Sunday 14 June 2015

Miss Squeak Talks Furbaby BathTime!

Okay so it time to bath my furbaby . 
Little Miss Mildred doesn't really like to be bathed but
I make her have one at least once a week and if I don't completely bath her I will wipe her over with a warm wet towel just to get her loose fur off of her and clip her toe nails too every few weeks. But my other furbabys in my pack are bathed once a week and  groomed every six weeks as they have fur that grows very long and if not looked after and brushed regularly it get very mattered.
 As we don't want this to happen and we live in  a hot  climate we keep them clipped for most of the year and yup I am the who get to groom most of them but not 
Old Man River Sebastion he has to go to the furbaby doctors to be sedated and clipped as he gets very stress and tries to bite anyone that tries to clip his face and its  is no a cheap execise at $170 bucks a clip every six weeks he has got other problems that also add up so his other nickname is Bling Bling as we could be covered in gold with the amount of money we have spend on him but he is worth every penny ! 
As you can see in the picture below all my furbabys like to be on the bed so its very important that they are all clean and smell nice. I am lucky to have all my furbabys  in my life they all have very different likes and dislikes just like toddlers they are just full of excitement and joy most of the time and they all know their place in the pack and who they can cuddle up to and who they can't mainly Sebastion is off limits because he is the oldest and is going blind the little furbabys 
Miss Mildred and Sir Odin want to play with him but the greats them with his teeth bared and a little grow just to let them know that he is out of bounds to them! 
But if he is cold he will allow they to sleep next to him which is funny but maybe he might just start to like them in the long run I really do hope so. 
Miss Mildred and I would love to hear any of your stories about your furbabys bath time adventures 
just let us know in the comments below and thank you so very much for reading my blog about Miss Mildreds adventures in the big world !

So once again thanks for reading !
Miss Squeak Talks Furbaby Bath Time 
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Remember to Hug and Kiss Your Furbays 
Miss Squeak and Miss Mildred xx

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