Monday 23 October 2017

Why Do Chihuahua's Runaway?

5 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Run Away 
And Some WaysTo Prevent It <script async src="//"></script>
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Does your Chihuahua run away once you let them outside to play and use the bathroom? Some Chihuahuas instinctively sprint towards the neighbors home once the outside door is opened, leaving owners to question the effectiveness of their coaching. If this sounds familiar, look at the five commonest reasons why Chihuahuas run away -- and the way to prevent it -- listed below.
Not solely is this kind of running away behavior frustrating, however it is also quite dangerous. There are dozens of ways a 'free-roaming' Chihuahua will injure themselves by venturing from their home, a number of which include:
Hit by a car
Skirmishes with close dogs and cats
Attacked by wild animals
Getting into pesticides, antifreeze, oil or different dangerous  chemicals
Of course, there's additionally an opportunity of your Chihuahua running away from home and not returning, that is something no family desires to experience
As an owner, it is your responsibility to safeguard your Chihuahua from dangers like this. the first step in fixing this drawback is to spot why exactly your Chihuahua feels the necessity to run away.
Reason 1 Searching For A Mate
If your Chihuahua is not spayed or castrated , they will run away in search of a mate. Unfixed females in heat unleash powerful pheromones that males will smell from over a mile away! And although your Chihuahua is obedient and well trained, mother nature's 'mating magnet' can instinctively cause them to run away.
It's clearly easier to spot a female checking out a mate, as their private parts can become swollen and bleed for roughly twenty one days. Males, on the opposite hand, will run away anytime there is a female in heat around; thus, owners of male Chihuahuas ought to use additional caution when taking them outside.
However the bottom line is that all Chihuahuas -- unless otherwise stated by your vet -- ought to be fixed to cut back the possibility of them running away. By spaying or fixing your Chihuahua, they will no longer manufacture the hormones to blame for finding a mate.
Reason 2 Boredom
Another reason why Chihuahuas run away is as a result of they're bored. it is a common assumption by first-time owners that Chihuahuas don't need constant amount of outside leisure time as different breeds because of their little size. instead of taking them out on a daily basis, some homeowners leave their Chihuahuas cooped up inside for long periods of time, leading to boredom and pent-up energy.
Chihuahua affected by boredom and/or pent-up energy are more likely to run away once given the possibility. owners should understand that Chihuahuas -- like all dogs -- are complicated animals that crave mental and physical stimulation. just because they small does not imply you'll be able to leave them locked up within the house all day long.
Whether it's going for a walk, taking part in fetch or simply laying out beneath the sun (Chihuahuas LOVE sunning), take your Chihuahua outside on a daily basis to cut back the possibility of the them running away.
Reason 3 Lack of Obedience
It's downright frustrating after you call your Chihuahua to come back back only to have them get away in the opposite direction. If this seems like a well-known state of affairs, your are not alone. Lack of obedience is an all-too-common problem, making it tough for walks and leisure time outside.
When a Chihuahua doesn't view you as the 'leader of the pack,' they're going to be more willing to run away while they're outside. And to create matters worse, a disobedient Chihuahua won't come back after you call their name. you can yell till your lungs go dry only to have your Chihuahua take off down street or into the neighbor's yard.
So, how does one fix this frustrating problem? the first step is to only let your Chihuahua outside after they are connected to a collar and leash (or lead). now once you are walking and playing with your Chihuahua outside, teach them a recall command like "come here boy," or "back Mildred." offer them plenty of slack on their leash and speak the recall command when you are ready to go inside. If they obey your command, provide them plenty of warmheartedness, praise and after all a treat.
Reason 4 Mistreatment
A fourth reason why Chihuahuas run away is because they are being beaten by their owner at home. in a good world, every and each Chihuahua would receive the unconditional love and attention they deserve, but this world is way from perfect. Some owners hit, slap and otherwise physically abuse their Chihuahuas, which naturally encourages them to run away once given the possibility. you can't expect a Chihuahua to pay attention and obey their owner if they're being abused.
Note: mistreatment isn't restricted strictly to physical abuse. Neglecting your Chihuahua and their need for attention is another type of abuse which can contribute to their running away problem.
Reason 5 Seeking friendship
When they don't get it at home, Chihuahuas could run away to seek companionship from other dogs or individuals. This reason goes hand-in-hand with mistreatment, as neglecting your Chihuahua and avoiding them on for days on hand can only encourage them to get away. give your Chihuahua attention and friendship so that they want to remain at home.
Tips For Preventing Your Chihuahua From running away
Have them spayed or castrated 
Teach them a 'recall' command, such as "come here Amos!"
Use treats as a reward once your Chihuahua successfully obeys your recall command
Never punish or scold your Chihuahua for running away, as this sort of negativity will only encourage this unwanted behavior.
Walk your Chihuahua on an extended lead or retractile leash till they obey on your recall command
Show your Chihuahua tenderness and love on a day after day
Now as you can see from all the pictures, we are lucky to have some wonderful and amazing likeminded friends that have some adorable sweet chihuahua's that come and have regular playdays. 
This has helped with Miss Mildred, Vinyl-Violet and Sir George and their recall as I use a noise that they all come too. 
Miss Mildred is able to free walk as she sees myself as her leader, 
Vinyl-Violet is still learning what our pack walk is all about so when we are in a area,  where they are unable to get to the road or run off into the bush (normally in the middle of the oval) I allow  Vinyl-Violet and Sir George the freedom of free walking yet they are still attached to leads, and they do come back when called so things are going great, and before long they too well be able to be trusted like their sister, Do you allow your furbabies to free walk? 
Let us know what you like to do when you walk your Chihuahua's and other furbabies. And thanks so much for reading! 
See You All Soon! 
Miss Squeak Miss Mildred and Vinyl-Violet 

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