Showing posts with label #training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #training. Show all posts

Friday 17 June 2016

Miss Squeaks Furbabys and Shoes Debate!

Its The Great Debate to Shoe or not to Shoe Your Furbaby?
Don’t suppose your dog needs dog boots, shoes, or booties
 Re-evaluate. While the general public believe that dog shoes are only for fun and fashion, there are several legitimate reasons why your dog would profit by sporting them.

The Great Outdoors.

Do you have a full of life outside dog that you take hiking, running, hunting, or biking with you? A perfect approach to safeguard your dog’s paws from outside dangers is to use durable dog boots created especially for rough outsideconditions. There are a number of dangerous things that may happen to a dog’s sensitive pads and also the areas between them. It's attainable that the pads will sustain cuts or perhaps wear out if you're taking your dog hiking on slippery, rocky mountain trails or sprinting on hard pavement. Dog boots will offer further protection against all of thosehazards.

Health Problems.

Orthopedic dog boots might help an older dog whose paws and back are beginning to show indications of wear and tear or assist a breed of dog that’s susceptible to hip problems. Vets typically advise orthopedic dog shoes for the additional padding and support they supply. These dog boots shield the toes from being rubbed raw, particularly if you've got an older dog that drags his feet while he walks. Making your dog a lot more stable can increase his mobility. Contemplate trying orthopaedic dog boots for a happier, healthier dog.

Summertime Blues.

To protect your dog’s feet from blazing hot asphalt and cement throughout the summer months, use dog booties. remembering what it feels like when you go without shoes on the hot sand or pool deck will make you appreciate howthe warmth would possibly hurt your dog’s paws. Light-weight sandals will make his summer walks far more comfy, and pool and water shoes help shield pool liners from tears in conjunction with providing non-slip protection on wet surfaces.

Winter Chill.

Waterproof rain boots are lifesavers for your scratchable hard floors and floor coverings that aren’t easily cleaned. Most dogs don’t mind getting wet and don’t care if their paws are dirty. They are going to return bounding into the house after being outside without a moment’s hesitation, spreading water and dirt around and usually wreaking mayhem. Waterproof boots are often removed before your dog comes into the house, saving you from clean-up duty on a wet and rainy morning or afternoon.
Think about the conditions that your dog is habitually exposed to: weather, rough concrete , health problems, old age. Would he use some protective footwear? place yourself in your dog’s shoes and think about trying a pair of shoes that might make him happier and more well-off today.

Best Sort Of Dog Shoes

The best style of dog shoes can enable a dog’s paws to perform as ordinarily as possible while not putting pressure on a dog’s natural walking or running motion or paw movement, and therefore the right style of dog shoes won't rub against the dog’s paws or cause blisters or sores throughout their use.

For most purposes, dog shoes that are made out of a flexible, soft and sturdy material will facilitate to safeguard a dog’s paws while not inflicting friction sores and can enable a dog to run as naturally as possible. Shoes for dogs that have straightforward to shut adjustable tops will be simple to place on and off and can not become too tight round the dog’s legs.

Using Dog Shoes.

Dogs don't typically like having their paws wrapped in shoes, and they need to be introduced to shoe wear step by step. Pet mums and dads should place the shoes on for just a couple of minutes each day, and reward the dog with a treat and praise just when the shoes are placed on the paws. Once a dog becomes accustomed to the feeling of the shoes, pet owners can attempt walking their dogs for increasing periods of time while the dog shoes are on.

This is Chickeeta one of Miss Mildred's friends on Facebook.
I have been looking into why Chicky's little paws keep peeling off and becoming sore and red poor little love bug! Miss Mildred and I have been researching lots of reasons for why this is going on, And we have found that the most likely problem is the lack of zinc in her diet or a fungus that is causing her to be in pain! 

We will go in to more details in a upcoming blog, Yet we are happy to tell you that Chickeeta's mum Lisa is putting shoes on her little feet to protect her fragile paws from the possible dangers that might irritate her paws! I Miss Squeak have pasted some helpful foot soak recipes to Chickeeta's mum Lisa and I will share the results with all of you once I hear of the outcome, Hopefully we have good news to report but to everyone who reads my blog.

Miss Mildred wears shoes all the time. 
As she never liked walking on cold wet grass to go to toilet 
So I started to train her to wear shoes, I have had many nasty comments mainly on Facebook regarding her wearing shoes, or dresses and winter coats, silly small minded people! 

When this first happened I was so hurt by this as I was called a animal abuser, was told to stop dressing my chihuahua like a doll and to grow up hmmm! 

I continue to dress my little girl Miss Mildred as she is a fragile Chihuahua that feel the cold so I protect her from the elements! 
If that is what makes me a bad furbaby mum then gee whizz lock me up and throw away the key! She even has house socks haha!

Here are some more things about your furbabies paws!

The dog’s pad is the toughest part of a dog’s body. This thick spongy structure, located under the dog’s foot, absorbs a lot of pressure from running, standing and walking. Because of the location of the pad, injuries are not unusual. They contain many blood vessels and can bleed easily when injured. Sometimes the bleeding of the pad can look a whole lot worse than it actually is. Common injuries can include lacerations, punctures, abrasions, burns, traumatic pad removal or tumors. Some of these injuries, because of the location, can be difficult to heal.

Aside from visible bleeding issues, other symptoms of a sore or injured paw or pad may be limping or favoring that foot, not wanting to put weight on the foot, discoloration of the pad and excess licking of the pad or foot. There can also be chafed pads, dry and cracked, as well as having some type of foreign object in the pad or between the toes.

Treatment all depends upon the identified problem which I will go through specifically. However, be sure to contact your own veterinarian for specific instructions. This information is a guideline for possible use in an emergency when minutes count or if your vet is currently unavailable

Burns and Blisters – 

Sometimes a dog’s pads can get burnt from walking on hot pavement and through hot sand. The best way to treat this type of injury is to first clean it with anti-bacterial wash and cover with a bandage until healed. If the injury caused some loose skin or ulcerated patch, that skin, along with healing will come off on its own.

Keep your dog calm. Once you know where the blood is coming from, use a clean towel to apply gentle pressure on the wound and call your veterinarian if the bleeding persists. Don't use a tourniquet. For minor abrasions and puncture wounds, clean the injury with an anti-bacterial wash, iodine and wrap with a bandage. 

You may have to put an Elizabethan collar on your furbaby for the injury to heal as your pup will have a tendency to lick the area and further irritate the healing process. Since dogs sweat through the pads, the bandage may get moist which causes infection. 

Frequent bandage changes are vital, usually ever 2 – 3 days. Healing takes a few days. Inrare situations an injury can be so severe that the pad may need to be removed. A footpad grafting may be necessary in some situations, especially for larger dogs that do put more pressure on the foot when walking.

Dried and Cracked Pads 

 Pads that are chafed, dried and cracked are more prone to collect excess dirt and debris, causing further injuries. Care includes finding a good footpad cream. Your veterinarian or nearby pet store can advise what is the best cream treatment. Avoid the use of human moisturizers for obvious reasons that your dog may lick the area. There are claims that some human moisturisers will soften the pad too much as well.

Foreign objects – 

Most often if you can see something in between the pad or the toes, you can use tweezers to remove the item causing injury and/or pain. Objects may include stones, burrs, pieces of glass, dried mud and even an excess fur ball. Any of these items can cause your furbaby a lot of pain. Further injuries can prevail. A fur ball would need to be shaved out.

For at home care, clean injured pads with an anti-bacterial wash, and prevent your dog from licking the wounds until healed. Of course, more extensive injuries require medical attention. Some injuries may be difficult to prevent. Do your best to keep areas that your dog frequents, such as the back yard, clean and free from any hazardous sharp objects. Keep your dog from going into littered areas. 

Miss Mildred has her toes clipped every two weeks to keep them from becoming a problem, Because they can snag on the lounge blankets or in the bed But other longhaired furbabys might even get their nails caught on them selves so I also suggest regular clipping of the toes and if your up to it paint them while your at it!

Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak really hope this has helped you 
with any concerns with letting your furbaby wear shoes. 
I believe its better to allow your furbaby to wear some shoes to protect their little fragile paws from the dangers that are out there on your daily outings. 

We would love to hear about what you think when it comes to this subject as it can get very heated when I have talked to some people who don't agree with this, and as I have said many times if you don't want your furbaby to wear shoes thats your opinion and I have no problem with you doing so, therefore please don't  judge me  for allowing my Chihuahua Miss Mildred to wear them to protect her paws. 

Please join my page if you want to be kept up to date with what Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak are up to, its very easy to do just hit the join this page button on the right hand side! 

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Thanks so very much for reading my blog! Hope to see you here soon! Until then stay safe and give your furbaby
 A Kiss and a hug for us!

xx Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Friday 12 February 2016

New Puppy Its Potty Training Time !

       ..New Puppy Its Potty Training Time..

   Okay now we have a new puppy in the 

house and well first we 
have to let her get to know her new surrounding ,
so allow your puppy to walk around and smell out 
all the new things in the environment .

House training your puppy is about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. The goal is to instill smart habits and build a warm bond along with your pet.

It usually takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be absolutely house trained, however some puppies could take up to a year. Size will be a predictor. for example, smaller breeds have smaller bladders and better metabolisms and need additional frequent journeys outside. Your puppy's previous living conditions are another predictor. you'll notice that you simply ought to facilitate your puppy to break recent habits so as to help your  puppy make new ones.

As I got my Chihuahua Mildred from a breeder she was penned with her brothers and sister in a play pen and they were allowed to toilet in the same place where they slept so we are constantly on the ball watching her and by the time you have had your puppy for around 
2 weeks you should be able to see your pup smelling the ground and well my little fur baby walks around in circles and smells the floor 
so i know that she wants to go outside to the toilet ,
But don't be fooled you must go and place your puppy in the area you want them to go don't just place the pup outside as they will want to be with you so they might want to wee and poo at the backdoor . 
My little girl still has a few little mishaps but what can you do !
All you can to is be on your toes and if an accident happens its not the pups fault they are still learning ! 

When to Begin House Training Puppy

Experts recommend that you begin house training your puppy 

when he is between 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. At that point, he 

has enough control of his bladder and bowel movements to learn

 to hold it.

If your puppy is older than 12 weeks when you bring him home 

and he’s been eliminating in a cage (and possibly eating his 

waste), house training may take longer. You will have to reshape 

the dog’s behaviour -- with encouragement and reward.

Steps for Housetraining Your Puppy

Experts recommend confining the puppy to a defined space, 

whether that means in a crate, in a room, or on a leash. As your 

puppy learns that he needs to go outside to do his business, you 

can gradually give him more freedom to roam about the house.

  • When you start to house train, follow these steps:
  • Keep the puppy on a regular feeding schedule and take away his 
  • food  between meals. 

  • Take puppy out to eliminate first thing in the morning and then 
  • once every 30 minutes to an hour. 

  • Also, always take him outside 
  • after meals or when he wakes from a nap. 

  • Make sure he goes out 
  • last thing at night and before he’s left alone. 

  • Take puppy to the same spot each time to do his business. His 
  • scent will prompt him to go. 

  • Stay with him outside, at least until he’s house trained
  • When your puppy eliminates outside, praise him or give him a
  • treat. A walk around the neighbourhood is a nice reward. 

Thnaks for Reading !

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

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Thursday 19 November 2015

Miss Squeaks Fun Tricks For Furbaby Chihuahua's.

Hello everyone hope all is well and your furbabys are giving you lots of love cuddles and kisses.
So i was thing lets talk about teaching our furbabys to do some sweet little tricks and a few came timing as I do train Miss Mildred to do tricks and it was very easy as the Chihuahua breed is very smart and they want to please. So after I give some more information on theChihuahua breed we will get started wth the few easy tricks I get 
Miss Mildred to do daily as our furbabys are small fragile and ever so tiny its hard to keep treat training as they can put on weight haha and I say this as Miss Mildred put weight on while i was training her but now a kiss and a cuddle makes her just as happy !

The Chihuahua is a terribly intelligent dog; as a matter of truth this breed has the biggest brain in comparison to body size out of all of the dog breeds within the world. therefore whether or not your Chihuahua may be a puppy or an older dog, you'll be able to definitely teach your dog some cute tricks. The key and secret to training your Chihuahua to perform tricks to repetition.

If you show your dog one thing over and over again; continually teaching him the same method, he can eventually learn it. This breed picks up info quite quickly; some tricks can solely take a matter of a week or 2 to find out.

When you are teaching your dog, it's best to do so during a quiet area wherever there aren't any distractions. make learning fun, act excited once he learns one thing and never scold him if he's taking time to catch on. when he will master a trick, take care to reward your Chihuahua with lots of happy words of praise.

When a Chi is first making an attempt to be told and is putting in effort, do provide a tasty treat as reward... however don't fret regarding always having to offer food as motivation. when you additionally offer praise at the same time, after a while a dog can have an automatic response... and at that point your smile, praise and therefore the attention that your Chi receives are going to be all that's required for him or her to require to stay playing. 

Some other smart tips to keep in mind is that taking time on a daily basis to work on these commands can create the simplest success... After all, sporadically having sessions once or twice per week merely will not provide the repetition that's required.

And, you need to be in an passionate mood in order for your Chihuahua to be in one! Dogs scan body language and tone as if they were ready to read our minds. If an owner is feeling positive with a decent attitude that learning is fun and a gradual process, a dog can typically mimic that perspective...And that is what's required to set a decent learning foundation. 

Cool Trick 1 - What  Hand? 

A really cute trick to show your Chihuahua will make it seem as if your dog could be a bit psychic! you must have your dog sitting in front of you. Reach to grab a handful of little treats; however take care that it's a small enough quantity in order that your hand will completely cover the food whereas creating a clenched fist.

Put your hands behind your back. Then, place each hands out toward your Chihuahua at a similar distance from him.

Say the command words of "Which hand?" using an excited voice. Your dog should be able to understand which hand holds the treats merely from the smell. A dog's ability to smell is totally amazing! once your dog put his paw on the proper hand, open your hand to reveal the treats. in this case, the treats are going to be the reward. 

Do not provide the treats till your Chihuahua puts his paw on the hand that hides them. this may teach him that merely nosing it's not enough.

Neat Trick 2 - Saying Grace

This is a good trick to show your Chihuahua, particularly when you have company over for dinner. In order  for this to work, you may want a small toddler's chair or booster seat that's placed on the ground.

You may additionally use a solid box or alternative object that is sometimes in your room or eating space. The height of the object must be so that your Chihuahua will stand and rest his or her front legs on the object.

This trick is "Saying Grace" but you must not have food out after you are training your Chihuahua to try and do this trick, because it can distract him from learning this. Have him sit in front of the item. Say the command words, "Say Grace" while you gently elevate his front paws and place them on the object.

Again, repeat the command words and gently place his face softly down upon his front paws. Your Chihuahua can currently be during a position that seems that he's expression a prayer. you must pat his head and say encouraging words to stay his face down for a number of moments.

Never hold his head if he resists. after a count of three or four, release your gentle touch and reward him with excitement, pats and hugs. 

The key to a dog learning to do this automatically once hearing the command words is to train him often. 

Doing this four to five times on a daily basis for one to two weeks ought to have your Chihuahua ready to do an amusing supper time trick.

Trick 3 - Greetings!

This trick is simple however can make your Chihuahua appear very smart! Sit your Chihuahua in front of you. Gently acquire one of his paws and gently shake it while expression the command word, "Hello". 

Act terribly happy while you're doing this and show your Chi that you simply are more than happy that he's permitting you to do this. After a while, say the command word again, however this time you may just gently touch his paw without shaking it. Act as if you expect him to require action. If he doesn't, lift the paw and repeat the hand shake.  

After a jiffy, your Chihuahua can perceive what to do after you sit before of him and say, "Hello". this is often a beautiful trick to have your dog grasp for when you introduce him or her to friends, family and other.

Super Cool Trick 4 - Sweet Kisses

This is a beautiful Chihuahua dog trick and extremely simple to show. You need to  sit your dog in front of you. Before you are doing the next step, do bear in mind that this is often temporary and very soon you will be able to eliminate this 1st part! 

Put a really little dab of wet pet food on the cheek of your face. Say the command words, "Kisses" and permit your Chihuahua to lick the treat off your face. As he's doing so, repeat the command word. 

Then, attempt to do so by merely pointing to your face and saying, "Kisses". If your Chihuahua kisses you, make certain to praise him with happy word and excited pats. After a while you should be able to merely say "Kisses" and obtain a sweet Chihuahua kiss. 

Miss Mildred loves to do all of these tricks and she is very happy to show anyone them!
I have put a lot of training into my sweet little Chihuahua and I am so happy she was so eager to learn we alway practice the shake before she is allowed her dinner so now she sits waiting for her command shake or paw so she can have her dinner. Its really cute and lots of fun too. 

 Miss Mildred and I Miss Squeak 
would like to thank everyone for coming and reading our new blog 
Fun Tricks For Your Furbaby Chihuahua
And we would love to hear any trick that you do with your furbaby so let us know below in the comments and don't be shy !
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We also hope this blog has helped you to train your new furbaby. Come back soon for some new information and if there might be something you would like to know use the comments and tell us !!

Monday 8 June 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Furbaby Body Language!

 Today I thought I would talk about the body language of our furbabys so lets get started,
I’m certain you perceive how human intention and emotion work as a result of you experience them each yourself on a daily basis. But however are you able to tell what a furbabys emotions and intentions are?
Luckily, furbabys cannot hide either one from us. We are those who might not perceive how clearly the dog is communicating. For a dog, feeling is displayed through body language, whereas intention is displayed through motion.

When a furbaby isn't in a calm state, it solely has 3 instinctual movements: fight, flight, or rejection. In fight mode, the dog moves forward, and in flight mode it runs away. A dog might or might not move away in rejection, however it'll do everything else to not face the situation at hand.
Fight, flight, and rejection are the standard terms that animal behaviorists use, however they could be somewhat deceptive as a result of the connotations they have. In a different way to consider them is as advance, retreat, and ignore.

An excited furbaby and an aggressive furbaby might both move forward toward an individual or different animal, however one of them is playful and therefore the alternative one is threatening. Likewise, a furbaby might run away in concern or it's going to run away to begin a game of chase with another furbaby.
This is wherever the furbaby’s emotion comes into it and combines with the dog’s intention to form the dog’s overall energy and, as I discussed above, dogs categorical their emotions through body language.

Every a part of the furbaby is engaged, however the necessary ones to look at are the head, ears, tail, and back. The higher a furbaby’s head, ears, and tail are, the more dominant it's feeling, and therefore the lower they are, the more submissive or unsure the furbaby is feeling.

Another issue to look at for is tension, significantly within the dog’s back and legs. The more tense a dog is, the higher its energy level, sort of a spring being force taut. In each cases, they reach a degree where they snap — the spring shoots back to its regular size, and therefore the dog lunges forward.

A good example of a “fight” intention changed by body language to form positive energy is once a dog does a play bow to interact another dog. The motion is forward, however the front of the furbaby’s body is low to the bottom. The intention is excitement however the feeling is friendly, that the energy is playful.

Here’s an opposite example: a furbaby might have its head, ears, and tail all raised. maybe it’s showing its teeth, and perhaps the hackles on its back are up similarly, but it's slowly backing away. The body language is showing aggression, however the intent is flight. Despite the aggressive show, this is often a dog that's scared of something.

It can be simple to misinterpret a furbaby’s energy if we don’t think about each both and intention. Some dogs express extreme submission by pulling their lips back to point out their teeth. Now, lots of individuals would see the dog’s teeth and assume that it’s on the brink of attack, but they’re missing the remainder of what the dog is saying.
If a dog shows its teeth but they’re together, the ears are force back along the head, the eyes are squinting, the dog lowers its body and leans away, then the dog is really retreating submissively and practicing rejection. Likewise, a dog might come back charging at you, however if its body is relaxed, its tail is level and wagging, and there’s no tension within the body, then it's showing excitement.

Furbabys can’t tell us in words what they’re thinking and feeling because they don’t have to. They’re expressing themselves constantly through motion and body language — intention times emotion equals energy. Once we learn the way to know these, a full world of communication with our dogs opens up.
Stay calm, and listen to your furbaby!

Miss Mildred and I would love to hear any of your stories you might have about yourself and your furbabys feel free to post them in the comments below we wish you a wonderful week !

 Thankyou for reading my little blog 
Miss Squeak Talks Furbaby Body Language!
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Have a Wonderful Day 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Saturday 23 May 2015

Miss Squeaks Truth About Chihuahuas !

I love my little Miss Mildred so I thought why not do a blog on her breed so here we go. 
The facts regarding Chihuahuas are each attention-grabbing and stunning, as this little breed has won over the hearts of millions round the world - one look and it's not hard to visualise why! Loyal, loveable and utterly mini, the Chihuahua is a perfect pet for the correct owner, and might bring endless joy to the lives of these around them. From puppy to adult dog, there are such a lot of facts to understand regarding Chihuahuas that you {just} might not notice just by appearances. as luck would have it because the spoken language goes, each dog has his day, and in that spirit, here are some marvellous facts regarding Chihuahuas that may soon have you adoring them the maximum amount as we tend to do! That is, of course, if you don’t already

Massive In Temperament
Appearances is deceiving - actually true in life, and positively true of this little dog, whose miniature size is not any match for his or her massive personalities! filled with character, charm and distinct individuality, the reality regarding this breed is that whereas they will return up short on inches and pounds, they're not to be underestimated. In fact, most Chihuahuas more than make up for his or her little size with their confident, inquisitive, brave  and daring attitudes, proving that good things undoubtedly are available little packages!

One of the foremost positive facts regarding  Chihuahuas, particularly if you're considering them as a possible pet, is however hearty of a breed they are. With a life span starting from 13 to fifteen years, generally even longer, and really few health issues, the common Chihuahua is that the image of vitality - sturdy, lively, and filled with life. Advantageous on several levels, from the perspective of low veterinarian prices and having the ability to boost a cheerful, energetic dog, choosing a hearty breed can even be a decent influence on your own health, fostering emotional well-being and promoting an active lifestyle.

An integral element of their character, one of the foremost important things to grasp concerning Chihuahuas is however incredibly loyal and devoted they are, usually attaching to the person or family that owns them with an intense and deep bond. while this quality is both lovely and appealing in a pet, Chihuahuas are often jealous with your affections and attention, and are famous to behave sharply if they feel their association or position being vulnerable. For that reason, Chihuahuas do very well in households where their loyalties are often channelled positively: in homes where they're the sole pet (the “King” or “Queen”, you might possibly say), living with different dogs within the same breed, or brought in to families where one owner will dedicate themselves to fostering that special, individual association. It appears to me that we have a tendency to we all use such loyalty in our lives...

With such tiny stature (perfect for cuddling!), such dynamic, devoted personalities, and such robust, systematically healthiness, it's seemingly no surprise that this breed of dog build wonderful companions for his or her house owners - so, for several folks, the camaraderie is the most appealing fact concerning Chihuahuas. usually mentioned affectionately as “mini shadows,” these sweet dogs are true pack animals, and as such, they love being a part of the “pack,” involved within the action around them, giving and receiving great affection, and curiously looking at your are move. In fact, Chihuahuas are famous to be less freelance dogs, preferring by far to be within the company of their house owners, or other Chihuahuas, to being alone, and have terribly high social desires in terms of partaking and interacting with others. during this respect, Chihuahuas are wonderful companions to people who have countless love and a focus to administer.

One of the foremost advantageous facts regarding Chihuahuas, like numerous little or toy breeds, is that these varieties of dogs are usually low-maintenance physically. nice for urban settings, they like consistent walks to long runs, dine in moderate to little amounts, need little or no grooming, and have few joint or muscle issues, even in older age. the most concerns physically for a Chihuahua involve the consequences of their little size: a sensitivity to colder climates, the lack to manoeuvre through or over giant obstacles, particularly in maturity, and the need for a harness rather than a typical leash for walking, as you'll simply injury their little, delicate necks with an average collar.

Clever, curious and strong-minded, the reality regarding this breed is that they're a awfully good dog. whether or not being trained in something new, figuring out their environment, or enjoying play #time, the actual fact regarding Chihuahuas is that with such high intelligence, they're unbelievably eager to combat a range of challenges and like to be engaged mentally. with that in mind, it’s necessary to grasp that Chihuahuas don't react well once they are bored and need a moderate to high level of interaction with their homeowners - during this case, you'll you can teach associate previous dog new tricks!

A HOLLYWOOD favourite
With numerous appealing qualities and such a self-confident manner, it's no marvel that Hollywood has fallen gaga with Chihuahuas, and this romance dates back much further than the times of Paris Hilton and Reese Witherspoon. potentially the foremost glamourous of all the facts regarding Chihuahuas, this breed had one in every of their initial Hollywood admirers in are, who magnificently acquired her pet Chihuahua, Josepha, when signing with Columbia pictures in 1948. quite sixty years later Chihuahuas are being featured in movies, tv commercials, and still idolized because the pets of the many international celebrities. I suppose, once you go Hollywood, you never go back!

Adorable features, miniature sizing and bigger than life attitudes: there are numerous aspects of Chihuahuas to love, it's clear why this magnetic very little breed has become such associate icon within the dog world. With numerous facts regarding Chihuahuas to learn and love, more and a lot of folks have taken to owning this special pet, and enjoying the large advantages that go together with this loveable dog. If you've got a Chihuahua, or simply love the breed, share with us! What are your favourite facts regarding Chihuahuas?

So I hope you have enjoyed my blog about the loving sweet breed that is Miss Mildred my beautiful Chihuahua I enjoy blogging about all breeds of furbabys and if you have a breed that you might want Miss Mildred and I to talk about please tell us in the comments below as we would love to know !! Hope everyone is safe and sound where ever you might be we send you love happiness and joy from
Perth Western Australia !

Thankyou for reading my blog 
Miss Squeaks Truth About Chihuahuas !
Remember to like +1 share and comment 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Miss Squeaks Grooming A Longhaired Furbaby !

 This is Sebastion aka The Bling Bling furbaby we love him very much and he is getting older at 12 and he is a shitzu and has some problems as you can see his eyes in the picture he has a condition that stops his eyes from getting lucubration so they dry out and get all mucky from the oil eye drops he has to have but as he is a 
long-haired furbaby he has a long maintenance,
Keeping your long-haired furbaby well groomed  is incredibly necessary, since matted and tangled coats will cause odours, depression and even infections. With a little ability and a couple of basic skills, you'll be able to groom your long-haired furbaby at home and save many bucks in grooming fees annually. I have four very furry furbabys that I groom every six to eight weeks. But I have one furbaby called Sebastion the shitzu in the picture above that just won't allow me to go anywhere near him with the clipper anymore even the lady whome would clip him at her grooming salon woulnt do him and more because as he has gotten older her has had a few run in's with the vet and had to have a hip replacement  a knee operation and half a ear cut off because of cancer. I know he is very very loved and we call him the Bling Bling furbaby as we have spent a lot of money on him but what I was leading to was now our little old man river has to go to the vet to and be put to sleep just for a haircut and when he is under sedation he will still try and nip the nurse that is giving him the much needed haircut so that is just why I am using his picture for my blog today. I also clip four other furbabys when I feel that they  need it mostly every 4 weeks in the summer months and 7 weeks in winter months I enjoy doing them and most of the time they are wonderful to do , But lets talk about grooming now.

Start with the ears

Use a small pin brush to brush the soft hair behind the ears. Then, use the same brush to comb the chest, armpit areas, tail and thighs. This part of dog grooming can be enjoyable for both you and your pet, as long as you are gentle.

Use a rake to thin the undercoat

This is a device that trims away some of the excess thick hair, leaving your dog's coat smoother and silkier. Not all breed associations recommend this, so make sure you consult the breed standards if you plan on showing your dog.

Clean up that face

Start with the eyes because they are the most sensitive. Use a moist cloth to wipe any discharge from the corners of the eye. Then, use the cloth to gently clean out the nostrils and the ears. Use small mustache scissors to trim the hairs inside the ears, but leave enough hair behind to protect the inner ear.

Start a bath

Choose a creamy shampoo that is made specially for long haired dogs. Wet your dog from the head and down towards the tail. Use your hands to be sure the water gets worked down to the skin, and then add the shampoo. Try to smooth the hair in one direction as you lather, rather than rubbing in circles, which forms tangles. Then, rinse your dog thoroughly, using your hand to protect the face and eyes from the runoff rinse water.

Apply conditioner

Use a high quality conditioner and smooth it into your dog's coat, once again avoiding circular rubbing motions. Let the conditioner sit for about five minutes before you rinse the coat.

Cut the stray hairs

Once your dog's coat has dried, use grooming scissors to trim the long hairs between the toes and at the ankles. Depending on the breed of dog and the amount of leg feathering, this may take a few minutes or an hour. Aim for straight feathers on the back of the legs.

Trim the tail

If this is the first time you are grooming a long-haired dog, this may be the hardest step. You want the hair that hangs from the tail to form a D-shape when you are finished. The easiest way to accomplish this is to hold the tail level with your dog's back, and then trim the hanging feathers with grooming shears. Ruffle the hair a bit, and then hold the tail and trim again. This helps you to trim any hairs you missed during the first round.
Grooming dogs with long hair is not very difficult once you get the hang of it. Remember to start by checking your breed's standards for grooming regulations if you plan on showing your dog. If you take your time and remember to be gentle, grooming can be a great bonding experience for you and your dog.
Sebastion will allow me to bath him so here is a picture below of him enjoying a bath !

 Thanks very much for reading 
Miss Squeaks Grooming A Longhaired Furbaby
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Hope too see you back here soon 

Miss Squeak And Miss Mildred xx

Miss Mildred with some of her furfamily in the picture we have Sebastion Miss Mildred Sabrina and Sir Odin, Once again thank you for reading.