply, “Let’s play!”


Salutation  A slight tail wag, each swing small, is usually seen during greetings and can be interpreted as a tentative “Hello there” or a hopeful “I’m here.”
Satisfaction  A broad tail wag is a friendly “I’m not challenging or threatening you.” In many contexts it may also mean “I’m pleased,” and it is the closest thing to the popular conception of the “happiness” wag, especially if the tail seems to drag the dog’s hips.
Confusion  A slow wag with tail at “half mast” is less social than most of the other tail signals. Slow wags with the tail in neither a particularly dominant (high) nor submissive (low) position signal insecurity or uncertainty about what to do next.
Fight or flight  Small, high-speed tail movements that give the impression of vibrating are a sign that the dog is about to take action (run or fight, usually). If the tail is held high and vibrating, it signals what is most likely an active threat.

 Thanks so very much for reading my blog and my random thoughts sometime you just ave to let it out and it your thinking do i get down on the floor and make my furbabys laugh the answer is yes Miss Mildred loves it when I play and make the sounds above she will sit there with her tongue out smiling and making the funny laughing panting sound its so very cute, Give it a go I am sure after a little practice you will get the hang of it, 

 Please remember to 
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx