Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Sunday 27 November 2016

Miss Squeaks Fun Christmas Ideas For Your Furbaby!

 Okay lets talk Christmas, and our furbabys now its my first Christmas with Miss Mildred and gee I can't wait to get her new dresses from Ebay that we ordered I know I am excited to get them she has a few coming and I have a red and white one picked out for her to wear for the big day! Its so very cute a frilly just like the pretty princess that she is aww I mustn't be the only one who is excited about Christmas even Sir George has a outfit a little green elf costume that he looks so fantastic in and yes I will post pictures of them in their Christmas digs, Because I know you will want to see them haha! But i thought of a few ideas that you might like to do with your furbabys this Christmas! And we'll  get straight to it now.

If you're  like me , you think about your dog a part of your family. Then Christmas  is simply another occasion to solidify that relationship and embrace your dogs in all of the season’s commotion. Should you not break down before Christmas Eve, here are some gifts and activities that might make this Christmas extra, exceptional for you and your dog.

1. Get your dog a stocking.

That is, if they do not have one already. If this is your dog’s 1st Christmas with you, this can be a extremely nice way to commemorate your 1st of the many Christmas holidays together and solidify his or her place in your home.

There are 2 choices for this small activity. you could run out to your local Target or Kmart Red Dot or BigW and find a cute little stocking with their initial on it. That’s fast, easy, and totally counts. Or, if you have got a while to do a small homemade project, create one! Decorating a stocking that matches your dog’s temperament is something fun to do while you and your dog are sharing time watching crummy Christmas movies over a chewy bone and some wine/punch.

2. Lend a homeless dog a hand.

If your dog is dog friendly, this feature may be for you. wherever I spend the holidays, many shelters and rescues would love nothing more than to get their dogs out of their facilities or boarding to get a much-needed night in a home. Just  a day or 2 in a nice, warm home goes a long way towards helping out  a dog who is not as lucky as your own dog. Run a rescue or work with a shelter? Contemplate making a short-run fostering program for the holidays.

3. Take fun photos.

Earlier this season, one amongst my dogs gave up the ghost. Not to  get momentarily morbid, however having a lot of photos of him has positively helped Me and my family grieve. The Holidays are the simplest time to form those recollections and capture them so you mostly have a token of happy, silly, spirited times.

In my house, we’ve invested in jingle bell collars. The collars look laughably goofy on my  furbabys and create a lot of noise, however in a photo it’s too cute for words so worthwhile.

4.Participate in a very special activity together.

December is one in all the few months where everyone probably gets a while off of work. To make up for all those busy days throughout the year when your pup waited with patience for you to get home, do something exceptional together that you just might not get to try to to the remainder of the year. We are thinking of taking our furbabys to the beach Yay they'll like it.
Less-intensive activities are even as special. It could also be  a special trip to a doggy playground, or a walk on a brand new path you don’t take each day. This is just one nice way to show your dog how much he or she means to you and may make the holidays even more special for each of you.

Once again I would like to thank you all for coming and reading all of my blogs this is truly a passion for me and I enjoy doing the blog posts its fun and gets my brain moving in and on the right path but if we ever seem to be talking about the same stuff and you get bored just leave a comment below on what you might like Miss Mildred and I to talk about! We would love to keep everyone happy and up to date with whats going on with us over here in Perth Western Australia!
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And come back soon !
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred

Friday 17 June 2016

Miss Squeaks Common Chihuahua Health Issues.

 Hello everyone Miss Mildred and myself Miss Squeak 
have had a little break from blogging over the last few weeks as I have been having problems with my eye sight and not 
being able to use my computer nor iPad it has been very hard not be able to blog as I really enjoy talking about things that are going on in the day to day life of Miss Mildred and myself so in the next few weeks I will be going in to have my back drained of the excess fluid that backs up behind my eyes and creates problems with my eyesight as the pressure from the fluid causes my optic nerves to swell, therefore causing the buildup of pressure and my eyes have a party with their own rave pulsing in my head and can't handle light or the sunlight so I have been in my cocoon as I call it not knowing when I will be able to blog again , After lots of painkillers I am sitting here typing and gee I am enjoying this as I love to talk about  furbaby tips and tricks to help you all with  your babies , So lets get started with some common Chihuahua health issues.

