Showing posts with label #bonding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #bonding. Show all posts

Friday 12 February 2016

New Puppy Its Potty Training Time !

       ..New Puppy Its Potty Training Time..

   Okay now we have a new puppy in the 

house and well first we 
have to let her get to know her new surrounding ,
so allow your puppy to walk around and smell out 
all the new things in the environment .

House training your puppy is about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. The goal is to instill smart habits and build a warm bond along with your pet.

It usually takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be absolutely house trained, however some puppies could take up to a year. Size will be a predictor. for example, smaller breeds have smaller bladders and better metabolisms and need additional frequent journeys outside. Your puppy's previous living conditions are another predictor. you'll notice that you simply ought to facilitate your puppy to break recent habits so as to help your  puppy make new ones.

As I got my Chihuahua Mildred from a breeder she was penned with her brothers and sister in a play pen and they were allowed to toilet in the same place where they slept so we are constantly on the ball watching her and by the time you have had your puppy for around 
2 weeks you should be able to see your pup smelling the ground and well my little fur baby walks around in circles and smells the floor 
so i know that she wants to go outside to the toilet ,
But don't be fooled you must go and place your puppy in the area you want them to go don't just place the pup outside as they will want to be with you so they might want to wee and poo at the backdoor . 
My little girl still has a few little mishaps but what can you do !
All you can to is be on your toes and if an accident happens its not the pups fault they are still learning ! 

When to Begin House Training Puppy

Experts recommend that you begin house training your puppy 

when he is between 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. At that point, he 

has enough control of his bladder and bowel movements to learn

 to hold it.

If your puppy is older than 12 weeks when you bring him home 

and he’s been eliminating in a cage (and possibly eating his 

waste), house training may take longer. You will have to reshape 

the dog’s behaviour -- with encouragement and reward.

Steps for Housetraining Your Puppy

Experts recommend confining the puppy to a defined space, 

whether that means in a crate, in a room, or on a leash. As your 

puppy learns that he needs to go outside to do his business, you 

can gradually give him more freedom to roam about the house.

  • When you start to house train, follow these steps:
  • Keep the puppy on a regular feeding schedule and take away his 
  • food  between meals. 

  • Take puppy out to eliminate first thing in the morning and then 
  • once every 30 minutes to an hour. 

  • Also, always take him outside 
  • after meals or when he wakes from a nap. 

  • Make sure he goes out 
  • last thing at night and before he’s left alone. 

  • Take puppy to the same spot each time to do his business. His 
  • scent will prompt him to go. 

  • Stay with him outside, at least until he’s house trained
  • When your puppy eliminates outside, praise him or give him a
  • treat. A walk around the neighbourhood is a nice reward. 

Thnaks for Reading !

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Remember to Like Share Comment xx

Thursday 23 April 2015

Miss Squeaks Get Your Furbaby Ready For Winter.


Okay so it's nearly winter in the land down under and I am getting little Miss Mildred all ready with some cute warm coats uggboots and extra warm pyjamas! As she is a smooth coated Chihuahua she finds the cold a little stressful as I have only had her for 5 months now I know she doesn't like it when it gets cold she loves to get under my blankets in my bed so my lovely aunt made Miss Mildred a sleeping bag and she just loves to get in to it and snuggle up and stay warm and on the bright side it keeps her fur from getting on everything and I am sure you all know about that issue. So lets talk about what and how to dress our furbaby.

  I am going to talk about Miss Mildred and her 
breed first then give some more tips on other furbaby types. And what to do if your furbaby gets frostbite or hypothermia so lets get started.

 Chihuahuas originated in hot dry climates where a single-layer coat of skinny fur was adequate insulation. Their tiny size combined with their skinny coat makes them particularly susceptible to ice, cold and snow within the winter. For the most effective winter protection, emphasise form over more in your pup's wardrobe.

Tip 1
Dress your Chihuahua in a very soft knit sweater. tiny knit sweaters slide additional more simply a jacket than the chunky knit selection. Sweaters are necessary and effective insulators, however the unwoven porous material will not shield your pup from icy winds. If you save cash in the winter by lowering the warmth, a sweater is critical for your Chihuahua inside.

Tip 2
Cover your Chihuahua's sweater with a doggy jacket. select a practically designed jacket without elaborations that get to him, like faux-fur necklines or poorly fitted hoods. select snaps and clips over Velcro. you are going to be putting this coat on your pup many times every day for many months, and frequent use makes Velcro patches less effective.

Tip 3
Put tiny winter booties on your Chihuahua's feet before grappling the icy salt-covered streets. The chemicals in salt will simply become compact within your tiny pup's paw, inflicting painful burning and irritation. Boots conjointly shield him from exposure. as a result of your Chihuahua only stands a number of inches off the bottom, it does not take a lot of snow before his paws are fully submerged in chilling snow and developing injury.

Some tips for other breeds of Furbabys 
Pets have a troublesome time once the cold weather sets in, therefore knowing the way to give proper take care of dogs outside in winter's frosty conditions is extremely necessary I recommends that pets live inside, however once your canine companion has to spend time outdoors throughout the winter, the following tips will help keep him happy, safe, and healthy.

Preparation for the Winter Chill
Before the mercury drops, you'll be able to take some steps to organize your dog for the change in seasons. Puppies and geriatric dogs will be more at risk of dangers from the cold. Pets with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, or renal disorder will have larger problem regulation their temperature and also are at increased risk. Breeds with long hair or thick coats can usually be more tolerant of the cold in comparison to hairy  dogs. According to the ASPCA, your pet's fur mustn't be clipped short throughout the winter, and lots of breeds of dog can take pleasure in a dog sweater or coat. In the colder  weather conditions. 

Tips for House Furbabys.
House dogs that spend the bulk of their time within can notice explosive exposure to the cold quite a shock. simply because dogs have fur doesn't mean that they do not feel the coolness, and a few breeds of dogs are more liable to cold than others. Dogs with downy or long coats do fancy a larger degree of insulation than short-haired dogs, however even the most effective insulated dogs can still feel the contrast in temperatures once stepping outside

If a dog is allowed to play outside, monitor him closely and bring him in if he starts to shiver or whine.
Help rheumatic or older pets once they are faced with stairs or ice. Slips and falls are more common, like folks.
Limit the length of your pet's walk in cold temperatures. once it drops below freezing, your pet ought to spend no more than ten to fifteen minutes outdoors.
Clear snow and ice to assist encourage tiny dogs to eliminate outside. tiny breeds will be trained to urinate and excrete on paper or diaper-like pads inside once weather is simply too extreme. Avoid outdoor journeys completely once the temperature or wind chill reaches below freezing.
Even inside, your pet could feel the cold. make sure that your dog's favorite bed is in a location free from drafts.
Pet clothing will facilitate to supply some extra insulation. make sure that you dry any wet article of clothing completely before dressing up your Furbaby. Protective boots also are on the market. Make sure that everything fits well and that your Furbaby is familiar with sporting it the new outfit.

Dangers within the Cold
Even with their fur coats, dogs are prone to frostbite. Severe tissue injury can occur with prolonged exposure to the cold and happens most typically within the extremities like the ear tips, paws, or tail. the foremost danger happens once the temperature or wind chill are close to or below freezing. a number of the symptoms of frostbite include:

Pale, gray, or light-blue discoloration of the affected skin
The area is cold or brittle to the touch
Pain or swelling
Blisters or ulcers on the skin
Blackened or dead skin
Sometimes the signs of frostbite aren't instantly visible and may develop days after the exposure. Treatment include mild and gradual rewarming with warm water . Dry the area after and keep your furbaby warm. Get veterinary care as promptly as possible to try to stop complications like infection.

Hypothermia happens once a dog's core vital sign drops below the traditional range. varied factors confirm the temperature at that your pet is in danger of hypothermia. Temperatures below freezing are the foremost dangerous. Having a wet coat also will increase the chance. Some dogs will even develop hypothermia at temperatures on top of physical change if they're little breeds, have very little fur, or are outdoors for a prolonged quantity of your time. hypothermia is severe if unrecognized and untreatedsigns of hypothermia will include:

Shivering or trembling
Muscle stiffness or unsteady and loss of coordination
Pale or grey gums
Fixed and expanded pupils
Low pulse rate and respiratory rate
Collapse or coma
First aid will be provided if you're concerned that your  furbaby is affected by hypothermia. Gradual rewarming with a blanket or hot water bottles is safest. get veterinary care if you suspect that your Furbaby is affected by severe hypothermia, or if your baby is showing symptoms apart from shivering or mild lethargy.

Protect Your Furbabys  Paws From Salt.
Watch out for your furbabys pads and feet in winter time as well.  In keeping with the ASPCA, a number of the rock salt used will be irritating to your Furbabys feet. Different dangers, like puddles of the very dangerous poisonous substance, antifreeze, can also end up on your furbabys feet and fur. Wipe your furbabys feet off with a warm and wet towel when he comes back inside from the snow. Ice balls will accumulate on the fur of the feet and may become painful. The snow may also mask dangers like sharp ice or metal. Lacerations of the feet and pads are more common within the winter months and will prompt a veterinary visit. 
Below is Miss Mildred wearing her new winter coat that has pants attached to them along with her pretty pink uggboots !

Thanks for reading Miss Squeaks Get Your Furbaby Ready For Winter . Remember to like comment +1 share and Join The Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred Blog, hope to see you soon. 

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx  

Thursday 9 April 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Lets Dress Up Your Furbaby.


So today I thought it would be fun to talk about dressing up our furbabys and a few reasons why to do it, I love to dress        Miss Mildred up in her cute sun dresses with matching collars she sits and waits for her outfit everyday its just adorable and it fun for us , I have been dressing Miss Mildred since she was brought home . She was so small and fragile so I had to keep her warm I hope my ideas help you out with dressing your furbaby and bring you both closer together!

Excellent Photo Opportunity.

It is never too early to begin coming up with for next year’s greeting card, particularly if you’re in matching outfits - that simply screams greeting card. Or at least a framed image for your table. 

You Can Get Matching Outfits.

This goes hand-in-hand together with your pet desperate to do what you are doing. Not solely can your pet get to dress up, you’ll be matching! It doesn’t get far better than that.

You Can Support Your Favorite Sports And Team Even More.

Sports fanatics rejoice! Nowadays there is more then one way to show your love to your favourite team. Its certain they need a mascot and maybe already have one, however you recognise your pet is cuter anyway. Miss Mildred has her West Coast Eagles jumper she wears with pride. And her AFL football team made it to the grand final and we know its because she wore her jumper every time they played hahaha.

Wacky Holidays Are Often a Bonding Experience.

Even one thing as silly as spending every day dressing up your pet is time spent together, and your pet relishes it.

Worst comes To Worst, The New Outfit Will Make A Decent Chew Toy.

So your furbaby doesn’t just like the outfit you picked out. Big deal. He’ll flip it into a chew toy instead and everybody can still be happy. (Of course, do not permit your furbaby to chew on something he will presumably choke on.)

Add A Bit Of Variety to the Routine.

The majority of days during a pet’s life are quite routine. Eating, napping, going for walks … spice up life with every day dress ups that sounds fun and  stand out from the other furbabys ! I love to dress Miss Mildred in all kinds of outfits to suit her mood and to protect her for the elements hence shoes and a cute sundress to keep the sun off her fragile skin and ugg boots with warm woolies of winter weather!

What Pet Wouldn’t Wish To Be the Center of Attention?

Is there anything pets love more than being the center of attention? No? So Dress your Furbaby up and he or she is certain to receive a lot of attention from anyone he or she comes across.

You Wear Garments, Your Furbaby Needs To Wear Them Too.

Does your pet wish to follow you around? Sit on the couch when you sit on the couch? Go outside once he sees you heading to the door? If the solution is affirmative, it's safe to mention that something you are doing, your pet will wish to try and do similarly. We think that includes dressing up. I love to dress up my furbaby Miss Mildred not only because she look cute and pretty but because it helps her to stay warm as she is a chihuahua she can become cold very easily so most of the time she will have a cute little play dress on , but when its cold and raining outside I will put on her warm coat that has legs to keep her warm all over then as she doesn't like to get her little feet wet I put ugg boot on her so she can run around and not get wet at all and it helps to keep my house dirt and sand free .

Thanks For Reading My Tips and Tricks 

On Lets Dress Up Your Furbaby. 

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As we would love to hear all of your fun Furbaby stories so don't be shy and comment below !

        Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Hope to see you back again soon !!
And if you would like us to talk about a issue you might have leave a comment below! 

Friday 27 March 2015

Miss Squeaks Tips To Challenge Your Furbaby .

Okay my fellow furbaby owners. Today I thought I would like to talk about a few things I do with my Miss Mildred to challenge her mind and not let her get bored and take it out on my shoes as I love my little furbaby but I also love my shoes and other girly things. So lets get started with a few tips .

Just like folks, dogs get tired of the same old everyday routine. Keeping them mentally challenged and constantly exposing them to new things is simply as necessary as taking them for walks and exercising them. Bored dogs develop damaging behaviours and take their negative energy out on things like your article of furniture.

Here are some artistic ways in which to stimulate your dog’s mind in order that they don’t get bored and misbehave. Work on a new trick

Every time you interact your dog in a coaching session, you are providing him with a mental challenge. Search around for brand spanking new tricks to work on. If you’re able to move past the essential commands, look at books, scan the net, and ask a trainer for concepts for brand spanking new tricks and coaching concepts.

“My dog, Miss Mildred just recently turned 6 months  old and I finally registered her in obedience faculty. it's modified each our lives. currently on days where I work her on new tricks and such, I even have noticed  that her temperament has calmed down. Challenging her mentally makes her a lot of less anxious generally and she has become more relaxed around different dogs. Miss Mildred is proof that previous dogs will undoubtedly learn new tricks.”Play with interactive games or toys along with your dog

Purchase a doggy parlor game or a canine puzzle to challenge your pup. interact your dog in a game of Dog Memory or Dog Dominos. give your dog one of the various toys that enable you to cover treats and objects within and interact your dog to work out how to work them out.

“This sounds silly however I bought this parlour game that I saw at the shop for my dog Miss Mildred and I to play together. I place treats beneath a peg and she has got to comprehend which of them to raise up so as to seek out wherever the treats are. there's another version wherever I hide the treats with this piece of plastic and Miss Mildred has got to spin the board around to uncover the treats. It really challenges her and I see her brain trying hard to working everything out.”Run errands together with your dog

Even a fast run to the mailbox, a trip at a friend’s house, or a spin through the car wash will place your dog face to face with a range of stimulants.

“Even simply taking Miss Mildred for a car ride or to the car wash is stimulating for her. She gets to envision lots of completely different sights and sounds and experience new things. she loves going and gets so excited. and i will see her brain operating because it takes it all in. And once we come home, she falls right asleep, even though it wasn’t physically taxing.”

Give your dog a job to do. 

Dogs are bred to complete tasks such as hunting and herding. When they aren’t able to fulfil  these types of duties, they can get restless. Engage your dog in a game of Frisbee. Get him involved in a sport like agility or Fly ball. Take him for a long walk, hike, or swim. Find jobs that  your dog’s breed. If you have a retriever, for example, nothing will leave it more satisfied than a hearty game of fetch.Introduce your dog to new faces

Every time your dog meets a brand new person or fellow canine, they're introduced to new sights, sounds, and butts to smell. Taking you pup to places just like the dog park can offer him or her with ample chance to have interaction their senses.

"I frequently take Miss Mildred  to the dog park, that she fully loves Mildred constantly meets new friends there and finds individuals to smell and get patted by. This has really made her listen better, less anxious and actually more happy." 

Give them new toys and rotate out the previous ones You wouldn’t wish to play with the same thing on a daily basis would you? Then you shouldn’t expect your furbaby to still love a similar toy that she’s had for months. offer her a toy to play with for a couple of days and after they grow bored of it, replace it with another one.

“ Miss Mildred  has such a large amount of toys however still gets bored. It’s ridiculous! i'm constantly bringing new toys into the house however she has a short attention span so they solely keep her diverted for a minute. we started keeping all of her  toys in a basket within the closet and rotating them out. She has so many currently and we’ll change up a replacement toy with one that she’s had for days which she could have forgotten about. She loves this and whenever we switch them up, Miss Mildred is simply as excited as when she gets a brand new toy.” 

Thankyou for reading Miss Squeaks

 Tips To Challenge Your Furbaby .

 Please +1 Like Share and Comment .

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Bonding With Your New Furbaby

So it is me again Miss Squeak and today I would like to talk about the bond between you and your new fur baby whether its young or older dog we need to start with showing this new member of our family that we are there for her/him to love and protect them. 
This new little bundle of joy and happiness is going to test your patience and not always do the right thing but with all that aside you have chosen your new fur baby to come home with you on this new adventure hope some of these words below help you out! 

Lets get Started then! Bonding with your new Furbaby !

Whether your pet may be a puppy or an adult dog, every activity the 2 of you share builds and strengthens your bond.

- Stroking, patting and gently grooming all comfort and please your dog.

- appropriate play permits you to share your dog's natural joy in movement and games.

- Time spent in agility coaching and obedience work enhances your relationship whereas permitting your dog to achieve confidence as he successfully completes tasks and earns your approval as well as the occasional treat.

- make certain that the sessions are not any longer than the dog's attention span which they always end on an up note with the dog with success finishing a command and winning praiseDogs perceive and learn from the implications that follow their actions. By pleasing smart behaviour with praise, attention and honestly given rewards, you reinforce both the behaviour and therefore the bond between you and contribute to your dog's sense of confidence and his place within the family structure. If the dog's behaviour is unacceptable, make this clear in an exceedingly firm, negative tone of voice. Intimidation, cruelty or any attempt to hurt or damage your dog betrays his trust, damages the bond you share and may lead him to be fearful.

Dogs come back to us with a natural sense of order and a willingness to acknowledge humans as leader. In response, we want to strengthen our position by assured and consistent leadership and guidance. Understanding your dog's worldview and being a firm and consistent leader can enable him to grow to his full canine potential and allow the bond between you to continue to develop.

Establishing a bond is best and most natural with puppies. leaving their mother's authority at about eight weeks (taking puppies from their litter before 6 weeks suggests that the puppy misses a crucial  part of the "litter" experience and should forever have issue relating to other dogs), the impressionable puppy willingly comes to see his human as the leader. You reinforce this natural tendency by calm, patient, consistent attention and by permitting the puppy to adjust to new routines. The pup is anxious to trust and bond and will respond absolutely to your care.

- Give him  a safe sanctuary that's quiet and puppy-proof. I had a playpen for my fur baby Mildred and it worked just great she was able to feel safe and my other dogs were able to see and smell her too.As Mildred was so very small it was wonderful to have this place for her as she could get stepped on and in up in the vet not something what we really wanted so if you can use some place where you can leave you new pup so you can do things like the washing and cleaning where your puppy is not in the way.

- Build his confidence with unambiguous expectations and mild treatment. Young puppies are simply intimidated, therefore use caution when training.

- A firm "no" is sometimes adequate when discipline is important.

Adult Dogs
Establishing a bond with an adult dog might take to a small degree longer, particularly if he comes from a troubled past, however it is well definitely worth the effort. If possible, learn as much as you'll be able to regarding your adult dog's formative years therefore you'll be able to avoid unwittingly repeating any difficult  or horrifying experiences.

- Assert your leadership in a non-confrontational manner.

- Be clear and firm in your expectations and wait.

Hope this was helpful and gives you a little more knowledge about this issue, we all have some thing our fur baby does that might make us angry or mad but remember we are the leaders of the pack and it is up to us to help our new fur baby adjust .. Thankyou for reading !

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred