Showing posts with label Housetraining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Housetraining. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Miss Squeak Some Training Tips For Your New Puppy!

   Some Training Tips For Your New Puppy !

So you have your new little fur baby , do you have 
all the things your new little puppy needs for the next few weeks , training pads food a safe place for her or him to sleep a blanket and a few soft toys too play with, When I got Mildred I was so excited to get her it was like I was getting a new real baby I had everything you could imagine .
So here are Some tips and tricks I used to get me through the first few weeks I hope they help you out ! Now lets get to it .

Teach him the rules. Your dog won't know the rules when you bring him home. It's your job to show him what to do and what not to do. Is it OK to sit on the furniture? How about overturning the garbage can? Make it clear.
Teach him to sit, stay, and come when you call him, and walk on a leash without pulling. Say things like "good boy" when he does what you want him to do.

Praise good behavior. If he waits at the curb instead of running 

into the street, for example, reinforce the good behaviour with a 

quick "yes" or "good" at the exact moment he does what you want.
Set up a reward system. Reward behaviors you like. Don't reward 

behaviours you dislike. Always use immediate consequences.
Rewards can be simple, like a doggie treat or a good belly rub. Or 

they can be special, like playtime with doggie pals or a game of 

fetch. To teach him not to do something, ignore him or take away 

things he likes. For example, if he jumps up on you when he wants 

to play, show him it's not OK by turning away. When he sits down, 

shower him with attention.

Ward off biting. "Many puppies try and play with their new 

owners' hands and feet in the same way they played with their litter

 mates -- with mouthing and biting,"  You'll have to teach him it's 

not OK, so don't allow any type of biting or nibbling on people, 

even during play.But if your puppy does bite you, yelp loudly,"  If 
he continues to mouth or bite you, step away and ignore him for 30 to 60 seconds. That will teach him that biting makes playtime end, so it should stop the behaviour.

Give him appropriate things to chew on. "Remember, puppies need lots of things to chew on,"  Give him appropriate toys that he can mouth, like chew toys. Leave lots of toys around so he doesn't feel the need to play with your hands or ankles.
Playing along when he chews on a toy as it  will feel extra fun to him and reinforce proper chewing.

Teach good manners

When your pup is polite, everyone benefits. Train him to sit when guests come to the door instead of jumping up to greet them. Teaching him to sit will keep him calm when guests arrive, It may help to keep him on a leash. I have done this with my fur baby 
Miss Mildred !
Too much barking can be a nuisance. Ward it off by teaching him when it's OK to bark and when it's not. Try using a stern "no." It may also help to get rid of or minimise the cause.

Meeting Other Dogs

Introduce him to other dogs
The perfect time to have your puppy meet other dogs is when he's about 2 to 4 months old. That's the sweet spot when most dogs learn to accept animals, people, and new places and experiences more easily.
Puppy play dates and puppy classes are a good place to start. Stick to places where dogs are healthy and vaccinated. "Dog parks need to wait until all the shots are done,"
When your puppy meets another dog, it's best if they're both on a leash. That will give you and the other dog's owner better control of the situation. "Allow the two dogs time to smell each other,"This is their way of getting to know each other." Praise him when he behaves well.
Go slow.
 Don't worry if your puppy doesn't jump right in and play with other dogs. Many puppies are reserved and need time to transform from wallflower to social butterfly, Klein says.
Follow your puppy's cues. "If he doesn't want to go, don't push it," Klein says. Give him the time and space he needs to feel comfortable. "The most important thing is that every socialising experience be a pleasant one, with no scary moments."
Doing all of these things not only teaches the puppy and helps build a beautiful bond between you and you new fur baby I really hope some of my tips and tricks are of some help to you new fur baby !
Receiving your new fur baby can be the most rewarding gift in your life and its important to give your new fur baby a positive start so as it can learn to behave as you would want it too.

Thanks so much for reading 

Miss Squeaks Truth On Dogs ! 

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