 Some Common Issues
  While Chihuahuas have fewer genetic defects than other  breeds (maybe as a result of such a big amount of breeders attempting laborious to eliminate problems), no breed is perfect. The subsequent sections below will show you some idiosyncrasies — some serious however most not — that are typically seen in Chihuahuas and different Toy breeds.

Subluxation of the patella
In dog lingo, subluxation of the patella is named slipped stifles or loose kneecaps. once it happens, the kneecap (we're talking about the rear legs) slips out of its groove — sometimes often and generally seldom — depending on the severity of the matter. If your dog is one of the unfortunate few whose kneecaps slip often, surgery is also the answer. A dog with a light case will live a standard life, kind of like a person with a trick knee. Subluxation of the patella could be a relatively common drawback in tiny breeds and a few massive ones as well.

Hypoglycemia suggests that low blood glucose and could be a common drawback in young Toy breed puppies, though most of them grow out of it before they're old enough to depart the breeder. But for some, it is a danger throughout their lives.

Symptoms of low blood glucose are a staggering gait, glassy eyes, and generally either softness or rigidity. If the dog does not receive immediate help, he will suffer seizures, unconsciousness, and eventually, death. Treatment involves putting some sugar in your dog's mouth, calling  your Furbabys Doctor, and heading for the clinic. Once you recognize your dog has a tendency toward hypoglycaemia, you'll prevent more attacks by changing his feeding schedule to tiny amounts many times daily and avoiding sweetened treats (check the ingredients before getting the  dog treats). An excessive amount of sugar in his food will place Pepe on a roller coaster ride of sugar highs and lows instead of keeping his blood glucose nice and level.

If you get your Chi accustomed taking delicious liquid from an eyedropper, administering liquid medication becomes a cinch. Sometimes melt a teaspoon of vanilla frozen dessert, place it in an eyedropper and give it to her just as if it had been medication.

Collapsing trachea
Collapsing trachea could be a drawback for Toy dogs of many breeds. The symptoms embody coughing, shortness of breath, and exhaustion. although it appears more typically in dogs older than five years, an occasional puppy has it from birth. To grasp the condition, think about the trachea as a straw manufactured from cartilage that carries air from the neck to the chest. once the cartilage collapses, breathing becomes troublesome, quite like sipping soda through a flattened straw.

Your vet will treat the condition with medication, however if you smoke, your Chi's prognosis is also poor. Secondhand smoke is a proven contributing issue to the problem . . . and smoke tends to settle low, wherever a little dog's nose is. My very little Miss Mildred has this condition and it's conjointly known as the reverse sneeze after I detected Miss Mildred create this noise for the first time i was so afraid and frighten i assumed  she was going to die and she was only home a day of so once this happened.

Heart murmur
Heart murmurs are relatively uncommon in Chihuahuas and even those that have one usually have the functional kind. As in folks, which means they will be as active and athletic as they want and live long, traditional lives.

The Chihuahua's molera(a.k.a. fontanel) is considered a breed characteristic and not a defect. Most Chihuahuas (80 percent to 90 percent) have a molera — a soft spot on the top of their head kind of like a human baby's soft spot. However in contrast to babies, most Chihuahuas do not outgrow it. though it always shrinks because the dog matures and finally ends up between nickel- and dime-sized, your furbaby's molera will not be a problem as long as you are gentle once fondling or handling her head.

In rare cases, the molera remains quite massive and might be a symbol of a significant problem referred to as abnormality (see subsequent section). however don't borrow trouble. hydrocephalus has many alternative signs besides a larger-than-usual molera.

A dog with hydrocephalus (a.k.a. water on the brain) could have a bizarrely massive head for his size caused by swelling. other signs of this fatal condition are frequent falling, seizures, lots of white showing within the eyes, an unsteady gait, and east-west eyes (the opposite of crossed eyes). A dog with hydrocephalus is in pain and will not live long, therefore euthanasia is the humane resolution. (Euthanasia is the medical term for a humane, vet-assisted death.)

Going under anesthesia
The possibility that your dog could someday need anesthesia is one main reason why you would like to choose a Furbaby Doctor who is accomplished in treating Toy dogs. although anesthesia-related deaths are rare, and typically the results of an allergic reaction, its use is potentially dangerous. Your vet uses anesthesia only if necessary (before surgery, for example).

Be sure you recognise the way to clean your furbaby's teeth properly in order that cleansing them under anesthesia is not necessary. once your dog has to go under anesthesia (during spaying or fixing, for example), ask your Furbaby Doctor if any necessary dental work (such as pulling impacted baby teeth) will be done at the same time.

Be sure your vet uses one of the modern gas anesthetics. they're much safer than the old fashioned intravenous product.

Watch those eyes
It's certainly not a condition, but because Chihuahuas have massive eyes and live near the ground, they're additional susceptible to eye injuries than a lot of alternative breeds. Place several drops of saline solution in your dog's eye if the injury appears minor. that's usually all it takes to flush out a remote object that was accidentally kicked up by someone's shoe. If that does not relieve the matter, or if the injury seems additional serious, take your Furbaby to the vet.

I really hope this blog has helped you with any of your concerns regarding your little furbaby chihuahua. 
Miss Mildred has been sitting on my lap while I have been 
typing this blog as I mentioned before I have been unwell with my inter cranial hypertension and she has been looking after her mumma very well I believe our furbabys know when we are unwell and they comfort us in the only way they know with love licks and kisses. Miss Mildred and my amazing Monster are the most wonderful caring loving sweet and affectionate people in my life I am so lucky to have them both in my life so until my next blog stay safe and remember to smile. If you have anything you might like me to write about don't hesitate to let me know in the comments below as I would love to have a challenge or project to research , 

Have a wonderful week ! 
Live Laugh Love 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

 Thankyou very much for reading my blog 
Miss Squeaks Common Chihuahua Health Issues 
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Saturday 28 May 2016

Miss Squeak Talks About Miss Mildred The Chihuahua and All Her Outfits!

 So today I thought I would talk about Miss Mildred and the amount of outfits she has, Is it just me or are there others that dress their furbabys up? As you all might know Miss Mildred is a chihuahua and she is 2yrs old in September and she is my little shadow, best friend and my favourite way to waste time, She makes me laugh and giggle everyday she looks after me when I am not well. She is truly my protecter nurse and the class clown,
Miss Mildred is just so amazing.

 I have dressed her since she was a puppy. We got Miss Mildred in November 2014 and she was 4mths old and so very tiny like many chihuahua she was so fragile and I just wanted to protect her. 
In the picture above she was in her very  first dress and it was Summer here in Perth Western Australia so little sun dresses were just perfect for getting Miss Mildred used to wearing dresses,
I also wanted her to be ready to wear coats for winter because she is so small and fragile I didn't want her to be cold, 
My little girl wears some sort of clothing everyday and when she is naked after her bath she will go and stand in the wardrobe and bark at her clothes so I think she enjoys wearing them as much as I enjoy dressing her.

I have so many outfits with matching shoes and collars and her clothes hang up on cute little pink hangers and she is starting to have more then me and that might be starting to become a problem!  I love looking for new cute jackets,  jumpers, shirts and  dresses along with collars and necklaces we need a whole room just for her stuff not to mention the leads and harness. 
Below is a snap shot of some of the things she has gee whizz. 
I think she is just a little spoilt!

 Today Miss Mildred has on the animal print mink coat with satin red lining just so fancy and she looks so cute.
Its very cold at the moment and I don't want Miss Mildred to be cold she I get her dressed each morning in something that will keep her warm and toasty and because she doesn't like walking on the cold or we  floor she get her shoes put on for outside and it is not mean or cruel to do so as if she has no shoes on my little princess will wee on the floor so shoes it is. Do any of you dress or  put shoes on your furbabys? I can't be the only one can I ?? 
I would love to hear about what you do to keep your furbabys warm and toasty!

  So as I said before today was just a quick little blog about the things I do to keep my little Chihuahua happy and comfy.
I would like to thank  everyone that comes and has a little  read or a look at my pictures of Miss Mildred, I really enjoy doing this and your feed back is just lovely !!

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We hope to see you all back again!
See you soon.

Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx 

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Miss Squeak Lets Talk About Miss Mildred My Furbaby Chihuahua.

 Okay so today I thought we might talk about
my little furbaby Chihuahua Miss Mildred ,
many people still think she is a puppy as she is so very small and little just what I wanted.
I love everything about her from her huge ears too her big brown eyes her sweet little toes and her lovely personality she has to be my best friend and she gives so much affection to my whole family but I am her human and she knows that when we watch tv or are just siting around talking Miss Mildred is there if not on my lap.
I was told to get a male as they are my likely to be lapdogs hmmm nope my little one is never far from us!

I was really scared when we first got her as I had never had a Chihuahua before and she was ever so small and fragile. So when we got her home we had every thing ready for her a special play pen so when we went to bed she would have a safe place to sleep and so we wouldn't walk in wee and poo when we woke up. Miss Mildred was down stairs in the play pen and it worked great for keeping her safe and out of the way when I was cleaning and cooking the kitchen. Then after about 2 weeks she learnt how to get out and in the middle of the night she would be at our bedroom door crying very loudly to be let in. 
We and I mean me would pick her up and take her down stairs to the toilet then place her back into her bed and get back to bed myself.
Then a few hours later the crying would start again bugga bugga bumbum so at this time after about 2 weeks of this it was like gee just put her into bed wit us and she would go straight  to sleep hmmm and the little innocent girl got her way we allowed her to sleep with us until she was around 9mths old  then we started to train her to sleep with her fur brother Sir George and it was hard to do so every time she out of her bed and started scratching at the side of the bed and growling she was told "no bed" and put back into her bed. Still to this day Miss Mildred starts the night in her bed then somehow every morning she is in the bed between my Monster and I cheeky little Chihuahua. But so cute  and lovely at the same time.

The most scariest thing that has happened while having Miss Mildred is when she got stung by a bee wow I was so terrified that I was shaking, I will post the picture below her little face was so swollen and I thought she might stop breathing!
I was one the phone to the vet straight away and removed the stinger from her chin then gave her some medicine and put ice on her face! She didn't like that at all. So thats the most scariest time in her life.

Miss Mildred brings so much love and happiness into our life and I don't know what I would do with out her here to look out for me, When I am sick, As I have an eye problem that can sometimes leave me in bed in a dark room with no light and I had one of these episodes just recently and my little Miss Mildred was on my bed or on my lap the whole time and even went off her food as well what a sweet  little chihuahua I have she is just a true blessing to our life and she is everything I ever wanted in a furbaby she is loyal caring loveable sweet and is always happy is see me when ever I get home even if we have only been 10 minutes its unconditional love Miss Mildred doesn't care if I have makeup on or if I have brushed my hair she is just happy to see me. 
How lucky am I. So far we haven't had any problems with her at all she has been desexed had all her needles and is so very cheap to feed there are so many pluses to having a Chihuahua 
As we have many other dogs in our pack 
Miss Mildred is the only one I don't need to 
clip every 6 weeks and I am grateful for that. 
I am able to clip her nails we ease as I started playing with her toes,  feet and paw pads as soon as I got her and I rub her feet when she sits with me as well and its worked out a positive thing to do as she wears shoes in the summer to protect her feet from the hot ground. 

I would go as far as saying she loves to get dressed up in the morning as we get her out of her pyjamas into her day dress she will sit near her dresses and just wait to get dressed just to cute for words. I was easy to train her to shake hands sit, speak, stop, come and fetch. All thing that everyone should teach their furbabys just so you know your furbaby will be safe while out and about. The way I went about training 
Miss Mildred was treat training and I did this 4 times daily and over a month she was able to do mostly all the things I mentioned above. 
Now Miss Mildred will do them without treats. I get her to sit and give me a high five every night before I feed her dinner, and like magic she is sitting waiting for me with her paw up!
So that is a little look in to the life of my 
furbaby Chihuahua Miss Mildred.  

 I Would like to thank everyone for coming and reading my blogs its a fun thing to do and it keeps me busy I have a passion for my furbabys and just thought  other people might like to read about what is going on with us. So if you have any ideas for a blog just let me know in the comments below and I would love to get some new ideas and to hear your stories about your furbabys and what you do with them.

So once again thanks for reading my blog
Miss Squeak Lets Talk About Miss Mildred 
My Furbaby Chihuahua.
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Sunday 19 July 2015

Miss Squeaks Update On Miss Mildred !

 Today I would love to update you all on the the progress of  little Miss Mildred and the sleeping in her own bed drama. Well it was only a few weeks ago that my Monster said its about time that Miss Mildred started to sleep in her own fluffy warm cozy bed, As she was very little I allowed her to sleep with me while she was a puppy because I wanted her to be safe and sound. Miss Mildred is my little girl and she goes everywhere with me as I think your furbaby should. But as we all know when you have a baby in the bed with you sometimes you focus more on the baby then your partner if you know what I mean!! So over the last week I have taken on the challenge of getting my little girl to sleep on her own or with her furbaby brother 
George Wobble. The first two nights were very hard as she was wanting to be with us so she was jumping and whining at the side of the bed, 
But every time  she would jump or whine I would  just say in your bed and place her back into her bed. I was very tired by the third night yet I stuck to the challenge and guess what Miss Mildred didn't even try to get onto the bed and she put 
herself into her bed yay and over the last three nights she has done then same each night so now   
I can smuggle up to my Monster again with no furbabys in the bed I must say I thought this would be very hard to do yet with a little patience and practice I can say our little girl is growing up   fast and we had now taken back the bed and its lots of cuddles and kisses for me ! 
Our mission was to get Miss Mildred to sleep in her bed and for my Monster to be able to sleep with out stressing he would squash her. By doing this we have put the little furbaby back into her place as a dog and its has not stressed her out as furbabys like to know their place in the pack and we have shown Miss Mildred that she is loved and she gets heaps of attention and lots of playtime with her mumma and fur brothers and sisters  and she just doesn't sleep with us at 
night ! Now its time for us to go home and apply the same nighttime routine there as I don't want to confuse her please wish me luck its been harder for me I think as I like having her with me yet I realise its better to have her in her own bed. I would love to hear any of your stories about what you did to get your furbaby out of your bed ? 

Thanks very much for reading my blog 
Miss Squeaks Update On Miss Mildred!
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Miss Squeak Talks The Loss Of A Furbaby !

  Okay this little Blog is about the loss of a very special little man that i have spoken about in a blog before Old Man River aka Sebastion he has been very sick over the last few years and has gotten worse in the last four months I talked about his new medication for his fluid on his heart lungs and liver the pressure of the fluid was making it very hard of him to pump the blood around his little body so over the last 2 weeks he has not been his self at all  he just wanted to sit and stare off into the sky or the swimming pool he didn't want to play with his toys nor did he want to have his favourite treats either. As my mum is away on holiday on the other side of Australia and we are here in Perth Western Australia it was hard for her to know her furbaby was so poorly and unwell. Last Sunday I called my mum with the update of Sebastions health and after many tears we decided it was his time to go off to the land of happiness and joy with no pain, we had Sebastion on lots of medication for his heart his pain from his operations he has had on his hips and knees and he was just not responding to the new meds that were meant to assist him in being able to breath and just go about being a furbaby. But He was crying out in pain all night and day i had to help him to the toilet and he was just not copping very well so with heavy hearts we made the appointment for the vets on Monday 
he had a wonderful life and his last night was full of all the things he loved family food cuddles and just about anything he wanted. To keep him here with us would be selfish as he was in so much pain. Its was so hard knowing it was his last night I cried  all night and couldn't sleep a wink it was horrible I had the support of my loving partner Monster and my little chihuahua 
Miss Mildred, as the night turned into day I was feel sick in the tummy knowing what was to come 
we entered the vets where Sebastion has been a client since he was a pup. The staff were loving and so very supportive in every way they knew this day was on the cards as he goes to get clipped every 6 weeks where they have to sedate him I know he was only 12 years old and he lived  a very loving spoilt life, which didn't make going into the vets room any easier, once inside the room Sebastion was given a sedative to relax him 
I had him in my arms rocking him like the baby he was soon the time came to have the other needle and out came the clipper I thought he would put up a fight as he hates the sound of the clippers and they have to normally give him for medication then they had to be able to clip him but he was brave and allowed Jodie the vet nurse to clip his little leg and them in my arms they put the needle in and within about 1 minute I felt his soul leave his body and he was gone it was ever so fast and I cried so much I know people will say that it was wrong to do this but it was the the only option left for him and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. When we got home all the other furbabys were waiting at the front door for him to come in its like they know. 
Miss Mildred wouldn't let me out of her sight its very strange to not have him snorting and snoring but he is in the land of happiness and joy  pain free and chasing all the birds and postmen he can find! Below I have a few things that might help you with the loss of your Furbaby !

                                        Am I crazy to hurt so much?

Intense grief over the loss of a furbaby  is normal and natural. Don't let anyone tell you that it's silly, crazy, or overly sentimental to grieve!
During the years you spent with your furbaby (even if they were few), it became a significant and constant part of your life. It was a source of comfort and companionship, of unconditional love and acceptance, of fun and joy. So don't be surprised if you feel devastated by the loss of such a relationship.
People who don't understand the pet/owner bond may not understand your pain. All that matters, however, is how you feel. Don't let others dictate your feelings: They are valid, and may be extremely painful. But remember, you are not alone: Thousands of furbaby owners have gone through
 the same feelings. 

What Can I Expect to Feel?
Different people experience grief in different ways. Besides your sorrow and loss, you may also experience the following emotions:

Guilt may occur if you feel responsible for your pet's death-the "if only I had been more careful" syndrome. It is pointless and often erroneous to burden yourself with guilt for the accident or illness that claimed your pet's life, and only makes it more difficult to resolve your grief.

Denial makes it difficult to accept that your pet is really gone. It's hard to imagine that your pet won't greet you when you come home, or that it doesn't need its evening meal. Some pet owners carry this to extremes, and fear their pet is still alive and suffering somewhere. Others find it hard to get a new pet for fear of being "disloyal" to the old.

Anger may be directed at the illness that killed your pet, the driver of the speeding car, the veterinarian who "failed" to save its life. Sometimes it is justified, but when carried to extremes, it distracts you from the important task of resolving your grief.

Depression is a natural consequence of grief, but can leave you powerless to cope with your feelings. Extreme depression robs you of motivation and energy, causing you to dwell upon your sorrow.

             What am I able to do regarding my feelings?

The most vital step you'll take is to be honest regarding your feelings. Do not deny your pain, or your feelings of anger and guilt. Only by examining and coming back to terms along with your feelings are you able to begin to figure through them.

You have a right to feel pain and grief! Somebody you really loved has died, and you are feeling alone and mourning. You've got a right to feel anger and guilt, as well. Acknowledge your feelings 1st, then ask yourself whether or not the circumstances really justify them.

Locking away grief does not make it escape. Express it. Cry, scream, pound the ground, talk it out. Do what helps you the most. Don't try and avoid grief by not thinking about your pet; instead, envision the nice times. this may assist you understand what your pet's loss really means to you.

Some realize it useful to express their feelings and reminiscences in poems, stories, or letters to the pet. Alternative ways as well as rearranging your schedule to fill within the times you'd have spent together with your pet; preparing a memorial like a photograph collage; and talking to others regarding your loss.

When is the right time to euthanize a pet?

Your Furbaby Vet is the best judge of your pet's physical condition; but, you're the best judge of the quality of your pet's everyday life. If a pet has a good appetite, 
responds to attention, seeks its owner's company, and participates in play or family life, many owners feel that
 this is often not the time. However, if a pet is in
 constant pain, undergoing tough and nerve-racking treatments that are not helping greatly, unresponsive to affection, unaware of its surroundings, and tired of life, a caring pet owner can in all probability favor to finish the beloved companion's suffering.

Evaluate your pet's health honestly and unselfishly along with your Furbaby Vet. Prolonging a pet's suffering so as to stop your own ultimately helps neither of you. Nothing can make this call a straightforward or painless one, however it's actually the ultimate act of affection that you will make for your pet.

Should I stay during euthanasia?

Many feel this is often the ultimate gesture of affection and comfort you'll be able to provide your furbaby. Some feel relief and comfort themselves by staying: They were able to see that their pet passed peacefully and without pain, and that it was really gone. For many, not witnessing the death (and not seeing the body) makes it harder to just accept that the pet is absolutely gone. However, this could be traumatic, and you want to ask yourself honestly whether or not you may be ready to handle it. Uncontrolled emotions and tears-though natural-are likely to upset your pet.

Will my other furbabys grieve?

Furbabys observe change in the family social unit, and are certain to notice the absence of a companion. Pets typically form strong attachments to one another, and therefore the survivor of such a pair could seem to grieve for its companion. Cats grieve for dogs, and dogs for cats.

You may need to offer your living pets plenty of additional attention and love to help them through this period. keep in mind that, if you're aiming to introduce a replacement pet, your living pets might not settle for the newcomer at once, however new bonds can grow in time. Meanwhile, the love of your living pets will be splendidly healing for your own grief.

I hope this has helped you with some of your concerns about the loss of a Furbaby !

Thankyou so much for reading 
Miss Squeak Talks The Loss Of A Furbaby
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Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Thursday 9 April 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Lets Dress Up Your Furbaby.


So today I thought it would be fun to talk about dressing up our furbabys and a few reasons why to do it, I love to dress        Miss Mildred up in her cute sun dresses with matching collars she sits and waits for her outfit everyday its just adorable and it fun for us , I have been dressing Miss Mildred since she was brought home . She was so small and fragile so I had to keep her warm I hope my ideas help you out with dressing your furbaby and bring you both closer together!

Excellent Photo Opportunity.

It is never too early to begin coming up with for next year’s greeting card, particularly if you’re in matching outfits - that simply screams greeting card. Or at least a framed image for your table. 

You Can Get Matching Outfits.

This goes hand-in-hand together with your pet desperate to do what you are doing. Not solely can your pet get to dress up, you’ll be matching! It doesn’t get far better than that.

You Can Support Your Favorite Sports And Team Even More.

Sports fanatics rejoice! Nowadays there is more then one way to show your love to your favourite team. Its certain they need a mascot and maybe already have one, however you recognise your pet is cuter anyway. Miss Mildred has her West Coast Eagles jumper she wears with pride. And her AFL football team made it to the grand final and we know its because she wore her jumper every time they played hahaha.

Wacky Holidays Are Often a Bonding Experience.

Even one thing as silly as spending every day dressing up your pet is time spent together, and your pet relishes it.

Worst comes To Worst, The New Outfit Will Make A Decent Chew Toy.

So your furbaby doesn’t just like the outfit you picked out. Big deal. He’ll flip it into a chew toy instead and everybody can still be happy. (Of course, do not permit your furbaby to chew on something he will presumably choke on.)

Add A Bit Of Variety to the Routine.

The majority of days during a pet’s life are quite routine. Eating, napping, going for walks … spice up life with every day dress ups that sounds fun and  stand out from the other furbabys ! I love to dress Miss Mildred in all kinds of outfits to suit her mood and to protect her for the elements hence shoes and a cute sundress to keep the sun off her fragile skin and ugg boots with warm woolies of winter weather!

What Pet Wouldn’t Wish To Be the Center of Attention?

Is there anything pets love more than being the center of attention? No? So Dress your Furbaby up and he or she is certain to receive a lot of attention from anyone he or she comes across.

You Wear Garments, Your Furbaby Needs To Wear Them Too.

Does your pet wish to follow you around? Sit on the couch when you sit on the couch? Go outside once he sees you heading to the door? If the solution is affirmative, it's safe to mention that something you are doing, your pet will wish to try and do similarly. We think that includes dressing up. I love to dress up my furbaby Miss Mildred not only because she look cute and pretty but because it helps her to stay warm as she is a chihuahua she can become cold very easily so most of the time she will have a cute little play dress on , but when its cold and raining outside I will put on her warm coat that has legs to keep her warm all over then as she doesn't like to get her little feet wet I put ugg boot on her so she can run around and not get wet at all and it helps to keep my house dirt and sand free .

Thanks For Reading My Tips and Tricks 

On Lets Dress Up Your Furbaby. 

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As we would love to hear all of your fun Furbaby stories so don't be shy and comment below !

        Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Hope to see you back again soon !!
And if you would like us to talk about a issue you might have leave a comment below! 

Saturday 4 April 2015

Miss Squeak Talks How To Stop Your Furbaby From Chewing !

Okay lets talk about your Furbay chewing you stuff and a few helpful tips and trick to curb this habit.  Inappropriate chewing could be a fairly common drawback in young dogs and stems from the very fact that puppies use their mouths as a way of exploring the planet around them. Chewing could be a traditional behaviour for puppies however becomes undesirable behaviour once it's directed towards inappropriate objects like your shoes, furniture, or maybe your hands and feet. If inappropriate chewing isn't corrected then it will cause wide scale destruction of private property, medical issues and erosion of the human-animal bond.

A dog’s deciduous teeth can erupt between 3 to eight weeks older and around four to 6 months older these teeth are going to be step by step replaced with permanent teeth. growth could be a painful method and puppies chew additional throughout this period of your time as a result of their gums are terribly irritated during this point and also the act of chewing relieves their discomfort. Inappropriate chewing is presumably to occur while the puppy is teething however if not corrected will become a long standing downside even after all the adult teeth emerge and growth ends.puppies use their mouths as a way of exploring the planet around them. chewing could be a traditional behavior for puppies however becomes undesirable behavior once it's directed towards inappropriate objects like your shoes, furniture, or maybe your hands and feet. If inappropriate chewing isn't corrected then it will cause wide scale destruction of private property, medical issues and erosion of the human-animal bond.

Rule out medical problems. The first step is to make sure that your puppy does not have any serious medical problems. Nutritional deficiencies caused by poor diet and/or intestinal parasitism can lead to pica which may be misconstrued as inappropriate chewing. Gastrointestinal problems may cause nausea which can trigger chewing as a coping mechanism. Therefore it is important to make an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out an underlying medical condition that may be causing or contributing to the dog chewing.

Puppy proofing. Look around your environment for possible dangers to your inquisitive puppy. Place household cleaners and chemicals out of reach along with potentially toxic plants. Electrical cords should be covered or made inaccessible to prevent chewing on them resulting in electrocution. Remove objects of curiosity that might appeal to your puppy such as shoes and socks, children’s toys and the like. Block access to rooms that have not been puppy proofed and consider crate training your dog for the times when he cannot be supervised.

Encourage appropriate chewing. Provide appropriate chew toys for your dog to enjoy. Each dog will have their own personal preference as to what they prefer to chew and play with. Be careful with rawhide and beef bones as determined chewers can whittle them down to smaller pieces that can be swallowed. They can end up becoming lodged in the esophagus or small intestine so supervision is recommended when giving these treats and be sure to take away any small pieces that might be swallowed. Avoid chicken bones since they splinter easily creating sharp fragments that can easily puncture your dog’s gastrointestinal tract. I prefer nylabones, greenies and dental chewsticks since they encourage appropriate chewing while combating dental disease. Dog toys such as balls and kongs may appeal to your dog, just be sure to select a size that is appropriate for your dog. They should be able to pick it up and carry it but it should be of sufficient bulk that it cannot be swallowed. If you buy your dog a kong type toy check, make sure the hole in the toy is not so big that the dog can get his lower jaw stuck in it.I have seen several emergency cases where a dog comes in with a toy stuck in his mouth. Do not give toys that resemble inappropriate items; for example do not give your dog an old shoe to chew on because he will not know the difference between the old chew shoe and a brand new pair.

Discourage inappropriate chewing. By following step two you will have already minimised the amount of mischief your young dog can get into. If you do find your dog chewing on something inappropriate correct the dog by taking the object away and scolding him. Direct his attentions to an appropriate chew object and give praise when he chews on said object. Gradually, your dog will learn what objects are his and which are not. Sometimes it can be difficult to discourage chewing if the pattern is already established. Taste deterrents such as bitter apple can applied to the object, the noxious taste will hopefully deter the determined chewer and he will learn to leave the object alone.

Engage in playtime with your dog. A tired dog is a good dog! Spend time playing and exercising with your dog on a regular basis. This not only reinforces the human-animal bond but expends energy that your dog might be otherwise directed to inappropriate chewing and behaviours.

 Thanks for reading Miss Squeak, 

Talks How To Stop Your  Furbaby Form Chewing !

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 Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx