Showing posts with label Feeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feeding. Show all posts

Thursday 5 November 2015

Miss Squeak Talks About Chihuahua Teeth

Lets Talk About Your Furbaby Chi's Teeth

About your Chihuahua's Teeth: 

Because the Chihuahua breed is tiny, they even have terribly tiny mouths. This tiny mouth can cause issues with the mouth being too tiny for the teeth, that causes overcrowding. Overcrowding of teeth will cause food to be cornered between the teeth, leading to plaque and tarter buildup, as well as premature tooth-loss. Keeping the teeth clean is crucial to keeping the mouth and also the remainder of the dog healthy. Dogs that have dirty teeth are found to be at way more in danger of heart, liver and urinary organ injury from the microorganism coming into the blood.

You can help keep the mouth clean by providing dental biscuits, dental chew toys, together with edible dental chew toys (i.e. greenies, dentabones, etc.), feeding dry food rather than semi-moist or canned goods, brushing your dog's teeth (but do not use human has fluoride...there area unit barker toothpastes on the market from your physician exploitation the on the market edible water additives for dental hygiene, as well as taking your dog to the furbaby Doctor for a dental cleanup, etc. As the Furbaby Chihuahua gets older, it's virtually inevitable that he or she will want a minimum of one dental cleanup by the furbaby Doctor, quite often more.

I would suggest your  furbabys initial dental cleanup ought to be done once your pup is spayed or neutered (around age six months).  Another issue, though less serious and simply corrected, is retained puppy teeth. Toy breeds are additional susceptible to this drawback, and it's caused by the permanent tooth growing beside the puppy tooth, rather than the puppy tooth falling out. I sometimes suggest that if there are any preserved puppy teeth (the usual teeth to be preserved are the long canines and the tiny incisors within the front) they can be removed all while underneath the anaestesia needed to alter your pet.

Generally, for good dental health, have your pet evaluated for dental cleanup every 24 months when fed prime quality food and treats.

About your Chihuahuas Bite:

Canines, just like individuals, have variable kinds of bites. the specified bite sorts within the Chihuahua breed are known as scissor bite and even bite.  There are alternative sorts known as underbite and overbite (also said as undershot and overshot).  Here we are going to in short explain the variations.

A Scissor Bite is simply that. the highest teeth and bottom teeth match up sort of a pair of scizzors with the highest teeth being simply infont of and scizzoring with the bottom teeth. 

An even bite is when the teeth within the mouth match up equally.

An underbite is once the bottom teeth and jaw sit out slightly and also the bottom teeth are in front of the higher teeth. this is often the more common of the inaccurate jaw sorts in Chihuahuas and is in many lines.  The Australian and American Kennel Club currently considers the underbite a fault, not a disqualification for show purposes.

Rarer in Chihuahuas is the overbite. Just like the underbite, the jaw typically can sit out farther and the teeth, this time on top, are going to be over the bottom teeth. 

Over and underbites occur to variable degrees.  If you've got an issue regarding what sort of bite your companion has, ask your vet. they're going to be happy to inform you!

           And just a little more information .
if showing dogs is your bread and butter, you know how improper teeth alignment can take a bite out of your show ring prospects. However, a malocclusion goes far beyond being a merely cosmetic ordeal. While your pup doesn't care about having a beautiful smile, overbites can cause significant problems.

Ideal Alignments

The way your puppy's top and bottom dental arches intersect with each other is known as "occlusion." The scissor bite, where the upper incisors neatly overlap the lower incisors and the premolars meet in a sawtooth fashion, is the most common and most desirable type of occlusion observed in medium- to long-muzzled dogs. The even or level bite is another common type of occlusion, but in this case the incisors meet edge to edge. Because this type of contact wears down the teeth's surfaces, a level bite isn't considered ideal.

Imperfect Alignments

Any deviation from the scissor bite is considered a malocclusion according to Veterinary Medicine. However, some exceptions to the rule exist. In certain dog breeds, flaws and imperfections seem to have their own appeal. What health standards technically consider a malocclusion, certain breed standards actually consider the norm. Certain types of malocclusions, however, aren't considered acceptable in any breed.

Overbite Features

Also known as parrot mouth, over shot and over jet, an overbite occurs when the upper jaw extends beyond the lower jaw. Because the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth, this type of malocclusion prevents your pup's chompers from aligning snugly as they should. Dogs with elongated muzzles such as collies, shelties, dachshunds, and Russian wolfhounds are commonly affected. Overbites are unfortunately classified as a class II malocclusion and a major genetic fault.

Overbite Problems

You may think the condition of your puppy's gnashers is no biggie, but depending on the severity of the malocclusion, your pup may encounter several difficulties. A minor overbite may be a purely cosmetic concern, but in severe cases, puppies may have trouble chewing and injuries may result from the lower teeth hitting the roof of the mouth. To ensure your pup's pearly whites are growing correctly, it's a good idea to have them thoroughly examined by your vet when your pup is around 2 to 3 months of age.

The Course of EventsInterestingly, kitties and puppies are naturally born with an overshot upper jaw so they're capable of nursing. Then, once they're weaned and have started eating solid food, their mandibles go through a growth spurt, nearly reaching their adult proportions. When this growth spurt doesn't occur and the milk teeth erupt, the upper canines may protrude over the lower ones, preventing the lower jaw from developing to its proper length, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual.

Don't Give up Hope

If your pup's overbite is causing you sleepless nights, consider that not all is lost, since the jaw is still developing. In some breeds, such as the German shepherd, an overshot bite may spontaneously correct on its own as long as the gap between the upper and lower incisors is not greater than the head of a wooden match. Keep an eye on your pup's gnashes  as improvement may continue up until the puppy is 10 months old and his jaws stop growing.

Considering Treatment

In severe overbite cases, extractions and restorative treatments can help manage and prevent injury to the pup's soft oral tissues. If you're planning to breed your puppy in the future, consider that overshot bites have a genetic basis and can be passed down from generation to generation. 

 Thankyou very much for reading my Blog 
Miss Squeak Talks About Chihuahua Teeth 
We love hearing your ideas and comments  
Remember to smile and hug your Furbabys

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Once Againg Thankyou 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Dangerous Foods for Dogs


When you see flossy providing you with a sad little look while standing next to the dining table, you may be tempted to slide your furry pal to a small degree a little of your food. Or maybe you have been within the thick of a large an oversized holiday meal and let your pet tend to the ground scraps. Beats sweeping, right?

Sharing food together with your pet could appear comparatively harmless, however outside of encouraging unhealthy begging behaviors and probably even weight gain (thanks to the additional calories), you may really be putting your pet's overall health and life in danger. There are a number of foods and ingredients consumed by humans on a daily basis, like chocolate, milk and garlic that may trigger serious toxic  reactions in pets. We'll take a more in-depth look at those that may be most harmful to your four-legged friends. We'll examine the signs of consumption, the side effects, and what you should do in case of emergency. Let's begin with one that looks terribly harmless:


While a glass of cold milk can do your body good, the same can't be said for your pets. Neither cats nor dogs come equipped with systems that inherently carry enough lactase (the enzyme that helps break down lactose). As a result, introducing cow's milk or milk-based products like ice cream into their diets can lead to digestive issues including upset stomach and diarrhea, or even food allergies. Follow the advice of organizations such as the Humane Society of the United States and keep your pet on a lactose-free path. Or seek out commercially prepared milk substitutes created especially for cats, which can be found at your local pet shop.


If you're inspired by the nursery rhyme "This Old Man" and tempted to "give a dog a bone," be cautious about what you're giving to Rover. While the idea of a pup gnawing on a bone might seem like second nature, you could be introducing a health risk by handing one over. It could splinter and cause choking, intestinal blockage, or tears in your dog's digestive tract. Nevertheless, the act of chewing a bone does help with dental issues by scraping off plaque and stimulating gums, which help control bad breath. However, it's safer to purchase nylon-based or pressed rawhide bones for these purposes.
Raw meat can present challenges as well, in terms of transmitting bacteria like E. coli that can be harmful to pets and disturb your pet's digestive system. Avoid sharing any uncooked beef, poultry, or fish, and keep any items you're defrosting for dinner well out of reach.

..Onions and Garlic..

Several common seasonings, as well as onions, garlic and chives, will produce issues for your pets by triggering irritation in their epithelial duct, presumably resulting in serious red blood cell damage, bronchial asthma attacks, and even liver harm. Immediate signs of intake include vomiting, diarrhea, stained body waste and lethargy. Reactions appear to be more prominent among cats than dogs, although each are best-known to react once exposed to raw, stewed or dehydrated kinds of these ingredients. Whereas cats and dogs are not notably interested in the smell of onions or garlic, this stuff are so present in stewed food, we should keep in mind to not provide our pets meat that has been sautéed or garnished with these seasonings.

..Caffeine and Chocolate..

If your dog looks to a small degree groggy and you think that a cup of coffee would possibly help, caffeine. alkaloid is harmful to animals due to the presence of methylxanthines, chemicals which may be found not just in coffee, however conjointly in tea, colas, energy drinks, and even pain killers and diet pills. consumption will trigger vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, panting, increased  thirst and urination, however also more serious symptoms like tremors, abnormal heart rhythms and death.
Chocolate also contains lower amounts of methylxanthine. Levels vary, depending on the kind. However, chocolate is a double whammy of sorts to pets, because it also contains theobromine, another probably harmful part which will trigger reactions like restlessness, vomiting and muscle spasms. simply four to ten ounces (113 to 283 grams) of chocolate may be fatal to smaller dogs. sugarless  chocolate and dark chocolate contain the highest amounts of theobromine, while white chocolate has all-time low. That said, it is best to keep all kinds of chocolate out of reach.
Bakers, beware: If your dog or cat gets its paws (or rather, mouth) on some yeast dough, the results can be nice discomfort at the very least, if not a more tragic outcome. Yeast dough will expand in your pet's abdomen, resulting in increased  gas production in its gastrointestinal system. this might trigger rupturing of the abdomen or intestines. Symptoms include vomiting, abdominal discomfort and bloat.


Bread presents less of a risk because the yeast has already risen, however nonetheless,   "bread-based" treats should not exceed more than five to ten % of a pet's overall caloric intake. It's better to get your fur baby  a "cupcake" from a dog bakeshop

These are just a few foods that can  be found around your kitchen and in your relaxing area at home so be careful with the treats you give your little fur baby  because we don't want to have a expensive trip to the vet that could have been avoided it the first place I have learnt that my Little Miss Mildred loves to sit next to be while I have my morning coffee so I have a little bit of her favourite treats with me at the ready and I use dehydrated chicken and turkey breast to treat her when she sits and comes when called I also don't really let anyone else feed her or treat her as I like to know what she is eating so i don't have to take her   to the vet .. I really hope you have enjoyed my blog on Dangerous Foods for Dogs 

Thankyou For Reading 

..Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred..

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make !

    ..Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make..

Here are a few common mistakes dog owners make without even knowing that they are doing so. I hope some of my tips help you out with your fur baby. Lets start now !

Tip 1 Letting Your Dog Walk You
A poorly trained dog will pull you over while you’re out for a stroll. according to the authority, tens of thousands of individuals end up within the ER each year attributable to pet-related falls. several of those falls occur throughout walks -- either once someone trips over a dog or is force or pushed by one. specialists say obedience coaching is the best way to certify your pooch doesn’t take you down throughout the morning walk.

Tip 2 Not neutering or Spaying Your Pet
Millions of cats and dogs live on the road or find themselves  euthanised due to unwanted litters. Still, many folks are reluctant to unsex or neuter their pets. the actual fact is, neutering and spaying could be a healthy alternative for your pet. It reduces the danger of breast cancer in females and testicular cancer in males. castrated  males also are less probably to run away from home, mark their territory, or exhibit aggressive behaviours.

Tip 3 Keeping the Food Bowl Full
With the best intentions, some individuals keep their pets' food bowls full at all times. this can be one amongst the foremost common mistakes pet owners create. the matter is that cats and dogs typically eat more than they need. If food is consistently accessible, they're going to absorb too many calories and placed on an excessive amount of weight. To avoid this, follow the suggestions on the pet food label or ask your vet for guidance.

Tip 4 Not socializing Young Pets
It's important to supply puppies with positive human interaction throughout their initial seven weeks of life. This includes handling and play that fosters trust in folks. honorable breeders can begin this interaction, and you'll be able to continue the method after you bring your pet home. To develop a powerful bond, play along with your new puppy each day.

Tip 5  Setting No Rules
Some folks expect their pets to understand right from wrong while not being told. however human rule doesn't come naturally to dogs and cats. you wish to create it clear that jumping up on folks, scratching the piece of furniture, and peeing on the carpet are unacceptable. Be consistent regarding the house rules, and reward your pets for good behaviour. If you would like guidance, consult a trainer promptly

Tip 6 Scolding Pets for "Accidents"
If you come home to find a puddle of pee on the ground, you'll have the urge to yell at your pet. however animal behavior specialists say this can do no good in the least. The transgression took place within the past, and your dog or cat will not grasp why you're yelling. a far better strategy is to praise your pets straightaway once they do their business wherever they are supposed to.

Tip 7 Providing insufficient  Attention
Just like youngsters, your pets can get bored if you do not play with them. and boredom will result in hard behaviors like chewing, digging, barking, and whining. Bored dog could resort to scratching and excessive barking Fight boredom by concealing treats for your pets to search out round the house. give toys your dog will chase. Teach dogs to play fetch, tug-of-war, or hide and go seek

Thankyou For Reading !
..Miss Squeaks Common Mistakes 
Dog Owners Make ..
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See you all again soon
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx